🖕👊 🤼‍♂️ The Official Lit Shitshow aka Beef/Callout Thread 🔥🌪🌀

I have a Canadians to eat list.
I lived in Canada, have an active work visa, and would like to apply to this list :D

I have beef with anyone who doesn’t hear this song and immediately feel lighter .. in a good mood and want to dance!!

And that the Umbrella Academy dance is preferable to ANY OTHER dance scene done to that song.
Yes! All of this makes me happy.
Ketchup chips are the bomb and I have beef with anyone who says otherwise.
I need a clarification here. What the fuck are "ketchup chips"?
Are they:
1. French fries (which the limeys call "chips") that you dip in ketchup
2. Potato chips that you dip in ketchup
3. Chips sprayed with a chemical ketchup flavoring called "Ketchup Chips"

#1 is normal, 2 is perfectly acceptable but 3 will mean that this thread will be checking passports before you are allowed to post here.
I need a clarification here. What the fuck are "ketchup chips"?
Are they:
1. French fries (which the limeys call "chips") that you dip in ketchup
2. Potato chips that you dip in ketchup
3. Chips sprayed with a chemical ketchup flavoring called "Ketchup Chips"

#1 is normal, 2 is perfectly acceptable but 3 will mean that this thread will be checking passports before you are allowed to post here.
I need a clarification here. What the fuck are "ketchup chips"?
Are they:
1. French fries (which the limeys call "chips") that you dip in ketchup
2. Potato chips that you dip in ketchup
3. Chips sprayed with a chemical ketchup flavoring called "Ketchup Chips"

#1 is normal, 2 is perfectly acceptable but 3 will mean that this thread will be checking passports before you are allowed to post here.
I’m not eating it if it’s got ketchup on it.
Without naming any individuals

Butter tarts
Montreal Smoked meat
Nanaimo bars

I’ve had poutine in Canada. Would eat again. And we do have maple syrup in abundance here, but maple on anything, yum.
Where do the women of Montreal fall on this list? Can you define these terms you listed for those of us that aren't snowed in 6 months out of every year?