2'nd ooc: High school blues


(Ordered as they apeared in the story)

Katala: principle of school, evil demon, recently was killed by Lee and Eiji, came back, was killed again by Eiji and company. Came back as a spirit once mroe and took control of Lee, giveing him a chance to complete his master plan.

Eiji: Hy's main chara, a youth with a wide range of power ful fighting skills, strange powers, and a big blank spot as to his past. Katala wants his essence. Lee considers him a rival, Touji hated his guts, Tetsuru has a hage crush on him.

Lee: Main my character, fights with a sabre but also skilled with his bare hands, can fly useing limited psycic powers. More speed then power. When he gets wet he turns into a girl. Yoshiro likes Lea, the female part of Lee, and doesn't know its Lee. tetsuru has been hit on by lee several times but this has gone no where. Lee had a one night stand with Momiji. Touji also considers Lee a rival.

Mai: Eijis little sister Toujis little brother has a crush on her as does Milo and she likes them both.

Milo: A strange boy that has known of Katala for some time, uses powerful Blue magic. Invaluble as a healer but very hard to understand as his past is very unclear.

Rikku: Girl a class ahead of Eiji and Lee. She was triked into curseing Lee with his female form (An avatar of fire), and then Katala tried absorbing her magical power. She turned herself into a cat to escape but due to a turn of events is now a cat girl. She does many enchants for items, and has a ring that makes her look like Lee's female half, and anotehr one that makes herself look human. She curently has been hideing as Lees sister Lea, useing the ring.

Yoshiro: Jc's main boy. A powerfull fighter that uses claws and close range elemental spell attacks. He developed a crush Lea, but wants to protect his sister, Tetsuru, from Lee. he shares a mental bond with his sister.

Tetsuru: JC,s main girl. Powerfull magic user useing a wide range of spells focusing largely on emotional power. She is quite powerful if you aren't carefull. She has limited fighting ability training under eiji to improve her skill. She really lieks eiji but has been charmed by Lee once or twice. generally she gets along well with every one.

Touji: Rival of Eiji and Lee for quite some time he was forced to team up with eiji to get revenge for his little brother, from that point on he's slowly shifted away from being a villain. He now vactions with his aquatences, considering himself freindless.

Momiji: Brave girl with some skill at fighting, and a crush on Touji going way back. Touji was to tough for her so she never made a move but since he's gone good she has strong hope for a relationship. She also has some feeling for Lee.

Lea: The female half of Lee actully has a spirit of it's own, just no one knew at first. She is an avatar of fire and is drawn out by water hence the gender change. She has only fought at full power once because it sucks Rikku and Lee's spirit into Lee's soul, where she normall resides. She has how ever been board and come out to flirt with yoshiro.

Thats all the ones I think are worth mentioning and can remember.
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Thanks for theupdate cats. are there any suggestions about how I should post a character and get started?
Re: Characters

cats said:
(Ordered as they apeared in the story)

Katala: principle of school, evil demon, recently was killed by Lee and Eiji, came back, was killed again by Eiji and company. Came back as a spirit once mroe and took control of Lee, giveing him a chance to complete his master plan.

Eiji: Hy's main chara, a youth with a wide range of power ful fighting skills, strange powers, and a big blank spot as to his past. Katala wants his essence. Lee considers him a rival, Touji hated his guts, Tetsuru has a hage crush on him.

Lee: Main main character, fights with a sabre but also skilled with his bare hands, can fly useing limited psycic powers. More speed then power. When he gets wet he turns into a girl. Yoshiro likes Lea, the female part of Lee, and doesn't know its Lee. tetsuru has been hit on by lee several times but this has gone no where. Lee had a one night stand with Momiji. Touji also considers Lee a rival.

Mai: Eijis little sister Toujis little brother has a crush on her as does Milo and she likes them both.

Milo: A strange boy that has known of Katala for some time, uses powerful Blue magic. Invaluble as a healer but very hard to understand as his past is very unclear.

Rikku: Girl a class ahead of Eiji and Lee. She was triked into curseing Lee with his female form (An avatar of fire), and then Katala tried absorbing her magical power. She turned herself into a cat to escape but due to a turn of events is now a cat girl. She does many enchants for items, and has a ring that makes her look like Lee's female half, and anotehr one that makes herself look human. She curently has been hideing as Lees sister Lea, useing the ring.

Yoshiro: Jc's main boy. A powerfull fighter that uses claws and close range elemental spell attacks. He developed a crush Lea, but wants to protect his sister, Tetsuru, from Lee. he shares a mental bond with his sister.

Tetsuru: JC,s main girl. Powerfull magic user useing a wide range of spells focusing largely on emotional power. She is quite powerful if you aren't carefull. She has limited fighting ability training under eiji to improve her skill. She really lieks eiji but has been charmed by Lee once or twice. generally she gets along well with every one.

Touji: Rival of Eiji and Lee for quite some time he was forced to team up with eiji to get revenge for his little brother, from that point on he's slowly shifted away from being a villain. He now vactions with his aquatences, considering himself freindless.

Momiji: Brave girl with some skill at fighting, and a crush on Touji going way back. Touji was to tough for her so she never made a move but since he's gone good she has strong hope for a relationship. She also has some feeling for Lee.

Lea: The female half of Lee actully has a spirit of it's own, just no one knew at first. She is an avatar of fire and is drawn out by water hence the gender change. She has only fought at full power once because it sucks Rikku and Lee's spirit into Lee's soul, where she normall resides. She has how ever been board and come out to flirt with yoshiro.

Thats all the ones I think are worth mentioning and can remember.

Just one damn minute Cats! Lee is the Main main chara?
Um well I have no idea's right now. Maybe try a student from the island we are vurently on. Build it as you like, though we may ask you to adjust if your chara doesn't seem to fit into the plot. But then for the next chapter back on the main land, have your chara be a foriegn echange student. So you can stay with the plot even though we are in a strange place.

If you want to make more then one feel free, just don't make three and then leave the story because that might be a bit harder for us to work around.
Re: Re: Characters

hybirdx said:
Just one damn minute Cats! Lee is the Main main chara?

what the hell. Okay that was a typo I ment to say My main character. Sorry my bad.
cats said:
Um well I have no idea's right now. Maybe try a student from the island we are vurently on. Build it as you like, though we may ask you to adjust if your chara doesn't seem to fit into the plot. But then for the next chapter back on the main land, have your chara be a foriegn echange student. So you can stay with the plot even though we are in a strange place.

If you want to make more then one feel free, just don't make three and then leave the story because that might be a bit harder for us to work around.

Is there anything in particular I should know about the island you are currently on?
*grunts* Arrogent son of a....

*Clears throat* There are some charas that cat's failed to mention.

Cerberus: An two headed hell hound that Eiji and Rikku found in the bell tower. Not much is know about his past, but ever since then, he has been Eiji's "pet".

Maki: Milo's dead brother. Maki was the last person in his village to challenge Katala. In fact, he holds the secret to defeeting Katala. But he never had the chance to use it. He now haunts Milo for some reason.

Tetsuya: Tetsuya is an wild teen that used to be in Touji's gain. He was also possed by Katala once but has been freed. He is now recovering in the hospital.

Reese: Tetsuya's mother. Not much is known about her. All that is know is that she knows Eiji somehow, and she loves to mess with peoples minds...
Also Yamanaka, Touji's little brother!

Sorry about the break, you guys. I'll try posting tonight or tomorrow night.
I did? Gee... (I still think Cats is getting ahead of himself...)

Don't worry J.C. we're in no serious rush.
Maybe I am. But for what I have planed for the next section I had to give away that part of Rikku and Lee's past. Oh well I have other things to hide. More drama to invent, more fun to be had. So I did this last part a little bit difrently then I originally planed to, but the results are the same and the timeing is the same.

Also I had no clue how to explain Cerby so I didn't mention him. Reese has done very little along with Yamanaka. Maki I also had no clue what to say. Because he's conected to Milo, and Cerby. So that is just a hrd area to explain. Now Tetsuya I did think about but I figured he wasn't quite as mainstreem as the others. All and all Cerby is prehaps the only one I missed that really should of been in with the others.

Then their is Always Mrs. Anno: She definitly isn't important as any of the above ones but its funny to read the posts she's in. Who knows why but she likes to dress like a whore when he's a girl.
Yeah, I had a plan or two in the next chapter involving Sen's "Other" relatives.
That'd work fine. What suprised me just now is that Reese is tetsuya's mother? That really alters Tetsuya for me. Unless he's adopted.
My characters

Name: Moriko
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Body: Light brown eyes, dark brown hair. She is 5'6", about 120 lbs. She is in excellent shape.
Skills: Ninjitsu, and mild psionics.
Personality: Moriko is a quiet girl who is usually shy around new people until she gets to know them. She is fiercely loyal to her twin brother.

Name: Isamu
Gender: Male
Body: Green eyes, jet-black hair. He is 5'9", about 150 lbs. He is also in excellent shape.
Skills: Ninjitsu and mild psionics.
Personality: Isamu is the loud one of the two. He is quick to boast and quicker to prove it. He is very protective of his sister.

Bio: Isamu and Moriko were found in a woven basket in the forest of the island Jamio by a member of a small clan of ninja. They were taken in by the clan and trained. The clan of ninja helped them expand their small psionic ability, which was noticed at an arly age, to the point where they can sense if other entities are nearby.

Clothing/equipment: They usually go around with black ninja garb that covers the entire body. Isamu's weapon of choice is the katana, while Moriko uses two sais. They each also have a grappling hook for climbing.

If any of you have any suggestions on how I can introduce my characters into the storyline, feel free to post them here or PM me.
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Well I really don't have any thoughts about geting you in otehr then the one above. The island is jamio, and you may not want to be twin brotehr and sister that can read minds, As JC's main two are twins that can read each others minds.

Other then that I have no complaints, they should fit in just fine.
I agree with Cats sudgestion. Other than that, welcome Kam.

Well... Ninja's, twins, talking dogs, and demons that just don't die!

We basicly created an classic anime thread!
Everything is makes since because nothing makes since. Yep that animie.
Hy how did you know I was going to have you eat the candt then hang you from the ceiling stand next to the entrance handing out blind folds and leting people hit the pinyata.
Okay, I made that small change. Now I'm just waiting for a good opening to introduce my characters.
Prehaps Katala will visit your village get your two charas to aid him as minions and then attack the hospitol. Hows that for a plan? (Actully it's a hotel with Milo, Momiji, and Touji their.)
That is fine. It at least gets my characters introduced, and can lead to a lot of other things.
Yeah I'm sorry I didn't psot your charas yet Kamalw but I wasn't going to bring them in right now because I'm not sure if your still interested after these last few days.