🖕👊 🤼‍♂️ The Official Lit Shitshow aka Beef/Callout Thread 🔥🌪🌀

You certainly can and that’s definitely your right. I respectfully disagree.
And that is how it works...

Everyone has a right to be here.

FF pushes certain people's buttons on purpose. It isn't his fault they respond exactly as he knew they would. They are being played and they don't even see it. Or maybe...they do...and they need to play the game back? I don't know. I just sit back and laugh.
FF pushes certain people's buttons on purpose. It isn't his fault they respond exactly as he knew they would. They are being played and they don't even see it. Or maybe...they do...and they need to play the game back? I don't know. I just sit back and laugh.
I am not sure I know who “FF” is… but anyone who does things on purpose, to elicit an expected reaction is a manipulative piece of shit. And thinking that everyone else wants to play their dumb ass games? Or that others are interested in their childish mind games? That is some really fucked up shit, right there.
Seriously? I don't think that's quite fair. Back up and maybe rethink your position on this. Most people I've engaged with here are trying to be their best selves. Only a few are dullards or sociopaths. Pretty much like real life.
Thanks for proving my point.

Yes, most people here are good people. I believe this. That is why when shit like this happens...I speak out. If certain people dislike certain people...ignore them. Don't attack them over and over.
I am not sure I know who “FF” is… but anyone who does things on purpose, to elicit an expected reaction is a manipulative piece of shit. And thinking that everyone else wants to play their dumb ass games? Or that others are interested in their childish mind games? That is some really fucked up shit, right there.
Not saying it isn't. But when people respond...over and over...there are a limited number of reasons why it happens. And that is a possibility. There are all kinds on Lit
From this and other responses you have given, I am getting the impression you think that he isn’t liked because of past relationships or him being seen as a perv. That totally isn’t the case. He is disliked equally by men and women.

One can only hope that over time, your trust in your own judgement of people allows you to see him for who he really is. Keep your eyes open and you may just see the troll that he is. The one that will belittle and harass anybody he feels like mistreating. He may be kind and appropriate with you and probably a handful of others but there are many that have been a target of his bullying and harassment just for his own amusement.
That will be my last post on this thread.. im deeply sorry if i came out as disrespectful. It was not intended.

I assure you i am not one to diminish any kind of harrasment. Im just putting on the table that my experience is, maybe just yet, not a bad one. This is a forum thread.. its an open conversation.. Sure some opinions will make you tick, "you" implying all of us, but it surely doesnt invalidate any of your experiences.

I had real bad experiences in my short time here too. I saw them, predators as I call them but I do trust my judgment. And maybe I'll be prove wrong someday and i'll join your team, cause it is beautiful to see women come together like that.

You have some beef, i argue. Its fun.. 🙃 We are intelligent adults with different bagage. Lets have a positive conversation and try to accept that you don't have to understand one to respect one. Maybe not be the right thread you say? I just might agree.

With sincere love. Pinkie x
Not saying it isn't. But when people respond...over and over...there are a limited number of reasons why it happens. And that is a possibility. There are all kinds on Lit
I only felt the need to respond, to the idea that some twatwaffle was posting stuff expecting to piss people off, for the purpose of pissing people off. If that is the case, it is not defendable. There is no honor in doing things specifically to “trigger“ others. That is psychotic stuff. Not honorable, not defendable. Not okay.
Har! A friend and I were recently having a conversation about our fast food experiences. I told her that when I was in high school, my buddies and I would either go to the diner where we somehow could also illegally buy beer underage by the trunk load, or we'd go to Burger King. It took a spirit of adventure or boredom for us to travel across town when we were high to the closest Arby's. We would generally agree that the beef and cheddar was sort of disappointing, but we'd woof them down anyway. Then we started a really bad band. 🤣
Now THAT is punk rock! 🤣

Respect, my friend ❤️
No beefs from me 🏴‍☠😇🏴‍☠️🎸 you are welcome pretty lady in my PM ‘s with that riff that rips 😈🏴‍☠️🎶🎶🎶🎶

Maybe a roast beef sandwich 🥪 for lunch while I surf 🏄‍♂️ lit 🔥 threads . Or possibly a chicken salad sandwich 🥪 whichever I decide to make myself.
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I like FF. I don't give a damn what others think.

You make an excellent point about that iggy button working two ways. It’s like the double solid line on the Literotica hwy . Stay in your lane and no one will honk at you. It’s pretty simple in my mind. No matter who you are .
I only felt the need to respond, to the idea that some twatwaffle was posting stuff expecting to piss people off, for the purpose of pissing people off. If that is the case, it is not defendable. There is no honor in doing things specifically to “trigger“ others. That is psychotic stuff. Not honorable, not defendable. Not okay.
Depends...if all I do is hold a mirror...why am I to be blamed? Yet...that is how it commonly works here. And for that I am psychotic? Cool. Way better than being a hypocrite.

Those that annoy me...I ignore...if i am allowed. No reason for me to give them free space. Yet some here...attack the same people over and over. Just because they don't like them? Fucking put them on ignore. Not my fault I question why they refuse to ignore them. Or why the same people jump on the same bandwagon.

Lit is for everyone. Lit is better with everyone. But see...my background is from the old GB.
I may be 70% water but I don’t perceive the world from the point of view of water, so C holds no allure for me. I prefer a more specific, human centric point of view in my temp scale.

Human-centric …, good god.

Tell me you don’t understand temperature … without TELLING me you don’t understand temperature
Human-centric …, good god.

Tell me you don’t understand temperature … without TELLING me you don’t understand temperature
I understand temperature, 0F is cold AF and 100F is hot AF, and between them is varying incremental scale. Works so much better than that range being -18C to 38C. That’s the worst.