I don't recall any of those gods being very nice.
For some reason that got me to thinking when I was very young, 1st or 2nd grade, feeling sorry for Satan being cast out of heaven by the archangel. There was a picture on my catechism showing this scene - sympathy for the devil long before the Stones song.
In the beginning, Satan wanted to keep the status quo, the ideal harmony. So originally God's the creative one, he wants to make things interesting by creating human beings. But once Satan becomes disruptive God is continually trying to figure out a way to bring everything back to ideal harmony, Jesus is his biggest attempt at trying to restore order. Jesus is supposed to get the human beings back in line for eternal harmony. They switch postures, Satan becomes the sole force of creativity in the supernatural world. God is always on the defensive, always trying to clean up Satan's messes. Satan's messes happen to be incredibly creative and dynamic.
Other cultures recognize this too. The Yazidi and various Kurdish and Assyrian groups worship the Peacock Angel, more commonly known as Shaitan/Satan or Melek. God left the world to the archangels to attend to, the Muslims and Christians borrowed the Assyrian Melek and made him God's nemesis. But he's usually the creative one, whether he's Illuminated or Evil, backed by God's authority or not. Lucifer is the patron of language and poetry. In Goethe, Milton, Dante he's the source of everything that's artful.