Acrolaw... open...


Quirking an eye at Justin with his comment of flattery. Trying not to laugh even more, paying more attention to him as he mentions the healing herbs as well as food. "It seems you are a very good provider you will make some woman a very good wife someday."

Smiling Myst moves slightly away from the fire and Justin. For some reason she was in a good mood and Justin just happened to be good to tease. Whirling around as she hears the sqawk come from behind her. Myst finally sees Starblade just as Justin makes the comment about bird men and fires.

Shaking her head a little Myst quickly moves toward Starblade thousands of questions running through her mind. Opening her mind to Starblade she asks, "are you ok? I felt your sorrow did something happen were you hurt?" Eyeing him checking to see if she could find any signs of harm upon the areas she can see.

Speaking out loud so all can hear her, "come into the light Starblade the fire is small and will not harm you." Mind speaking the words to him as she reaches her hand out to him offering it to him to take.
Justin raised his eyebrow. 'Wife?' Justin though to himself. 'I never thought of the possibility of marrying somebody in my own race, let alone somebody other.' He finished cleaning the fish and stuffed half of the salmon with edible hearbs, and apples, then did the same to the catfish. He stuck all of the fish on one stick each, and placed them near the fire so they could cook.

Justin walked back to where he was sitting and sat back down to clean his dagger. "This should hold us for a bit. I can get more tommorow.
"See much better" Saphire said as she turned around to face the stranger........He was gone. She glanced around he had just disappeared. Scratching her head Saphire didn't know what to make of it. Was he a dream or did she say something wrong.

She decided it didn't matter she would be moving on with first light which wasn't far off. She began to prepare some of the fish she had left over for her breaking of fast since last eve.

After eating her full she packed up her belongings and tighten the packs straps on Onyx her noble steed. Kicking some dirt over the fire and hiding its evidence she led Onyx to the stream to drink before they departed.

Saphire loved early morning it was just amazing to hear the birds come to life around you as the sun began to peek its head up and greet a new day. She smiled and stretched cat like before she mounted up and rode in the Direction of Acrolaw.
The venison was nearly ready. Hard years spent living off the land, had taught Andre all he needed to know about cooking his catch.

He heard all the coomotion going on around him, but as was his want, shut out all the unneccesary noise, instead sending his mind out seeking all hints of danger. His Mind but a single beam, nearly impossible for anyone to pick up, unless he desired it so. Finding no hint of danger for the moment his thoughts returned to cooking the venison.

This group was one strange collection of characters, birdpeople, drow, humans, and who knew what else. Myst was very attractive, but had a bit of a chip on her shoulder. Who could blame her I guess, it must be tough, living near all these humans, never knowing whether you would be accepted.

Deftly cutting a piece of meat with his knife, tasting the perfectly cooked meat. "

"Meats ready"
He took off his pack, and pulled out his cloak, and a large bundle out, putting it in her hand. Here's a fish I caught. He looked up at her, No, uh the fire, um I'll stay out here, fires make me uncomfortable. He looked at her face, I uh ran into some complications with drow and some fey. messaging to her, looking back into the ground as he thought drow. He stayed pensive for a few moments, and looked up and smiled at her, Thank you for guiding me back, I would never have found this place. He looked thoughtful again, Oh, I saw this woman creature, looked human who was out there in the forest, next to a river.

Hearing Starblades words Myst begins thinking what would a Drow be doing on the upper world. They only stayed to the caves unless... Shaking her head a bit at the thought that came to her mind.

Taking the offered package from Starblade continuing to listen but with only half an ear now. Still thinking upon his words of the Drow.

"You are my friend, your gift to me was great and I felt your need. It was the best I could do since I was not able to come to you. I did not know tho that one could feel anothers need out side of their own race. Have you ever experienced such an event?" Speaking this to Starblade, using her thoughts to ask then as his last words caught her. "Wait a woman you say... in the wilds alone?"

Turning to the others at the fire Myst relays what Starblade has seen of the woman. Not knowing if they had heard his mind speak or not. Using her mind once again to speak with Starblade, "you have traveled far my friend are you hungry.. there is roasted venison and soon to be fish. I could bring you some if you would like to rest."

Walking over to Andre swatting down to look at him smiling, "thank you the deer does smell wonderful and as my stomach is telling me I am sure it will taste just as good." Reaching her hand out hestitantly to place it softly against Andre's. Then speaking softly only to him, "thank you also for earlier your words were kinder then I have ever heard anyone speak to me."
Yes a woman I don't know where she was headed. She had this large four legged animal with her, otherwise alone. He looked as Myst left I've already eaten, looking back up into the skies, I'll be resting, you know how to find me, Carinea is around if you look for her.

He breathed a sigh of relief as she left, at least she didn't catch on what I was hiding. He picked himself up and went off to find a tree, as he had his bird waddle inside.
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Thank you Andre, Justin. This is wonderful. Tasha said as she sliced some of the venison. I'll eat myself when i get back i am going to take some of this to Silvia, poor girl wore herself out taking care of the villagers and children. She said standing and moving away from the fire twords the building.

Trying not to think of what would happen should her new friends decide to leave once the villagers were safe, and debating on wether she should try to find the girl Starblade was talking about or leave her be.
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Justin quietly took one of the 20 salmon and moved torwards a set of trees away from the others. The fish he grabed was furthest from the fire, so it was only half cooked. But this was how Justin was used to. He was often cooking quick and eating quicker so he wouldn't attract scavengers like low-level lizard men.

Justin took a bite, his fangs easily ripping through the fish.
Returning to the others after taking Silvia her food. Tasha noticed Justin over by the Trees, and wondered why he intentonaly seperated himself from them.

Walking over to join him. She stopped not far from him. she didnt want to upset him. You promised to explain when you return'd, but before you do. I wanted to say that I am sorry for being intrusive i shall of corse leave it be if you wish. You've a right to pivacy, and need not explain anything. Its enough for me to know that you as well as the others are my friend. She said looking up at him.
Looking at Myst, Andre spoke again.

"I speak what is in my heart, there is no reason to do otherwise. You seem to be very good, and kind, and I feel there is some reason that we have been drawn together." Her hand upon his lit a fire in Andre's soul.

Andre's eyes took in the the movements of everyone. Mentally keeping track of all their actions, one could never be to sure of his companions.

"I have spent a good number of years away from my home, and still have much to accomplish, ere I can return there again."
Justin mentally sighed. 'I guess its time I told somebody...' He slowly lifted his arm and pointed to the sout-east. "That way, when the sun is brightest, and if you look hard enough, you can see a giant white mountain that leads to the Eternal Frost Region. Thats is where my race lives. That is where my home is... Or... At least... Used to be.

When I was a child, my brother Sabin and I lived in one of the 5 villages with our mother. It was pretty much carefree except for the the giant snakes, and occasional Ice-wing clan's attacks. But that all changed when Sabin turned 15, and I turned 12. Sabin mastered the Glacier pack's style of elemental magic, wich was very odd because nobody under the age of 50 has ever mastered the style of magic. Villagers started wondering like the whereabouts of our father, if we were evolving while the rest were not, or, even the shallow possibility that we were half-breeds.

When I master the form of magic at the age of 12, they became downright vicious torwards us. Calling us freaks, picking on us, beating us up, some even had the guts to try and sneak into our rooms and try to kill us in our sleep. Our mother just told us to stay strong and continue on with our lives, and they would eventually acept us. I foolishly belived in her kind words, but Sabin thought otherwise. He knew what the inevitable outcome was if we continued to listen to our mother. He thought we should have fought back, showed them we wern't afraid. But he played along for my mother and for my sake.

Then, one night a group of villagers snuck over to our house, and set it on fire. Our mother got Sabin and I to safety at the cost of her life." Justin shook his head, his eyes turning into a grayish aqua green color. "This was the final straw for Sabin, the sight of our dead mother made him snap. At first he just acted calm, when we buried our mother, he had an erie smile on his face, when we went to sleep in the ashes of or house, he still had that smile...

When I woke up the next day, I heard screems comming from the village next to us. I ran out the house and saw the destruction Sabin had left. Every bodie in our village was dead, brutally murdered. I picked up my sword and ran to the next village and saw the culprit for these brutal murders. Sabin with that smile still plastered on his face. He wanted revenge. And wasn't going to stop until he destroyed all of the villages. I had to stop him, no matter what... I got in a lucky shot and stabed Sabin in his side. He droped dead and I passed out in exhaustion. But, when I came to, Sabin was gone. Only thing he left was a trail of blood leaving the villages, And..." Justin pulled up the right sleeve of his shirt, revealing what look like an scar caused by ice magic. "... This scar.

I left the village soon after. They didn't want me anyways, and I had to know if Sabin was in fact alive.To this day, nightmares of my past still haunt me. For 7 years I had been searching for somebody I don't even know if he wants to be found. Let alone the fact I don't know if he's even alive..." Justin looked at Tasha. "So thats it... I'm a lone wolf searching for somebody... But... Maybe its time for me to rest..."
I am sorry for your loss, and i thank you for your trust in telling me your tail. I understand what its like , not kowning if your brother is alive or dead. I lost one brother myself in this battle, but the other is still missing. You are still welcome here for as long as you like. Come let us join the other's. Tasha said.

Tasha smiled up at Justin, he had a look on his face like he almost didnt believe, he was still welcome. Would you like to be left alone for a few moment's? We still have a little bit of time before we need to move the villagers, for i still need to eat. I'll go join the others. Take your time and join us when your ready.

Turning Tasha went and joind the other's at the fire, slicing off some of the venison it looked as tho the others were done, but she only took a little bit incase someone wanted more.

Seeing the look in Andre's eyes as he says the word home makes Myst wish she had a place to call home. Speaking softly, " your home awaits you and it must be a special place to be for the look of wistfulness that I see in your eyes. I am sorry if I upset you earlier truly I am, this world has not been very kind to me. But that does not excuse my actions earlier, you have a generious soul as does the rest of these people who have banded together." Picking a seat close to Andre Myst sits and stares at the fire for a few minutes.

Watching Tasha cut a small piece of deer and thinking how does one stay alive on such small portions. "Tasha please there is plenty to go around you must take more. You will need strength of body this day as well as mind. For that you must eat to rebuild what you have used of you strength." Smiling at Tasha as she helped herself to a bit of the fish Justin had brought back.
OOC = sorry guys but RL commitments and other online commitments on this forum and others are taking up way too much of my time so I am cutting back on some of the threads I post in. Sorry I am going to have to write Saphire out as I just don't have the time to commit to it that, I thought I would. Thank you very much for allowing me to join I am just sorry I have to let you down.


IC =

Saphire rode for along while in silence she was still tired from her broken sleep the eve before, rounding a bend she began to drift in and out of slumber swaying on Onyx's back.

Just as the peacefulness of the ride was going to force her into slumber Saphire was rudely awaken by a sharp clawed creature pouncing on her from the tree, Saphire screamed and kicked wildly trying to free herself from its grip but its claws held her to tightly and ripped at her skin.

Onyx startled by the beast galloped off spooked by the attack heading for the mountains, Saphire fought as hard as she could she smacked and kicked at the creature and screamed as loud as she could. But there was no use these woods were to isolated no one could hear her.

Saphire glared at the beast her yellow eyes flickering with anger, this seemed to anger this cat like creature as it gripped her throat and began to choke the life from her pounding her delicate head into the earth.

Saphire felt a sharp pain as her head collided with a rock and then she felt the sticky warmth of blood spill from her head before the world went dark......................

Onyx ran on deep up into the mountains, still carrying Saphires weapon a jewel encrusted sword and her supply pack the steed sought shelter from the cat like creature that attacked him and his master.
Tasha smiled and nodded her thanks to Myst as she cut a little more of the deer, and took a peace of the fish. I think once everyone is done eating we should move the villager's.she said as they Heard a Cat's Yell in the distance.
Justin watched Tasha return to the others, then looked back at the dim glowing moon, sighing slightly. "Maybe... I'll just rest for a bit..." Justin started to dose off as his eyes started to grow heavy.

That was until his sensitive ears picked up a distant screem. He quickly shot up and stood up on the thick tree branch he was standing on. He looked back at the others and shook his head. "I can check this out on my own... There is no need to concern them..." Justin jumped off the branch and into the forest, following the sound's trail.
Starblade heard the howl, roused from his reverie, he saw Justin move through the forest, deciding to check things out as well, started hopping branches following the man. What was that cry? He sent to the red haired warrior.
Justin lept off the tree he was walking on and carefuly watched the scenery around him. "I'm about 2 or 3 miles from the village... Whatever it was must be near..."

What was that cry?

Justin snapped around to see Starblade standing behind him on the branch he was just on. Starblade?! Justin made a grunting sound and turned his head. Its probaly nothing serious... Go back to the others... I check it out. Justin began to walked torwards the area he heard the scream, but relised that Starblade seemed to be following him, this made Justin snap around again. ".... Rrrrrgh...! Fine! Follow if you want!"
Seeing Starblade follow Justing to investagate the cry. Tasha decided it was time to move the villager's. She recognized that call. She couldnt forget it if she tryed. They hadnt gotten all of the Cat men after all......

I am sorry everyone but we need to move out now. We will have to watch for fair folk as well as kolbold's as we travel they like to snatch the little ones. She said moving on ahead to Tell Silvia and the other's it was time to go.

"Sounds good lets get those people moved that cat call wasn't to far away and I choose not to be here when they get here. Want to help me wrap up the food Andre?"

Turning to start packing up things making sure all was properly secured. Andre still hadn't spoke much to her and it began to really worry Myst that maybe she would not be allowed to stay with these people as long as she had hoped. Once she got these people to safetly she would take her leave she desided.
Tasha was a good person and would be a good leader, she seemed to have the help she would need to set back up her village.

*sighing softly* Myst lets her dream of fitting in slip slowly away from her and continues to work at preparing for the journey. This would be a long slow trip but she knew they would make it.
After preparing the villagers and getting them ready to move out Tasha noticed that Myst seemed to be seperating herself a little form the other's.

Walking over to join her Tasha smiled and said.Thank you Myst i appreceate your help i couldnt do this without you and the others to help me. I am glad i can call you friend. I wish for you to know that you and the others are welcome here for as long as you wish.

Watching her face Tasha could tell that Myst didnt quite bleave her so she contiunued.

I will not juge you in any way for anything. Be it race.. a past crime it matters not.... The only way you would not be welcome amonge me and my people is if you had been the one to attack us or bring harm to us, and you have not. I would lay down my life for yours................. Should you decide to leave. As far as i am concernd if you ever need help. All you have to do is say so or send a massive, and i will be there to aid you in any way that i can.

Smiling Tasha waited for Myst to reply she new that she was long winded, and that it would take her a few moments to think on all that she had said.
"Sure, Myst I'll help prepare for leaving."

He quickly joined her in preparing all the food for their trip.

"You know, this people will need someone like you to help them. The others are still young, and they make foolish mistakes. Your wisdom and skills in healing will be greatly needed. But if you decide not to stay with them, I would ask that you allow me to travel with you. There is much that we could learn from each other."

Speaking with his mind so that only she could hear. There is much that I could teach you about guarding your thoughts, and farspeaking, if you wish the knowledge
When Justin arived at the area he heard the screem, he could not find anyone, or anything. But his nose did smell blood, and alot of it. "Huh... No body, but this area reaks of blood... so..." Justin scaned around yet saw nothing. This was becoming disturbing to the traveler as he knew that there was always an unsettling calm before an heated battle.

"Where is it... THERE!" Justin snapped aroundas a cat-like creature landed on the ground. It wasn't a slaver, it was too big to be, plus it had fur. But its growls and the way it scanned Justin's possible weak points with its eyes was just like a slaver. Justin also carefully watched the creature for any points of weakness he could take advantage, because it was obvious he wasn't getting out of this situation with out a fight. In the creatures jaws, laid a woman's limp body.

"So... You're the one causing all that noise... Alright..." Justin placed his hand on his sword and readied himself as the creature released the dead woman from its drooling jaws. "Since its more than obvious that I'm not going to leave without a fight, lets get this over with!"
Still following Justin, Starblade saw the large creature, not sure what it was, decided to stay away. What is it Justin? Not waiting for a response, decided to chant. The air filled with magic, it congealed around Justin. I have made your body able to withstand physical blows and you are able to shrug off magical energy.