Acrolaw... open...

The bird spread its wings as it neard the tree line, Rayet jumped off in a back flip and landed, the second one did the same thing, only Rayet held Tasha up and brought her down floating next to him in a standing position. You don't look so good, you humans are really weird. He looked at her, her eyes seemed to be a bit wider than normal. Funny creatures He looked at her and dropped down branch by branch to the ground, and floated her down to her feet.
leaning against the tree after her feet touched ground. She did her best not to throw up. Once her stomach calmed down. She looked over to Starblade. Thinking.It might be best for you to stay here till i return. Tho you are welcome among my people. These villagers will not feel the same..and most humans fear what they dont understand. i will be back as soon as i can.

Standing upright she begain to walk twords the path that would lead to the village.
Justin carefuly watched the village for anything out of the ordinary. He also scanned for food. His stomache growled in anger. "Its been days since I ate something... I knew I should've grabed that deer when I had the chance..."

Justin hit his forehead lightly. "C'mon... Focus Justin, focus." Justin, now more focused on watching the village looked around to see if anybodie was around. When he saw that he was alone at the moment, he howled at the sky, then waited for a few seconds before he heard holws from nearby wolfs. "No slavers huh? Maybe we did kill them all... In this region at least..."
"karnamin n'eleaamin Correllon" His body dissappeared and he kept a pace beside her they cannot see me and neither can you, if you look to your left that is where I am He brushed her left sleeve to make a point. I can follow you, the birds are returning home, so once you have required what you need contact me, I can get us back.
Tasha gave a small start. Then hearing Sarblade in her head she nodded that she underdstood.

Contiuing on into the Village she went into the buildings talking to the people she needed to. They let her know that they would bring the supplys as soon as they could. Thanking them she headed back out of town. Thinking Great.. if things go well the supplies should make it to our village with in a weeks time.

Tasha couldnt wait to get back and give her people at least this small amount of good news. She also wanted to talk to Justin. She was still botherd by his reaction to her vow, as well as asking him to stay awhile longer.
Sensing it was about time to leave, Rayet touched the woman's shoulder Come to the forest, I don't want them to see you dissapear and believe the dark elves are up to something again.

Walking behind her, until they were away from prying eyes, he placed a hand on her shoulder again, "mankellye naaie antaoo." The world around them twisted and changed and then after the disorientation, the world went back to it's normal image, only they were standing outside of the building where everyone else was.
ohhh wow i think i need to sit down a moment Tasha said sitting down right where she was. Waiting for her stomach to catch up with her.

Looking around to see if she could spot Justin. Myst, and Andre she knew had said they were going off to search out the caves. Silvia was still inside with most of the villagers. The ones that were heald or at least felt alot better were going to see what they could salvage of their belonging's.
Sorry, there's really no remedy for that. You have to get used to it. Not all of the people ever get used to it either, so don't feel bad. Besides you only have lived to see 18 summers. He looked at her, still standing besided her, but wanting to stay invisible for a while, to see who he could scare or other odd pranks.
umm thanks i think... was that a complement?????? Tasha thought with a smile as she sat there for a little while longer. Spotting Justin on the roof. She slowly got to her feet, and then sat back down. Nope legs not quite ready to move yet. She said laughing.
You can percieve it as such. I still find it odd for one who probably has experienced less than I have is so mature. I have seen over a hundred springs and yet, you're more of an adult than I am. He noticed Justin, and decided to scare him. He jumped up to the roof in one swift motion, noting that Justin didn't notice him, Rayet tickled his ear and stepped back, making no sound.
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Justin watched clouds silently move in the sky. He noticed that Tasha had returned quickly, but with no Rayet? "Tasha? I thought Rayet was with you?" Justin suddenly felt something tickle his ears, so he scratched them, thinking it was only the wind. Then he felt that tickle again.

'What now?' Justin thought to himself slightly annoyed.
Noticing no real reaction, he tickled his other ear and stepped back again.
Now Justin was just plain pissed. This time he snapped around grabed whoever it was by the hand and calmly stood up. "Okay, Joke's over."
Feeling suprised, at how fast he moved, wondering whether or not to drop the illusion, and also wondering if he could even see it. He stood there, silent for moments as he studied this strange being. He then realized that Justin said something to him, frowning, he didn't know what to do. Rayet thought, hmm, should I tickle him?? No, well, hmm, he traced some elven on the roof and let magic go into it, the words floated up and glowed. If he could read it, it said "I'm not here to harm, just play."
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Justin's took a short glance at the sign. "Only for play huh...?" Justin thought about for a second. Then relized this thing had a familiar scent. Justin sniffed a few times before his eyes glowed in agrivation.

Rayeeet.... You're lucky I didn't cut your head off by acident!
You, my friend are too jumpy, and for you information, Starblade of Clan Windsong

"Rayet Sulina" said outloud, as he put that last thought in Justin's head. He then tickled Justin in the armpit of the arm that was holding his hand.
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Justin's cheeks puffed a bit as he tried to maintain his laughter. He quickly pushed away from Rayet and jumped off the roof. Or... More like slipped and fell off the roof.
as he watched Justin start to slip, he stamped down on the roof and grabbed the arm that was previously holding on to him with both hands. Thinking uh oh, I don't think I'm strong enough. By Corellon I'm not. As Rayet felt Justin pull him down towards the edge, hmm, he realized that they were both going off. He let go of Justin, and called out "Faenya sul, sul sii!!" A torrent of wind caught them and bouyed them in the air, Tasha was being tugged by the wind and he let the wind drop in some places to slowly let Justin down and then he dropped it. Hitting the ground next to him. Rayet, pounced off to brush Tasha's hair, and then tickled her as well.

The trip back was uneventful for both Andre and Myst, by the time the village came into view Myst was ready to see it. "I am hoping Tasha has made it back with Starblade so we can get this going. The villagers need to be moved today soon." Looking back over her shoulder to Andre noticing how quiet he had been on the way back.
Tasha had finaly caught her breath from laughing at Justin, and Rayet, as they came off the roof. When Rayet started tickleing her she jumped up laughing again, and saying.. OK OK enough ... Are you ok Justin? We have some good news the supplys from the other village should be here in a week or so. Depnding on the roads, and wether or not they run into any mt. Trolls in the process.

Still smiling as she looked around. Have Myst, and Andre made it back yet??
Justin sighed. "Yeah... I'm okay..." He sat up and brushed some of the dust out of his crimson hair. 'Have Myst, and Andre made it back yet??'

"I haven't heard from them yet. I'm sure they'll be back soon though." Justin stood to his feat and groaned a bit, his stomache silently growling in agrivation.
Hearing Justins stomach rumble made Tashas own stomach ach for she hadnt eaten ether. Smiling at Justin. I]Perhaps Myst and Andre will bring back some game.[/I]

She said picking up her bow, and arrow's. Grinning as she noticed that her legs would indeed hold her again. Laughing she said..Try not to let Starblade get to you.... Thinking to Starblade..If he eat's you. its your own fault. hehehe
The spell finally wore off, making him appear next to them.

You two are going to go hunting?? I'm pretty sure inside the forest I can find a house, and get some food for the two of you. If not I can try to summon one, but that'll take a lot of time, and I don't know if I can do that.

He looked at them unsure of what to do.
Justin shook his head. No, I'd rather hunt... It would calm my nerves. Justin looked at the sky, letting as many scents his nose could smell, float in. 'Odd,' Justin thought to himself, 'Food is very scarce right now... I would have expected that there would be much more game than this...'
Okay, I'm going to go look for a house then, because I'm hungry myself, if I'm lucky there might be people there and they can direct me to hunting grounds. He messsaged to the both of them, and walked off in the direction of the forest.