Aventures on Darmus

"Ummm, yes, yes I am" Aristus said, fumbling with his small pouch that only held one book. "I am a practicing Wizard as well" he said proudly.

If they only knew that he had no need of books or components for his spells, and that the only reason he had this book was to appear more like a wizard and not a sorcerer. His clothes were all fine pressed and looked as if dirt had never even been thought of touching them.

"I do thank you for your... kind words M'lady, but shall we continue on this quest that seems to be of great importance."
He glared at Valdimer and gave him the "let's go" motion with his head.

As they were leaving he looked at Val and whispered "If you EVER leave me with what you left me with before I will find you and turn you into the love attraction of every man you see, understand?"

Vixen watched Valdimer and Aristus curiously. She noted their interaction with interest before turning her attention to the knights under her command.

"Ok... we're moving out... we have two days to get back to Lord Malvort's castle... set a hard pace for Gandallay, I want to get there before dusk... take three by three shifts in guarding our guest companion..." she smiled at Gwen before urging her horse to the lead at a canter.

Finally she had the chance to give some attention to Cervantes. "So... you bastard... what have you been up to all this time?"
"We're going to get the book that Valdimer and Cerventes were looking for!" Muffin yelled back at Rocky, so he could understand her over the wind. "It's a wizard book, the Book of the Dead! We have to beat Gwen back to Lord Malvort with it, otherwise something really bad will happen!"

"What bad?"

"I don't know! Gwen never told me! Dragon knows where the book is!"
Rocky nodded, his head to one side on her back. The grip was steel tight, man could this horse run. It was like riding lightning, only twice as bumpy. He just closed his eyes, hearing Muffin and the forest surround them as they go deeper and deeper into the forest.
Rocky didn't want to tell her about himself, but it seemed that since they were going on an adventure, he thought he must be honest.
"Muffin," he nearly had to scream for her to hear him, "I want to tell you, I'm not really smart. I'm smart at some things, but not many things. I don't know if I'll be much help, I can try, but maybe I shouldn't go. I am kinda clumsy..."
Muffin pried one of Rocky's hands off of her ribs and squeezed it tightly. "I think you're pretty smart. And you look me in the eyes when you talk to me. And you stood up on a running horse and shot an arrow accurately, no one else on the world could do that! I think you're all the help I need."

Dragon snorted in disgust and slowed down. Muffin fiddled with the reins. "I should probably tell you that I'm not all that smart either. Gwen has done the thinking for me all my life and she protected me from father and others like Malvort by pretending to be what I am. It's a secret, but Uncle says that I'm the most power wizard he's ever trained. Most people get cats or birds when the summon familiars. I got Dragonbait here. Gwen says that people like Malvort will use me to do bad things and thats why I have to pretend to be the one without magic. She needs the book."

Dragon came to a stop and looked back at his riders. Apparently they were there. They stood at the edge of the elvish wood and peered into the gloom. An elf stepped out from behind a tree, arrow nocked, and frowned at them.

"Ahem... Uh... A little of this an that... Er... You know... Eh... Im not that original when it comes to adventuring Vixen..." His eyes shifted from her breasts to where her crotch met with a steady rythem against the saddle she sat upon. He absently wiped at his lips with the back of his hand as stared so intently she could nearly feel a force against her skin every where he looked. He didn't even care that her horse was nipping at his calf in an attempt to get rid of *that annoying thing prodding it in its flank.*

"Say... You had the baby..." He said, just now noticing that she wasn't pregnant anymore. Turning up a cocky, self important smirk, Cervantes tore his eyes away from her crotch and her now-flat stomach. "So... Does the lil welp take after is ol man?" He asked, perking up an eyebrow.


Vixen tensed hearing Cervantes talk of ... "their" child. Her immediate inclination was to elbow him in the stomach... but her mind drifted to the child and she couldn't help but smile. She was silent for a while before answering him.

"The... the child does well..." was all she volunteered. She glanced over her shoulder at his smirking face and bit back her smile. She managed a fair interpretation of a frown, hoping it would convince him to speak of something else.
Rocky smiled. Somehow Muffin made what they were doing make sense. He didn't understand it at all though, he didn't feel right leaving them.
The horse finally crawled to a stop. Rocky got off, glad to be off of that horse. It was such a strong thing, stronger than he ever imagined a horse to be. With that in mind he could definitely...
Whoah..." he looked at the arrow in his face.
"Wait, calm down," he raised his hands, "We don't want any trouble. Muffin and I are just looking for a book, that's all. What was the title? Ummm.... the Dead. The book of the dead."
The look on the elf's face didn't move. Rocky kept his arms up as high as he could. This wasn't going as well as he could.
"We didn't want to disturb you or anything."
His eyes glanced at Muffin, not sure what to do.

"Vixen... I'd like to see the lil scamp... Toss im a few balls..." Cervantes said smoothly as his hand came up to rest lightly on her shoulder, he had finally sat up propper on the bloody horse and not just lay across it haphazardly. The horse gave the equvilent of a sigh of relief at *that prodding thing* finally leaving its flank alone...

Vixen stayed silent. "Vixen..." Cervantes said as she felt him continue to scour her with his eyes. "...I have to tell you..." He nearly whispered, his lips had drifted next to her ear. "It feels good to be close to you again..." His voice was instantly husky as his breath teased against her ear and her neck.

... held on desperately for her control over her emotions.

"Y... you actually expect me to let you see him?" She didn't dare look him in the eye just yet.

"You think it's that easy after all you've done? Damn you Cervantes... you know how I feel... felt... about you..." She didn't manage to shrug off his hand. She struggled with herself... but she couldn't brush aside his touch damn it.

Luckily the town of Gandallay made itself visible in the distance.

"We've arrived... " she spoke loudly enough for the others to hear her. "I'm going on ahead to secure us some lodgings for the night... Stagwort... keep a close eye on the Lady Gwen... Frederick... come with me... "

She cantered off to the town heading for an establishment known to her. The Silver Eagle.

Apon arriving at the establishment a scruffy looking boy approached to take their horses. Vixen dismounted easily almost knocking out Cervantes. It wasn't clear whether this was on purpose.

She strode into the Inn and immediately spotted the owner an old wirey man with more hair on his chin than his head.

"Ahhhh... Vixen 'tis it?" He chuckled apon seeing her.
"Aye Deblin 'tis me... I have need of lodgings for nine plus horses... do you have room?"
"Always have room for ye... ye know it..." he chuckled again, eyes sparkling. He peered over her shoulder at Cervantes who was, as his want making eyes at the bar maid.
"He be with you then?" Deblin queried.
Vixen didn't bother glancing over her shoulder... she knew who... and what WHO was up to.
"Unfortunately..." she replied.
"So would it be seperate rooms yer needing?"
"The men can share your larger room if it's available... I'll need a smaller room for myself and another woman... a charge of mine..."
"Understood... Charlotte!" The bar maid giggled slyly at Cervantes before responding to Deblin's call.
"Yup?" She asked
"Charlotte lass... get the larger room ready for seven... and the twin ready for two singles... tah lass..."
She grinned and scampered off but not before winking encouragingly at Cervantes.
Vixen frowned.
"I'd warn her not to play with 'im if ya know what I mean Deblin..."
She said somberly... shooting daggers at Cervantes who looked innocently her way.

The others arrived. Frederick had been outside waiting for them to show them the lodgings location.

As Vixen tried to stay calm while he touched her, Cervantes took in a slow breath, how he enjoyed scenting her just for the sake of scenting, and not to know which direction was away from her. A charge of lust seemed to dwell in his very fingertips as his rough hands rested on her shoulders.

He would have started kissing her neck if that fucking town hadn't just up and appeared.

"We've arrived... " Vixen spoke with command. Cervantes let go of her shoulders as her little stooge knights in tattered armor came along side of them. He gave them an annoyed look.

Over at the stables, Vixen hopped off her horse, clipping him across the jaw with her heel. Cervantes only smirked and touched his jaw.

Vixen started talking to some old guy, uninteresting really, so Cervantes let his eyes wander, only to rest them on a young bar maid. She twittered and giggled as Cervantes arched an eyebrow and flickered his tongue at her.

The old guy called the girl away. And she left with a wink. Looking over at Vixen, his blue eyes glimmering innocently. "Whats wrong babe? You feeling alright?" He asked with a fair rendition of concern as he stepped closer to her. "Is Cervie Junior round here somewhere?" He asked peering about to see if he caught sight of any young boys that looked like himself.

Valdimer dismouted, while Aristus levitated off his horse. "The Silver Eagle" he said, more to himself than anything. Taking a look behind him, in the direction Rocky and Muffin were, giving a heafty sigh, he whispered, "I hope they are alright. Relic, god of all good and noble, watch over them." Turning agian, Valdimer made his way into the bar. Cervantes, as blaintent as ever, was makeing eyes with his latest catch. Vixens troops, took seats at one table, near the corner of the bar, and Valdimer grabed the table next to them. "What can I get for ya?" a barmaid said. "Ale, and keep 'em comin." Val said, throwing down a handful of coins. Moving his gaze over to Vixen's men, he spoke, "So, how long have you boys been out here doing this?" pointing back to the forest. Valdimer stared intently awiaiting thier answer, guzzling the last of his ale.
Frederick (one of the four knights)

Frederick looked up at Valdimer's question. The others just snorted as if he wasn't worthy of their consideration. Stagwort in particular looked Valdimer over with rude inspection.

Frederick was probably the youngest of the four knights and was still untouched by the mean streak that affected most of Lord Malvort's men. He cleared his throat and managed a wan smile.

"'Tis been a short enough run thus far. I had not expected to meet up with the Lady Gwen so early... indeed M'Lady Vixen is a keen tracker, I haven't seen the like before." A barmaid came over with four tankards of ale, smacking them down on the table before the knights. One splashed over, flecking Stagwort with foam. He immediately stood up, towering over the suddenly startled woman.

"Woman!" He snarled venemously... "it would do you well to take care in the simple tasks you are so undeservedly given..." She paled at this threatening voice and managed a stammering reply of apology. Stagwort's men seemed tense as if not sure of his next move. When he slowly sat down again Frederick's sigh of relief was audible.

Frederick turned to Valdimer again. "Indeed... 'tis been... good having the experience of such leadership." He didn't mention Vixen's name again, but it would be clear to most he wasn't referring to Stagwort in this instance.

Vixen tensed as Cervantes mentioned again their child. She had managed for so long now to forget that the child was his... well... maybe not forget exactly, but at least to think less of that and more of the strange love and protectiveness she felt for the child. Now she was faced with the very dilemma her Mammon had mentioned when Vixen had first set out to find work and Cervantes again.

... "He'll open up those wounds yer so convinced have healed gel... and you'll realise the one thing that created this young lad here... is the one thing that will be yer undoing in the end..."

Vixen shivered at the memory of it... she needed... she needed to get Cervantes out of her system. The man was a lunatic and a lech at the best of times... how could she hope to let him near the boy? She wasn't up for motherhood... if she thought apon it too long she'd run for her life and that was a fact... but the minute she looked into those eyes... so deep... just like Cervantes... yet clear and innocent and radiating love... she was lost.

Just as she was beginning to loose herself again to Cervantes. She hardened her heart.

Grabbing Cervantes by the hand she dragged him upstairs to the smaller room that had been arranged for both herself and the Lady Gwen. Lady Gwen was still below being guarded by the knights and fed.

She pulled Cervantes into the room and slammed the door behind them.

With an urgency that was beyond reason she thrust herself against him pinning him to the very door she had just closed. She clenched her fists around his shirt and pulled him close for a kiss that was initially at least, supposed to prove he was out of her system.

Only a flicker of surprise showed in Cervantes's body language at Vixen's kiss. His mouth opened to it, and she felt the heat of his tongue against her lips, it was a gentle, coaxing flutter. His hands slipped into her hair as he cradled the back of her neck. More than a minute slipped away as their kiss stirred a deep sensual need for her within his heart. Slowly, his fingertips massaged down along the length of her neck, it was a lovers touch, he still knew every inch of her, every miniscule place upon her body that could bring her pleasure. By the time he had passed his fingertips along her shoulder blades she was leaning against him for support. Her rounded breasts against his chest, rising and falling with audible breath, they were warm and soft agianst him and her nipples were hardening. As he reached the small of her back he had become hard as well, and he did nothing to hide his hot pulsing length from her sences, surely she could hear his lust filled blood through his veins just as easilly as he could hear hers.

His warm, knowing hands caressed her buttocks and pulled him against his hips and he broke the kiss, leaning his head back to moan softly, whispering her name as he did. "Vixen..." And as he whispered he leveled his eyes upon hers, they shimmered with lust but it wasn't the animalistic look she had seen in his eyes so many times before, the type that just seemed to stare through her. No, this look, it was looking into her, focusing on her intently, like he was stripping away layer after layer of her defences, just as easilly as if he were peeling an onion, digging closer and closer to the heart of her.


This was new. The way Cervantes was looking at her. Her eyes widened in surprise. What... what was he looking at... or for?

She could feel the irrational fear overwhelming her. He was getting too close.

She pushed at his chest, trying to move away from him but his arms still held her to him. She turned away from that intense stare and tried desperately to think of something... anything to distract her from him. To help her find herself again.

"No..." her voice was hoarse from the passionate embrace they had just shared, "no... you can't do this to me... not again."

This time she managed to put more strength into her movement and their embrace was broken. Vixen clenched her fists so tightly her knuckles whitened.

"Cervantes..." she managed... "I thought I could but..."

But what? She wondered to herself. Now that she had him... she could do as she pleased... hurt him, use him? She had spent so long hunting him that now she had no idea what to do with him. Was it even possible that that look meant something more? The boy... a father to him? She tried to imagine Cervantes throwing a ball to the boy and an unwilling smile graced her lips at the idea. It was ridiculous. Fighting and hunting maybe... but normality was never Cervantes strong point... nor for that matter hers.

She sat on the edge of one of the beds and looked out the window... the world was darkening... intense purples and pinks washed the skyline.

Why not just have this one night? She wondered vaguely. She could worry about what to do tomorrow after Lady Gwen had been delivered.

Vixen lay down on the bed and smiled over at Cervantes encouragingly. She lifted her hand and beckoned... her husky voice enticed... "show me the passion Cervantes..."
Dragon snorted and shook his mane.

"Er, hello. My name is Muffin, this here is Rocky and Dragonbait. I'm after this book, you see, and well, it's in your Woods and well, I need this book. Uncle Goldleaf said that it was there and that I should talk to Ellowyn."

The elves looked at us, then the one with the bow lowered it. "You ride Ellowyn."

"I do?" Muffin looked down, confused. "Oh no, this is my Familiar, Dragonbait."

The elf laughed. "Come with us."
Rocky followed two of the elves, staying close to Muffin. He didn't know why, but he felt safe around her. He had onl know her a day, but still she had been kinder to him than most people. He admired that.
Soon, they made their way to a huge city. Most of the elves ran off, going to talk to elders and such, at least that's what Rocky thought. Elves have elders don't they? He should ask sometime.
Rocky and Muffin were shown a room. Rocky sighed, falling onto the bed.
"I haven't slept in so long," he glanced over at Muffin, "but sleep never was one of my strong points. Do we have a plan yet, or..."
The door opened as two elves came in. Rocky looked at them curiously.
(do you have a plan specifically where we're going with this, or are you whinging it just like me)
(I'm winging it like hell. I didn't expect we'd spend a lot of time here, just dash in, get the darned book, and dash back to the rest. How about we get the thing then take a nap? Head out to catch up in the morning.)
They were taken before the Elvish King Llewellyn in his court in the center of the Wood. Llewellyn listened impassively as the scout whispered the tale of his finding us in his ear.


Dragonbait snorted and shook his mane. Llewellyn clutched at his belly and laughed until his face turned red.

"I knew you would end up no good Ello. You're after your book?"

Dragon tossed his head and flattened his ears.

"Young woman, you are El- er, Dragonbait's, er, Wizardess?"

"I summoned him for a Familiar." Muffin scuffed her toe in the tile. "I was after a cat."

King Llewellyn laughed so hard that Muffin was afraid he'd had an apopolexy. "I have your book, Ello. You are welcome to it," he finally said. "We'll have your Wizardess and her companion comfortably housed for the night, then escorted back to the edge of the Wood. We have a nice st-s-s- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA snort..."

Muffin and Rocky exchanged glances, but quietly followed a chuckling elvish maid to a nice set of chambers where a meal and sleep waited them.

In the morning, it was back to find Gwen. Muffin hoped she was all right. Rocky smiled reassuringly and squeezed her hand before going into his own room.

The last bit of Fredrick's words trailed off. Valdimer stood up, gently placing the mug of unfinished ale at his table, and walked the very short distance to Stagwort's table.

"Stagwort, it would be in your physical best interests, to NOT talk to this fine young lady like that agian." Valdimer spoke, his words like the blade of a razor. He took the barmaid by the hand, and escorted her away from the table.

Looking back at Stagwort, Val agian spoke, "Now, Wart, if I may call you that?, Simple tasks?, I think I may have a simple task that is right up your alley.', his hand moving slowly towards the hilt of his sword, and with a slight bow, continued, "Vixen isnt here to save your goblin carcass, so if you care to be dangerous?" he said, his green dragonscale armour shimmering in the flame lit bar......
(good plan, but for the sake of the comic book we had to kick the elves asses to get the book)

Rocky hit the pillow and was gone. He slept soundly, hours after hours of some good sleep. It had been forever since he had good sleep. Over a week at least.
In the morning Rocky got up to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful, most of the elves were already up, going to their morning duties. Rocky wanted to join them, he felt so refreshed. He just wanted to go out and do something. In the end, he felt a nice swim would help. Barely an hour into day Rocky took off all his clothes, and began wading in a nearby brook. It was a nice cold shower, that really woke him up. Drying himself off he looked at Dragonbait, Muffin's horse. He smiled.
That horse and him haven't made a formal introduction just yet. Rocky thought this was just the time.
"Hello Dragonbait," he petted the horses mane. Dragonbait moved away from his touch.
"Oh, come on Dragon. Your mane looks horrible, just let me brush it up a little. I promise to be nice."
He moved a step towards the horse, but again the horse moved away.
"Listen, I'm going to be your friend, now we can do this the easy way...." he took something from his bag, "Or the hard way."
He dangled the bright green apple from his hand. Dragonbait's eyes went right up to the apple.
"Now, it's not such a hard bargain, is it. You be my friend, and I'll keep a good supply of apples in my bag. Deal?"
The horse took a step towards him, reaching out for the apple. Rocky took this as a yes, letting him eat the apple from his hands. Then, he began brushing the enormous horse, making his mane nice and smooth. The past day's journey really took a toll on the poor thing. Rocky worked his way around the entire horse, brushing everything. Making his coat shine brightly. Just as he had finished he saw Muffin watching him.
"Oh, good morning. I just thought Dragon needed a little brush down is all. He's ready for today's journey."

... snorted as Valdimer addressed him.

"You are unwise to think I need that slip of a girl to protect me boy..." he answered. The two men with him both reached for their own swords but Stagwort held up his hand to keep them still.

He hadn't bothered to stand yet but looked Valdimer up and down. "You think with your fancy armour and fancy sword that you scare me? All for a mere barmaid? Intelligence is clearly not your strong point."

Frederick stood up now and placed a warning hand on Valdimer's,
"M'Lord... please... it isn't wise to fight with one's riding companions..." Frederick looked nervously from Stagwort's amused look to Valdimer's more serious one. There was a palatable tension in the air.

"Please M'Lord Valdimer... Vixen would not approve of this..." in a quieter whisper for Valdimer's own ears he added... "and Stagwort is capable of much worse..."

Stagwort watched this all with great interest... he raised a brown in question. "So... BOY... you still want to fight me then?" He seemed to be encouraging just that.

Cervantes would not let go of Vixen at first, he enjoyed her closeness, and how her voice was husky just from their embrace. She pushed at his chest again and he let her go, he saw her fists balled, white knuckled. When she spoke, he lifted his eyes to lock with hers.

The look in his eyes was still the same, it simply wouldn't go away, and as Vixen's lips turned up with a soft smile, Cervantes's own mimiced it.

As she sat on the bed, looking out the window, moonlight streaming in through it, to grace her hair skin with a pale glow. Cervantes took in a breath at the sight of her.

She laid down on the bed then, the moon light still streaming over her, she looked ethereal, as her hand lifted, motioning for him to join her on the bed. Even before she spoke, Cervantes came to her side.

She had expected the wild lust of old, but he did not simply part her legs and take her as he would any other. As he laid next to her, his hand rested against her stomach, she wondered why he had not stripped her yet, and turned her eyes to meet his. There was the look again, he had been focusing upon her face only to lock with her eyes the second she turned her head to face him. And as they stared into each others eyes his hand began to move, sliding up along her stomach, to her breast, caressing it in his palm, it was a light, tender caress, and soon she realized what it was for... He was feeling the beat of her heart.

His eyes slowly lidded to mere slits as he leaned in to kiss her lips. He had not spoken the entire time they had entered her room. But he had said so much. Again, the wild animal nature she expected from him was gone, his kiss was slow, languid, and his hand was gentle, she could have pushed him away with nothing more than a fingertip.

Valdimer Elsworth

"Certianly not for the barmaid, she mattters not to me, and insulting my intelligence? Young lad, you have still so much to learn."

Valdimer turned his attention to Fredrick and said, "My young friend, I dont need Vixen's permission or approval. Wart need only be taught a lesson in proper ettiquite, which his own lord clearly did not do, and I intend to. But for the sake of riding companions', he shot a glance at Stagwort, " We can continue this at a later time."

Valdimer returned to his chair, next to Aristus, and called for the same barmaid agian, raising his glass to be filled.