15-minute cities

That's great.

Unless you're in a wheelchair or use other devices to assist your mobility or are elderly. Or did you forget about those members of your community in your narrow minded world without windows to reality?

You see, not everyone is a fuckwit like you. Some people have real life challenges with needs which aren't met in your fantasies because they're one of the "invisible people" you refuse to even acknowledge exist.

Why do you waste so much energy projecting your apathy for others and your malcontent on me?

Our town works well for handicapped. My wife is three weeks into recovering from a surgery that has kept her off her feet. We’ve been discovering first-hand how well set up things are here for accessibility.

We had a 90 year old neighbor on our block who recently died at home, nothing tragic, it was just her time to go. Most of the neighbors regularly visited and helped her out. She was non-ambulatory for her last six months but was still able to stay home and die in her own bed.

Lucky she didn’t have you for a neighbor.

HisArpy’s maxxam:

1. No one values anything that they haven't worked themselves to achieve.
1. No one values anything that they haven't worked themselves to achieve. Being spoon fed basic information like the answers to the questions of "who is Brandon" and "why are abortions ok but car deaths of children bad?" should fall into that category. At least it would for most people. Unless you're one of those who enjoys hearing the choo-choo or airplane noises as an adult.

2. Afraid? Me? Whatever you want to believe sweety. Just remember, I'm not the one in this conversation who's never gone further than 15 minutes from home.

3. 15 minute cities are the brainchild of the brainless.

4. Abortion seems to be the Progressive way of eliminating childhood deaths in car crashes. No kids at all = no kids dying in car crashes. Then you realize these are the same people who thought up the idea of 15 minute cities and can't figure out who Brandon is...
1. The Socratic method is useless when it comes to personal beliefs.

2. For years I commuted to the Valley during rush hour. Now I have a job downtown so I take the train. Much more relaxing than driving.

3. If you think 15-minute cities are brainless, you should say why. Most people enjoy being in a walkable place rather than being stuck in traffic.

4. The right to abortion is purely about bodily autonomy.
I believe this is true for you when you say this.

All of your comments and positions reflect this narrow viewpoint. It’s why you politics and opinions will never be embraced by any majority.

dudly, you have no real clue what I've achieved and what challenges I've had to overcome in order to do it. Nor am I going to try and enlighten you since you seem to believe that either everyone lives in a perfect world without stress or disaster like you do, or that no one else has ever had problems as bad as yours were/are.

Both beliefs are the haven of the short sighted and stupid. Which adequately demonstrates where you stand on the bell curve and why attempting to educate you is absolutely futile.
1. The Socratic method is useless when it comes to personal beliefs.

2. For years I commuted to the Valley during rush hour. Now I have a job downtown so I take the train. Much more relaxing than driving.

3. If you think 15-minute cities are brainless, you should say why. Most people enjoy being in a walkable place rather than being stuck in traffic.

4. The right to abortion is purely about bodily autonomy.

Go ahead and keep believing that bullshit. It's worked for you so far and look how marvelously the world has turned out for everyone else.
Why do you waste so much energy projecting your apathy for others and your malcontent on me?

Our town works well for handicapped. My wife is three weeks into recovering from a surgery that has kept her off her feet. We’ve been discovering first-hand how well set up things are here for accessibility.

We had a 90 year old neighbor on our block who recently died at home, nothing tragic, it was just her time to go. Most of the neighbors regularly visited and helped her out. She was non-ambulatory for her last six months but was still able to stay home and die in her own bed.

Lucky she didn’t have you for a neighbor.

HisArpy’s maxxam:

1. No one values anything that they haven't worked themselves to achieve.

When you complain about you being stupid it doesn't change the fact that you're stupid, it just makes you noisy and stupid simultaneously.
That's great.

Unless you're in a wheelchair or use other devices to assist your mobility or are elderly. Or did you forget about those members of your community in your narrow minded world without windows to reality?

You see, not everyone is a fuckwit like you. Some people have real life challenges with needs which aren't met in your fantasies because they're one of the "invisible people" you refuse to even acknowledge exist.
Walkable cities are much more friendly to the handicapped. With accommodations like curb cuts, people in electric wheel chairs can get around on their own. Not to mention people with visual impairments or brain injuries who can’t safety drive a car.
Sigh...Just ignore him. If he is billing his time here, that's his client's mistake, not ours.
There are ways to make sprawling town layouts workable.

The community in Florida known as The Villages is set up as a geriatric wonderland, with the primary form of transportation being golf-carts.

My in-laws used to rail against Electric Vehicles, saying how they’ll never be practical for anyone. Now they scoot all around The Villages in their electric golf-cart.

They chose electric because discovered how much less maintenance there is, how much quieter they are, and how they can charge it at home. They haven’t installed solar electric panels yet because the heavily subsidized nuclear power they get is to cheap for self-production to make financial sense.
Go ahead and keep believing that bullshit. It's worked for you so far and look how marvelously the world has turned out for everyone else.
I have no idea what you mean by this. A lot of people don’t have marvelous lives. Making it easier and cheaper for normal people to live their daily lives is a good thing.
Why do you waste so much energy projecting your apathy for others and your malcontent on me?

Our town works well for handicapped. My wife is three weeks into recovering from a surgery that has kept her off her feet. We’ve been discovering first-hand how well set up things are here for accessibility.

We had a 90 year old neighbor on our block who recently died at home, nothing tragic, it was just her time to go. Most of the neighbors regularly visited and helped her out. She was non-ambulatory for her last six months but was still able to stay home and die in her own bed.

Lucky she didn’t have you for a neighbor.

HisArpy’s maxxam:

1. No one values anything that they haven't worked themselves to achieve.

When you complain about you being stupid it doesn't change the fact that you're stupid, it just makes you noisy and stupid simultaneously.

What did I say in the posts you quoted that I am being stupid about?

Energy efficiency?
Raising successful self-motivated kids?
Donating time to help others?
Normally Harpy elicits a chuckle from me for some inane comment or publicly humiliating self own.

Today I’m truly embarrassed for the idiot.

Harpy unnecessarily / impotently flexing in a totally benign thread is sooooo weak.

What a shame. (Harpy that is).

👉 Harpy 🤣

Walkable cities are much more friendly to the handicapped. With accommodations like curb cuts, people in electric wheel chairs can get around on their own. Not to mention people with visual impairments or brain injuries who can’t safety drive a car.

There's a book out there which I read when I was young - Follow my Leader. It's about a boy who lost his sight in an accident and gets a seeing eye dog.

While at a school for the blind he was shown a protrusion on a stone fireplace and warned that it's at his face level so he needs to be careful. He asked why it wasn't padded.

The reply is that the world can't be built around his handicap, he must learn to adapt to the world as it exists and that his safety and health are his responsibility.

The point to this analogy in this discussion is that curb cuts and other aids for the handicapped aren't supposed to replace the real world, they're to assist the handicapped and help them adapt so they can live in the real world.

Making all of mankind live/work/play at the level of the least common denominator reduces all of us instead of lifting anyone. Your 15 minute city attempts to put everyone into the same box as if we are all nothing more than a single individual with equal needs/wants/desires. This is the flaw in "equity" because we are not all the same.

We do not change the world so that we are only equal to the least of us. Instead we should strive to change the world so that the least of us are as great as the rest.
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I have no idea what you mean by this. A lot of people don’t have marvelous lives. Making it easier and cheaper for normal people to live their daily lives is a good thing.

It means you lack vision and instead rely on the ideas of others which are designed solely to enrich themselves at your expense while believing that to be a good thing for everyone to emulate.
What did I say in the posts you quoted that I am being stupid about?

Energy efficiency?
Raising successful self-motivated kids?
Donating time to help others?

The world doesn't run exclusively on any or all of those things. They're a part of the world, not the controlling factors. Believing that you can force empathy or any of the other factors YOU believe to be important on everyone else is where you fall off the turnip truck and face plant in the dirt on the side of the road.
Walkable cities are much more friendly to the handicapped. With accommodations like curb cuts, people in electric wheel chairs can get around on their own. Not to mention people with visual impairments or brain injuries who can’t safety drive a car.
Subways and trains work well in Cities that go up, but are only marginally useful in cities that go out in every degree of direction. That's why California freeways are jammed daily. That, and the sense of freedom of choice an individual has when using his own vehicle to arrive at a given destination.
Making all of mankind live/work/play at the level of the least common denominator reduces all of us instead of lifting anyone. Your 15 minute city attempts to put everyone into the same box as if we are all nothing more than a single individual with equal needs/wants/desires. This is the flaw in "equity" because we are not all the same.

What an insufferable moron you are, aren’t you?

When and where did anyone say anything about “Making all of mankind…” live in the 15 minute cities?

Fuck you’re more dense than affordable housing in Tokyo.
There's a book out there which I read when I was young - Follow my Leader. It's about a boy who lost his sight in an accident and gets a seeing eye dog.

While at a school for the blind he was shown a projection on a stone fireplace and warned that it's at his face level so he needs to be careful. He asked why the projection wasn't padded.

The reply is that the world can't be built around his handicap, he must learn to adapt to the world as it exists and that his safety and health are his responsibility.

The point to this analogy in this discussion is that curb cuts and other aids for the handicapped aren't supposed to replace the real world, they're to assist the handicapped and help them adapt so they can live in the real world.

Making all of mankind live/work/play at the level of the least common denominator reduces all of us instead of lifting anyone. Your 15 minute city attempts to put everyone into the same box as if we are all nothing more than a single individual with equal needs/wants/desires. This is the flaw in "equity" because we are not all the same.

We do not change the world so that we are only equal to the least of us. Instead we should strive to change the world so that the least of us are as great as the rest.
No one is being forced to live in a 15-minute-city, but for years city planners have focused on car infrastructure at the expense of walkability. In lots of cities in America, car ownership is mandatory. You have to drive EVERYWHERE.
There's a book out there which I read when I was young - Follow my Leader. It's about a boy who lost his sight in an accident and gets a seeing eye dog.

While at a school for the blind he was shown a protrusion on a stone fireplace and warned that it's at his face level so he needs to be careful. He asked why it wasn't padded.

The reply is that the world can't be built around his handicap, he must learn to adapt to the world as it exists and that his safety and health are his responsibility.

The point to this analogy in this discussion is that curb cuts and other aids for the handicapped aren't supposed to replace the real world, they're to assist the handicapped and help them adapt so they can live in the real world.

Making all of mankind live/work/play at the level of the least common denominator reduces all of us instead of lifting anyone. Your 15 minute city attempts to put everyone into the same box as if we are all nothing more than a single individual with equal needs/wants/desires. This is the flaw in "equity" because we are not all the same.

We do not change the world so that we are only equal to the least of us. Instead we should strive to change the world so that the least of us are as great as the rest.
Well played.
What an insufferable moron you are, aren’t you?

When and where did anyone say anything about “Making all of mankind…” live in the 15 minute cities?

Fuck you’re more dense than affordable housing in Tokyo.
Here, have a tissue.
No one is being forced to live in a 15-minute-city, but for years city planners have focused on car infrastructure at the expense of walkability. In lots of cities in America, car ownership is mandatory. You have to drive EVERYWHERE.
And before that it was the horse...
Subways and trains work well in Cities that go up, but are only marginally useful in cities that go out in every degree of direction. That's why California freeways are jammed daily. That, and the sense of freedom of choice an individual has when using his own vehicle to arrive at a given destination.

The idea that not everyone fits into the same lifestyle situation they're in is beyond their understanding.

The big city isn't everywhere. Neither is small town America.
What an insufferable moron you are, aren’t you?

When and where did anyone say anything about “Making all of mankind…” live in the 15 minute cities?

Fuck you’re more dense than affordable housing in Tokyo.

Then the idea of 15 minute cities as the being the saving grace for the planet is moot.
No one is being forced to live in a 15-minute-city, but for years city planners have focused on car infrastructure at the expense of walkability. In lots of cities in America, car ownership is mandatory. You have to drive EVERYWHERE.

Tell that to those who are pushing the green new deal on the world. I'm sure they'll nod along with you and agree until security can escort you to the door and into the waiting arms of the guys with white coats.
The world doesn't run exclusively on any or all of those things. They're a part of the world, not the controlling factors. Believing that you can force empathy or any of the other factors YOU believe to be important on everyone else is where you fall off the turnip truck and face plant in the dirt on the side of the road.

I don’t believe there is any chance of you developing empathy - no ghosts of Christmas past are going to come help redeem your soul. You seem to have enough wealth that you don’t care where your resources come from or where the waste you produce goes.

Your lack of concern isolates you from the the real-world consequences of your choices. You choose to live up stream and you call anyone else who doesn’t an idiot.

Do you have relatives that can stomach your nonsense who will help you out for your sake, or are they just vultures waiting for your last breath?

Without empathy what good have you done in the world? I’m sure in your long life that you’ve done something good for someone without seeking personal reward, no?

What do you do with your pro-bono work? Right wing political causes? Is that how you help make the world a better place?

It’s funny how many times you’ve told me that I don’t have any friends. Is that a concern that you’re projecting?

I’ve got a song for you that I’m sure you’ve heard before. It reminds me of my conservative stepfather who shares a lot of the beliefs you promote, he just recently got in hospice care - no one will be sad to see him go. People drop in to see my mom, not the old curmudgeon. He alienated everyone, now he’s dying alone in his parlor of books and moth eaten cardigans.
