Vic caught Liesl's attention as she passed by him and whispered under his breath. "Wow, whats with Father Happy McNutjob? Seriously, is Cats really gonna put up with this guy stirring up a hornets nest in here?"
Chris watched the short exchange between the priest and young lady, which didn't act young and the man who clearly had speed to his advantage. He sipped on his coffee and when he looked up again the priest stood up and raised his hands. Chris wondered for a short second if he was going to bless everybody in the diner
"Worry yourselves not, my Children, for we are ALL Brothers and Sisters in the Lord for we have been given the Gifts of his Divine Right and Goodness! Altered by his Grace!"
Chris had to smile to this, if it was the Lord's grace then why did He kill so many? Why did so many not become altered? He just shook his head and looked out of the window again, drinking his coffee and waiting for the return of the waitress with his food.
Hanzo had been watching the interaction between the guy with the shotgun and the woman who appeared to be the owner. He thought for a moment there was going to be trouble when another man approached and he had a sidearm under his shirt but she seemed to disarm shotgun man with her voice. The other guy returning to his seat. He studied them, the woman most likely was an alt. The priestman, had an angry energy about him but now he was calmer. The other stranger most probably a Ronin. Good, Hanzo didn't feel like having any lead with his breakfast this morning.
The waitress finally brought Hazo his coffee and a menu but by that time he already decided "If you have any fresh baked bread I'd like to start with that, if not 3 pancakes. Then a piece of pie, Apple if you have it with a slice of melted cheese on top. Then I'd like 3 eggs scrambled, ham,a slice of meatloaf or a hamburger patty if you have none and homefries or hashbrowns whichever you serve, extra crispy."
The waitress looked at him as if measuring his capacity to down all that food asking "You gonna eat all that?" He replied "Running always makes me hungry, it's why I Run." How could she know his body was an efficient energy machine? To stimulate his appitite he had to burn off energy.
She gave him a "whatever " look and went to the order window handing the cook her ticket. He herd the cook's voice grumble "are you kidding me." Hanzo stiffled a snicker, it's a reaction he'd herd many times before. The cook mumbled a few undistiguishable commetns under his breath but thanzo was used to that. he'd done the same thing from time to time at Ruby's.
Spinning his stool around Hanzo sipped his coffee and cast his eyes about the room. The energy was a mixture or fear, hope and anxiety just like the rest of the city. "It could be worst" he said to himself. Just then the waitress brought him his Apple pie.
Kyle swore violently as his headlong run abruptly ended with a 10 foot chain link fence cutting across his way. He looked around quickly, seeing a run-down, four-story apartment building on one side and some sort of diner on the other side of the street. Behind him, Kyle heard the fast approaching footfalls of his two pursuers and with a desperate burst of speed he jumped for the fence, hoping to get over it and perhaps make it to the apartments to hide. He made it about halfway before a sharp stinging pain raced through his thigh and hip. Gargling with pain, his grip faltered and rough hands pulled him back to earth. There was some shoving, some hitting and more pain, before Kyle was thrown to the ground, bumping against a metal dumpster that smelled strongly of grease and coffee.
A kick to his midsection brought Kyle’s attention back to his attackers. Two men, whether they were Altered or just scavengers, Kyle didn’t know, were standing over him, one wearing a black ‘Steelers’ hoodie coat and the other, wielded a long chunk of pipe which was the likely reason Kyle couldn’t feel his left leg at the moment. One bit of luck did seem to present itself however; from his vantage point, Kyle spotted a long piece of wood under the dumpster. It had probably been part of a packing crate or pallet in ages past, but for now, Kyle grabbed hold of one end and whirled around in a sweeping arc. His swing, wild and sloppy, went wide and caused his damaged hip to protest with needles of shooting pain. Kyle’s backswing was a little better and swatted Hoodie on his hip, causing his to yelp and back away.
That was about the end of his luck however.
The pipe came around in its own arc, meeting Kyle’s swing mad-way. Metal and leverage beat out wood and desperation as Kyle’s makeshift club splintered and what was left was ripped from his hands. A second later, another blow struck his squarely across his ribcage, throwing Kyle back against the dumpster. More pain lanced through his body as he lay, back against the stinking metal in the muddy alleyway. His breathing came in pain-filled gasps as Kyle fought to keep aware of what was happening around him. He was only just aware of the two men, of Pipe coming closer to probably finish the job. Gritting his teeth and for the second time today, Kyle pulled his 9 millimeter pistol, pointing it at Pipe and locking the hammer back with one fluid motion. There was tense silence as the two men stopped; contemplating the new threat of the weapon against the possible score of whatever Kyle might have in his pockets.
“Fuck you, man.” One of them finally said as they both backed away. Kyle kept the gun out and directed towards them until both had vanished back the way they had come. Even for long seconds afterwards, Kyle kept the weapon ready until finally, he let his arm fall. Gasping for breath, he carefully put the gun back, grimacing at the sensation that moving caused. His chest felt like it as on fire, his hip ached and he could taste blood.
He frowned slightly noticing the irritated look on her face obviously his first impression hadn't been a good one. " Excuse me miss i never meant to upset you... I umm well...." He stammered trying to find the best way to beg for a job without sounding overly needy. "Is there any job openings... I desperately need to find a place to settle and begin recuperating from losing everything...." *Way to sound completely needy you idiot.* He thought to himself resisting the urge to punch himself as he had done any time he messed up in high school. he sighed closing his eyes his head falling as his chin hit his chest he reopened his eyes waiting to hear her answer we still kept a wiry eye on the crazy priest shouting religious babel to himself it seamed...
The waitress arrived with his order and Chris thanked her and before she could rush away he stopped her by holding up his hand
"Do you know of anyplace that could offer a job for an experienced bouncer?"
She told him that she'll find out from her manager and bustled away, Chris smiled to himself and looked at the food in front of him. It looked fabulous and from the smell he could already say that it would be delicious. He made sure that nobody was paying direct attention to him and he closed his eyes to say Grace. When he was done he picked up his fork and started on the eggs, they were not oily and well done, judging from this, this really will be a good meal. Digging in he worked on his meal, only stopping to survey his surroundings and to take a sip of coffee or orange juice
Hanzo had finsihed his Apple pie when the waitress brought the rest of his order. Pancakes, eggs, ham, hasbrowns and a piece of meatloaf which actually smelled pretty good for yesterdays leftover. He was dissappointed, no fresh baked bread.
He dug into his mass of food while the waitress looked on, she was oviously new. Any expereinced waitress wouldn't waste a moment on a customer she just served, she'd be off refilling coffee or waiting on another customer, especially when the diner was busy. " don't go too far, I might want seconds" he said with a grin. She paid him no mind and went to the other end of the counter, hanzo continued filling his stomach.
The Bean was pretty full, no doubt because of the food and pretty good coffee. It had become even harder to get a decent cup of coffee since the world went to hell in a handbasket. As he paused to wash some coffee down with his food he spun his seat around taking in all the sights n sounds of the diner.
There was Father Nutjob over to his left and he wondered how long he would remain stable. While the owner seemed to calm him down zealots of anykind bothered hanzo, he'd seen their handywork before. To his right was the Ronnin who was packing but he wasn't worried about him, that guy was cool and under control. Turning his stool 45 degrees hanzo surveyed the booths observing another waitress, a lil older but very attractive havng a conversation with The "doctor". A term he used rather loosely. They seemed to know eachother by their body language, he wondered former lovers? He couldn't help but think to himself, "if Doc" came down to Rubys he could make a fortune with all the freaks in the new bowery".
Returning to his plate hanzo finished up the last of his hashbrowns and hamsteak. The Young waitress was coming back his way, Hanzo patting both hands on his stomach as she approached " Say you wouldn't happen to have any onion rings back there would you? The waitress looked at him with wide eyes not beleiving this guy was still hungry. He put his hand up to cut her off before she could make a comment " On second thought I think I'm full enough. My compliments to the cook. May I have more coffee..please?" She oblidged him and went for the pot.
He gently rubbed his ribs as he glanced behind him at the Priest teaching the flock, he tried to not roll his eyes. The dark haired waitress had spoken to the self proclaimed doctor and then disappeared into the kitchen. She had been gone awhile leaving the frizzy blonde to run orders, the girl was young and didn’t look too enthused to have the job she had. Finally after what seemed like a long time the dark hair waitress appeared around the corner again he waved her down. As she approached he read her name tag, Liesl, interesting name, “Excuse me, but do you think we have trouble brewing?” His voice was low, not wanting to draw attention to their conversation.
She looked up at the new comers, her gaze settling on each one, “If they know whats good for them then no; we will not have trouble. However if they don’t then it just might be a bad day.” She raised a well groomed eyebrow, which Langdon was finding to be an attractive gesture on her. She went to work filling up coffee cups and catching up the customers. He noticed a bright smile that she cast in the direction of the red haired woman, as if they were fairly good friends. He also noticed the wink she gave to the man who claimed to be able to help people, again as if they had a good friendship. It wasn’t usual for people to be so close in recent days, it made him miss his family. He hated anything that made him miss his family, he slightly growled to himself and rubbed his ribcage again, the itching was about to drive him mad. He would have to see if there was a pharmacy near by so he could find some kind of cream to help the healing process of his wounds. He decided he had wasted enough time on thought and dug into his food, he groaned with happiness after the first two bites of the burger, it was heaven simply heaven.
Hanzo sipped his coffee as he continued to survey the diners. The dark haired waitress passed by and Hanzo leaned back to get a good look at her money maker. "Nice" he said in a low, soft tone. Returning to his coffee he began to contemplate what he would do with the rest of his day off. Perhaps he would explore this side of Town a lil more.
Having heard enough of the 'priests' sermon, Vic slipped out of the booth he was sitting at and waved to Liesl. "Can ya watch my bag while I go out back for a smoke, mein leibchen?" Vic teased, doing his best to ignore the sharp glare he felt boring into the back of his head from Father McNutjob. "Exit stage left..." Vic muttered giving her a warning nod in his direction.
Father Denning:
"I am no fool, sir, I can see that my Message has put you off. All of you... For that, I am sorry, but I only speak the Truth... We are, all of us, here by the Lords grace, even those too blind to see, or too deaf to listen. I ask you, all of you, are you too close minded to just listen, to see the Truth?"
Chris finished his meal and got up, he walked over to the cash register to pay, he leaned with one elbow on the counter and looked at the priest, he grinned
"Excuse me father, but while it is not that we do not want to hear or see I have a question for you"
Chris noticed that a few more customers was looking his way, he also noticed that the cook's attention was on him, warning him not to start anything.
"You say that we have been changed by God's Grace and Will, so if we are the ones who was changed by Him, that does mean that His will is what caused the government to create the serum, it was His will that caused them to add it to the water supply, in that case it was His will that killed all of our loved ones and mutated most of us into creatures with various abilities. So just a question, if all of this is God's will, doesn't that make him just a manipulative mad scientist for who a few casualties is acceptable just as long as his experiment works?"
With a welcoming smile, Father Denning listened carefully to the young man's question. "The Lords Way is beyond our understanding, my dear boy. To subject it to mortal philosophy has ever been the downfall of man... Perhaps the ones who were lost to us have been taken into the Kingdom Above, or perhaps they were found wanting in His Eyes. Who knows... But, what I DO know is that we are the one's still alive, and not only alive, but gifted. Would you turn your back on that? Would you denigh yourself the right of Assention to the Being of Divinity that you have become?"
Amps' Ford Shelby GT500 rolled down the street slowly as Ridin solo was playing softly emanating from her." Yeeeeeyeeeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my shine, I'm loving cloud nine, my head's in the sky, I'm solo, I'm riding solo, I'm riding solo, I'm ridin solo, sooloooo. Yeah, I'm feeling good tonight, finally doing me and it feels so alright, oh, Time to do the things I like, going to the club everything's alright, oh." As the verse came to a close the silence was shattered. Blood splattered up onto the steering wheel and dash as she screamed. A second shot sent blood spurting into the passenger seat and she slumped over her foot pressing harder on the gas she slammed into the building accost from the coffee shop.
Amps head smashed into the steering wheel and snapped the wheel in two with the impact her skull fractured and blood began to pour over her face as she fought to stay awake. She fumbled with the door as she finally unlatched it pushing hard with her left hand. Sliding over she doubled over in pain looking down to the bullet holes in her shoulder and stomach. slowly the lights faded and reality became a matter of perception as she crumpled falling on her head sliding out of the car onto the pavement.
"The Lords Way is beyond our understanding, my dear boy. To subject it to mortal philosophy has ever been the downfall of man... Perhaps the ones who were lost to us have been taken into the Kingdom Above, or perhaps they were found wanting in His Eyes. Who knows... But, what I DO know is that we are the one's still alive, and not only alive, but gifted. Would you turn your back on that? Would you denigh yourself the right of Assention to the Being of Divinity that you have become?"
Chris grinned
"So then my question is "father", did you come in here hunting for what you see as a killer? Or did you come in here wielding a shotgun to scare the patrons into believing that we are beings of divinity?
Chris left a healthy tip in the Tips bottle
"Also we are not beings of divinity dear father"
Chris turned to face the priest again
"We are creatures of design, we were made into freaks of nature and NOTHING that God created is like us. Who can sense feelings from touch? Who is a fast as a flash of lightning? Who can steal powers for their own use? Angels? Well the things I have seen so far have made me believe that the powers we have only made us monsters and we can either be normal monsters and follow the path of evil, or we can actually be more divine and follow the path of light. If God created us, we would have reason, a purpose..."
Two shots rang out from outside and Chris spun around just to see a car crash into the opposite building.
"Somebody get that guy who said he'd like to help somebody, I'm sure we'll be needing him"
Omega sat on the edge of the rooftop gazing thoughtfully at the building, a large neon sign above the door..."Beans". It seemed almost comical that the place was here, the area was a dump, everywhere outside there were people who looked they might just stab you because they didn't liked how you looked, or even how you looked.
However, that sign meant a social hub of some kind, lots of people, or at least enough people; a gathering usually meant food and right now Omega was starving, she didn't remember the last time she had had a proper meal, she didn't have anything to barter with but it never stopped her before. It wasn't that she liked stealing, she wanted to be able to fit in and sit down and order food and pay for it, but she had yet to actually gain any real footing in this broken down society, and then with no other choice left her training would kick in and she would simply take what she needed.
Omega, no, Penny, I am Penny...You'll never leave that life behind if you don't forget that damn name they gave you. Penny sighed and then found herself on the pavement below, swiveling her head to look up at where she had been before; she remembered one of the tech people explaining to her how it worked when they had been training her, the same way lightning worked apparently; the EMF field that surrounded her was able to clear a path, removing it of any substance and that simply allowed all the atoms of her body to jump down this path to wherever she desired to be, it was always followed by a loud sound, like a whip crack as the air rushed to fill the empty space.
She became acutely aware that she was being watched, three men stalked towards her, surrounding her. I look like a piece of meat to them, just act natural and maybe you can get away without hurting them; she saw the gleam in their eyes, no they'd never let a lonely weak looking girl get away. Penny sighed again.
"Please leave me alone."
"Why would we do that, we just want to help you, you look very lost," One of them said grinning, stepping forward, reaching out and grabbing Penny's arm, 'I think you should co-" His sentence stopped short as Penny's palm shot out quickly hitting him squarely under the chin where a network of nerves lay, they were overwhelmed and the man blacked out instantly, crumpling to the ground. Before the others could even react there was a loud whip crack and another man was sent flying forwards from a roundhouse kick to his back. The last man pulled out a knife as he looked around before he felt a painful blow to his kidneys and then screamed as another blow landed squarely on the side of his knee, falling down and trying to clutch the kneecap.
"You're one of them aren't you?" Penny stopped as she began to walk towards the neon lit building, "You're one of those freaks, they all hang out there, should've known, damn monsters you are." Penny walked back to the man she had kicked in the back, gazing at him levelly.
"Hang out where?"
"Bean." Hmmmm, well that is a coincidence. Suddenly there a was a movement, a man behind her with a gun, aiming it at her, his finger on the trigger he squeezed firing off two consecutive rounds, but both missed as Penny found herself on the other side of the street at the door to Bean, opening it and walking inside, as she did there was a sound of a car crashing into the building opposite. She turned, feigning ignorance and shock, looking out the window of the door.
Hanzo reached into his pocket removing $25 and placed it under his coffee cup. He wasn't going to wait for the check, he figured the blonde waitress would be happy for the large tip, something she no doubt rarely received. He didn't care it was only money after all.
Just as he left his stool he herd 2 rifle shots (he knew the difference between a popgun and a rifle) followed a few seconds afterwards by the sound of screetching tires and a car crash. In a blink he was out the door and running towards the wrecked car. He wasn't concerned that whoever fired those shots might fire more. He knew they caused the car crash, afterall there are no coincidences he reminded himself.
Liesl rushed out the door of the Bean There Coffee n Dine at the sound of a car crashing. the sounds of gunshots were common enough that they didn't bother her, but a car crashing that was new. A woman was at the door almost instantly in front of her but she only glanced at her as she surveyed the scene. Others were already rushing the car which had crashed into the building across the street.
She noticed a young woman unconscious on the pavement, blood pouring from wounds. "Victor! Cat!" She hollered loudly and ran over to the scene. She pulled off her t-shirt not caring that she was just in her bra in the middle of the street and held her shirt to a extremely bad wound upon the woman's forehead.
She glanced at others near by, "gimme your shirts!"
As they tossed their shirts down she took two of them and held them to other openly bleeding wounds trying to apply pressure. Three arms out in the open without a second thought, she glanced over her shoulder hoping one of the others who could heal were around. "help!" She screamed again, knowing that she wouldn't be enough to keep the woman alive.
Hanzo kneeled down opposite the waitress. Looking down at the wounded woman he said "I've had medical training for gunshot wounds, let me see the wound in her abdomen for a moment". The dark haired beauty who was now using 3 arms to try and stop the bleeding complied.
A quick look told him more than he wanted to know. "That's enough. Bad place to get shot, all kinds of things to go wrong. The blood is really dark which means her liver was probably nicked by the bullet or a fragment atleast. Hard to say how bad the internal bleeding is." He looked up into the eyes of the woman trying to save the young girls life. "I'm not a healer though I can help her body sustain life. She needs medical attention now or she'll bleed out. I suppose an ambulance or hospital would be asking too much?" He looked around "Where the hell is that doctor guy from the Diner?"
He took the young girls hand in his and moved closer to her head, placing his other hand palm side down on her forehead. He closed his eyes and concentrated willing some of his life energy into her body. It wasn't much and no substitute for a healer but it was all he could do.
The energy leaked into her veins her eyes slowly inched open her breathing rough and hard. Her eyes fell upon the man leaching his energy to her then upon the woman pressing on her head. Slowly trying to sit up she yelped leaning back to the ground moaning from the pain in her gut. Softly and unaware her natural talent begane to play in the background.
One Day Too Late - Skillet.
"Tick tock, hear the clock countdown
Wish the minute hand could be rewound
So much to do and so much I need to say
Will tomorrow be too late?
Feel the moment slip into the past
Like sand through an hourglass
In the madness, I guess, I just forget
To do all the things I said"
"Who are you??? she gasped between cry's of pain as she had began to dig her fingers into the wound on her shoulder to remove the bullet herself. Her terrible removal job making the injury worse as blood began to pour from the wound again. "I..." slowly her eyes drifted closed again as she shuddered then fell back unmoving but still breathing.
Now this was an interesting sight to behold; Penny watched the scene thoughtfully as the woman and man inside had rushed passed her and ran over to the car, they both seemed very upset. Did they know the unconscious girl? She knew that people were supposed to get upset when people they know got hurt, it didn't help anyone, when people got upset people died her instructors had taught her...You don't want to go through life doing what they taught you though, at least try to help, people who try to help fit in
Penny turned around and tapped a nearby man who sat at his table drinking a coffee, he was scruffy but relatively clean, he seemed almost spooked when she got his attention.
"Excuse me, where's the nearest hospital?
"Ummm, errr, well there's an emergency clinic a couple of blocks away," Pointing his finger in a considered direction, "White building, shouldn't miss it"
She had gone past it on her way here, though it was quite far, jumping there with people in tow would drain her completely, she sighed, but this is how to fit in surely, help people. Turning around on the spot she moved back to the door, the gunman had run now and there didn't seem to be anyone interested in killing her; pushing the door open she calmly made her way to where the man and woman were frantically trying to help the unconscious woman, there was a lot of blood.
They looked up at her briefly as she approached but then returned their attention to the prone figure, Penny knelt down and placed her hands on the two helpers and pressed her leg against the dying girl, making sure to get in skin contact. The other two looked a bit confused for a split second, there was the sound of a whipcrack and the four of them now found themselves on the street outside a tall white apartment building, the archaic symbol for medical practitioners etched into the door.
However this was unnoticed by Penny as the world went black, fainting from the effort, falling down beside the other girl.
All he remembered was feeling a hand on his shoulder then his head was spinning like he had a case of vertigo. "What the Hell?" Hanzo looked up recognizing The Dark haired beauty from the diner accross from him and the injured young woman who's hand he was still holding. "Are you ok?" he asked and she nodded "yes". She seemed a little out of sorts too but was quickly regaining her sences.
Then he remembered the young woman who walked over and touched them just before things became fuzzy. Where did she go? Turning his head he saw the woman laying on the ground, slightly to the side of him. He'd herd of Alt's with such abilities but never actually seen one, let alone experience it.
His companion called for assistance from the white building, a clinic or Hospital of sorts. He took his hand off the injured womans forehead, switching hands. Now he could reach the young woman who had brought them here.
Speaking to the dark haired woman "I think she overtaxed her abilities bringing all 4 of us here." Taking the womans hand in his he said "she probbaly just needs a little boost" with that he closed his eyes to concentrate.
In the darkness he herd voices, 2 or 3 of them, medical people no doubt and the sounds of metal and rubber wheels rolling over pavement. He felt someone release his grip on the girl who was shot. Opening his eyes he saw medical people working on the girl. He turned back to the young woman who brought them here, he still held her hand. Looking down he placed his hand on her forehead, leaning close speaking softly "wake up dorethy we've arrived at The Emerald city."
Penny opened her eye's blearily, there wasn't much to see anyway, just gray and black. It felt strange, she felt groggy, but she was becoming more and more awake, usually after draining herself like this she felt like throwing up once she had regained consciousness; now she felt, not good, but at least she didn't feel like throwing up.
The gray and black began to take shape as her eyes focused, the gray was the cloudy sky above her, the black took on more colours and shapes, revealing itself to be the man she had teleported to the clinic. She tried turning her head but right now she just didn't have enough energy. There was a noise.
"Wake up Dorothy." It was a voice, the man's.
"Wha'?" She asked groggily.
"Wake up Dorothy, we've arrived at the Emerald City."
"But my name's not Dorothy," She said lamely, she tried to turn her head again to see if the girl was ok or not, "Did I help?"
Smiling Hanzo told her " My name is Hanzo and I'd be surprised if yours was Dorethy. BTW You did fine, infact you were great. That girl has a shot to live because of you." His smile now turning to one of reassurance. The young womans face showed she was still processing what he just said.
He was looked around for the dark hair woman with the three arms, he wanted to say thanks for her help but didn't see her. Perhaps she went inside with the injured woman? He cold wait to find out.
Hanzo turned back to his current charge "I imagine your feeling pretty drained about now, taking all 4 of us here at once." He lowered his voice" My powers work like a battery." He held up his hand , he was still holding hers. "I gave you a little boost a minute ago, you think you can sit up?" She made a weak "no" movement with her head. Looking around He saw a bench not far from the entrance of the clinic. Hanzo scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the bench, sitting down. Holding her, he draped one of her arms around his neck making sure their skin touched and held her hand. Closing his eyes he concentrated and visualized his energy flowing over & into the young womans body he was now holding. Slowly he detached from his surroundings, hearing only the voice within.
Penny, closed her eyes again as the man, Hanzo, yes that was it picked her up and moved her; normally she didn't like having someone so close, it was too easy to be attacked, but in her weakened state was unable to do anything about it anyway. She felt him place her down on something hard, but warmer than the floor where she had collapsed, his hand on her head, feeling warmth where he touched her.
It seemed to be helping, a battery he said, powering her up, that would mean he's different like me. No-one is different like you...Omega. She heard the words like they were a different entity inside her own head; I am Penny, I am different, but so are they, he said I helped, if I helped they will trust me, they won't won't hunt me.
You were taught to stay moving, it's harder to hit a moving target. I'm not a target, I'm not a damn assassin anymore! Penny shouted inside her own head.
Ofcourse you are, you'll always be Omega I'm not Omega...Omega...Not...Omega....Si-
She jolted upright form the bench, her eyes wide, her breathing heavy, filled with renwed energy.
"-lence!" She shouted out the world, and then became aware that she was awake now and looked around the street, some passers by looked at her strangely, she turned in place to look at the man.
"Your welcome" He said with a smile, letting go of her hand. "Are you sure your ok?" Hanzo stood up from the bench stretching, flexing his limbs as if he had just woken up. He paced back n forth, ran in place for a few seconds to juice his system up a lil bit.
He finished his stretching sitting back down next to the young woman, begining to feel his energy level rising. "Now that your awake a proper introduction is in order, considering what we just went through. I'm Hanzo Akagi at your service." He made a slight gesture with a nod of his head " my friends call me Han for short."
He extended his hand letting it hang in the air waiting for the beautiful young woman to take it. There seemed a little coolness to her but he could be mistaken, afterall she just risked her life draining herself to teleport them all to the clinic. The handshake would tell, it always did.