I'm going to leave this open-ended. I have a few ideas that you can take as RP, or if you are a sicko perv, you can have all the fun you want. I just don't want this to turn into a bordello of bondage with a psy theme. Plot, yay! (cues porn- enter the Xerox repair man: "I hear your machine is broken" "My machie is broken, will you fix it?" "I will fix it real good." "Fix me real good baby." "I will do you" "Do me, do me now, here on the Xerox machine." "Oh baby, you are so hot." etc etc.) See, there is a plot.
Hey Lady, I'd like to give this a shot. This is based on my first Black Ops character (Guila Feria) so if it looks familar to everyone, I'm building on a good idea (at least I think so ) Obviously it's not the same exact character, but I kind of miss her, she was fun to write because she was soo bitchy but I'm not going to make this character the same way. Alright enough babbaling:
NAME: Aria Ray
AGE: 28
H: 5'6"
W: 115
B: Athletic
Personality: Aria is a student of her enviorment. She is very sophisticated and excells in the sciences. Though she is physically capable, trained in several martial arts, using her powers drains her out easily. She also is weak when it comes to psychic attacks.
Powers: Can perform tasks at an accelerated rate, though it appears to her that everything is moving slower. (ala matrix) She also has incredible acrobatic ability.
The special effects and the story is based more on science rather than on the 'Matrix'. everthing in the world appears stopped, but in actual fact you are moving so fast, that the beating of the bee's wings would slow down to a barely perceptible beat.
Cool Character. You would have done something before anyone else realize it.
*Yeah, the 'Plumber' with his tool belt and shaped*Wink* plunger!*
Good character, just check out the website for the timeline to decide a good age. Also, see if you can find a way to hook your ability in with telekenetics, were trying to keep things linked to powers of the mind.
Once you do that, give your character a psy rating for attack and defense, you have 10 points to work with.
I'll hold off starting the thread till you decide whether you want to be an evil government agent or a member of the recruit team.
Welcome to the team. (ugh ugh me want fur jumpsuit for training)
"So Ms Goodbody, you want a home loan?"
"Yes I would like a loan."
"I can give you a loan but first I have to give you a credit check."
"I will show you my credit." (Undresses)
"You have my approval."
"Give me your approval, I want it now, right now."
(Clears papers off desk)
"Oh baby, your credit rating is so hot."
"Loan me, faster, make me pay my interest!"
Lady, couple questions, Pming you now. I think either way she works well as a "good guy." If we are short on villians when the thread starts I'll gladly create a second character, ideas already buzzing in my head
Zircon, never seen clockstoppers (wait do you mean that disney one from a few months ago? ) The idea behind the Matrix was actually (allegedly) lifted from a comic book. Don't remember the title but the creator is trying to sue Warner Bros over it.
I understand the idea, I'm discussing with Lady a kind of time limit.
well.... it's monday, so i'd beter get my ass in gear! lol
Galin Firstorn
24 a good age?
Height: 6'2
weight: 190 pounds.
Body Type: Big Frame, all mone and meat, lightly muscled.
Personality: (good idea for pwesonality PM!)
He's big and strong, and can move things with the thought of his ming, so he doesn't take serious challenges well, he attempts to beat them. good scence of humor, slightly twisted though. does not joke at everything, but ccationally crack something in somewhere. this is all also a front alot of the time to hide his dark and dreary nature. some have classified him as evil, but he is not bad. just dark.
Competent and Subordinate untill the point where he thinks you're a moron.
BIO: (i can't rememebr how exactly we were found, so i'll edit this if i need to)
One day, while ver frustrated and angry, someone pulled him one step too far. lashing out, he began stalking to his assialant in a dark stormy evil minded fury. suddenly objects off the wall and out of other eoples hads flew out and struck the man, bringing him to his knees. Not knowing what was going on, and finding that in times of extreem emotion, this power was uncontrollable and burst out, he was taken under wing by a psy ward. where he is now.
Big K- good char, just be sure to give yourself an offense and defense score diving 10 points- then and only then will you be worthy of being posted on the website. Tee hee, I'm a byatch!