🚫 Time to start reporting posts. Link to violations by Deplorables here, and help report them


Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473

Goddamn right they do!!!

It makes me wish that Lit libturds got out into the violent sections of town more.

Previous guideline posted in that thread by the admin: "Threads extolling the virtues of killing people with guns and any other threats of physical harm or abuse or posts advocating violence are prohibited per our forum guidelines] and are cause for permanent banning."

Please Report these posts in that thread. Thank you!

Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473

Goddamn right they do!!!

It makes me wish that Lit libturds got out into the violent sections of town more.

Previous guideline posted in that thread by the admin: "Threads extolling the virtues of killing people with guns and any other threats of physical harm or abuse or posts advocating violence are prohibited per our forum guidelines] and are cause for permanent banning."

Please Report these posts in that thread. Thank you!
This thread violates Lit's rules; please report it. Thanks. :)

Democrat Groomers - A thread dedicated to Democrat role models​



And, while you're here:

Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473

Goddamn right they do!!!

It makes me wish that Lit libturds got out into the violent sections of town more.

Previous guideline posted in that thread by the admin: "Threads extolling the virtues of killing people with guns and any other threats of physical harm or abuse or posts advocating violence are prohibited per our forum guidelines] and are cause for permanent banning."

Please Report these posts in that thread. Thank you!
I will continue to stay vigilant. Between Wat Tyler, Chloe, GothChad, and all the various iterations of the Hisarpy/Wallstreet/Rebel5Horatio guy, there is plenty of choice material that should warrant banning.
Really? Marxists support: High Taxes, Gun Control, regulations, standardized medicine, censorship, an elite ruling class, controlling education, against God, against the Constitution, against freedom, love telling everyone what to do, claim all programs work, are for big government, are about fear, are for mininum wages, are against firing people, want to choose who is rich and poor while claiming they are getting rid of the poor, claim they are helping the poor but create the poor, proclaim they are "fair" but they are far from "fair", destroy economies, destroy societies, lie about everything, want to control the media, use the system to make sure THEY are in power, banish anyone who disagrees with them, say they are enlightened and are not, use any "crisis" many are made up to get support, always complain, wants everyone to be a victim, hates responsibility, are hypocrites, always say "that's different", one minute they are for something but if it hurts the "movement" they'll change their opinion, blame the other side for what they themselves do, and biggest one of all...NONE OF THEIR PROMISES EVER HAPPEN.
Based upon this list what is the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MARXIST AND A DEMOCRAT?
I think a better question is, what is the difference between a Marxist and a REPUBLICAN?

-Republicans are Against the Constitution (want to end birthright citizenship, for example, or overturn elections that go against them, e.g. 2020 presidential or 2020 Arizona governetorial.)
-Republicans are about fear ("Deport those criminals and thugs who are invading oru border!")
- Republicans are about controlling education (No more talking about slavery, black history, the holocaust, the trail of tears, or promoting anti-racism)
-Republicans claim to be for God but violate every one of Jesus's commandments.
-Republicans use the system to make sure THEY are in power (Gerrymandering, overturning elections, voter registration purges, lack of polling places in areas likely to vote against them etc.)
-Republicans want to control the media (Anything critical of Trump ought to be banned from the airwaves)
-Republicans blame the other side for what they themselves do (See the rambling hisarpy-screen-name-#152 post above)
-Republicans are against freedom (No birth control, no erotica, no women's health control, no personal use of marijuana, etc.)

I could go on but- if Hisarpy claims all of the above are Democrat and Marxist, then why do Republicans blatantly get away with these, and what is the difference between a Republican and a Marxist?

He cannot answer because, as he repeatedly demonstrates, he has no understanding or grasp of irony, or the intellectual capacity to understand the hypocrisy of his views.
I think a better question is, what is the difference between a Marxist and a REPUBLICAN?

-Republicans are Against the Constitution (want to end birthright citizenship, for example, or overturn elections that go against them, e.g. 2020 presidential or 2020 Arizona governetorial.)
-Republicans are about fear ("Deport those criminals and thugs who are invading oru border!")
- Republicans are about controlling education (No more talking about slavery, black history, the holocaust, the trail of tears, or promoting anti-racism)
-Republicans claim to be for God but violate every one of Jesus's commandments.
-Republicans use the system to make sure THEY are in power (Gerrymandering, overturning elections, voter registration purges, lack of polling places in areas likely to vote against them etc.)
-Republicans want to control the media (Anything critical of Trump ought to be banned from the airwaves)
-Republicans blame the other side for what they themselves do (See the rambling hisarpy-screen-name-#152 post above)
-Republicans are against freedom (No birth control, no erotica, no women's health control, no personal use of marijuana, etc.)

I could go on but- if Hisarpy claims all of the above are Democrat and Marxist, then why do Republicans blatantly get away with these, and what is the difference between a Republican and a Marxist?

He cannot answer because, as he repeatedly demonstrates, he has no understanding or grasp of irony, or the intellectual capacity to understand the hypocrisy of his views.
you have it backwards.
Again you are showing your IGNORANCE and lack of knowledge on what the Constitution says.
-First one, this was about slavery. The fourteenth amendment was about making sure slaves had rights. Why did they have to put this in, because of Dems who were trying to say slaves were not citizens. The original intent wasn't to allow illegals to pump out babies so they could become citizens.
-Common sense isn't fear. Any asshole who crosses the border is a criminal. End of discussion. I want to point out it's the left who makes up enviromental and economic crises...why...to promote Marxist agenda.
-Marxists have controlled public education since the 1890's through the teachers union. Still does. This was increased when Carter created the Board of Education. The board of education's agenda is to make Johnny and Susan good little Marxists. To not understand the Constitution and believe Marxism works.
-How are Republicans breaking God's Commandments? By kicking out criminals, by holding people accountable, by stopping abortion, and by protecting women? By wanting prayer, by being truthful, and by disagreeing with Marx? By believe in thou shalt not steal? By believing in thou shalt not kill? By Believing in personal property? By believing in the Pursuit of Happiness? By believing in the first and second Amendments? This PROVES they are for God. It isn't Republicans who took prayer in school, it was a supreme court that doesn't understand the History or doesn't respect the fact this country was founded on Christian principles.
-Boy are you a hypocrite. Dems used the DOJ to go after every person who disagrees with them. They dragged Trump into court to try and stop him from running for president; I want to add all of those charges were thrown up. Imagine that. I don't see Republicans do this. Plus, it was the Dem party who told Trump he would be a tyrant if he used pardons. Who used them to stop Fouchi and his family from being thrown in jail? Wasn't that Biden? Cough Cough
-Again you have that backwards. Dems cheat in every election, in every metro city, but Republicans can't. Dems/marxists can burn down buildings and kill cops; but Republicans can't protest a stolen election? Dems prosecute people protesting at abortion clinics but they let people loot store owners? They want to arrest people who protect themselves but let the thug get away if it's assumed they vote for Dems. They want the US to have a "Green new deal" but promote China when China has NO regulations. A party that favors China over the US. How often is it okay for Dems to do something but NOT anyone else. Again you are in complete denial. It's called Mirroring. This was promoted by Marx. Blame others for what you do, Dems have made a career out of it. Dems want a philabuster when they are in power, but there souldn't be a philabuster when they are not in power? It's NOT agains the Consitution for a Dem President to spend money but it's against the Consitution for a Republican to stop spending? Ooops. It's okay for Dems to change elections laws so they win but it's not okay for Replicans to make sure Illigals, crimminals, and stopping people from voting multiple times? There is a reason Dems hate ID laws; because they can't cheat. Dems talk about freedom of speech but want to shut down anyone's speech THEY disagree with. Dems love "conspiracy theories" when it favors them but when they point to the Marxists running the Dem party...that's different. You should only listen to those people who agree with the Marxist Party of America...oops ment to say the Dem party.
-Some of that is true. But it's the Dem party who colluded with Social Media to make sure they win elections. Hate speech and "Misinformation" are forms of censorship. What's hateful? Disagreeing with any special interest group of Dems. Misinformation is anything that disagrees with the Marxist policy Dems always shovel. Dems/Marxists hate truth. All you have to do is look at covid. Every "misinformation" or "conspiracy theory" that Dems claimed...turned out to be true.
-By the way Covid proves how Marixist policy doesn't work. It also proves the Dem party and the Rhino's who kissed their ass are Marxists. In 1991 there was a book written called the great reset. In one of the chapters it talked about how to use a "virus" to convince people Marxism will work. Guess what the plan was. Get people to fear a Virus that trully isn't deadly, shut down everything, get people to comply with laws, destroy as many small businesses as possible, hand out money, make people afraid, and take over the media; while telling everyone you need Marxist policy. Sound familiar.

Marxism never works. Marx definition of Marxism was the destruction of everything. He created a system for that. In the name of "fairness" you end up with poverity, death, despair, and destruction. Who is destroying America? The Marxists running Public Education and the Marxists running the Dem party.


Think about this. Jesus said everything on the right was correct and everything on the left was incorrect. Is it a coincidence everything the Left promotes goes against everything Jesus promotes? I don't believe that is an accident. The reason I mention this is because you accused Republicans of not doing what Jesus says. If you look, everything the Dem party promotes, goes against EVERYTHING God likes. God isn't going to put with it much longer. Watch.
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you have it backwards.
Again you are showing your IGNORANCE and lack of knowledge on what the Constitution says.
-First one, this was about slavery. The fourteenth amendment was about making sure slaves had rights. Why did they have to put this in, because of Dems who were trying to say slaves were not citizens. The original intent wasn't to allow illegals to pump out babies so they could become citizens.
-Common sense isn't fear. Any asshole who crosses the border is a criminal. End of discussion. I want to point out it's the left who makes up enviromental and economic crises...why...to promote Marxist agenda.
-Marxists have controlled public education since the 1890's through the teachers union. Still does. This was increased when Carter created the Board of Education. The board of education's agenda is to make Johnny and Susan good little Marxists. To not understand the Constitution and believe Marxism works.
-How are Republicans breaking God's Commandments? By kicking out criminals, by holding people accountable, by stopping abortion, and by protecting women? By wanting prayer, by being truthful, and by disagreeing with Marx? By believe in thou shalt not steal? By believing in thou shalt not kill? By Believing in personal property? By believing in the Pursuit of Happiness? By believing in the first and second Amendments? This PROVES they are for God. It isn't Republicans who took prayer in school, it was a supreme court that doesn't understand the History or doesn't respect the fact this country was founded on Christian principles.
-Boy are you a hypocrite. Dems used the DOJ to go after every person who disagrees with them. They dragged Trump into court to try and stop him from running for president; I want to add all of those charges were thrown up. Imagine that. I don't see Republicans do this. Plus, it was the Dem party who told Trump he would be a tyrant if he used pardons. Who used them to stop Fouchi and his family from being thrown in jail? Wasn't that Biden? Cough Cough
-Again you have that backwards. Dems cheat in every election, in every metro city, but Republicans can't. Dems/marxists can burn down buildings and kill cops; but Republicans can't protest a stolen election? Dems prosecute people protesting at abortion clinics but they let people loot store owners? They want to arrest people who protect themselves but let the thug get away if it's assumed they vote for Dems. They want the US to have a "Green new deal" but promote China when China has NO regulations. A party that favors China over the US. How often is it okay for Dems to do something but NOT anyone else. Again you are in complete denial. It's called Mirroring. This was promoted by Marx. Blame others for what you do, Dems have made a career out of it. Dems want a philabuster when they are in power, but there souldn't be a philabuster when they are not in power? It's NOT agains the Consitution for a Dem President to spend money but it's against the Consitution for a Republican to stop spending? Ooops. It's okay for Dems to change elections laws so they win but it's not okay for Replicans to make sure Illigals, crimminals, and stopping people from voting multiple times? There is a reason Dems hate ID laws; because they can't cheat. Dems talk about freedom of speech but want to shut down anyone's speech THEY disagree with. Dems love "conspiracy theories" when it favors them but when they point to the Marxists running the Dem party...that's different. You should only listen to those people who agree with the Marxist Party of America...oops ment to say the Dem party.
-Some of that is true. But it's the Dem party who colluded with Social Media to make sure they win elections. Hate speech and "Misinformation" are forms of censorship. What's hateful? Disagreeing with any special interest group of Dems. Misinformation is anything that disagrees with the Marxist policy Dems always shovel. Dems/Marxists hate truth. All you have to do is look at covid. Every "misinformation" or "conspiracy theory" that Dems claimed...turned out to be true.
-By the way Covid proves how Marixist policy doesn't work. It also proves the Dem party and the Rhino's who kissed their ass are Marxists. In 1991 there was a book written called the great reset. In one of the chapters it talked about how to use a "virus" to convince people Marxism will work. Guess what the plan was. Get people to fear a Virus that trully isn't deadly, shut down everything, get people to comply with laws, destroy as many small businesses as possible, hand out money, make people afraid, and take over the media; while telling everyone you need Marxist policy. Sound familiar.

Marxism never works. Marx definition of Marxism was the destruction of everything. He created a system for that. In the name of "fairness" you end up with poverity, death, despair, and destruction. Who is destroying America? The Marxists running Public Education and the Marxists running the Dem party.


Think about this. Jesus said everything on the right was correct and everything on the left was incorrect. Is it a coincidence everything the Left promotes goes against everything Jesus promotes? I don't believe that is an accident. The reason I mention this is because you accused Republicans of not doing what Jesus says. If you look, everything the Dem party promotes, goes against EVERYTHING God likes. God isn't going to put with it much longer. Watch.

Hi everyone!

A reminder to report the following below violations. Thanks!

Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened:

https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100345685 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346403 <--Report


Democrat Groomers - A thread dedicated to Democrat role models​

https://forum.literotica.com/thread...ad-dedicated-to-democrat-role-models.1627179/ <---Report
Hello again, everyone!

A reminder to report the following below violations. Thanks!

Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened:

https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100345685 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346403 <--Report


Democrat Groomers - A thread dedicated to Democrat role models​

https://forum.literotica.com/thread...ad-dedicated-to-democrat-role-models.1627179/ <---Report
Hello again, everyone!

A reminder to report the following below violations. Thanks!

Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened:

https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100345685 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346403 <--Report


Democrat Groomers - A thread dedicated to Democrat role models​

https://forum.literotica.com/thread...ad-dedicated-to-democrat-role-models.1627179/ <---Report
Another beautiful day!

A reminder to report the following below violations. Thanks!

Admins previously said any threats against members posted in the new guns' thread, or "extolling the virtues of killing people with guns" would be cause for a permanent ban.

This has now happened:

https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346473 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100345685 <--Report
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/wat’s-carbon-water-n-stuff-thread-concepts-in-iron-and-wood.1616463/post-100346403 <--Report


Democrat Groomers - A thread dedicated to Democrat role models​

https://forum.literotica.com/thread...ad-dedicated-to-democrat-role-models.1627179/ <---Report
Literitica? You're so triggered you can't even spell the thing? Skunkarella, you're screwed. Vanilla has poisoned you.

You shallowfakes gotta take my guyses' advices:

1. I do not spam. This ain't spam or ham and it's shabbat, so knock off the anti-Semitism.

2. The investigation of the activity of PeePee is not a pending defamation case. Defamation alone is a civil matter.

A pending case with the San Francisco District Attorney involves criminal harassment, violent assault, and systematic criminal defamation. It lead to a discussion of how Russia has harassed me and my family. This harassment is extreme and serious.

My son, who PeePee delights in libelling factitiously, has disappeared. His mom and stepmom are panicked. I spend my days sorting this out with police.

My son was with me in the Balkans, where he became known as a hero fighting against Serbia.

Violence. Not violins. Not violets.

This inquiry includes discussion with the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding online posts in which PeePee claimed to possess Russian videos of my son engaged in compromising acts. Such materials are known as kompromat.

The interest of the DOJ and FBI does not focus on a civil case of defamation.
Possession or distribution of Russian kompromat is, however, a top priority. The relevant offenses are espionage and treason. Everything on this site is arguable under Amendment 1 of the U.S. Constitution except that.

I have stated repeatedly that precisely because of Russian surveillance i had every reason to keep my dead name off this site. You charged me with me with stealing an identity. Then you doxxed me. The Russians are watching you.

3. My past work is so far above your pay grade intellectually i would never have mentioned any of it here. It involves concepts that would fry your brain to a cinder. Like Wat Tyler, surrealism, Wat Tyler, anticommunist radical labor unions, Wat Tyler, "reactionary revolutions" (Marx), Wat Tyler, Libertarian Communism, Wat Tyler, the resurgence of fascism under Russian influence, Wat Tyler, the Saudi role in 9/11, Wat Tyler, Imam Khomeini, Wat Tyler, and sex.

You're terrified of me. My famous people include Noam Chomsky, Franzy Coppola, and John Bolton.

Beating you with the Word Sword, the Pic Stick, and The Bomb Stache.

"A bit defensive*? Passive-aggressive won't parsnip your butters.

This is you:

This is about me:

Cause everything's about me.

It's called pronoia. Look it up.

( O )( O )
Remember the good old days when this escaped mental patient spammed lit? lol