🕸️🎃🧛🏻 Neighborhood Trick or Treat 2023🧛🏻🎃🕸️

I will take the milk duds, mike & Ike’s and dots
Also willing to take any unwanted Reese’s or snickers

Trick or Treat Destination #29

Lets see those costumes. The day is near! Bring your favorite pumpkin themed treat and meet @Nevyn_Black in

Nevyn's Cave

What do you get when you mix sexy, sultry and spooky fun? Let's find out!

Trick or Treat Destination #31!!!!

We made it to the spookiest night of the year! Where the veil is the thinnest... you can see everything through that thing ;) Come visit me over in

PLP'S Bazaar of the Bizarre

or hit up your favorite neighborhood destination again!!!

Thanks to everyone who made this fun! On a personal note, my month was much busier than I expected so I appreciate everyone who carried the spooky torch for me when I wasn't as present. I hope you all had fun and got to visit some new places!!