A question...


Really Experienced
Sep 9, 2008
So, I turned 50 this year (prompting continuous ribbing from the 13 yr old that I am half way to 100 now and I'm an inch shorter than I was 5 years ago) and I have find that the older I get, the more intolerant I've become to people's bullshit (both in and out of my place of work) and how further I have moved towards more...militant left wing views.

Anyone else found that as they hit the half century or thereabouts?
So, I turned 50 this year (prompting continuous ribbing from the 13 yr old that I am half way to 100 now and I'm an inch shorter than I was 5 years ago) and I have find that the older I get, the more intolerant I've become to people's bullshit (both in and out of my place of work) and how further I have moved towards more...militant left wing views.

Anyone else found that as they hit the half century or thereabouts?
This described me at about 30. Can't wait to see how 50 goes.
BS meter is on overtime.
I always considered myself a liberal. At 55 that all changed.
I had a disabled sister, on her way to being wheelchair bound, denied disability, and another person, on social security disability for his back pick up his 22-yr old daughter for graduation pictures. The system sucks.

I am very disgusted with how far things have gone within the LGBTQ+ community.

I married a man who preferred ladies panties to men's and liked the feel of a bra.
This grew into more clothes. I was tolerant, because I loved him.
We are not together, he is now a she. Top surgery, name and gender legally changed.

When legal forms were being changed, she wanted me to sign for a new marriage license stating I married her, not the man I did marry.
Every time I see a new Healthcare provider, I fill out insurance information. Then they ask who holds the policy, I give her name. They ask relationship, i say spouse.

I am happy that she us happy.
I hate how this affects me telling perfect strangers I am married to a woman.

Intolerant of how other's lives impact mine.
BS meter is on overtime.
I always considered myself a liberal. At 55 that all changed.
I had a disabled sister, on her way to being wheelchair bound, denied disability, and another person, on social security disability for his back pick up his 22-yr old daughter for graduation pictures. The system sucks.

I am very disgusted with how far things have gone within the LGBTQ+ community.

I married a man who preferred ladies panties to men's and liked the feel of a bra.
This grew into more clothes. I was tolerant, because I loved him.
We are not together, he is now a she. Top surgery, name and gender legally changed.

When legal forms were being changed, she wanted me to sign for a new marriage license stating I married her, not the man I did marry.
Every time I see a new Healthcare provider, I fill out insurance information. Then they ask who holds the policy, I give her name. They ask relationship, i say spouse.

I am happy that she us happy.
I hate how this affects me telling perfect strangers I am married to a woman.

Intolerant of how other's lives impact mine.
That is rough. Several friends have or are going through the same process.
I'm not sure what is meant by this statement. I have certain views on this one.

At nearly 50 BS I can deal with, I have become less patient especially with my staff procrastinating.

On a plus side, libido is up.
Congratulations on the libido. I wish my man was bragging about that. It's OK, I have permission to get what I need whereby need it.
My work pet peeve is when I have to do something twice because someone after me dropped the ball.
That is rough. Several friends have or are going through the same process.
We went to Las Vegas on 2014(ish). My spouse dressed fully femme and we went to a female impersonator show.
The show was amazing. She had a great night out. I helped with hair (wig) and make-up. I even loaned her a blazer to wear as a coat. The evening was cool enough that it was more comfortable with something light.
We agreed with her presenting femme, we would be friends on a girls weekend away.
We shared a table with another couple and were chatting away. She slipped and referenced "our daughter" and i frozen inside.

I have never been interested in lesbian relations, and that concept disturbed me.

After 34 yrs living as married partners, we separated. When she had her debut, she said everyone was welcoming and understanding. But many of them had a look as if now they understood why I had moved out.

I found myself avoiding situations where I could run into any of our former friends.

Admittedly, if anyone asks, I am happy to tell them everything. She did it.
50 was when I said 'fuck it!' Fuck the left. Fuck the modern right. The Greenies are a bunch of putrid social engineers who have more slogans than worthwhile ideas. I am finally ready to have a family, and I want that weird chick over there to be their mother because she would be the perfect batshit crazy mom. Etc... Did I act on any of it, well - yes, I did, but not the family and the weird chick because that would fuck up a lot of lives, and it is just kinder that my life remains fucked up.
Yes, there seems to be something that happens as one hits the half-century mark. My tolerance for other peoples' nonsense is fading, and I'm far more focused on what I believe is correct action than which social/political/religious group's name is on it. For example, I'm part of an established religion that teaches homosexuality is wrong, I have a gay kiddo who I support as best I can and have honest conversations with them about what I believe and why, and why they shouldn't take my word for it but research it themselves, and I've quit three jobs in five years given I didn't want to deal with the drama.
So, I turned 50 this year (prompting continuous ribbing from the 13 yr old that I am half way to 100 now and I'm an inch shorter than I was 5 years ago) and I have find that the older I get, the more intolerant I've become to people's bullshit (both in and out of my place of work) and how further I have moved towards more...militant left wing views.

Anyone else found that as they hit the half century or thereabouts?
Exact opposite. Went from Lefty Lib to Righty Conservative. A lot of personal beliefs were uprooted, politically, spiritually and psychologically. I became someone else. Marriage ended. Went thru a few relationships. I’m 66 now and not done learning.