Anyone remember LusterMunky?

It seems the bride-to-be had pre-wedding jitters, wrapped her tartan skirt around her ankles, and ran for the hills. Smart girl.

So who should I propose to next?
It seems the bride-to-be had pre-wedding jitters, wrapped her tartan skirt around her ankles, and ran for the hills. Smart girl.

So who should I propose to next?
Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this? As your bestie I at least deserved a PM. Now, I've got to return my best (wo)man dress!
You sir are in trouble. Don't make me take you over my knee.
Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this? As your bestie I at least deserved a PM. Now, I've got to return my best (wo)man dress!
You sir are in trouble. Don't make me take you over my knee.
Returning your best (wo)man dress? Hey, you promised you were going to attend nekkid. I put that on the invites! (which is probably why I received 1029 RSVPs.)

As for taking me over your knee, sure, okay. Just make it slutty, okay? I am in dire need of slutty right now.
Returning your best (wo)man dress? Hey, you promised you were going to attend nekkid. I put that on the invites! (which is probably why I received 1029 RSVPs.)
Haha. I must have missed that part. I don't often read the fine print❤️
As for taking me over your knee, sure, okay.
“Sure, ok” doesn't sound like enthusiastic consent.
Just make it slutty, okay? I am in dire need of slutty right now.
You give me enthusiasm and we can discuss how slutty your punishment will be.
You give me enthusiasm and we can discuss how slutty your punishment will be.
Enthusiasm? *checks hardon* On a scale of 1-10 I'd say 10. 12 if slutty girls would like to watch. 14 if said slutty girls flash their boobies.
Oh honey, how could I ever be bored with you??? You know me... I'm sporadic.
(((@Kat73 ))) Wonderful to hear from you. For lurkers: Kat was a fantastic playmate (which we have determined was 10!! years ago) And we transitioned from playmates to best friends. Along with bestie @Photog1rl . Hugs, gropes, and kisses to all.
LusterMonkey... that a name takes me back.
And Kat73.
Dang it's been a slice!
Hey, LusterMonkey! I remember you. We joined about the same time and you had a fun thread to get our post count up so we could get our avatars. Fun times 💋 Welcome back
Hey, LusterMonkey! I remember you. We joined about the same time and you had a fun thread to get our post count up so we could get our avatars. Fun times 💋 Welcome back
Hi @kara1234 :) And even though I sometimes can't remember what I had for breakfast I DO remember that! And it produced a very fetching AV :p. So how are you? And what did I miss during the last seven years?

And @akaSol I recall you as well. @Kat73 is still around. We exchange emails but she's not on Lit often.😥
Who could not forget the world famous Lustermonkey, i seem to remember someone copying your avatar, a monkey imposter, and then you fucked off up a tree somewhere lol
I remember you! I took a long break from Lit and found my way back here a couple months ago. It seems to have changed some from many years ago.

Welcome back!
I think most of us seem to take a break but always seem to be drawn back.
I remember you, but I don’t think we interacted beyond the PG games. I also took a long lit break. Welcome back!