An Old Horror Brought To Life (OOC-closed)

Oh shit, I don't know if I included the Swirly monsters in any of the descriptions. I thought I did >.>

Basically, they are a special type of monster born from a child/young adult, who is especially powerful themselves. Think like if a squad leader created one.

These particular monsters are like your big baddies, taking a whole group to be able to bring them down. They are of course, as unique as the person who made them, but they are known for being either particularly cunning, smart, ferocious, or just downright fucking strong. Unlike most monsters, who go after whatever prey item they can find, these particular monsters only go after the person that they were born from, and they hunt them down ruthlessly, not stopping until someone is dead.

It's both to have a boss battle, and to have a plot/character development thing, as almost every main character will have to face their own greatest fear at some point, and the reason the monster is unique, is because it is born from that characters own fears.
Oh shit. <o< So most powerful hunter have their own Swirly out there? That's fucking terrifying. I'll have to think about what Crystal's might be.

Do the hunters dream about them at all? Like if the Swirly is born from their nightmare, I imagine they're linked in some way that eventually allows the Swirly to find them. Like does the Swirly ever taunt them in their dreams?

And on that inquisitive note, I must away. The beds have my name on it as work is going to demand that at least one of my eyes be open.
Mm, I'm pretty tired too. Been tired all day though -_-

Hmm, good question. We'll have to brainstorm, but I want to lean towards yes.

Oh my gosh, I read your post about waking up with a cowlick and it got me thinking that it would be hilarious if one of the nightmares was a cow. Like maybe someone told the kid that the cowlick they wake up with is from the cow tasting them every night and waiting for them to be delicious enough to eat. XD
I like that line of thinking. We could do similar things with all kinds of cliche nightmares. I thought of one that we could also use to plant seeds for sexy time:
An Edward Scissor-hands-like monster slashes off its victim's clothes and laughs at them, monstrously, before getting truly violent...

It gives the others time to rescue the victim plus see their nudie bits and later remember how hot they are
@Nouh: I do like me some sexy time seeds. :D

I love that you added “monstrously” to the way it laughs at people. XD I can totally imagine a scene like that.
Oh shit. <o< So most powerful hunter have their own Swirly out there? That's fucking terrifying. I'll have to think about what Crystal's might be.

Do the hunters dream about them at all? Like if the Swirly is born from their nightmare, I imagine they're linked in some way that eventually allows the Swirly to find them. Like does the Swirly ever taunt them in their dreams?

And on that inquisitive note, I must away. The beds have my name on it as work is going to demand that at least one of my eyes be open.

So I've been thinking about this one a bit more, and I think I want it to be a bit more like a night terror, or a dream so bad that the kid can only remember bits and pieces of it, or like a face or image, and always just wake up in a cold sweat wondering why the fuck they are terrified.

Because I mean, it is supposed to be their ultimate nightmare come to life. I feel like if they had the chance to learn about it before hand, even if it was a nightmare, they might get mentally prepared to fight it or at least not be so scared of it. And that won't do :devil:
Ohohoh, you make a very good point. *waggles finger* You know I like the added horror of not knowing what it is, but being 100% sure that you’ll be terrified. Makes it all the more scary. :devil: But also, just because they don’t remember the drea doesn’t mean the swirly forgets.
Hmm. This post is probably going to be a bit big, at least with pictures and such, but I'm basically going to be painting a map for the group in it. It's kinda for me too, so I have something in my head to go back and reference a bit, at least where the main road is to the entrance and exit.

It is, however, and underground city, so if you guys feel like taking the chance and doing some exploratory expeditions to the left/right/ further down or up, go ahead and make some new areas. This road in is basically going to show them just how far underground they are, and really dig in that it would be very stupid to go off on their own, or try to get out on their own, without asking for help.

I'll mention it in the post too, but we'll say the city itself is roughly twenty miles, and this entrance in will be three miles in the vehicle, and then two miles that they'll trek on foot.

Oh, and it's probably going to take me a bit to finish :D I'll probably work on integrating the pics in the right order tonight, then adding in the description tomorrow.
Alright, I need to work on this damnit D<

I don't care if it takes me three days to write it! D:<
You know, I'm looking forward to the shenanigans they're going to be getting into. :D Even within the base.
Oh there shall be many shenanigans! :D One cannot have a very serious, sad, horrifying experience without a touch of something light and funny to contrast it against :D

I don't plan on bringing him in for a minute, but I can't wait until Roth gets to see his buddy again. That's gonna be really fun to write :D
My Guilt: "you know you really need to make a post in here."

Me: "I know, but I want it to be good, and I don't feel motivated right now."

Guilt: "You can break it up into two or three posts, that way you're at least getting the ball rolling again."

Me: "Don't give me your sass D:<"

Guilt: "You know the longer you wait, the harder it will be, right? Like skipping the gym."

Me: ">_>"

Guilt: "We'll buy ourselves a bar of chocolate when it done :3"

Me: "<_< ...

Heheh, you should know that self-instituted rewards are fickle when you can buy yourself a chocolate bar anyway. :devil:
If you post, you can have a little present...

Here it is...





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So I'm giving the kids a chance to ask the soldier a question as they drive, but since I want to get the whole journey to the base done in one post, you can just ask me the questions, if they have any, here in the ooc. Then I'll answer/explain, and you can add it into your post if you like.

Edit: AAaand, postas! That took me way too damn long to just sit down and do it >_>
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