2'nd ooc: High school blues

Since this thread is at an stand still for the time being, I think I'll be revising one of my older threads... But which one?

Its either "Sword of Yin, Shield of Yang", or "Megaman: Project Zero".
hybirdx said:
Since this thread is at an stand still for the time being, I think I'll be revising one of my older threads... But which one?

Its either "Sword of Yin, Shield of Yang", or "Megaman: Project Zero".
Sword of Yin, Shield of Yang oh good i thought i had accidently kill that one:rolleyes:
Naw, just the orginal... (Just kidding, Its just that people gave up on it too early, so it really didn't have much of an chance)
I'm not much for megaman myself, I don't remeber much of the plot for the either Maester killed it to fast. Really dont let that guy in. *Trusted Feline Lt. of the Horde walks up and wispers in my ear* What do you mean Maester is here? Oh Hi Maester I was just talking about you....

Never hurts to smile.

Actully that was the trhead about reincarnation corrent? I think that has potential.
*hurls cats into a alternate universe of Pain and great demon dogs*

100 Mississippi 99 Mississippi 98 Mississippi. . . . .

3 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 1 Mississippi. . .

ok now:rolleyes:

*Retrieves Cats from the demon dogs*
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Oh back already? I jsut tought them a new trick.... or did I? Maybe they aren't really playing dead.
Lets face it Maester... Demon dogs won't work, we need something more, eh... Evil...

*Snaps fingers, and an horde of nine tailed Kitsune's, and packs of Hell hounds forms an wall in front of Maester and myself.*
;) Cute l like
*walks up and licks the skinless face of a Hell hound with a 13" tongue*

Now that is evil like mama used to make
Heh... *Smiles demonicly* Well now.... *Pets the head of the largest Kitsune in the pack* the only question now is who gets the leg, and who gets the arm?
I have an better Idea.... *Pets the biggest Fox, and the biggest Hell hound* Why don't you two decide...?

*Both beast look at each other, growling, then nodding heads in agreement.* Ah, first come, first serve? Exelent choice! Would you like 4 kegs of blood and beer with your order? *Both nod* Ah! Very good then! bon appentie!
subtly rolls eyes and whispers "that is what the phrase 'Cry havoc and let slip the Dogs'[ i omitted of War] means"

I like that Idea :D
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Maester said:
subtly rolls eyes and whispers "that is what the phrase 'Cry havoc and let slip the Dogs'[ i omitted "of War]"
Like I knew that!
Agreed. Force one! prepair for attack! *Four Hell hounds, and 3 Kitsunes leap in front*

Would you like to do the honors?
Thank you, you are so kind

Penetrate! Consumete! Caedete! Male Vunalrete! IAM!
(for those who do not speak Latin: Attack! Destroy! Kill! Cause harm beyond imagining! NOW!)

*The Beasts seize and cause harm to Cats in ways that no English, no Human words can describe*

I love the smell of blood in the mourning;)

or anytime of day for that matter.
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UH Maester? you just attacked one of his gaurds... Good idea! Force 2! Strike down there first gaurd force! *4 Kitsunes, and 2 Hell Hounds pounce on Cats' force tearing them appart*

Mass murder.. always an pleasure!
hybirdx said:
I have an better Idea.... *Pets the biggest Fox, and the biggest Hell hound* Why don't you two decide...?

*Both beast look at each other, growling, then nodding heads in agreement.* Ah, first come, first serve? Exelent choice! Would you like 4 kegs of blood and beer with your order? *Both nod* Ah! Very good then! bon appentie!

*Places Cats Decoy and leaves while dogs and foxes talk it over and choose bevages*

*Watches from a demention not accisble to non cats.* Looks at cute female cats in swimsuits. *Picks up nearest mouse and swallows it* Cat heaven, they only let you in if you are a cat and have died nine times or more. Thanks to Hy I did that a while ago. The advantages of being both a sigle cat and an army at one, are really nice.
heh... like you had beaten me... *snaps figures, and an horde of shadow cats, who had died 10 times each.* You guys know what to do, go for it boys!
Hey now! I swear I only looked at her once. You guys don't hold grudges right. Come on now you two weren't dateing at the time. ......edited for violence......
Why do that when you can simple alter the laws of physics and metaphysics to merge his demention of "cat heaven" with the inner most circle of Cat hell ( the city of Pessimicanium)
Like so *snaps fingers and it is so*:D