A Dragon's Ransom(closed thread for Poprockz and Justspitballing)

“If I didn’t know better, it almost seems as though you enjoy the idea of being played with like a beautiful little toy.” Shuruk didn’t use his mouth to speak, occupied as it was . Instead, she would hear the voice echoing in her head. She couldn’t answer him, he knew, but he did so enjoy riling her up. An uncontrollable lust was not part of his spell, though it was true that her body was now always wet and ready to receive him.

His tongue started to fuck her mouth, rocking in and out as he delved more and more deeply. There was quite the bulge in her throat, but of course she wasn’t going to break. Suffocation wasn’t even an option for her.
Shuruk's taunts pulled her hand away from her wanting pussy. She still wanted her dignity, and she still wanted to seem strong to this beast. Of course her hands lifting from her sex just made it want to be fucked even more. Maddie closed her eyes, trying to block everything out, as she was mouth raped ruthlessly.

'I'm stronger then him. I'm stronger then him. I'm stronger then him!' she chanted in her head. Of course it struck her that the dragon could read her mind, but let him read this. Let him know that she would stay strong.
Her cute little chant made him chuckle, the vibrations of such an expression traveling down his tongue over her tits, and into her throat. It went deeper, tickling the entrance to her stomach as it fucked her.

“Stronger, you say? Interesting… would you like to make a wager with me? If you can take my tongue without cumming like a slut, then I will grant you a boon of your choosing within reason. I can be very merciful you know. Bow to me, heed my words, bear my children, and worship my cock, and I can give you almost anything.”

His eyes fixed upon her helpless form, waiting for her to respond either with defiance, or agreement. While she wasn’t a dragon, he found her body pleasing to the eye. He would very much enjoy the coming years of using her as a brood mare.
'You can't just make my body do as you please. I need nothing from you, but you wont turn me into your whore,' Maddie thought, surprisingly clearly, the anger pushing her forward.

His tongue was well within her, filling her so deeply. Exploring her in ways she did not think was possible. Playing with her tits while going deep inside of her. Her mind wondered for the smallest of split seconds that if his tongue could do this to her, what could his cock do?! But she quickly stopped this line of thought, hopefully before he could catch it. She had to stay strong.
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He gave no indication that he had heard her next thought after her proclamation of defiance, though he did slowly pull himself from her throat, withdrawing that slick tongue down her body. The idea was that now that she was no longer covering herself, he could show her what his tongue could really do.

Swiftly, he drew his tongue slightly back before plunging it into her sweet entrance. To her, it would feel like a cock bigger than she had ever felt before, but it wasn’t yet the massive size of what he would serve her once he had feasted on her juices. His tongue slithered very, very deeply until it found the entrance to her womb. Its twin-tips teased the entrance as he started to thrust his tongue into the unwilling woman.

“You taste devine, Maddie.”
The sudden thrust of the tongue into her, it quickly licking at her cervix, playing with it, was all to much at once. She had claimed power, that he wouldn't make her cum, but she squirted hard almost instantly after she was entered. A stream of pussy juice shot out of her, her eyes rolling up into her head, her body shaking. She had never came this hard before. Her hands and her skill with self care just could not compare to what this beast could do to her. The feeling blocked out everything as her whole being tingled. She seemed to no longer have a grasp on anything, the pleasure just taking over.

"God, GOD! YES!!! Fuck!... Holy fuck!" she said without thought or reason.

Now he wasn't just raping her, now he was fucking her soul into submission. She covered her mouth for a moment, but her strong moans could still be heard. They would not stop.
His jaw caught her liquids and he swallowed her gift graciously. It was obvious that she was going to be the perfect little brood mare, absolutely lost to the pleasure he could provide her. The thought of it very much aroused him, and he could feel himself start to get hard. Dragons typically had retractable cocks and he was no different. His huge cock came out from his groin and hung there as it engorged, preparing him for when he would slake his own lust.

Meanwhile, his tongue started rolling like the waves of the ocean, pushing against her abdomen and rubbing against her clit on every off-beat. Every now and then he would mix it up by having his tongue thrash wildly within her, twirling and stretching her out.
Maddie's eyes went wide on seeing such a massive and threatening dick. It didn't matter how pleasurable this was, that thing would clearly be to much for her pussy. How would he ever fit!? The fear and sexual pleasure she had going through her body went to war, her body betraying her mind at every turn.

"OH FUCK!!! You're a monster! A fucking monster!" Maddie screamed out, pleasure running through her words.

"PLEASE DON'T! Fill me.. Please... don't..." her eyes got lost as they gazed at the cock before her.
His cock twitched under her gaze, and he found himself pleased that she was witnessing his size before he took her. It would give her a little time to mentally prepare before he skewered her like a shish-kebab. The dragon's tongue retreated from her pussy, and it left her gaping from its girth. He was very eager to start the mating process now. She was wet enough, after all, and he would have plenty of opportunities to taste her. It wasn't every day that a woman took her first dragon cock though.

"Oh, I am going to savor this moment..." he purred, wrapping his hand around her torso before allowing his tail to let go of her. Shuruk was now hard as can be, and he let his cock rest rub against her stomach as he watched her. "Are you ready, human? Are you ready to mate?" There was a wicked glee in his tone as he spoke the words.
Maddie breathed heavily. The intense orgasm had ran her body ragged. She wouldn't be able to walk around for the next little while, let alone fuck. She was completely exhausted by what he had done so far to her. The cock pressed against her stomach, intimidating as ever.

"No... please... don't..." she said, the exhaustion in her voice being clear. She really had been broken down to nothing by this beast, fully helpless against him.
He ignored her words, knowing that after a while of living as the clan’s slut she wouldn’t be able to live without being fucked like this. The proud human would crawl on her hands and knees and beg to be fucked, beg for his seed to grace her fertile body once more. She would be his, body and soul, and someday he might be merciful enough to truly accept her as his mate despite her species. The dragon licked his lips at the thought.

It was time.

Shuruk let his head drag down her belly before pressing the tip against her entrance. It was enormous, struggling to enter her comparatively tiny pussy; that just made it all the more exciting. He growled in pleasure as he finally started to breach her, his head sinking into her warmth as it slowly bullied its way deeper into her body. A normal human body would have been ripped apart by his girth, but her dragon’s blessing (or curse, he assumed she might say) kept her body unharmed.
"UGH!!!" Maddie groaned out as the massive shaft filled her.

In an instant her womb was penetrated by the thing, filled by its great mass. The armor covering her stomach popped off, the fabric under it tared apart, showing off the bulge of flesh that now was formed in her lower body. It was a perfect outline of Shuruk's daunting cock. The mound moved up and pressed against her bouncing breasts, which jiggled relentlessly as the dragon raped her rotten. If the cock pushed in anymore and if he got her chest armor off he could indeed titty fuck her while he was violating her.

Fear and exhaustion covered Maddie's face, but the pleasure of this new advent was starting to over take her. She had just orgasmed, so much so that it had brought her almost to her limits, but her body seemed to want more. Her hands went down and gripped the girth of the cock that was still outside of her, seeming to try and pull it in more. Her body tried to help in the process, pushing down further. Her physical form no longer cared about her limits.

"So large, so much..." were the only words she could muster. It was unclear at this point if she was protesting this or not.
The other dragons watched with rapt attention, interested to see how the enchantment would work on her. She didn't seem to be breaking (her body, at least). While Shuruk was the leader of their group, he was nothing if not magnanimous. It was very likely that once he fucked her enough for her to bear a dragon egg, and once she gave birth to it, he would pass her over to one of them to impregnate. If he was feeling particularly pleased, he might even consider letting them simply fuck her for pleasure's sake. Female dragons were more rare than males, and there were unfortunately none in this area. Thus, it had been a while since any of them had felt a tight sleeve wrapped around their cock.

“Looks like the whore loves it,” chuckled a black dragon as they listened to her moans.

Shuruk chuckled, “Indeed. She will be the perfect breeder.” His cock worked its way a bit further and twitched, her chest armor now clinking uselessly to the ground as her womb distended with her belly so that his cock wedged itself between her tits. It was interesting to see how elastic her skin and womb had become, and he knew that even with his full length inside her she wouldn’t pop. Now more confident how this was going to work, he made the final push and worked all of his shaft into her body. His dick was twice her size, so it was quite the sight to behold.
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The armor broke apart around her breasts, falling to the ground. Now she was almost completely naked. Only her leg armor, her sleeves and her helmet remained. Her tits pressed against the massive bulge of the beasts dick snuggly, giving it a proper titty fuck. The bulge pushed forward, up and past her head. She had to crane her head a bit to see the end of it. He had warped her so greatly, and fucking her so hard. The spell enchanting her must have been working over time to keep her together.

She should have been full of indescribable fear at this point. Instead her eyes were rolled up into her head, a look of spaced out bliss on her face. Her eyes would close and shoot open as Shuruk fucked her in and out of continuous.

"I'm broken," she said, clearly dazed.

At that she climaxed a second time, juices spewing forth from her pussy, her body vibrating from being assaulted so. Her mind forever lost.
"Maybe" Shuruk grinned, "but don't worry, my sweet. I'll put you back together again and again so I can see your beautiful face as you break and fall deeper and deeper into the most pleasurable despair." His cock punctuated this with a hard thrust. It was at this point that he fucked her in earnest, pumping his strong hips to fuck her hard and deep without a shred of mercy. He grunted as he rutted her, savoring the feeling of her tightness. While she might be experiencing being the most loose she had ever been, it was still a very tight fit for him. Her body was constantly trying to get back into her original size, so her woman massaged his member with its unending elasticity.
The bulge moved well above her head and then back down again. Maddie's breasts clung onto it the entire time. Despite her pleads and her lack of awareness at this point, her hands seemed to always grasp back onto Shuruk's shaft as he pulled it out of her and helped him to push it back in and violate her some more. Her mind went in and out. She lost all grasp of time at this point, starting to wonder how long it had been, how long would he do this to her? Was this her entire life now? Was she now just his pet?.....Was that a bad thing?

He was indeed rebuilding her with every thrust. "Yes, make me yours," she whimpered out, her eyes closing once more and her body going limp.
His eyes gleamed with lust at her words, and his efforts redoubled. He was now absolutely wrecking her womb, hunched over her like an animal with his teeth gritted together. She was his. This body he was ruthlessly fucking was Shuruk the Dragon's property, and he knew then that he would never free her. She would continue to be fucked and bear his children long after she had replaced each life she had taken.

"You will always be mine," he growled.

Then it happened: he came. A long groan was heard from the regal dragon as he held himself deep inside her and his cum burst forth from his twitching rod. As expected, it was a dragon-sized load, which was to say that it was far too large for any normal person to handle. As such, it filled her up quickly. She was like a water balloon, her body becoming merely a vessel to house his seed. There was so much of it that some of it spurted from her pussy to coat her thighs. By the end of it, she was as round and bloated as could be. Then and only then, did he remove his dick from her pussy.
Maddie's belly was a bloated and round mess, pushing her well off the ground. By the time Shuruk was done with her she had a womb filled up with so much seed that it stood as high as a person in its own right. Her belly was pushed out by almost six feet. Then his massive cock was slowly slid out of her. The sudden lack of a seal allowed white, rich, cum to come flowing out of her. Spewing forth and splattering all about. Her eyes shot open with this new sensation as she started to empty.

"Thank you...." she said in her still dreamy state.

As the seed escaped from her she quickly put her hands to her sex, seeming to try and stop it. Her body liked being so filled. It was made for it now.

"Is it done now? I'm with your child now aren't I?" Maddie asked, still very much out of it.

What would be next for her? Her mind started to try and grasp what it would mean to carry a dragon to term, but she could hardly keep her thoughts straight. Especially with how she currently was. It was indeed to much for her and she passed out properly. Her eyes closed and she went into a deep sleep.
When the warrior awoke, she would find herself back to her normal size, sleeping in a very comfortable bed. It had been several hours since she passed out and they were now in the morning of the next day. Little bits of cum still dribbled out of her pussy, but it was safe to assume that the vast majority of Shuruk’s seed had been expelled. Her chambers were obviously in a cave, the only light coming from a few wall torches. Though there was no door, the dragons had bestowed upon her a room in which she could recuperate.

The room adjoined a much more vast cave that fit all of the other dragons very comfortably with plenty of space to spare. And by god was there treasure. There was a massive amount of gold and silver, coins and goblets. Upon closer inspection, one might notice that there were five distinct piles of treasure that each of the dragons likely used as a bed. One was gold and silver, one was exclusively jewels, one was of the most expensive silks and cloth one could find, one was made of bones, and the final one was a pile of pure mythrill. It was upon that last hoard that Shuruk was lying upon.
Maddie awoke slowly, now fully naked. The blanket on her was thin, letting the chill of the cave in. She lifted her body, pulling the blanket off of herself, seeing the cum dripping from her pussy. The proof that she had been raped rotten, made into that beasts sexual plaything. For a moment she felt herself dipping, almost like she was moving down to lick up the seed. She quickly caught herself, pulling herself back and standing up and off the bed.

"No! We will have none of that!" she ordered herself.

Then she quickly put her hands over her mouth, realizing how important being silent was. It was true, Shuruk had made her cum harder then she thought possible and had her acting like his wanting pet by the end of their fucking session, but what was also true was who she was. She was Maddie The Mad! She had been flirted with by many a man, and a few nice lasses, but she did not wish to give her heart to any of them, or her body either for that matter. She dressed often in the most of revealing of armors, but that was always for her own empowerment, her own enjoyment. She didn't care for who looked at her. They could never give away her own heart, or her soul, or her body. She was her own being, and she liked it that way. To her kneeling to this beast was the highest sign of weakness and it went against almost all of what she stood for. Hadn't she killed 14 dragons? Wasn't she a legendary hero? She could get out of this. If anything Shuruk had doomed himself by making her next to immortal.

First thing was first, she had to get out of here, but also, the chill here needed to be dealt with, so she also had to get dressed. The thin blanket on her bed would never due, but the well made cloth in the pile just a bit before her? That would.

She quickly moved forward, but silently, carefully. She had to make sure not to wake any of these beasts. She swiftly reached the pile of silk and cloth and sunk her hands in, grabbing at them and slowly lifting one of the fine garments.
It was the black dragon who slept upon the pile of silks. He was smaller than Shuruk, but was still a very large being. It looked as though he had two pairs of wings and horns that curled like a ram's. As she dug her hands into his hoard, one of his red eyes popped open and fixed upon her.

"The little one awakens," he whispered, keeping his voice down so as not to disturb the others. "You may indeed take one garment from my hoard, but I expect for you to make it worth my while at a later time."
Knowing that if she then sprinted away like she originally planned to do he would quickly call the rest of the dragons for help, Maddie was forced to quickly and eagerly nod. She couldn't risk angering these monsters anymore.

"I will give you special treatment. Just don't tell Shuruk," Maddie winked at the creature.

She quickly pulled the silk around her and knotted it. It was a soft and comforting blue that lightly grasped the rock under her. It felt so charming it was hard to put into words. Dragons at least knew how to enjoy themselves. She nodded again and headed back to her room. Maybe she could make that one jealous of Shuruk and want to pick a fight with him? Maybe she could escape in the chaos that would fallow? She had only the most ruff ideas at this point.
The dragon’s lips curled into a smile and he winked back at her, his eye flicking down and back up her body in a flirty way before she turned to leave.

About fifteen minutes after she returned, someone entered her room. It was a pale elven man who looked about her age, but who knew how old he was with how long elves lived. He had a tray of food and water, looking as though it had just been prepared. He offered her an awkward smile before nodding his head at her. “The masters told me that you might need some food and water.”
"How kind of him," Maddie said, she let a bit of her anger out in her words, feeling that this elf must be kept here as a prisoner just like she was.

She took the tray of food and poked at it very slowly at first. She didn't really have a choice. She had to gain some of her strength back after being fucked so very hard. But still, she took her time.

"How long have you been in his company?" she asked. The longer he had served these dragons, the less likely he would be to betray them. She had to figure out if this man was a threat or a help.
He shrugged, "about 50 years, so not too long." The elf offered her a sad smile. "Krajeen had heard about me from some adventurers, so he went to my city and demanded to take me or he would burn down every person, animal, and house for miles. I was blessed by a Djin, so I cry tears of diamonds."

He sighed and sat down on a nearby boulder. his eyes were a piercing green while his brown hair was long and elegant. His wardrobe was one of the fine silks from the black dragon and he wore a gold earring in the left earlobe of his pointed ears. Like a lot of elves he was tall and willowy, and he had calluses on his graceful fingers to indicate that he may have proficiency with a bow.