🖕👊 🤼‍♂️ The Official Lit Shitshow aka Beef/Callout Thread 🔥🌪🌀

My beef is with tv shows and how easily characters make friends … like.. I wanna find a group of quirky outsiders that I can go for brunch with .. random nights of drinking.. and other such shenanigans.
I fucking love you all but it’s not the same.
I mean, I'd make you breakfast after a night of drinking 😉😉😉
I have beef with today. Friday. What’s with all this glorious blue sky and sunshine yet it’s fucking icy- aired as fuck. Fuck off with this wintery shit already. My old bones be frozen, and my fingers be too cold to touch my bits.
I have beef with today. Friday. What’s with all this glorious blue sky and sunshine yet it’s fucking icy- aired as fuck. Fuck off with this wintery shit already. My old bones be frozen, and my fingers be too cold to touch my bits.
Trade ya. It was 90 degrees here. I don't know what that is in Aussie dollars. But entirely too many degrees. I'm a sweaty, gross mess and I don't like it. Give me someplace cold.
I have a beef with myself for being an idiot, and not coping well with apparent rejection... ☹