2'nd ooc: High school blues

1800! Got HSB OOC.... wait thats fairly low for an ooc.

Glad to here that Kamalw. But I'm not sure were JC and Hy are. I supose I'll do a post to get you started but we won't get very far with out the others.

Measter..... I have no clue what your talking about.
that was my point i said something kind of random because this is all very confusing.

YOu see a long long time ago on a thread far far away i knew what was going on but completly have lost it.
I see. Maester by chance do you have contact with Hy? He has been away longer then normal and I find that worries me, it's odd for him.

JC on the otehr hand has left before but has always come back, I hope she dose so again. I think she may be haveing computer trouble because she didn't respond to my email about a week ago. She generally is polite enough to reply.
I think they planed this as pay bakc for when I ditched them for several months to work at a camp. Wich I must say was an odd expeince, yes the one and only city were you have to be 18 to buy a PG 13 movie. I think the LDS went a little over board there.
Maester said:
maybe they eloped off to some island,
but you'd think they'd still post.

:p lol:p

Well it ain't my island ... I'd kick someone butt for not visiting ...
Arc thats exactly why I know they didn't get married in Vegas.

All we really need is Hy back. Then we can dress him as Belldandy and I'm sure he'll be glomped by JC three or four seconds latter.
cats said:
Arc thats exactly why I know they didn't get married in Vegas.

All we really need is Hy back. Then we can dress him as Belldandy and I'm sure he'll be glomped by JC three or four seconds latter.

It means Tackled, in a sort of affectionet way. Or atleast thats the way I've seen it used. Most often when JC tackles Hy.
*Shotgun kicks cas to the ground, then pulls cats into an sleeper hold.* Talking behind my back again furball!? (Oh its good to be back!)
*Grabs Hy's arm and flips him onto the ground infront of me* I do it to your face if you maganged to stay online! *Kicks him while he's down*
*Quickly rolls backwards, and backward spring kicks cats before making an complete roll.*
*Blocks the kick with one paw* Why you were away Hy I developed a new talent. Watch this. *I stand still as anotehr cat apears fallowed by another and another until dozens of cats were runing my way. As they got with in one foot of me they turned into a brillatin white ligth and so did I. The cats kept comeing and the glow were I was simply got bigger. After about 100 cats had done this the light took the form of a 75 meter Cats Furry* I call this skill cats-zilla *Pushes over random building* Okay ready to play? *Steps on Hy*
I'll hopefully psot in HSB tomorow, for the moment all the charas I run seem tied up sadly.
Feh... *Holds both arms up, holding Catzilla's foot* You wanna plauy like that eh? Then I guess I'll summon dark dragon!
cats said:
I think they planed this as pay bakc for when I ditched them for several months to work at a camp. Wich I must say was an odd expeince, yes the one and only city were you have to be 18 to buy a PG 13 movie. I think the LDS went a little over board there.

what is/was LDS
Maester said:
what is/was LDS

Latter Day Saints most of the time they're called Mormon, but some of them consider that rude so I call them LDS more often then not. Coarse I met one religous Zealot that considered that rude. Any how it's a religion that has the Bible and the Book of Mormon, the book of mormon is like the bible but takes place in america, a great deal of stories are of a race out here that the savage native americans killed off before otehr white men arived here, and I beleive their is something to the effect of Jesus visting America while he was alive.

Any how Utah is sort of a promised land for many of them and their religion is very strong there. Here is Vegas they have a fair fallowing, but their else were aswell.
I know mormons :) just did know the abbr. but there is more to than what you said, but thanks for trying if i had just a Mormon tell it all to me that would have been a really good explaination