Bad Business Buyout (Closed to Becaa57)

Ish noticed that she wasn't wanting that so. He decided to have her dropped off elsewhere where she would be stranded. "Yeah? Let's see if he does give a shit for someone like you."

Riding his motorcycle over to the next 3 miles which was the county line. Deserting her, the woman who he ravaged with his cock.
Hanging on to him for dear life as he takes out of town. Finally stopping at the county line.

"Yeah? Let's see if he does give a shit for someone like you."

Fortunately I still had my phone. First I call my boyfriend, but he wasn't going to be able to come get me.

I ended up calling an Uber.

I get home, soak in the tub for a bit. Then pack a bag and go over to a girlfriends. I knew I shouldn't say anything about what happened, and fortunately she didn't ask
Ish rode his motorcycle around, trying to clear his thoughts when his cell phone went off. He pulled to the side, seeing a text from an unlisted number. "Hey, did you take care of April?" The anonymous texter asked. "Bet you raped her really good. That bitch wouldn't do what I ask of her with me." The next text read.

He looked at the text, texting back "Oh. So you're the ol' man?" Noticing that it was the boyfriend of April's texting him. Was it just the landlord he had this orchestrated with? Or did he also have the kidnapping and raping orchestrated as well but he did it alone?
Over the next week. I move out the apartment, not trusting the landlord.

I break up with my boyfriend

We acted so weird especially when I wouldn't tell him how I got all teh way out there
But also I know deep down he couldn't satisfy me in bed.

We tried a couple times, but it felt off

3 weeks after the incident

I text you

"Hi April"
"Hello. You're April, correct?" Ish texted her while he was at the clubhouse, doing lines of coke and smoking the weed the landlord gave them. "Ah, this shit burns and it's not getting me high." He said to himself. "How are things with you and your ol man?" Ish texted April back.

He waits for a response.
"Hello. You're April, correct?"
"How are things with you and your ol man?"

"Yes this is Aril"
"We broke up he was weird after what happened with you"

"How are you?"
"I'm fine. I think.... Not happy your landlord screwed me with the coke. It's not perfect quality. But other than that, I'm fine. Yourself?" Ish texted back. Noticing this was the woman he raped but she seemed to enjoy himself and his cock well.
"Well I guess I wasn't the only one screwed in the deal"

"I'm ok I guess kind of confused about things"
"I've moved out of there"

"This is crazy I'm texting you even"

Wondering what the hell I'm doing
"I was gonna ask why you were even texting me." Ish said, chuckling. Then replies "You're still over at the apartment? Cause I might jump him or where are you at now?" He asked, even though she was still confused about why she texted him. "Oh. You moved out of there? Did you find somewhere to go at least?"
"I was gonna ask why you were even texting me."

"I honestly don't know why I'm texting you"

"You're still over at the apartment? Cause I might jump him or where are you at now?"

"No, I moved out immediately so you can do to him what he deserves, give him some from me too"

refraining from even telling him the apartment complex I'm in now

"If you're busy I can go"
"I can go honestly. I need to pick up some liquor for my clubhouse party anyway." Ish said, texting back. He pulls out his 9 mm pistol and gets on his K-9 Big Dog Chopper to ride down to the apartment complex to pull up on the screwy apartment manager.

Unfortunately it was him and another man that was there, who seemed to be April's boyfriend. They smoked the real weed plus snorted pure cocaine. "I can't believe that outlaw jackass fell for it." The apartment complex manager said to April's boyfriend. Ish pulls out his piece and points it at the two men. "Evening Gentlemen. Seems you had screwed me out of the good good." He said to the Apartment complex manager. "Hey man, I thre- I mean, WE threw in April as an added bonus for leverage." He said to Ish.

"Yeah right, I'm not buying that shit." He said, hitting the apartment complex with the butt of his pistol, followed by putting two slugs for him, with the second one being for April. "Oh yeah, this one is from April."
The next day I hear about the murders in the apartment I used to live at
I text Ish

"Was that you?"
"Yeah, it was me. I put a slug in that sleazy asshole for you since you asked me to." Ish texted back, then sent her a realization. "I don't know if you care, but I saw a man who looked like your boyf- errr I meant ex, excuse me. He was talking to the ex landlord of yours."

Even though he was an outlaw, he did not like being screwed with his money. It was indeed fuckin criminal to fuck around with an outlaw and his money. "I heard that he and him threw you in as leverage."
"Yeah, it was me. I put a slug in that sleazy asshole for you since you asked me to." Ish texted back, then sent her a realization. "I don't know if you care, but I saw a man who looked like your boyf- errr I meant ex, excuse me. He was talking to the ex landlord of yours."

"I heard that he and him threw you in as leverage."

I read that and sit back stunned, why would he do that? I thought we had a ok relationship. He did have some request that I wouldn't do, enough to give me to Ish to be raped????? God!!!!!!"

"I can't believed I'm saying this, but thank you"
"Well there is a way you can thank me for disposing the two assholes who took you and made you be pawned for the coke and weed. Anything you want." Ish said, trying to get on April's really good side.

"And how'd you know it was me?" He asked, since he was really curious that she knew.
"Well there is a way you can thank me for disposing the two assholes who took you and made you be pawned for the coke and weed. Anything you want."

Wondering what he meant by anything I want. And how he would like me to thank him, although I have a good idea on that point'

"I don't do coke or weed, so no thank you on that"
"How would you want me to thank you for the other?"

"And how'd you know it was me?"

"Educated guess really, after our last talk"
"Aha, that's actually really good to know." Ish said, noticing that she wanted the same thing that he wanted as well. "So how about I come pick you up and we go somewhere to ummmm..... Fuck your brains out?" He said bluntly through a text.

This time, He really wanted April since she was on the market again. Even if she doesn't, she might say something about him fucking her brains out.
"Aha, that's actually really good to know." Ish said, noticing that she wanted the same thing that he wanted as well. "So how about I come pick you up and we go somewhere to ummmm..... Fuck your brains out?"

I stare at the text, very crude. But feeling myself getting wet at the idea of it

"Not the back seat of a car again, and not as rough!!!!"
"Actually, I'm picking you up on a motorcycle this time." Ish texted, chuckling. "And you pick where we go this time, don't worry, I won't be as roughly aggressive than before." He texted her.

He got onto his chopper to ride to where April wanted to meet him at. He texts her. "Where am I meeting you at? Look for a red K-9 Big Dog Chopper with black flame decal." He texted her, riding over to the area.
"Actually, I'm picking you up on a motorcycle this time." Ish texted, chuckling. "And you pick where we go this time, don't worry, I won't be as roughly aggressive than before." He texted her.

He got onto his chopper to ride to where April wanted to meet him at. He texts her. "Where am I meeting you at? Look for a red K-9 Big Dog Chopper with black flame decal.

Read the text, thinking I have no idea what a K-9 Big Dog Chopper is, but the red with black flame should make it easier

texting back

"In the parking lot of Denny's on 6th and Main"

Going into the bedroom to get dressed, realized I have no idea what to wear.

Decide on jeans, sneakers and a tank top with a jacket.

Putting my hair into a pony tail, hopefully that will keep untangled

God are we becoming FWB's???
Ish takes a small glance at his phone to see where April wanted him to meet her at. Which she aptly had said the parking lot of the Denny's on 6th and Main. He makes a beeline into the south exit of the freeway until he heads over to 6th and Main where the Denny's was.

He pulled up to the parking lot, texting her. "I'm in the parking lot. If you don't see me, hear me revving the engine?" He said, smirking and revs the Big Dog Chopper's engine to get her attraction.
I saw you pull in, hard to miss a bright red bike with flames. Walking up to you, seeing you clearly now
A big burly guy.

"I found you, hard to miss"
Ish smirks as he started to pull the girl who walked up to him, kissing her lips deeply before he breaks the kiss. He indeed was a big and burly guy. "So, you ready to go somewhere where I can fuck your brains out?" He asked, smirking at her.
"So, you ready to go somewhere where I can fuck your brains out?

"So rude!!!!"
"But yes, I can't stop thinking about how fucked me!!!!!"
"Just in a bed this time please"

Climbing on behind you, wrapping my arms around you
Ish started to rev his Chopper's engine before he rides off, returning to the highway, finding a motel with a one bed bedroom so he and April could enjoy the moment of him fucking her.

"So, you like me doing..... This?" Ish asks, revving the chopper, sending a sensual shockwave to April's sex, covered by her jeans.