Are you dominant or submissive

I don't think I am either. I have read a lot here on Lit and do not see myself as either Dom or sub. I can be bossy and am not afraid to tell a guy what I want or like but do not see that as being dominant. At times I like the guy to take charge and will encourage him to take me for his pleasure but this is more about my pleasure than his. I guess I can wobble a bit to either side but do not think I would be good for a true Dom or sub.
A good question with some complexity for me,..I am dominant when with a gal and submissive when enjoying sex with men. That said, I do enjoy my wife taking charge occasionally when we play with others, mfm, mmf , she is a good loving wife...
Whenever its come to men I am 100% the submissive partner, but I've definitely had threesome fantasies. MMF I'd imagine I'd still be submissive but if it was a FMF I could see myself being in the middle? I'm not sure what you'd call it...
Sub and growing more submissive by the day. I would love to place myself into a Dom’s hands be it a male or a Dominatrix.
Yes. Lol
You can probably tell by my name. I’m bit of both. Some see me as more dominant. Others see me more submissive. Either way I’m just me.
I consider myself a dominant bottom and thank Stella Omega for her explanation on labels. :)
Whenever its come to men I am 100% the submissive partner, but I've definitely had threesome fantasies. MMF I'd imagine I'd still be submissive but if it was a FMF I could see myself being in the middle? I'm not sure what you'd call it...
Could be simply submissive with males and Dominant with females/women