๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ‘Š ๐Ÿคผโ€โ™‚๏ธ The Official Lit Shitshow aka Beef/Callout Thread ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒช๐ŸŒ€

I need a clarification here. What the fuck are "ketchup chips"?
Are they:
1. French fries (which the limeys call "chips") that you dip in ketchup
2. Potato chips that you dip in ketchup
3. Chips sprayed with a chemical ketchup flavoring called "Ketchup Chips"

#1 is normal, 2 is perfectly acceptable but 3 will mean that this thread will be checking passports before you are allowed to post here.
I didn't say that were I to listen, I would feel lighter afterwards.

I made the mistake of telling my kids recently they'd like the movie and that it was a good movie. Then I watched it again and realized that "WAS" was the key word.
Original or remake? lol
Can I just vent about someone in the real? My dad. He thinks I should stay married and that I'm making a huge mistake. My marriage was a mistake. I got great kids from it, but fuck going back. He thinks I shouldn't be dating, and, I get that one, but I wasted years of my life on the wrong guy, why waste any more finding the right one? And the current one seems promising.

While I'm here anyway, just to the people on my ignored list, most litsters have been great to talk to, you were not. I'm a grown ass woman, I do not need pushy men telling me what the fuck to do.
You should just do what is right for you :heart:
Nothing I've tried can stop this silly little male symbol from attaching to my AV, and yet when I try to use the shoulder-shrugging blonde dude emoji, he's automatically replaced by what appears to be a quietly lesbian middle-school social studies teacher. I identify as a Ken doll. Respect my choices, Lit! :p