"AI" Rejection

There is some weapons-grade Copium getting smoked out here. Would love to know who your dealer is.

Asking for a friend.
I'd be curious what percentage of stories written before ChatGPT existed would be flagged as AI written if they were run through the mystery checker Literotica is using.

TL;DR: I ran a section of my second story on the site, which was written only with Google Docs and no other tools, through 8 different AI detectors and got wildly differing results from “100% AI generated” to “completely human.” Even in the cases where they “detected” generated content, they couldn’t agree on which parts were AI written and which were human. All of them were human-generated, of course.


Then, I ran the top ten most viewed stories through Sapling, a piece of software that a particularly trigger-happy anti-AI witch hunter, since banned from the forums, used as his tool of choice. None of these stories were published more recently than about 2012, IIRC, but it flagged all but one as being 10% or more “fake,” in its own words, with three of them at 50+% and one at 100%. That last one was published in 2009, btw.

AI detectors are trash. They don’t work. They ping false positives and false negatives. Every researcher in machine learning that isn’t associated with a company selling a detection “service” (and some that are) say to not use them for anything important and certainly to not use them as the sole source of determining if a work is AI generated.
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AI detectors are trash. They don’t work. They ping false positives and false negatives. Every researcher in machine learning that isn’t associated with a company selling a detection “service” (and some that are) say to not use them for anything important and certainly to not use them as the sole source of determining if a work is Ai generated.
Couldn't have said it better myself. The only reasonable solution I can think of is for the lit team to take more time "manually" reviewing story submissions, even if that means storys spending more time in the pending section, before coming to a determination.
Since we have the same editor and publisher, I'll tell you what he fixed. A handful of poorly constructed sentences. The words were hers, but they appeared or read as if they could have been done by AI. She's only been writing for a few years, and often, she writes quicker than her brain can process. Mary doesn't use AI. Those here who have been rejected, for the most part, haven't used AI but they hit whatever threshold there is for similarities between their work and how AI reads they have been rejected.
Just out of curiosity, what did he "fix"? Do editors have the guidelines on what the AI detectors are specifically looking for? There seems to be different interpretations of what "AI generated" means. I am afraid that an editor getting their hands on my story no longer truly makes it mine if they are rewriting parts to avoid AI detection even if they weren't AI assisted in the first place.

Its super frustrating to have your hard work questioned and be forced into a certain writing style on a website that is supposed to promote amateur writing.
The bottom line is: we are not doing high art here, be reasonable, 90% of stuff are just horny stories. Asking Ai to write some of them would be doing literotica.com a favor :p I am sure that if someone with a body made of flesh and bone would actually read these submitted stories, they would quickly figure out the Homo sapiens, not Skynet, wrote them. Everything I was trying to post here I posted already on ao3, Reddit, Hetaifoundry etc, free to comment. No one ever accused me of being an AI, before I met AI from Literotica... To ask me to 'change' my story because to please some bot, is too much for me, Sorry, writing supposed to be fun for me.
The bottom line is: we are not doing high art here, be reasonable, 90% of stuff are just horny stories. Asking Ai to write some of them would be doing literotica.com a favor :p I am sure that if someone with a body made of flesh and bone would actually read these submitted stories, they would quickly figure out the Homo sapiens, not Skynet, wrote them. Everything I was trying to post here I posted already on ao3, Reddit, Hetaifoundry etc, free to comment. No one ever accused me of being an AI, before I met AI from Literotica... To ask me to 'change' my story because to please some bot, is too much for me, Sorry, writing supposed to be fun for me.
I think it's fair to say that every website has the right to choose its own policy towards AI-generated content. I have nothing against the policy of those websites. I mean, we now know that even some mainstream authors seem to use AI, so it would be silly to go all righteous against smut-story websites. To be perfectly clear here, I do prefer Literotica's hard stance towards AI usage even if I probably couldn't say the same about some other Lit's policies. ;)
I believe that humans, and humans only, should write stories, compose music, and create visual art. I have no problem with people doing that at home for their own personal use, but I do have a problem with such content being made available to the public.
If at some point AI becomes something different, I am willing to reconsider my stance, but as long as it's LLMs recycling the same old content, I don't think I will.

When it comes to the websites you mentioned, as I said, I don't intend to judge their policies in any way but I would like to point out that there has to be some percentage-based threshold for those who use AI to generate content where they cease being authors and become mere... prompters.
But that is the thing, I do not do AI-generated stuff :D That's the whole point :D Just English is not my first language, so write as I write. And I believe I can manage editing myself with some gramarly, other online helpers, etc., so yeah, I would use some suggestions from it, why not? This is what it is for, for god's sake. Does it make my story, not mine? That's just ridiculous. I wrote it many times: If AI can make stories like mine, I will quit writing and just ask AI to make stories for me to read. period.

But Imagine if someone translated his non-English story via some translator - he or she would be accused of being AI bot :D but wait! There is a solution! - that person can hire a real person to translate it - lol
Reject modernity, embrace the '80s, Why do even use a PC? :p
But Imagine if someone translated his non-English story via some translator - he or she would be accused of being AI bot :D but wait! There is a solution! - that person can hire a real person to translate it - lol
Reject modernity, embrace the '80s, Why do even use a PC? :p
You realise that even now machine translation can't achieve anywhere near the level of human translation? Using a human translator isn't rejecting modernity. Also, human translators nowadays get credit as co-authors of their translations.
That's great, but when I want to read Spanish or German fanfic, I just praise a google translator or whatever my app is using. same goes for manga, etc
@AmonKo Your problem is not with Lit's AI rules. Your problem is that other people have fumbled the bag using machine-assisted tools. They ruined it for you, and now you can't submit here. You are barking up the wrong tree trying to get creative minds to come around on this.
Nah :) my only problem is that I still follow this thread and that I occasionally check Literotica. Well, what can I say, That was my first 'horny library.' I remember reading some magic invisible-elf stories here back in my old Nokia :D

Anyway, Peace
Peace is difficult; it isn't free, and I can't find where to pay my dues for it. I've had a hard life, at least in the early days, pre-foster home times. Sometimes, after those times, there have been rough times. But no matter how rough it is, I don't use AI to write. I'm not anti-AI or pro-AI; I'm ambivalent about it. If it's used, to make it read well enough to be pleasing, it must take a lot of editing. But we're talking about peace; I won't lose in because of AI!

Have a pleasant Peace, @AmonKo!!! Be prepared to pay the piper when she comes calling for the peace she pipped up for you!
Nah :) my only problem is that I still follow this thread and that I occasionally check Literotica. Well, what can I say, That was my first 'horny library.' I remember reading some magic invisible-elf stories here back in my old Nokia :D

Anyway, Peace
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