Aventures on Darmus


Vixen winced again... Dragon was really quite powerful... of this she was certain. She nodded in response to his thoughts and turned to the Lady Gwen who was cursing in a most unlady like manner which clearly wasn't the norm considering Muffin's startled response to it.

"I think..." Vixen interrupted her tirade... "that perhaps you should calm down a little M'Lady Gwen... as it is... Muffin isn't going anywhere... I think Dragon has made that point perfectly clear... why don't you just tell us what Lord Malvort's intentions are so we can figure out the best possible course of action?"
Rocky smiled, nodding at Vixen. He knew she would make everything better, all she needed was the entire story. He held onto Muffin, not quite sure why. He felt like she needed protection, especially with the other people here.
He didn't want anything to happen to her now.

"Malvort is an evil, vile creature. He wants power. My father is the Duke of Everbury and one of the king's closest friends. My Uncle is Goldleaf, the King's Wizard. Malvort knows that one of us, Muffin or I, is as powerful as Uncle 'Leaf. He thinks that it's me. He doesn't know that Muffin is even more powerful than even Uncle 'Leaf. She's just not very well trained. No attention span. Malvort wants to marry one of us and he has the king's blessing to do it. The King wants peace in the kingdom and he figures that by aligning his favorite duke with Malvort the Duke with the most discontent, he can bring that peace. He doesn't know that Malvort intends to marry me and use the powers that he thinks I have to usurp the throne.

"We got away from him once, that's when Muffin almost killed Stagwart on accident. He thinks that because we're women we're maleable and stupid. He thinks that we're easily controlled and can be made to do whatever he wishes. Muffin is very powerful, but she's not exactly very, er, bright. If he got her, he would make her do things that would kill her.

"If we get to the Standing Stones, we can transfer her power to me and we can save her. Her powers would leave me and go back to the Earth that it comes from. I am an anti-mage. Magic doesn't touch me, nor can it stay with me."

Gwen took a deep breath and frowned at Vixen. "It's the only way to save my sister."

"I can't let you do that to her Lady Gwen... you may have the best of intentions in mind... but you are asking us to let you change something... take something from your sister that is a part of her... I have to believe it is a part of her for a reason... it could very well destroy her... you're taking a lot into you own hands by deciding this... especially without asking her first. She may not be bright... but she is still a human being with her own rights..."

Vixen sighed.. the book felt so heavy in her hands.. she once again had found herself in the middle of something she had no intention of being involved in.

"As I see it... at the moment we have the upper hand. If the King realised exactly what Malvort was up to... then he would have to allow both you and your sister to return to your father... Lady Gwen... do you think you have the strength to do something... something dangerous... to help Muffin?"

Vixen had a plan.
Muffin looked at the book and at Gwen, frowning. Gwen wanted to take her magic? That was what this was all about? She felt like she'd been stabbed in the chest. How could Gwen think that she'd let go of her magic? She wasn't stupid, no matter what anyone thought.

Her world had shifted completely on its axis. Gwen had always been her rock, the person who had taken charge and left her free to pursue her magic. It had always been easier to just do what Gwen said to.

Now she would have no one to depend on but herself. That was a terrifying thought. She'd never been without Gwen's guidance before. But Gwen was wrong...

"What's your plan? I don't know if Gwen has the strength, but I do." Muffin clenched her fists as tightly as she could to hide her shaking.


"I'm not stupid, Gwen."

"I don't know-" Gwen cut herself off and looked at Vixen. "What's your plan?"

Sometime she would take Muffin to the side and explain it to her.

"Well... as far as we know... Lord Malvort believes that Gwen holds all the power. He plans on using that power to further his control... what if... what if we took Gwen back as planned... let her excercise her charms around him while... it's important that Muffin be around for this in case he needs a little confirmation that she holds the power... Muffin could perform a few tricks while Gwen posed as the spell caster... meanwhile... Valdimer, Aristus, Rocky and myself will poke around a bit... someone as cocky as Lord Malvort has to have something lying around that will incriminate him... maybe even one of his own servants... we need evidence to bring to the king... worst comes to worse... we may have to proceed with the wedding..."

She saw Gwen start to interrupt... "WAIT... hear me out... you don't have to take the vows... just dress up... look pretty... attend the ceremony... we have to think of a way to make him reveal his hand before you take the vows... he must have some plan... he can't believe that you would do just anything he says... he may even have a way of his own for potentially harnessing this power... since you can't have any power... this wouldn't affect you Gwen... so you are in fact our safest bet. Our main goal is to find out the rest of Malvort's plan... if we can't thwart him... then at least we have something to bring to the King..."

She paused finally looking around at the faces that looked back at her.

"Well... unless someone has a better idea?"

Guiding his horse into the groups midst, Cervantes smiled a smile of self satisfaction. He looked over to Vixen and licked his lips slowly, his eyes communicating the unending lust he felt for her. "So... What did I miss?" He asked cheerfully.

"I didn't want Muffin anywhere near Malvort."

"I can take care of myself, Gwen. I'm not a weakling," Muffin muttered. Rocky squeezed her arm and she smiled at him.

Gwen looked ready to chew nails. "Muffin..."

"Gwen, I am a mage. I can magick myself out of his clutches easily. It's you whose actually vulnerable."

Gwen's mouth worked like a landed fish. Finally, she turned to Vixen. "We'll do it your way. If everything else fails, I'll just kill him. How do you want to play it? We have to worry about Stagwart. Where has he gotten off to anyway?"

At the mention of Stagwort's name Vixen frowned... an earlier thought returning to her.

She pivoted slowly and faced Cervantes.

"What did you miss? What are we missing? Cervantes... what happened to Stagwort and company?" Vixen asked pointed, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed the man steadily.

Smiling just like a cat that had just eaten a canary, Cervantes waved his hand slightly. "I... Saw to him..." He reached for the parchment he had tucked into his belt. "Seems he was ordered to knock us off if we pulled any shit... So, I hog tied him back there somewhere..." He waved his hand back toward where he had rode in from. "He won't be along for a little while... Unless he's been salavating... Then he might not show at all..." Cervantes shrugged and with that he dismissed the entire situation and had his horse canter up next to Vixen, shooting her a 'I'm three seconds away from jumping your bones, so how about we go behind those bushes over there and get freaky...' look. He sniffed the air, reveling in her scent, a sideways smirk on his lips as he did so.
Rocky paused, looking back at the rest.
"I could go in," he said aloud, not quite sure why he said it. It just seemed like some way to help Muffin.
"I could go in with Gwen. She could tell Malvort that I'm her servant. Since I'm not very smart there's no way they would think I'm up to anything. I can follow Gwen inside and make sure nothing happens to her."
He paused, looking back at Muffin.
"If Malvort does have a plan he's sure to let Gwen in sooner or later. I could just sneak out and tell you whatever I find."
He was so happy, he was helping. It just didn't seemed like he had been doing much for anyone, this looked like something he could do. He could really do it.
He hoped.

Valdimer stood, intently listening to everything they said. Taking a deep sigh, and pulling his hair back, and letting it fall agian, he spoke.

" If we do what you suggest Vixen, blood will be shed, I can tell you that much for sure. And how are you going to explain the rest of us to Malvort? Tell him we are mercinaries for hire?' he said, a serious look about him, " "And from all I've heard thus far about Lord Malvort, he doesnt sound stupid, so he very well could be expecting this sort of thing."

Valdimer took a few strides toward Rocky. Putting a hand on his shoulder, and said, "Rocky, your smart, alot smarter than some I know, and your right, he wouldnt expect someone like you."

"My suggestion is, in addition to your plan Vixen, is that we infiltrate the castle, or keep, or whatever he has, and let Rocky do his thing, gathering information. We could hide out in the castle for a bit, until we know exactly what is going on, and do what we must to stop whatever he has planned, and then,' looking over to Muffin and Gwen, " If need be, we could continue toward the stones." Val said, folding his arms......

She thought about everything they were saying. A wry smile on her lips as she realised yet again that they were waiting for her decision.

Did she really come across as someone who knew what she was doing? She shook her head at her own fate being thrust into this situation again.

"You're right" she smiled at Rocky... "that's a good idea." Turning to Valdimer, "Valdimer... what if... what if we disguised you, Cervantes and Aristus as Malvort's knights? I could tell Malvort that Stagwort died from some mishap... Muffin... would the knights still be frozen do you think?"

With a grim smirk, Cervantes spoke up. "I'll do it..." There was an eiry finallity to his words. His fist clenched the rolled up parchment, balling it up in the palm of his hand, then he tossed it away, over his shoulder.

"And of the young one, Fredrick? I'm sure we can pursuade him to join us. But, otherwise, yes Vixen, you can count me in as well, However, we will need some packs, or something of the sort, for I wont leave my armour behind, for the cheap steel of Malvort's knights." Val said, a smirk following his words.

The finallity in Cernantes' words was duely noted. Valdimer also felt somewhat the same, 'Of all the battles I've been in, the quests I've gone on, the things I've seen, this is one of the most rag-tag groups I've ever seen. But I'd die for all of them.' he thought to himself.

Valdimer looked to Aristus, Rocky, Gwen, and Muffin, awaiting their response.....
"You want ME to wear armor?!?" even the thought appauled him to his very core. In all his years of life he saw armor as something to hide behind and cower. Plus being a wizard he never really had any use for armor or the like.

Aristus sighed a heavy sigh, "If I must then I will, but when the opportunity arises I will discard the armor like a used up component for a spell."

"Although a question arises, why would this so called lord have an elderly man in his army. I am not old by any means but compared to all of you I could be your dad's or grandfather's."

"Maybe there is something else I could do..." he trailed off into thought. If he couldn't think of anything else he would have to wear that excuse for defense, he shuddered slightly at the thought.
"I'm ready to do it," Muffin said bravely. "We should hurry, though. And we must watch out for Malvort's old mage. That goat doesn't have much left by way of power, but he is a canny old man. He knows how to smell a rat. He hasn't quite gotten Gwen and I figured out. Yet. We can't take too long in there. If Dilpus has much time with us, which we've never given him, he'll figure out that Gwen isn't a mage."

Gwen nodded, "It won't be hard to infiltrate his castle. He has trouble keeping men-at-arms and tends to have a lot of mercenaries around. No one will notice new men, I think."

"And the knights should still be frozen, I think. Unless that jerk over there unmagicked them, too." Muffin glared at Aristus.

"Muffin, calm down. We have more important things to think about."

Vixen grinned at Aristus.

"Oh don't worry old man... if you keep the helmet on no one will notice the difference... besides... some of the best warriors I know look older than you... if you get to that age without dying in this business... you've got to be good!"

She turned to Muffin and Gwen.

"Okay... we go back, get the armour and head for Malvort's castle... I'll try and keep that old mage off your backs as long as I can, you two really have to trick Malvort into revealing his plan... the sooner that happens the sooner we can organise some proof for the king..."

She walks up to Cervantes and lets him pull her up onto his horse with him.

"Come on... hopefully my own horse is still where I left it on the way... you didn't kill the knights did you Cervantes?" She asked only half expecting an answer.

Wearing an unrepentant grin as he pulled Vixen upon his horse, settling her just in front of himself. His hands around her middle, caressing her stomach. He nudged against her purposefully. "Or... HOPEFULLY it ran away..." Cervantes whispered in her ear, his hands squeezing against her stomach for emphasis.

"I wanted to kill Stagwart, but I didn't... I think... As long as he wasn't salavating he should still be alive... Actually I would like that, cause that would mean he would come chasing after us and then I could really ENJOY killing him... As far as the others... I left them where they were..." And with that he fell silent for a moment, his hands edging ever so slowly up Vixen's body, in the hopes that they would reach her breasts before she swatted them away.

"What did you name him?" He asked suddenly, out of the blue.

Valdimer looked at Muffin with a somewhat odd glance at her words toward Aristus. Letting that pass, Val effortlessly hoped on his horse. " If what Muffin says is true, about Malvort haveing plenty of mercinaries around, then me and Cervantes wouldnt really need to wear the other knights armour."

Val reired his horse, to fall in line behind Cervantes. Giving a loud thump on his breast plate, Val dug his heals into his stead's side, rideing toward uncertainty.........
"All right, Vixen. This is your show, we'll follow your lead. You seem to know what you're doing anyway. I think, though, that if Stagwart is still alive, I should be bound. He thinks Muffin is an idiot and won't think a thing of her being loose, but he'll expect to see my hands tied, at least," Gwen said. She swallowed the lump of bile that had risen to her throat. Being delivered tied to Malvort was the last thing she wanted to happen.

"Do we have to?" Muffin asked, worried.

"I think so."


"It'll be okay, Muffin. Get up on the horse, Rocky can ride with you. I'll mount up and someone find some rope."

The sister hopped onto their horses, and Muffin helped Rocky up behind her. Dragon looked ridiculously pleased when someone produced a length of rope.
Rocky's eyes went wide as his name was called. He smiled, stepping back into the little rotten log.
"Can you come out, please?"
A little squirrel produced itself, rubbing it's nose. Rocky held it in his hands, petting it with one of his fingers. He placed it in his pocket not wanting anyone else to see.
Now, the part of a servant. He took off his more daring cloak, and boots. His shirt, while not exactly clean, was still in good condition. He tore it up, splattering mud stains here and there. He ran mud through his hair as he wildly played with it until it looked like he had just woken up from a year nap. He tore his pants as far as he dared, messing them up as well.
Honestly, Rocky really didn't want to do it, but he had to. No one would believe he was a stupid servant if he smelled like he did. Smelling good was one of Rocky's little quirks. Today, however, it would have to be abandoned.
"Come on squirrel, do your business, "he held the squirrel above him, as it began dashing him with a yellow spray. It actually felt warm as it trickled down his hair and into his clothing. He felt horrible, awful, like some piece of garbage.
Perfect, he was a slave.
Placing the squirrel back into his little pocket Rocky followed orders, getting onto the horse. He smiled at Gwen, hoping they would get to know each other better.
OOC: Are we going to need someone to play Malvort? Or do we intend to get him knocked out quickly?
OOC: I think it would be kinda cool to play that out, I dont really want it to go like a breeze, or a quick cotton candy attack.

Any ideas on who could play Malvort, or does anyone want to take the position? I'm all for either having one of us play Malvort, or finding someone to do it....
OOC: It'd be great if Neale could do it, the man is an RPG god. I think he might be too busy.