Aine - A New RP Thread (OOC)

my grandmother used to have a boyfriend who was from portugal. Jedi, your probably is that you live in the desert, instead of a proper temperate climate lol. You should come to baltimore, where it rains bullets.

Irish and Portuguese culture cultures are not that far apart, after the first impressions. We are well travelled people also.
I'm just polishing my post up. As it starting to become usual, I only become creative after midnight; that thing cost me 2 hours of sleep and still I don't consider it done.

I'm around, and anyone can reply to me, but you must excuse me if I don't reply promptly.
Another hour and I hope it will be up. It's becoming addictive. The more I write, the more I want to write.
thorns... never mind my English.

Bad night of sleep. And I'm still polishing my post.
ahh fair enuff then...

i wonder if jedi is still floating about somewhere
i want to see what Nayil is going to do after that whistle :D

if you're expecting to see him go berserk, I'm sorry but he won't be going.
I'm just polishing and adding a few details to my post. The thing is getting long, and I hope it will nice to read for everyone.
wow satin. I dont mean to make you uncomfortable if this does but you have a really nice ass!