AI A New Era - 11111100110

This has given me an idea for the Letters of Love event, I think Agent AI is far from retired.
Yes, I had that in the Admin note. But mine is a short story at just over 3K words.
Hmm, mine was supposed to be 7K and I blew past that and had to pull the plug before I hit 27K, I wanted to get it in before the 1st so there may be a second installment in the future (I don't do chapters any more)
Hmm - I think I need to add a meaning of AI also... to Augmented Individual
Ok, so it looks like the stories are getting published when they are ready. Mine, Duleigh's and Bettiezyx just went up in Sci-Fi - there may be others but not in that catagory and it doesn't look like there's any master list available yet.

My story for this challenge (AI ERA: HER NEW TOY) published today. I thought by posting it Thursday that it might take at least until Monday to publish.
Lifestyle66, our stories seem to have had 'AI A New Era 2022' added to the tags (as well as just 'AI A New Era'), but it doesn't seem to have been added to yours. I'm not sure if this means it might end up getting overlooked later on.
Duleigh, you realize that our two stories are going up in the same category on the same day as bettiezyx's automatically generated AI story. We have to score higher, not just for our own sakes, but for the good of humanity...
I've hit roadblocks on all three of my tales, despite starting early and attempting to stay focused on them. So I'll just be stuck reading what everyone else has put out there.
Ok, so it looks like the stories are getting published when they are ready. Mine, Duleigh's and Bettiezyx just went up in Sci-Fi - there may be others but not in that catagory and it doesn't look like there's any master list available yet.

Lifestyle66, our stories seem to have had 'AI A New Era 2022' added to the tags (as well as just 'AI A New Era'), but it doesn't seem to have been added to yours. I'm not sure if this means it might end up getting overlooked later on.
Thanks. I sent a message to Laurel and Manu asking for that tag to be added to mine.
Duleigh, you realize that our two stories are going up in the same category on the same day as bettiezyx's automatically generated AI story. We have to score higher, not just for our own sakes, but for the good of humanity...
And the good of Augmented Individuals everywhere!
OK, Why isn't my story appearing on the list or when you click on the tag?
AI Era: Agent AI was titled, tagged, and noted properly, what happened???
Duleigh, you realize that our two stories are going up in the same category on the same day as bettiezyx's automatically generated AI story. We have to score higher, not just for our own sakes, but for the good of humanity...
"automatically generated"?! It was like trying to write a story with a magic 8 ball. We're not going to get replaced by AI any time soon.
OK, Why isn't my story appearing on the list or when you click on the tag?
AI Era: Agent AI was titled, tagged, and noted properly, what happened???
Did you contact admin? Is Laurel appropriate for IT issues?
"automatically generated"?! It was like trying to write a story with a magic 8 ball. We're not going to get replaced by AI any time soon.
Yeah, okay, maybe the wrong phrase - how would you describe it? 'AI assisted'. I played with the AI Dungeon software a little bit, it has some interesting intepretations of my actions.
Question, are we allowed to submit continuations of another story? I wrote a story for this challenge last year and have been working on the sequel since then, and coincidentally I am just about to finish it right now haha
Question, are we allowed to submit continuations of another story? I wrote a story for this challenge last year and have been working on the sequel since then, and coincidentally I am just about to finish it right now haha
I bought a WiiVide for my wife seven years ago to try during one of her business trips.

I tested it at home and learned the interface and how to connect from my phone to hers. But after she left and was sitting in a bar wearing it, she didn't know how to get her phone connected to the hotel WiFi to allow the Internet connection with mine.

That failed experiment was part of the idea for my story for this AI Era, and I've written that remote scene as part of my next story to post in October for Amorous Goods

We learn by doing!
Just finished another story and added it: AI Era: Agent AI SWAK
Agent Alicia Ingersoll (Agent AI, get it?) and her rescuer/love interest Ming and Mings assistant/love interest Cliff return
40,404 words
And of course, there are plenty of hooks left open for a third story, no idea if it can be done in time, I still have the Summer Lovin' entry and another WAWW chapter to finish
I don't know why I do this to myself... šŸ˜©
I don't understand, my story for AI Era is still pending since the 14th, but Stories that I submitted on the 17th and 19th have been published. I have messaged Laurel, but have have not received an answer. Is there someone else I can send a message to?