"AI" Rejection

Maybe Lit would do well to have an "AI" category in which falsely accused authors who don't really care what category their story ends up in can opt for, in lieu of continuously having it rejected. Putting your thoughts out there for others to enjoy should be fun, not stressful.
As a suggestion to stop bulk AI 'Spam'. Could authors have to register with a small, repeating charge. This would a) make spamming AI stories too expensive to be worthwhile b) act as a verification of author's age (though this is secondary.) c) the repeating nature makes accounts being taken-over and used less attractive. Something like $3 every 3 months. I personally would pay this. I used to be active on some forums that had a similar token registration charge.

I think the site telling people what the site's criteria are for AI will just give a way for AI producers to automate an attack. That is a very good reason for the site to remain quiet on it.
As a suggestion to stop bulk AI 'Spam'. Could authors have to register with a small, repeating charge. This would a) make spamming AI stories too expensive to be worthwhile b) act as a verification of author's age (though this is secondary.) c) the repeating nature makes accounts being taken-over and used less attractive. Something like $3 every 3 months. I personally would pay this. I used to be active on some forums that had a similar token registration charge.

I think the site telling people what the site's criteria are for AI will just give a way for AI producers to automate an attack. That is a very good reason for the site to remain quiet on it.
I would rather set my own dick on fire than pay to post to a site where other people are making money off of my writing.
As a suggestion to stop bulk AI 'Spam'. Could authors have to register with a small, repeating charge. This would a) make spamming AI stories too expensive to be worthwhile b) act as a verification of author's age (though this is secondary.) c) the repeating nature makes accounts being taken-over and used less attractive. Something like $3 every 3 months. I personally would pay this. I used to be active on some forums that had a similar token registration charge.

I think the site telling people what the site's criteria are for AI will just give a way for AI producers to automate an attack. That is a very good reason for the site to remain quiet on it.
AI doesn't have defined criteria. that's the problem.
Notalenthack: I respect your view and I expect others will agree with it. However, I think that if society had made the decision to make email non-free to send, some things would be better now.
Carlsnap12: Yes, I agree. Whatever you try to use as a criteria to decide can be subverted, and will be.
Notalenthack: I respect your view and I expect others will agree with it. However, I think that if society had made the decision to make email non-free to send, some things would be better now.
Carlsnap12: Yes, I agree. Whatever you try to use as a criteria to decide can be subverted, and will be.

Then there has to be a happy medium and a human element around rejections due to the accusation of using AI. If someone is correcting and resubmitting a story that has been rejected 5 times, I believe this indicates this person is highly likely not a "bot" and justifies a non-generic AI rejection paragraph at that point in the game. Sucking the life out of authors with no viable feedback is a bad path.
I would rather set my own dick on fire than pay to post to a site where other people are making money off of my writing.
There should be a saying along the lines of "couldn't get his dick blown even if it was on fire."
I presume someone somewhere is feeding AI examples of rejected stories and examples of accepted stories and it is 'learning' or 'copying' so that it can write stories that are accepted.

It would be great to have a Literotica without any AI but it isn't going to happen and it would be great but unlikely for this to be the biggest issue with AI.
As a suggestion to stop bulk AI 'Spam'. Could authors have to register with a small, repeating charge.

I would rather set my own dick on fire than pay to post to a site where other people are making money off of my writing.

I too would set NoTalentHack's dick on fire sooner than sign up for this. Nothing personal.

I didn't even get as far as the "paying for the privilege of creating content for somebody else's site" bit, because I was still thinking about the privacy and security angles.

We have authors whose partners don't know they post to Literotica, and some who live in countries where even reading Literotica is likely illegal. Having a recurring charge for Literotica membership show up on the card risks outing those people.

This is a fairly low-tech site, and its maintenance team is not huge. Currently they don't need to worry much about security, because there's not much here to attack. That changes if they're keeping reader/author payment and ID, and I would reeeeally not like to count on Lit being able to safeguard that.

tldr don't make us set NTH's dick on fire
If someone is correcting and resubmitting a story that has been rejected 5 times, I believe this indicates this person is highly likely not a "bot" and justifies a non-generic AI rejection paragraph at that point in the game. Sucking the life out of authors with no viable feedback is a bad path.
This is what happened to me. Made the changes, reached out to Laurel, tried to get it through the system and eventually gave up after over a month. Although I did manage to get a quickly written short through, knowing my chances of getting an AI rejection again are high, I just can't be bothered to go through with it.

I've been struggling to write anything since it all went down because I'm scrutinising every single sentence just in case it sounds like AI. The rejections ruined my enjoyment of writing erotica content which I was just starting to get into since I'd never done it before.

I understand the reasonings why the checks are needed, but going through the ninth circle of hell just to post one story isn't worth it.
This is what happened to me. Made the changes, reached out to Laurel, tried to get it through the system and eventually gave up after over a month. Although I did manage to get a quickly written short through, knowing my chances of getting an AI rejection again are high, I just can't be bothered to go through with it.

I've been struggling to write anything since it all went down because I'm scrutinising every single sentence just in case it sounds like AI. The rejections ruined my enjoyment of writing erotica content which I was just starting to get into since I'd never done it before.

I understand the reasonings why the checks are needed, but going through the ninth circle of hell just to post one story isn't worth it.
If my current submission gets rejected again, which I have run against GPTZero multiple times to rectify what Literotica has falsely perceived as AI-written text, I will explore other sites at that point.

I'm just a regular guy with a full-time job, trying to share kinky fetishes that I believe other people would enjoy through storytelling. I'm not trying to be a professional writer or win any awards here, lol.
all art is derivative?
I've never seen anyone try to argue that it's not, and that would be an interesting attempt to see and follow.

Not just art but the entirety of the humanities arises from human experience and how it's represented. There is no art which doesn't represent something someone experienced, and which experience someone else has been seen by the artist to represent in some way before.

It's like my solution to the chicken-and-egg riddle. The egg had to have come first, laid by some creature which marginally was not a chicken. The creature which hatched was different from the parent. Original, but derivative.

So "what about that original, first-ever art?" It hatched from something which maybe marginally wasn't capital-A Art, but it necessarily was derivative of it.

I'm not saying originality isn't possible, I'm just saying originality in art is being original in what you derive and how you derive it, it's not being Not Derivative of anything anywhere in the human condition and all previous representations one has ever seen.

"Derivative" isn't a binary, is-or-isn't kind of thing. When people say "that's derivative," what they mean is "that's too derivative."
I'm just a regular guy with a full-time job, trying to share kinky fetishes that I believe other people would enjoy through storytelling. I'm not trying to be a professional writer or win any awards here, lol.
I'm the same, but for me it was mostly about trying to prove a point, especially when the system was (and probably still is) fundamentally flawed. Having all but 1 of the parts of the story get flagged for AI didn't make any sense to me, nor did some parts eventually going through and others not. It pissed me off, but it got to the point when I just couldn't be bothered any more. I joined Lit to try something new, write something different, and the AI system has made it impossible. It does seem to be newer writers that get the scrutiny too, which makes sense, but ultimately chases any serious users off the site because no one wants to keep going through that shit when it's supposed to be for fun
I've never seen anyone try to argue that it's not, and that would be an interesting attempt to see and follow.

Not just art but the entirety of the humanities arises from human experience and how it's represented. There is no art which doesn't represent something someone experienced, and which experience someone else has been seen by the artist to represent in some way before.

It's like my solution to the chicken-and-egg riddle. The egg had to have come first, laid by some creature which marginally was not a chicken. The creature which hatched was different from the parent. Original, but derivative.

So "what about that original, first-ever art?" It hatched from something which maybe marginally wasn't capital-A Art, but it necessarily was derivative of it.

I'm not saying originality isn't possible, I'm just saying originality in art is being original in what you derive and how you derive it, it's not being Not Derivative of anything anywhere in the human condition and all previous representations one has ever seen.

"Derivative" isn't a binary, is-or-isn't kind of thing. When people say "that's derivative," what they mean is "that's too derivative."
Why don't you go back and read all of that post and see what I am actually arguing rather than taking one out of context line? I am more than okay with people sharing their musings but posting them as a reply to something I never claimed is quite annoying, don't you think?
sharing their musings but posting them as a reply to something I never claimed
You asked it as a question.

Sure, I completely get that it was a rhetorical one, but I never anywhere accused you of claiming that it was true.

Forgive me for responding to a rhetorical question.

In fact, if you "go back and read," you'll see that I said I had never seen anyone argue that. I didn't say "until you did."

Hell, you should back me up for reinforcing your point. That's why people ask rhetorical questions, right? To make a point? So when someone reinforces it, you think they're on the other side? *shrug*
Some people don't get the underlying point of this conversation, it's not about if AI is a useful tool for writers or is the devil incarnate. I'm sure AI is an amazing technology, I wouldn't known the first thing about it myself, and I'm sure if used properly it can be really helpful for come authors. It's not even a debate about if AI is capable or not of producing "real" art or original ideas. It's about a system in this site that is harming real authors. And the problem is going to get much much worse as time and technology goes on. If you think AI is a clumsy writer that uses repetitive and cliche styles, you are probably right, for now that is. But soon enough the technology will improve to the point where it truly will be indistinguishable from real human writing. And to presume than it can be detected using some system is ridiculous. Even now where AI is still in insys infancy any tools used to screen for it make many mistakes flagging false positives all the time. Even some of the creators and most influential people involved in this new technological frontier have said in past interviews that Ai detection tools are all basically useless. So now the real question is what to do about it going into the future. I don't pretend to have a real answer to this very tough problem. All I known is that the current system is not working and should be amended.
I'd be curious what percentage of stories written before ChatGPT existed would be flagged as AI written if they were run through the mystery checker Literotica is using.
Not sure since we have no idea what program they use to screen for AI. But I did try on quilbot free AI detection program and of three portions of old stories I tried out (all 2014 or prior) 1 came out as 40% AI generated. The other 2 came out 100% human written.