Anyone from the UK?

Good morning.

Perversely the recycling bin has been emptied before the compost bin.

Maybe it's a snowing thing. A fine dusting so far, the garden is beggining to look pretty.
Back from a week of illness caregiving!

Oh what a lovely white landscape we have today, more from the midlands here. Only wish it had stuck more than I spied at 4am, think we could all do with a snowday...or 6 😉
This came afterwards and it seem appropriate though not literal. It’s pretty
Morning all

Just catching up with this thread - seems I've missed a week somehow (No Lit email notifications might have something to do with that - anyone else having that problem?) ... Have I missed anything important?

Bin day today - recycling plastics and cardboard plus garden waste if necessary

Woke up to a covering of snow in our village but it disappeared the nearer I got to my office 🤬