Alien vs Predator Campaign: Recruiting

Any of those is fine with me let me know what you need and I will do it. It I have to pick though I would do....1-You can ba an antagonist fighting against the main characters (which fits this campaign)

So let me know what I need to do....I am flexable.
Alright, #1 is my favorite choice anyway. Here is how this is going to work:
I am going to put equal aamounts of work into both sides of the action but the campaign will be divided. Everyone make sure you know what is going down-on both fronts.
Important: The marine campaign will be typed in dark red text so you can tell the difference between the two. So Jagged, when playing the campaign make sure to type all responses in DARK RED. Alright, I'll start on the Marine side later this evening.

The sides are drawn...
For the marines...

The sky was darkening over the frozen earth. The dusk patrols were turning in and the night shift was begining their route. The Company (Weyland-Yutani) had very strict rules and regulations reguarding science facilities, and one of their biggest located on LV-989, had just captured a live Predator. This was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Yautja never went down without a fight and if they did-they made sure nothing survived.
Most of the conscripts were eager to see it. They wanted to see if the creature was like the great beast they had heard of in stories. But, as always, only the research staff had access to the compound. They kept it locked away from the outside and the researchers were not permited to explain what they had seen.

Sometimes the guards would hear beast-like howls and other blood-curling noises from inside the compound but they could only wonder. What the hell was going on in there?
Here's that antagonist droid. A proper post will follow shortly.

Kingston (219-C)
Synthetic / Android.

Height- 1.6 m
Weight- 178 lbs
Years Since Assembly- 2
Class/type- Property of the United States Colonial Marine Corps. Science Advisor. Field Medic. Interactive Database knowledgeable in all subjects considered relevant to USCMC operations, including all standard USCMC equipment and tactics.
Weapons/Equipment- Standard Pulse Rifle w/ pump action grenade launcher. USCMC Standard Sidearm. Extra rounds. Field surgical kit, including instruments, medicines, cauterizing wand, etc.

Kingston is a rare model synthetic developed in in the USCMC's droid program, tested fieldworthy but never achieving mass production due to USCMC's preference for the Bishop model synthetic. Outwardly resembling it's creator's daughter, Kingston appears to be a human female in her mid-twenties. "Her" head is shaved for the sake of function and diligent repair and care insures there are no identifying marks on her outer shell. Two empty ports are visible on her left forearm. Should internal repairs be necessary, synthetic skin would need to be opened surgically. An internal generator and backup are housed within.

Kingston's personality is cool, with a dry sense of humor provided by the USCMC to entertain and comfort troops. Her bedside manner leaves something to be desired. All human body functions are possible, though unnecessary. Her program makes her priorities clear. She is unable to harm any human, directly or indirectly. She cannot ignore any human in peril, be it an injury or a dangerous situation. Steps must be taken to remove the human from peril. Next priority is the success of the mission, meaning if the sacrifice of Kingston is necessary, it will be done. This is subject to re-prioritization to "1st Priority" should those in command deem it so. Thirdly comes the safe keeping of the Kingston unit. The unit can do no harm / allow any to come to itself. Should a higher priority contradict a lower priority, the lower priority is negated.

Kingston, like most androids, is on par with the most athletic humans in strength, coordination, and speed. She is, however, prone to predictable patterns and movements as she lacks a true intellect and instead depends upon complex algorithms.
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Here's the deal MeikaBeans, read all the posts above so you know what's going on. You and Jagged are both going to be playing as antagonists (the marines) going up against a particularly fierce and reknown Predator clan (the Guan-thwei). As far as I know, Jagged is a marine and you are a combat synthetic.
The antagonist campaign entrys will be in Dark Red text. Please post all of your character's entrys in Dark Red text so we can distinguish the two sides of the campaign.

I hope you have plenty of ammo...
We're going to have an IC thread right?

Since this one is the OOC (out of character) thread its easier to keep things such as IC/OOC posts seperated that way.

And having the Terrans post in red's a nifty idea.
Hey Is There Still Room For One More

Sorry Villani I've Been Looking At Your Recruitment For A Week Now And You Only Had 2 People. Didn't Think It Was Going To Take Off. I'm Not Too Picky About What Race You Got Open. All Are Great For Me. If You Got 2 Humans And 2 Preds And You Want A Alien I Can Do That. If I'm Too Late Sorry To Hear That But I Understand.
Hola Back At Me
Tonofnoise said:
Sorry Villani I've Been Looking At Your Recruitment For A Week Now And You Only Had 2 People. Didn't Think It Was Going To Take Off. I'm Not Too Picky About What Race You Got Open. All Are Great For Me. If You Got 2 Humans And 2 Preds And You Want A Alien I Can Do That. If I'm Too Late Sorry To Hear That But I Understand.
Hola Back At Me

No worries

We got room for you. You can pretty much pic whatever faction you want to join whether it be Alien, Predator, or Human.
Since the teams are pretty even, I would suggest being an Alien and maybe someone will join you later on. Here are a few ups and downs to being each species in this campaign:

Aliens: There are currently no Aliens so you would have no PC allies (yet) However you might be given special options if this is the case

Predators: They already have two members which makes them a powerful contender but if you join, it would be slightly unbalanced in terms of PC's (you would also be in the same clan if this matters)

Humans: They also have two members including a synthetic and a marine (so they are in the same position as the preds)

Whatever the case is, more people will join and i garuntee it. I have gotten quite a few comments and PM's and it makes everything easier for me when I have flexible PC's. My personal recommendation is Alien but whatever fits you is okay.
Vixandra said:
We're going to have an IC thread right?

Since this one is the OOC (out of character) thread its easier to keep things such as IC/OOC posts seperated that way.

And having the Terrans post in red's a nifty idea.

Vixandra, about what you said I think its up to you guys wheteher or not we start a new thread for the roleplaying and keep this thread as recruiting. What do you guys think? It's all up to you guys. :cool:
Just as a side note:
If you would like to know more information about your species or faction I have some useful links.


And for any observers, if you are interested, again I'll say that you can join in anytime or in another of my campaigns. Just send me a PM to let me know what you were thinking. Questions and comments are welcome. :cool:
Name: Roger "Reaper" Randle
Height: 6'
Weight: 200lbs
Hair: Blond buzz cut
Eyes: One blue natural and one false brown one
Distinguishing Marks: Extensive Marine Corp tatoos all over his body. What isn't
covered by tattoos is marked by grenade scars, bullet wounds, and blade slashes.

Rank: Gunnery Sergeant

Roger is what the corp would call less then stable. For this Marine it is all about the body count. Hell your not any short timer your here to rack up the kills and maybe finish your 20......your not here for the scholarship or the damn corporat jobs afterwards. Your here because they let you kill people legally. He actually looks for fights. Life is good as long as there are people to fight. Even when on leave he spends is time doing martial arts, testing new weapons, and hunting. He has only heard of these strange aliens but for him they are just something else to kill. Guarding the research facility seems like pretty boring duty, but the man tells you what the job is you do it. So you pass time sharpening your Ka-bar until its razor sharp, checking your 12-gauge tactical shotgun, and of coarse your standard rifle. Your doing what you can to keep the young kids in line. Drilling them constantly and running PT at least once a day. Liting up a lucky strike you know your ready for what ever comes.

Like my Marine??
Jagged said:
Roger is what the corp would call less then stable. For this Marine it is all about the body count.

Like my Marine??

Nice. Alright, no questions about you char but I have one reguarding the campaign. Because this thread is so cluttered up with random posts do you think I should create a new one for the roleplaying while we use this one for chars?
Let me know. :cool:
Villani said:
Vixandra, about what you said I think its up to you guys wheteher or not we start a new thread for the roleplaying and keep this thread as recruiting. What do you guys think? It's all up to you guys. :cool:

I was kinda hoping for an in character thread, but if not that's okay, it just means lots of scrolling and looking around.
All right. I got the idea that this was the general opinion anyway. I'll start one later tonight.
Alright People, Official Notice:
From now on, all IC (in character) and roleplaying posts will be posted in the campaign.
All Alien posts will be in Green. All Marine posts will be in Dark Red. All Predator posts will be in Blue. This may sound confusing but it will organize and sort posts.
Thank you for cooperating.
The mind of the perfect prey

Species: Alien
Age: Mature
Name: Sisious
Appearance: Oil black skin scaled from the shoulders down covered with a constant cover of mucus produced my glands in my skin. From chin to the top of my skull is 2 feet 7 inches covered in a ribbed pattern with a sagittal crest, and my anterior region is smooth. At its widest point being 18 inches in diameter. From my shoulder to my feet I stand 6 feet 5 inches with 219 different articulating joints. My tail is 4 feet 9 inches with 109 articulating joints. I have 3 fingers per hand with 2 inch long and 1 and 7/16 in diameter bone claws. My outer jaw can dislocate in 9 places , has 19 saliva producing glands, 6 intake muscles to move food, 38 acid glands to break down food into a liquid. My second jaw in 4 places with 15 sensory membranes. My last sensor jaw can not dislocate however contains all 39 sensory membranes. Total measurement from inner extended jaw to outer most cheek bone is 16 & 5/16 inches.6 full sensory rod protrude from my 13 to 22 vertabray channeling sound, temperature, and vibrations. My feet have 4 seperate moving toes. 3 in the front and an 4th to the side like a thumb for gripping. They all have bone claws the same as my fingers. From head to tail I have 978 differnet muscles opposed to humans which have 600 and unknown for hunters.
I was created; I broke through, and since than I have never stopped. Food, hosts, blood, creatures coming into our area. Must defend the queen. Must defend the Hive. Go, I must go. Always moving. Keeping the area clean from invaders. Small ones, slow moving but many. Larger ones, two maybe three. Hard to kill. They have killed many. I am not alone. We are many. We move, find newer grounds. New hosts for the queen. We must continue. I am a warrior, a drone, a servant to the Hive and to the Queen. It is still now but soon we will move.
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Good roleplaying for aliens. I like the idea that they are very straightforward and use disconnected thoughts.
I will have their intro in later tonight. Then you can start posting in the avp frozen hell campaign.
I thank you

I wasn't sure how to go about it. But that I would give it my best shot. I'm glad you aprove. I should have a post night.
Tonsofnoise- that's just creepy as all hell. Great post!

Now, wheres that quadrilogy...
Name: Gadaba ef Carnd Nork- Stalker of Pray
Age: 73
Height: 2.8 meters
Weight: 300 lbs.
Class: Hunter
Weapons: Two-bladed Wrist blades on each arm, Spear gun, Combat Staff, Plasma Caster

A member of the Tarei'hasan clan, Gadaba was one of the better hunters, prefering to hunt alone, and kept to him-self. Prefering ranged attacks, he was no stranger to hand-to-hand combat by any means. Even though he prefers ranged weapons, he can use the Combat Staff so well, range isn't really needed. Gadaba has a Bio Helmet and with modeite body armour.
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Orlanth said:
Name: Gadaba ef Carnd Nork- Stalker of Pray
Age: 73
Height: 2.8 meters
Weight: 300 lbs.
Class: Hunter
Weapons: Two-bladed Wrist blades on each arm, Spear gun, Combat Staff, Plasma Caster

A member of the Tarei'hasan clan, Gadaba was one of the better hunters, prefering to hunt alone, and kept to him-self. Prefering ranged attacks, he was no stranger to hand-to-hand combat by any means. Even though he prefers ranged weapons, he can use the Combat Staff so well, range isn't really needed. Gadaba has a Bio Helmet and with modeite body armour.

Alright, we'll just call you Gadabo for short. You are free to post in the AVP Campaign: A Frozen Hell. I hope you're as good as you think you are. :cool:
Villani said:
Alright, we'll just call you Gadabo for short. You are free to post in the AVP Campaign: A Frozen Hell. I hope you're as good as you think you are. :cool:
I hope so too lol

This will be a challage.
Step Up People

Alright, I know this campaign has just started but its about time for an update:
We currently have three active Predators (Vixandra, Donsehan, and recently Orlanth)
We currently have one of two active Marines (MeikaBeans and Jagged-who is inactive)
We currently have one active Alien (Tonofnoise)

We need more Alien players to even out the teams if possible! Also Jagged; you are considered inactive because you have not yet posted in AVP Campaign: A Frozen Hell. The campaign is in its developing stages and although you have made an appearence in this recruiting thread you have not declared yourself ACTIVE yet because you have not yet posted in the campaign. Just giving you the headlines.