A Conference of Wizards

What is God's last name?

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  • None of the above

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Grilam the Black

He looked between the two wizards, and shook his head. He let out a small sigh, and looked up to Sorian. "Sorian,....don't take this the wrong way, but you're going out of your head. Settle down. Jeez. And as for you, Denoitnem..."

He turned to the high wizard, and shrugged. "As for you, all I can say is that without the link to the book, he should regain normality. As soon as it was taken from his hands, the spell ended. Unless,.....Well, I suppose He could have gotten to Gayln's mind while he had the book. But, I don't see why. And as for finding something to defeat him, it 's not that simple. It's not like there's a spell for this. We just have to gather our resources and go as we are."

He looked at the other two, and shook his head. "You two are starting to scare me. Gather your wits. Settle down. You're acting crazy."

"Oh, okay, all great one," I mock Grilam, "how do you propose that we go about finding the haze again? Seeing as you're the only one of us not crazy," again that tone, "what ever shall we do?"

With that, I start laughing hysterically, just to mess with him.

Lord walks up the Denoitnems room and says Howdy Chaps of course being that denoitnem was laughing and didn't notice Lord just walekd up behind him and slapped his head and ran away laughing. Than he came back sat down and said "dont worry im okay now"
Grilam the Black

He gave a weak smile, and then went back to looking through the books. He checked out the spells. Many were familiar to him, but a few weren't. And a rare few even surprised him. He'd have to take a closer look at this book, and the others in Denoitnem's collection.

"Well, if we're quite done with the shenanigans, can we get down to business. Unless of course, you've forgotten that Demodar is likely to kill us all?"

The parrot flies back into the room and perches above me again. From it's beak, it drops a note on my lap. The communique comes from my front desk and tells me that the haze has just reappeared in the North.

"Grilam, one of your golems faxed my front desk. It seems that we have a reappearance of our lovely enemy." My sarcasm drips from the horrible news.

"Okay, all aboard the Star-Trek like transporters," I murmur, "energize?" The particle beams converge over each of us and we are teleported to Grilam's place in the North, only a mere mile from the haze sighting. "Grilam, you know this place better than any of us," I say as I hand him the note with the specifics.

as we arrive i take time to regain my composure.." ok i'm ok now,but your right there isnt just some spell to use.hold on one sec i need to go get something."with that i teleport to my little shack and search through my books."ahhhh here it is" i said as i found a big white book and transporter back."know i'm ready,much like your book, grilam, i have a book,but mine helps the person in its possesion,the spells contained herein are used solely for healing and combating dark magick used for evil purposes,in other words we have both sides of the art here and the two ppl most suited to use them" smiling as i feel the comforting of the book i notice that both books are glowing just a bit."this is different, i havent had both books this close to eachother before but it shouldnt pose a problem."i say more to myself then to anybody else.
Grilam the Black

He noticed the Book of the Damned was glowing, and let go of it. It latched onto Lord's book, and the glowing intensified, along with the sound of rustling pages. "Oh, great. The books are mating. Lord, keep a hold on those books. Once the glowing stops, inform me, okay? The book these two produce would probably be on Golemworks. I'd like to have it if I may. Anyway, let's go you old fogeys."

With that, he looked at the note, and let out a groan. "Why did it have to be in the balisk trench? Why? Oh well. C'mon chaps. Let's go see the scaly chickens. I hope you brought some mirrors."

Lord stares at Grilam...than shouts out really loud "HEY GRILAM ARE YOU DRUNK!?!?!?!" Sorion has the book not me! Than Lord took the books and stood stnading staring at Grilam

He had just arrived at Denoitnems when they left. He found out courtesy of the cute young lady running the front desk. Cursing he followed their spell with his own arriving there just as Lord grabbed the books. Turning one bleary and somewhat bloodshot eye at him he remarked "Who in all the bloody bolluxed hells are you?" he asked politely of him.

Turning he saw Grilam, smiled and snapping his fingers produced a bottle of whiskey and tossed it to him remarking "It's cold up here old bean, this'll keep the chill off." and looking at Sorian said "And whats wrong with you? You look paler than last years latkes at Passover." and finally turning to Denoitnem said "Okay, so what Demon/Devil/God/Evil Power/Fiend are we chasing foolishy today chap?"

okay, I think things are a little bit shaken up now, but I need to know if The GrandMage or anyone else intends to continue with controlling Demordar, so that I'm simply allied with another person, or if I should simply take over that persona as well and hence become the evil influence in this story. Not trying to butt in on the Demordar persona, I just want to know before I begin posting a relationship between him and Galyn and start ascribing personality traits to him that the OOC controller might not agree with. Let me know, this is a great thread.

Damn, I've gotta stop posting OOC like this. This should be the last time, it interferes with the storyline too much. Just adding to my last post, since The GrandMage was the last person to have control of Demordar (and since he seems to be assuming the Bad Guy persona in all of this) I'm not going to post anything for either character until I hear back from him. Here's hoping he doesn't suddenly get the same problems with his computer that I've had with mine.

"interesting, very interesting," i say as i watch the books, then reaching in my pocket i pull out a couple mirrors" always keep a couple for checking up on the castle." i said as i handed them each one.

Just a hint for you, Blaze: you can edit posts, though I would do it before others post below.

Other than that, if GrandMage doesn't have a problem with it, I think you should assume some about the haze guy (demordar) but leave the ultimate control to GrandMage -- unless he says otherwise. Onward and upward!


Poof, kazaam! That's about all the consciousness that occurs in my brain during these last trying moments. I'm getting old, I think to myself. All I can remember about the last couple of minutes is something about books mating and Glaferin sounding drunk as usual.

"Glaferin, my good friend, how drunk are you? Everyone knows that latkes are eaten on Hanukka, not Pesach. Oh, and we're still facing that haze thingy, by my calculations--though, we have a development in that arena. Grilam found out that the haze is acutally some version of our old friend gone sour--Demordar."
Demodar the Silver-Tongued and Grey Veiled

OOC: Demodar is mine! Mine, do you hear? *overpossessive clutching to the haze* And just to clear up the history, a little story about Demodar:

Grilam and Demodar were the two wiuzards who vied to be the Dark Wizard of the Council. During this time, everyone was a hell of a lot younger, before Galyn became an apprentice, and Lord wasn't even around. Demodar and Denoitnem were good friends, but a young apprentice didn't trust his motices. When the choosing came around, the apprentice found out something- Demodar wanted to use the Dark Arts to rule the world! A division happened, and a battle began. Demodar's followers were all killed, and a great many other wizards fell. This is where the golem made from a wizard came from, and Demodar himself killed Grilam in an attempt to take down Denoitnem. It was actually Denoitnem who finally 'killed' Demodar, blasting his with enough force to rip the flesh from his bones, and throw him into the volcano Demodar had fled to.


He smiled at his new 'friend'. It had been he who had corrupted him, reaching through the book to turn the wizard. A follower. A colleague.

"Welcome, friend, to my home."

It was the 'Fort'. A place where evil wizards had set up defences to fight the rest of the world long ago. A once impressing stone feature, which now lay at the bottom of the sea. The halls were dry, and spells kept you walking with your feet on the floor without the change in angles causing too much disturbance. The floor was covered by a light mist, through which a rich red carpet could be seen. It was a forgotten relic. Covered in cobwebs. But under those cobwebs were dazzling suits of armor, chandeliers, and beautiful works of art.

Demodar himself was clothed in a rich grey cossack. It covered his frail body, which was actually a skeleton. Only his head and shoulders remained wwith flesh. His face was haggard, a long beard running from his chin, hoary. His head was bald, and his eyes were deep-set in his skull. It gave the impression of age, but his voice bespoke his youth.

"Make yourself at home. Dinner is at nine in the great hall. All hallways lead there. It is at the very heart of the castle. Then, we shall speak of what to do with our oppressors, and I shall tell my story. Good eve."

"I've only had a bottle of Jim Bean so far today, ole chap." I replied huffily to Denoitnem's evil assertion that I was drunk, I wasn't and I knew it, maybe they didn't but who cared.

Turning to Grilam I raised my left brow and said "Demodar huh? Well, this means I need to sober up a whole lot. (Snapping my fingers I force the alcohol from my system.) Of course it was fighting Demodar and his hordes of twisted followers that eventually drove me to drink and not losing to that stuck up prick Merlin (a hard look centered on Denoitnem). So Grilam, we've got ourselves your old "friend" to contest with eh? Well, I'll give it my best and thats all I can offer you, but not staying sober, can't do that." was what I had to say to him in reply to Denoitnem's assertion about the haze.

my normally quiet self was a little uptight about the situation.'got to calm down,got to calm myself' i thought as i used a caming spell to ease my mind.as i finished the books split apart and not being able to see them very well anymore."lord if you could do me a favor and grab the books before they mate again as your closer to them then me." i asked not meaning to be lasy but not wanting to have the books mate again.

ooc:books mating? i love it, truely creative!!!!!!!! who thought of it i commend you.
Grilam, question. Did you say that Grilam was killed in a battle against Demordar?


Deciding that the time is perfect for recalling days gone by, I start talking, "Now, some of you are young and weren't around when Demordar was of high esteem in our magical council; and, some of you were barely past being apprentices yourselves. I remember when Demordar was given the seat of dark wizardry.... Then, to our luck, an apprentice stole from his castle--your's now, Grilam" I nod at the wizard, "--and reported to us."

Looking at the faces of my companions, I almost feel like a great-great-great grandfather telling stories in the candle-light. Then gramps saved the day, little ones

"Though Demordar was strong and recruited the finest that evil had to offer, I was able to defeat him by sheer force. The two of us battled on the plains of Namdlo for six hours without rest," save the few tea times and crumpet breaks, I thought to myself, "and eventually overcame his strength. I fear that age is getting to me and I will be unable to defeat him again. We must devise a means to destoy him with all of our power as one...." My voice trails off as I think back to a better time--when Glaferin and Demordar and I drank ale in a lonely tavern.
Grilam the Black

OOC: Okay, first, the name is Demodar. One r. Second, that was supposed to say 'Grilam's wife'. And third, Demodar never actually got the seat of Dark Wizard. The council was choosing between the two when this all came out.

IC: He snatched up the Book of the Damned when they stopped mating. But they were spent. The other book was obviously expecting some little paperbacks any year now (as publishing cycles varied).

Grilam smiled, and turned to the other wizards. "Yeah. Okay. Well, let's be off!"

And with that, he took the mirror he had been given held it and the book in one had, and set off for the Balisk trench.

picking up my book which wass just a bit on the big side, i follow behind grilam.making sure to use the mirror while walking so i dont go getting myself killed.
ooc: thanks for the info... sorry for slaughtering the name.


Following behind Grilam and beside Sorian, I trudge forward. For some reason, the others are using mirrors, but I decide that my old age is enough of a debilitator and look forward through foggy glasses and blurry vision.
Grilam the Black

As they neared the Balisk Trench, Grilam pulled the procession to a stop. He turned around, and looked the others over for a minute. Then, he cast a spell on the mirror, and pulled at the edges, until it was big enough for him to walk behind. Grabbing ahold of the edges, he bent it into a halfcircle. He magiced a handle in the center of the back, and looked to the others.

"Okay. We all know what balisks are. About yea tall, they look like a real ugly chicken covered in scales. Their gaze turns one to stone, and their breath is lethal. I suggest you use a mallable spell on the mirrors so that they can't see you."

He pulled the edges closed, enclosing himself in a cylinder. He grabbed the handle, and started off through the trench.

Realizing why Grilam is being so cautious, I too cast a mirror spell--though mine has a bit more flair. I wear my mirrored sunglasses and shiny camoflauged costume so that none can see me save my chin and overflowing beard.

Suddenly, the noise of gravel crunching echoes through the chamber. "I believe we have company!" I say as the first of the ugly birds turns a corner and heads toward us.
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The Balisk Trench

About the size of a large dog, the grotesque creatures wandered around. Roughly in the shape of a chicken, they were covered in scales and their talons were feirce. Their beaks were crooked and rough, odd angles appearing as they squaked horribly.

They wandered around, staring dumbly around, and batting their heads together. Mostly they just bobbed their heads and staggering around. They blinked at the large mirrors, and a few batted their heads against the mirror images.

One in particular was staring at Denoitnem. The shiny material of his suit didn't make a whole reflection. Instead, it only reflected in a small area. It wandered around after the high wizard, trying to figure out what was wrong with the strange thing it was seeing.

Watching the odd creatures bob around the room has me holding my mouth to keep from laughing. One in particular keeps head-butting Lord. Unfortunately, an observant chicken comes in my direction. Staring into my midsection, it does what I can only describe as some mating dance--circling around me, looking for itself.

The humorous situation is too much--I cackle a laugh between my fingers. The ugly critter that is now before me cocks its head to the side as if astonished by the noise. He then proceeds to try to mount me. Instead, the jump tackles me and I land on my back.