Behind the mask (Closed for teazme)


Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2002
Jack Carson looked in the mirror, combing his blonde hair while his thoughts were on the invitation his best friend, Aaron, texted him. His younger sister, Elle, was turning 18 and her parents were throwing her a big birthday celebration at their house today.

At 21, Jack had completed his third year in the school of finance. Aaron attended the same college but majored in engineering so they didn't get to spend a lot of time together. What little time they spent was roaming the bars in town and attending frat parties. Both of them worked during school breaks, so spending time in their home town wasn't very often.

Jack knew the family for years, spending a lot of time at their house and remembering little Elle running around with her friends wearing pigtails and braces. Aaron's parents home was in an exclusive neighborhood with a large in-ground swimming pool and a small building used for changing clothes. The pool was used by a lot of friends of Aaron and Elle over the years. He remembered the dance parties they held and fondly remembered him and Aaron stealing his dad's beer from the refrigertor in the changing building.

Lately, all Aaron could talk about was the big celebration his parents were planning for Elle. More than a few times he mentioned that Jack was considered part of the family and needed to make time to attend Elle's birthday party. Jack made an effort to come home which pleased his mom and dad. They spent some time catching up before he had to get ready.

Wearing a blue satin shirt with the top buttons loose and jeans, he liked the way his trim body looked in the mirror. On the way to the party, he stopped at the jewelry store as his mother suggested for a present. Asking the clerk what would be appropriate for a woman turning 18, she suggested an Opal Infinity Pendant. He hesitated but the clerk told him that any woman turning 18 would love fine jewelry. Finally he relented and had it wrapped.

Jack was a bit apprenhensive as he had not seen Aaron's sister in about two years. It seemed every time he was home and he and Aaron got together for a quick beer, she was out with her friends or working on some school project. Arriving at Aaron's house, he saw a lot of cars and realized Aaron was not kidding when he said his parents were throwing a big bask.

He said hello to Aaron's mom and dad who were in the kitchen talking with the cater about food. Aaron walked in from the deck all smiles. He showed Jack where to put the gift and then got him a beer. "So where is Elle?" Jack asked looking at the young people milling about the pool deck.

Aaron pointed to a girl across the pool talking to a group of kids and Jack's eyes opened wide seeing Elle. "Shit Aaron ... she's grown up," he said as Aaron waved to the girl who broke into a wide smile.
Elle couldn't believe how much her parents went all out for her 18th birthday party. Elle looked around at the party and it seemed like everyone she had ever known was there. She was ready for the rest of the summer before she headed off to college. Her parents weren't happy as the college she had picked was clear across the country from them and where her brother went to school. But she was excited as the school had the best poli-sci program and she wanted to work on political campaigns as their managers.

Elle was chatting with a few of her friends. She had really matured the last two years of high school and her body had finally caught up with her peers. Elle wore a simple black dress. It was a bit fancier than what everyone else wore for the party but she was the guest of honor so her mom said it was perfect. The dress showed off how much she had grown up as the hem ended mid thigh and showed off her ample cleavage.

Elle looked at Aaron as he was waving her over and her breath caught in her chest. She couldn't believe Jack came for her party. Jack had always been her biggest crush. She was even holding out for him to be her first, she had had a few boyfriends, but none of them were able to meet the bar set by Jack. She walked over to her brother and Jack and gave Jack a big hug, her breasts pressing into him, "thank you for coming. It is so good to see you." Elle stands by Jack and Aaron as they catch up a little bit. Elle smiles at Jack, "well i suppose I should go mingle some more. Thank you again for coming, but don't leave before I get to chat with you again."

Elle walks away and heads toward her group of her best friends. They all look at her and her smile and giggle, "so Jack came back for your party huh?" All her friends knew Jack was the one Elle had a crush on. Elle blushed and nodded, "I was surprised to see him." Her best friend pulls her aside, "you know, we leave for school in a few weeks. You may never get the chance again, maybe you should talk to Jack and take a risk. Ask him." Elle's friend doesn't need to elaborate, she knows what she means. Elle's friend continues, "he hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked away."
Watching Elle walk toward them was like watching a totally different woman. He couldn't believe how much she had grown up and developed. Her dress rose and fell showing off her tanned thighs but his eyes were drawn to her breasts. The last time he saw her, they were flatter and nondescript, breasts of a 16 something year old. But now as she walked toward them, their was only one thought in his mind .... she had grown into a beautiful woman.

As she approched, it was like a commercial where everything is in slow motion. He licked his lips, seeing a wide grin n Aaron's face hearing him say, "she's not the little girl you remember, is she?"

"No..... no she's not," he was able to say just before she arrived and gave him a huge hug. He could feel her breasts boring into his chest and he swore she was rubbing them against him. He held her for what seemed longer than necessary, hearing her thank him for coming and how good it was to see him.

He saw genuine happiness written all over her face as they talked about the past. Just seeing her, Jack couldn't get over how much she had grown. He was surprised to hear her ask how his studies in the school of business finance were going. He didn't think she knew anything about him, especially about what he what he was studying. As they talked Jack noticed she had not released his hand after hugging him so tightly and there seemed to be an unmistakable glimmer in her eyes.

They talked for a few more minutes about silly things they did when they were younger and he laughed when she told him how she hated when he and Aaron picked on her. After a bit of time, it seemed Elle remembered she was supposed to be a good host and mingle. He could tell she didn't want to leave as she made her excuse to leave and mingle with her friends.

Jack didn't why he did but when she thanked him and told him not to leave before they had a chance to chat again, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry. You go ahead and enjoy your party and I promise I won't leave until we have a to chat again." He swore he saw her cheeks blush when he released her and she turned to go back to her friends, who were looking on and whispering to each other.

His eyes never left her, watching her dress sway with each step and noticing how nice and firm her ass seemed to be. A thought jumped into his head .... what would she look like completely naked. A shudder tore through him and instantly he knew he shouldn't have such sensual thoughts about her. She was Aaron's sister and what would he think if he knew he was lusting after his sister. No he had to put those thoughts to the back of his mind. It wasn't right to have such lewd thoughts about his best friend's sister. But he couldn't help watching her and her group of friends laughing and glancing in his direction.

Aaron finally broke the spell, telling him they needed to get another beer. They walked to the changing room building and grabbed a couple of beers and watched all Elle's guest enjoy themselves. Jack couldn't get the thought of Elle out of his mind and smiled when Aaron asked if everything was ok. He replied yes and then they talked about school.

Aaron told him that later after all the festivities the pool would be open for swimming and he could borrow a swimming trunk if he wanted. Jack smiled and chuckled, thinking about swimming with Elle but he quickly dismissed the thought as wrong.

As the boys continued to sip their beers, Aaron's mother announced it was time for cake and then Elle would open her presents. Aaron poked Jack in the ribs. "Cmon this should be fun." The two men walked out of the changing room building to see Elle walking gleefully to the table with a mound of presents.
Elle smiled as everyone came around the table and watched her blow out the candles. She made a wish, a very naughty wish, she wished to be bold enough to ask Jack to be her first tonight. She watched as people took a slice of cake and she started to open her presents. She got a few different books that she wanted as well as some cute clothes. She opened Jack's present and smiled a genuine smile, "thank you Jack this is gorgeous." She quickly put it on and with the chain it hung just above her cleavage.

After the presents Elle watched as a few of the older guests head out. She smiled as they wished her a happy birthday again and thanked them for coming. Finally the only ones left were Elle, her best friend, Jack and Aaron. Elle smiled as her mom and dad came over and told them group, "enjoy the evening. We are going to head inside for the night." Elle looks at the group, "why don't we go put on our suits and go into the hot tub for awhile.

Elle and her friend go to change and her friend gives her a new bathing suit, which is a very sexy halter bikini. Elle and her friend head down and turn on the hot tub and wait for Aaron and Jack to come back.

When they finally come back Elle smiles as she sees Jack in a pair of trunks. The four of them relax and reminise about growing up together. Eventually Elle's friend asks Aaron if he could help her get more drinks for the group.
Jack and Aaron watched Elle open her presents to the ooohs and aaaahs of her friends. When she opened Jacks' present, some of her friends looked at Jack and gave him a wide smile. She seemed genuinely pleased with his presen, slipping it on while her friends gathered around to inspect it. One girl giggle and he heard her say, he must really like ther to give her such a personal gift.

When she thanked him, he said, "you're welcome," to the smiles and giggles of her friends. He couldn't keep his eyes off her cleavage and he pendant. He thought of how she had grown physically since the last time he saw her, thinking how she really did become a young woman.

Later the crowd thinned out until there was just Elle, her best friend, Aaron and him. He felt a bit nervous when Elle suggested they put on suits and enjoy the hot tub. When she came out of the changing building wearing a very sexy halter bikini, he couldn't help but smile at how she looked .... very sexy.

He and Aaron went into the changing building and Aaron gave him a speedo that showed off everything. Aaron told him it was the only swimsuit he had and he too wore one. When they joined the girls he noticed Elle staring at his crotch which showed off how endowed he was.

They were enjoying the hot swirling water when Elle's friend asked Aaron if he could help her get more drinks for the group. This left Jack and Elle alone in the hot tub and they were on opposite sides. Jack couldn't help but look at her cleavage and the pendant she was still wearing.

Waiting for Elle's friend and Aaron to return, Jack mentioned how much fun he had at her birthday party and was glad to be a part of it. "I'm glad you like my present Elle. I understand you're going to college in the fall, what do you plan on studying." It was small talk and he could see she saw him staring at her cleavage.

He thought of moving next to her but resisted. She was Aaron's little sister and what would he think if he thought Jack was making a move on his sister. But he couldn't help and as he made small talk, he moved in the hot tub so he was next to her and had a good view of her ample cleavage. He put his arm on top of the hot tub without realizing he might be inviting her to snuggle with him. He saw her look at him and he realized she was not a young girl he knew but a woman who looked totally different than the last time he saw her.
Elle looked at her friend when Aaron and Jack came out to the hot tub. Elle giggled as her friend leered and Aaron, "hey stop ogling my brother." Elle's friend blushed, "you know I have always had a thing for him." Elle smiled, "go for it. He is always asking about you and what you are doing." Elle was proud of her friend when she asked Aaron to help her get beverages. Elle gave her a little nudge as she got out and whispered, "go for it."

Elle smiled as Jack asked her about her plans for college, "yeah I am going to a private school out east. It has the best poli sci program." She smiled as he started at her cleavage, she decides to tease him a little bit, "hey Jack, my eyes are up here." Elle took a deep breath as she saw Jack move to sit closer to her. She figured it was so he could hear her over the jets in the hot tub. She looked at the door as her friend came back out and told them, "hey, um so Aaron and I are going to go watch a movie in his room. You two have fun." Elle blushed as her friend dashed back into the house before either she or Jack could say anything.

Elle waited until the door to the house was closed and snuggled in a little closer to Jack. She asked him, "how are classes going for you? Are you still enjoying finance?" Elle hoped he didn't think she was crazy for knowing what he was studying. Elle snuggled in a little bit closer as Jack talked. She felt his arm fall off the top of the hot tub to rest around her shoulders. She turns herself a little bit to press her boobs more into Jack's side, hoping he notices how much she has grown.

Elle looks up at Jack and licks her lips, she hasn't even had her first kiss yet. She has always hoped Jack would be her first kiss and be the one to take her virginity. She smiles up at Jack and licks her lips again, her nerves are becoming more pronounced, "um so um...."
Jack felt a little sheepish when he moved closer to Elle and got caught staring at Elle’s breasts and not her eyes. He also felt a little weird sitting so close to Elle in the hot tub, wondering what was taking Aaron and Elle’s best friend so long to return.

When her friend returned without Aaron, telling them they were going watch a movie in his room, Jack saw a strange smile on Elle’s face followed by a slight blush. Elle was quick, almost to quick telling her to have fun. The tone of her voice seemed to indicate they were going to do more than watch a movie.

When the door closed he felt Elle move closer, seeing a sparkle in her eyes as she asked how classes were going and was he still enjoying finance.

“I’m really enjoying learning all investments, the stock market, and business opportunities.” As he spoke, he saw her move closer and his arm fell off the top of the hot tub and around her shoulders.

It was an accident but he didn’t feel he could remove his arm. And when she pressed her breasts into his side, he felt a shiver course through him. She didn’t pull back but he felt her rubbing them against him just as she had when she greeted him earlier. These were not breasts of a young girl but breasts of a woman.

He wondered where this was going when he saw Elle stare directly into his eyes and lick her lips, Was she expecting a kiss? Jack was conflicted. Here was this girl, Aaron’s sister, who until a moment ago thought of her as a girl.

Her intense stare turned into a sensual smile and she licked her lips again and Jack knew what she was thinking, She wanted him to kiss her and was at a loss of what to say when she uttered, "um so um...."

A thousand thoughts ran through his head. Did she have a boyfriend? If so, what would he think of a man kissing his woman. Were her parents watching? Thought after thought swirled around in his brain. But all the thoughts or questions didn’t help because he knew what she wanted and so did he.

Turning slightly toward her, his arm around her shoulders pulled her against him and his lips gently caressed her lips for a moment. And as the kiss became more intense and passionate, his free hand reached for side to pull her closer but instead found a breast.

His fingers explored her breast, slipping under the thin fabric to feel a rigid nipple. He heard her soft moan in his mouth as their tongues tangled. He knew this was probably wrong but he couldn’t help it and when he felt her fingers on his thigh moving toward his growing thickness, he let out his own moan of desire.
Elle was glad Jack was enjoying school. She always knew he would do well in life. She was a little nervous though as she wasn't sure what else to talk to him about. She supposed she could talk about when they were growing up together, but that just seemed lame. She didn't want Jack to think she was boring or couldn't hold a conversation.

She was saved from having to keep talking when she felt his arm around her shoulders. She had so many thoughts going, is he finally going to kiss me. I hope I am not a bad kisser. Elle had been thinking about kissing Jack for years now, she hoped the kiss lived up to the dream. Finally the dream came true as she felt his lips on her own. She gasped a little in surprise as she felt the kiss become deeper. She opened her mouth for his tongue and almost whimpered when she felt his hand on her breast.

Elle moaned into the kiss as Jack started to play with her nipple. Her own questing hands started to move toward his crotch. She was a little nervous, but lots of excited. She had never felt a cock before, but judging by the way the swimsuit fitted Jack he was quite large. Elle tried to appear cool as her hand reached his cock, she tried to hide her little jump as she felt how large his cock was. She softly rubbed a little more intensely as she deepened the kiss between them.

Elle bit her lip and decided to be bold. She moved to straddle Jack's lap and went back in for another kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck and playing with his hair as they kissed. Elle couldn't help herself, she slowly started to grind on Jack's cock as they kept kissing. Elle knew she felt Jack growing against her and she wanted to feel how he would feel inside of her. Elle broke the kiss, her breasts heaving with her heavy breathing. She was nervous about the next question but she could tell Jack wanted her so she took a risk, "would you be my first?"
Jack was all in for the kissing and touching with Elle. The kisses were becoming more heated and the feel of her fingers finally reaching their destination made his cock jerk. Jack was no expert but he was no babe in the woods either. He had sex with a few women in college, mostly after frat parties where they were both ineberated.

He had a couple of relationships too but they never seemed to last. At college there are a lot of distractions and he found college girls weren't ready to settle down. And while he had sex, to this point there was no relationship that was special.

Being in the hot tub with Elle, a girl he had known for many years was special. He had never looked on her as a lover since she was three years younger. It's not that three years is a big difference when you're older, but to tell the truth he was shocked to see how much she had grown up. And now he was in the hot tub with her, kissing and touching her while she did the same.

When she moved to straddle his lap, he could feel her swimsuit bottom rubbing against his now semi-hard member which was threatening to escape the small suit he borrowed from Aaron. He could tell things were heating up between them when he felt her hips begin the familiar grind against his member. The way her hips moved, Jack got the impression this was not her first rodeo.

He was a bit surprised when she broke the kiss and looked at him with a nervous smile and asked if he would be her first. There was a moment of silence, their bodies seemingly frozen in time. Jack wasn't sure what to say for a moment, thoughts racing through his head of her parents coming out of the house screaming at him, Aaron catching them fucking in the hot tub. It seemed like time froze and then he smiled.

"Yes I want to be your first," he said seeing her face break into a wide smile. "But not here Elle. I don't want your parents or Aaron catching us ...... besides the first time should be something very special." Was that disappointment on her face? He kissed her and then said, "I want the first time with you to be very special and in a place where we aren't hurried and possibly get caught."

The sensual moment was broken and there was no sound other than the hot tub jets filled the night. He was thinking and thinking fast on how to make this special. "How about we have a date tomorrow and I'll take you out for a nice dinner and we'll get a hotel room and we'll make it very special for both of us. What do you say?"

In the meantime let's enjoy touching and kissing each other. He didn't hear her response as he pulled her to him, kissing her ..... tongue sliding inside her mouth .... hopefully reigniting the feelings of a few moments ago before she asked that special question. His hand slid down under the water, touching her bikini bottom and then untying the side before slipping his fingers over her soft pussy lips.
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Elle was a little nervous when Jack didn't say anything for a moment after she asked him to take her virginity. She was worried he was going to say no, finally he said yes and she could breathe again. Elle listened to him continue and while she was disappointed what he was saying made sense. She felt the desire in his kiss and knew he still wanted to be her first, but he also wanted to make it special for her. She smiled as he suggested a date the next night, "I like that idea very much." Elle kept smiled a little bit, "I have always wished you would ask me on a date."

Elle nodded as he pulled her back to kiss him and she felt his tongue teasing her lips before opening her mouth to let him back in. Elle wrapped her arms around his neck and softly sucked on his tongue. She pulled back a little bit and nibbled on his lips before going back in for another kiss. Elle couldn't believe she was finally getting to make out with the guy who she had a crush on for most of her life.

Elle gasped as she felt him untie the side of her bikini bottoms. She jumped just a little bit as he fingers stroked over her pussy. She whimpered into his kiss, "no one has ever touched me there Jack. Only myself." Elle slid one hand down Jack's chest and slowly back beneath the water. She found his bulge and softly rubbed it outside his swimsuit. She looked at Jack a little nervous, "tell me if I am doing this wrong." She kept rubbing his cock very lightly, not wanting to hurt him.

She pulled Jack back in for a kiss and started to grind her hips on his fingers, practically riding his hand. Elle blushed as she could feel herself getting wet, and not just from the hot tub. Elle panted as she felt herself getting close to orgasm, "oh Jack, ummmm huuu." She was grinding faster and faster, forgetting about rubbing Jack's cock as she was getting closer and closer to cumming herself. She leaned in for another kiss and as they kissed Elle screamed into Jack's mouth as she rode his fingers hard.
Jack was relieved that Elle understood that taking her virginity in the hot tub was not the way he wanted to honor her. He wanted to make it really special with dinner and a nice hotel room. But he couldn't stop kissing and fondling the young woman who for years he only thought of as Aaron's little sister. Now she was much more than that and he wanted to touch and kiss her.

When she didn't resist his fingers untying her bikini bottom and touching her special place, he felt her hand rubbing his cock. It had grown and the head was sticking out of the top of the small swimsuit. He couldn't believe he had been the first to touch her pussy. Was his cock the first she touched? "You're doing great Elle and no ..... you're not hurting me ... in fact what you're doing makes me feel really good." He felt her fingers tighten around his cock as their kissing became more passionate and he began to push his fingers inside her.

He was a bit amazed, that in this day and age, she hadn't had a boyfriend and at least fooled around, touching and kissing. He also realized she was a true virgin and not experienced in the way of making out. Who was she waiting for? When his fingers found her sensitive clit, he felt her shudder and his cock was all but forgotten as she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinding her hips against his cock while their lips were plastered together.

Then he heard her gasp and whisper something almost unintelligible and then her body shook and he held her tight knowing she was in the throes of an orgasm. He felt her breasts pushing and rubbing against his chest while they kissed and then listening to her muffled scream as her orgasm racked her body.

As she began to come down from her high, he broke the kiss and looked into eyes. Nothing was said for a moment as he watched her trying to recover. He took her hand and replaced it on is aching cock. He had one of two choices. Let Elle finish what she started by making his cock thick and hard. Or go home to his parents and do it himself. He decided on the former hoping she would accomodate him.

Jack knew that in the hotel room, they would have time to really explore each other's bodies. But the need for some release was now. "I want you to make me cum Elle," his voice soft and full of need. He felt her fingers grip his shaft lightly and he smiled. "Don't be afraid to grip it hard and stroke it ..... you won't hurt it."

Jack's eyes stayed locked on Elle's eyes as her hand began to stroke his cock. Her grip tightened and her stoking became faster until his cock throbbed and his body had some small convulsions. "Ohhhh Elle, you're making me cum," and then he shot ribbons of his creamy cum into the hot tub. When he finished, he kissed her hard and passionately knowing he was falling for her. "I can't wait for tomorrow Elle .... it will be special."
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Elle couldn't believe the first orgasm she had from a man had been with Jack. She had always imagined he would be her first and she was glad he was going to make it a nice night for her. She wanted to snuggle against him as she came down from her orgasm, but she didn't want to leave Jack feeling left out. She felt him move her hand to his cock and she started to stroke it slowly. Elle looked at him as she stroked him a little harder and a little faster. She wanted to see him cum like he did to her.

She stroked him faster and faster and she grinned as he told her he was cumming. She was proud of herself for making Jack cum. She wanted him to know she could pleasure him and he not be disappointed in her. She smiled as he kissed her hard after he came, "I can't wait for tomorrow either. I am glad you are going to be my first Jack."

After they cuddled for a little bit Elle broke away, "we probably shouldn't tempt fate in case someone comes out." She moves to sit on the hot tub seat next to Jack and she slowly calmed down. Just after the moved off and retied her bikini bottom Aaron and her friend came outside. Her friend smiled at the two of them, "I am going to get going. Jack it was great to see you again. We will have to get together before we all head off to college." Aaron looked at her friend and blushed a little bit, "I am going to walk her out." Aaron took her hand and walked her friend to her car. Elle smiled at Jack, "well I guess we timed that well."

Elle got out of the hot tub and wrapped her towel around her, "thank you for coming to my party Jack." Aaron walked back into the backyard, "so Jack, when do you head back to school? Maybe we should hang out the four of us tomorrow night like we used too. Pizza and video games?"
The orgasm Jack had felt really good and as they cuddled he whispered, “thank you.” He wished they could have gone all the way, but he was grateful for what they did. He resolved in his mind that tomorrow night would be a precious memory for years to come.

When she moved away a little. he smiled. “Yes it’s better we didn’t tempt fate." And it wasn’t more than a few minutes, just enough time to make themselves presentable when Aaron and Elle’s friend came out of house. Jack knew they didn’t suspect anything.

Jack acknowledged Elle’s friend when she told them she was leaving and it was great to see him again. He grinned when she added they should get together before we all head off to college. Jack glanced at Elle saying, “Sounds great. We’ll make sure it happens.”

Jack saw Aaron blush when he said he was going to walk her outi. He knew they did more than watch a movie in his room. He felt a little jealous knowing he had an opportunity to take Elle’s virginity. Tomorrow night would be different and amazing.

When Elle giggled and said they timed that well, Jack chuckled, “yes we did,” leaning toward her and giving her a quick kiss.

Jack got out of the hot tub with Elle and walked to the changing house. Dressing quickly he saw Elle watching him as he walked toward her. “Your welcome. I’m glad I came Elle. I ahh I … “.

He didn’t get to finish seeing Aaron walking into the backyard. “I’ll be home for a few more days before I have to head out.” He didn’t say anything about the possibility of a great internship he had applied for on the east coast. They told him he would hear by the end of next week so he didn’t want to jinx his chances by telling anyone.

“Sorry but tomorrow won’t work I already made plans but I should be free every night after that. I think it would be great to get together like old times”. He winked at Elle as Aaron said the next night would be great and bid hus good night.

“Will you walk me to my car.” Elle smiled saying yes and as they got past the privacy gate, he took her hand.

At his car which was parked a bit down the street because he was late arriving to the party, he leaned his back against the car and pulled Elle into his arms feeling her nipples poking into his chest.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am that I came to your party Elle. The last time I saw you, I saw a young girl but tonight I saw a beautiful woman who I want to get to know better.” The sparkle in her eyes was unmistakable as he added, “I am so looking forward to our date tomorrow night. I think it will be memorable.”

He kissed her with more passion wishing they were at the hotel now. “I’ll make all the arrangements and call you tomorrow and let you know what time we have to be at the restaurant for dinner.”
Elle blushed as Jack asked her to walk him to his car, she nodded and smiled as he took her hand once they were beyond view of the house. She couldn't help but feel giddy as Jack held her hand, she was starting to think there might be a chance for more to this than just tomorrow night. Elle grinned when he said he wanted to get to know her better, "I would love that, see that I am not just the annoying little sister of your best friend who always followed you guys around."

Elle returned Jack's kiss, opening her mouth for his tongue, knowing they couldn't get too crazy since they were in public, but Jack just knew how to kiss. After Jack broke the kiss Elle steppe back a little bit, "I will look forward to your call." Elle waited until Jack drove away before walking back to her house and heading upstairs. In her room she quickly took a shower to wash off and changed into a very cute nightgown. Elle get a wicked idea and took a cute selfie and set it to Jack, "to hold you over until tomorrow."

Elle climbed into her bed and thought about tomorrow night. She couldn't believe come this time tomorrow she would no longer be a virgin. Elle thought back on what they had done in the hot tub and how good it had felt. Elle smiled and get excited about the possibilities of getting to know Jack on a more equal footing than just a friend's little sister. Elle fell asleep to thoughts of Jack and her tomorrow night.

In the morning Elle called her friend and asked about what she and Aaron had gotten up to while watching a movie. Elle's friend told her they were going out tonight on their first official date. Elle was happy for her friend as she knew she had had a crush on Aaron almost as long as Elle had one on Jack. Elle's friend then asked about her and Jack and Elle told her they were also going out tonight and then going somewhere special. Elle's friend said they needed to go shopping to find something cute for Elle to wear. Elle told her she had the perfect little pink lace babydoll to wear already so she was going to spend today relaxing and getting ready since she didn't know what time to be ready. The two hung up the phone and Elle laid back in bed waiting to hear from Jack.
Jack thought of Elle on the drive to his parents home, the details of the entire evening vivid in his mind. He had, until this evening, thought of Elle as Aaron's younger sister. But the time they spent in the hot tub was especially clear and consise, realizing Elle had become a woman and was no longer a girl. And aside from her physical attributes, he had always liked her for her mind. And this evening, he found her very interesting to talk to and wanted to get to know her more in-depth. He had a good feeling that tomorrow he was going to learn more about Elle.

At home his mom was still awake and he spent a few minutes answering her questions about Aaron and Elle's birthday party. He was very vague about telling his mom about him and Elle before he left her in the living room to take a shower.

Afterwards, as he was getting ready for bed he saw a message on his phone, seeing he had received a text from Elle a while back. A broad smile filled his face seeing her in a very cute nightgown showing off her womanly curves. He took a moment to think about her message to hold him until tomorrow, wishing she was with him now. But all he could do was study the photo, smiling at the way her nipples poked into the lacy fabric.

Jack chuckled thinking she should have a reminder too. He rubbed his cock just a little to make it semi-hard and then snapped a selfie showing off the bulge in his tight briefs. "And this is something to hold you over until tomorrow night." He sent it, and thoughts of having dinner with her and then spending some time in a hotel room excited him. As he fell asleep, he hoped that she could think of something to tell her parents so they could spend the entire night together.

In the morning, he talked to his mom and dad before they headed to their jobs. They asked about his schooling and he told them he was waiting to hear from a financial company on the east coast. They thought they would make their decision by next week.

After his parents left, Jack started looking at hotels downtown. He wanted this to be special for Elle and finally decided on the 5-star Empire Hotel which boasted catering to everyone's needs along with a world famous restaurant. Jack knew this was going to cost a pretty penny but he felt Elle was worth it.

Before he could call and make reservations, he heard his phone chime and looked at the strange number. Normally he would let it go to voice mail but he answered. It was the financial company on the east coast in the heart of a very large city, a city that had everything. His heart skipped a beat when the personnel officer told him he got the internship.

But then just as quickly as his excitement was at an all-time high, the next bit of news sank his excitement to an all-time low. They wanted him at the office by tomorrow morning and had made arrangements for a private jet to pick him up at the airport in one hour. He tried to ask for an extra day but the person on the other end of the line was insistent and if he couldn't do it, they would go to the next applicant. He realized this was a test to see just how bad he wanted the internship. Within microseconds, he had to make a decision between Elle or the job of a lifetime. He made the decision and told the personnel person he would be at the airport.

Clicking off, he screamed in the empty house. "No ..... no ..... it's not fair." But he reasoned, what could he do. Maybe Elle would understand. He called her and it went right to voice mail and the message said her voice mail was full. Looking at his watch, he saw he didn't have a lot of time left before he had to be at the airport.

Calling Uber, he sat in the back seat texting Elle. "I'm really sorry but I got a call from the financial company and they want me at their offices today. I'm really bummed out about having to miss our date tonight and I know how much it meant to you and it meant a lot to me too. I tried to call but it went right to voice mail and the message said your voice mail was full. I am so sorry. I'll try to contact you soon. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and not hate me."
Elle gets Jack's text message while she is getting ready. She looks at her phone is disbelief, how could she have been so wrong. She thought he wanted to get to know her, she thought again, maybe it was all just his way of trying to get into her pants. Elle hung her head and cried a little bit, but then she got frustrated with herself. She mentally slapped herself for crying over a man who she didn't even go out on a date with. She wouldn't let this ruin her summer, she would move on. She looks at her phone one last time and then decides to text Jack, "it is fine, I should have known better than to ask someone who only ever saw me as his friend's little sister. Have a good internship." Elle is glad she is texting, she doesn't think she could hide her emotions over the phone.

Elle spends the rest of the night in at home. Aaron mentions that Jack left for an internship and Elle nods her head, "Good for him." Aaron looks at Elle, "he texted me and told me he was sorry he didn't get to say bye, apparently they called and demanded he head there today." Elle's friend can see the pain Elle is hiding, but doesn't say anything. Elle sees her phone decides to just delete Jack's number, that way she can't text him in a weak moment.

Elle spends the rest of the summer going to the beach and hanging out with her friends. It is the last night before she heads to college when she meets up with her ex boyfriend Brody. Elle is attending a party at the beach and gets a little too drunk. She knows her friend and Aaron are off somewhere so she is alone by the bonfire. Brody approaches her asks how her summer was. Elle drunkenly tells Brody, "it was fine except that I am still a virgin." Brody being a typical guy, "I can help with that."

Brody helps a drunken Elle stand up and leads her away from the fire, down the beach. Brody takes a look at drunken Elle and asks, "Are you sure you want this?" Elle nods her head, "I don't want to go to college a virgin." Brody nods his head, "ok if you are sure." Brody helps Elle lay down and while he tries to make it good for her, all Elle can think about is Jack. Elle lays there beneath Brody as he takes her virginity. Afterwards she stands up and nods to Brody, "thanks." She walks back to the bonfire and heads home with her friend and brother. In the morning Elle heads off to college ready to explore and learn all that she can
On the flight, once the ok was given, Jack again tried to call only to get no answer. And to make matters worse, he couldn't leave a message because her voice mail was full. If he could only talk to her and explain that he would be back as soon as he could. Just before they landed he got a text message and his heart fluttered seeing it was from Elle. Maybe he could patch things up and let her know when he would be back in town.

Reading the text, "it is fine, I should have known better than to ask someone who only ever saw me as his friend's little sister. Have a good internship." Reading between the lines he could tell Elle was hurt and angry and he thought if he could only talk to her.

Jack tried to do the next best thing and texted Aaron, telling him what happened and could he please tell Elle to call him so he could explain. A little while later he received a text from Aaron stating that he talked to Elle and she was upset and he saw her delete and block you on her phone.

Jack felt utterly crushed as he met with the manager of personnel for dinner to talk about his internship. He got an apartment in midtown, just minutes from the financial hub of the city. It was a great opportunity for him and other interns but there was one thing missing, Elle.

All summer it was the same ritual, thinking of her everyday when he woke up and every night before he fell asleep wishing it could have turned out different. He tried to forget her but that smiling face in the text she sent him, haunted him. He made a few more attempts to contact Aaron but after a few correspondence, they fell off as if he didn't want anything to do with him anymore. He reasoned the Elle poisoned his mind against him so he quit trying.

One night near the end of summer, he and a few friends were drinking and decided to get tattoos. He had just enough alcohol that they talked him into it . When the artist asked what he wanted on his arm, Jack looked at all the designs on the wall. Nothing seemed very special to him and then the thought came to him. If she didn't want anything to do with him, at least he could have a tattoo that reminded him of her all the time. He told the artist to put 61424 on his arm with a circle of stars around it.

The artist gave him a funny look, asking if it had any significent meaning and Jack just nodded and said it was something that would remind him of a person he hurt very badly and wished he could somehow meet up with them again someday.

Afterwards the other men with their special tattoos had a few more drinks and asked about his tattoo. Jack was very evasive, not wanting to divulge what the real meaning was to him.

As the summer came to a close and his internship ended, Jack decided not to go back home. If he did, he might run into Elle and it seemed to be a situation that would not end up good for him. He also reasoned that she was good looking, beautiful and probably had moved on to a new boyfriend. But whenever he looked in the mirror, he was reminded of her.
Elle matured a lot as she went thought college the next few years. She learned, maybe Jack wasn't wrong to follow his dreams with the internship. She had an internship which she dropped everything for one summer, and finally understood why Jack did what he did. Elle even told Aaron that she understood and that she forgave Jack, which prompted Aaron to reach out and start rebuilding their friendship. Elle was a little disappointed, as even though she understood, it still hurt a little bit. Finally after four years of school she had graduated top of her class with a political science degree. She was excited to join the company she had interned for as an assistant to the political consultant.

As Elle started her first real job she was proud of everything she was accomplishing so early. She was becoming quite well known as the woman you called to put out fires. Elle made a few friends at the company, but mostly worked. She found she was better off keeping control in every situation she didn't get hurt again. She tried dating, even had a boyfriend for a few months. He broke it off because Elle would never fully let go when it came to sex. Elle told her friends about it and they asked her if she ever had an orgasm. Elle blushed a little bit, "other than from my own hand, no." Her friends all agreed, Elle needed to let go of the control she was famous for.

As Elle's first year at the company continued Elle was able to bring in a couple new clients and was promoted to being an actual political consultant. Elle felt so proud of herself she and her friends went out to celebrate. As they danced and enjoyed themselves her friends dropped the surprise on Elle. The bar they were in wasn't just a dance club, it was a BDSM club and they had signed up Elle for an introductory session. Elle looked at her friends, "oh no I can't do that." Her friends smiled, "yes you can. It is one session to see if you can let go of your control, just in the bedroom. Maybe it will help your dating life."

Elle thought about it a little bit, "ok, I will try it." Elle's friends smiled and showed her where to go to be escorted to the basement where her session would take place. Elle followed and went through the door. Once the door closed a woman about Elle's height told her to remove everything but her bra, panties and heels. Elle blushed as she removed her club dress and was given a black eye mask. She was lead into a room and told to kneel in the center on the pillow and her Dom would be in shortly.
Part 1 of 2

Jack continued to intern part time with the investment firm as he finished his last year of college. Named valedictorian of his class, his parents were pleased that he finished at the top of his class. He didn't know why but as he walked across the stage to receive his diploma, he thought of Elle and the tattoo he had emblazened on his arm.

He saw Elle a few times on campus always with a group of girls. He thought of speaking to her but the thought that it was her who broke it off without giving him a chance to explain, stopped him dead in his tracks. Aaron reached out to him, telling him he had some conversations with Elle and she might be amenable to talking with him. Jack called her but he found that he was still blocked. Rather than bring it up with Aaron, he felt like he didn't want to open old wounds. And there was a point, he thought of having the tattoo removed but couldn't bring himself to do it.

After graduation, he was offered a full time position with the investment company and through himself into work. Making smart investments for the firm and their clients, he was promoted to vice president after his first year. As the years rolled past, relationships with women always seemed to be strained. Their relationship was always good at the beginning but when he suggested some sexual fun in the bedroom, it seemed to turn them off.

One evening, he was out with some friends at a bar called Sanctuary Studio. They were having drinks and Jack asked the waitress where people were going when they left through a door behind the dance floor. She seemed hestitant at first, but after one of the men pressed a one hundred dollar bill into her hand, she told them it was a private BDSM club. She also said the club was a safe place for those who liked something different sexually. The thought intrigued Jack and after inquiring more about the private club, the waitress came back after conferring with someone at the bar and he was invited to meet with one of the staff.

That meeting went well and he as male dominant replaced a master who moved to another city. Money was not an issue for Jack. He was making well over six figures with the investment company and lived very comfortably. He figured with this part-time gig, he might find someone who had some of the same fantasies.

Tonight, the receptionists, texted him to inform him he had a newbie, a woman who was curious and interested in finding out about the lifestyle. The club had a rule that no names were exchanged on first visits and he never asked their name, not wanting to get personal. The club also required masks to be worn during the first introductory meeting, which didn't involve in-depth playtime but letting them know what they can expect if they decide to return. He had a rule that masks were required for the first few visits until he felt comfortable with them because he was in the public eye sometimes. His regular job was lucrative and he didn't want some woman exposing him publicly.

Jack wore a black silk long sleeved shirt with three buttons undone to reveal his upper chest along with black trousers and black shoes. As he donned his mask he wondered if the woman, who would be kneeling in the center of the room, would enjoy her first visit. Looking in the mirror he smiled at his reflection and then scratched the beard he had grown within the last year.
Part 2 0f 2

Entering the room, he saw her kneeling, facing away from him. That's the way he always started, not wanting the woman to be distracted by looking at him as he introduced himself to them. He saw her head start to turn toward him when she heard the door open. He spoke in a soft soothing voice. "Keep your eyes straight ahead and you are not to speak until given permission .... nod your head if you understand." When she did, he started into his speal. "Good .... now put your hands behind you." he waited for her to comply seeing her breasts jut our a little.

"I understand this is your first time here. This is an introductory session in which I will tell you and show you some of what you can expect. You may be in control outside these walls but when you are here, you are not in control, I am. You will do as I request without hesitation and when we are done with this session and if you desire to return for another session, you can make arrangements with the woman you met upstairs. You can request me or some other master if you don't feel comfortable with me. Remember, speak not a word until I give you the right to speak. If you understand nod." He smiled when her head nodded the affirmative.

Jack picked up a riding crop and walked around her lightly tapping the leather tip on his palm. "Mmm very nice," he said when he stopped in front of her, seeing her eyes on the crop. For a split second, she looked familiar when he gazed into her eyes but then he shook his head. There were a lot of women who looked familiar and one thing he learned ..... don't get personal with them. They were here for pleasure or pain or both and not for long term commitment outside this basement.

Running the tip of the crop over her cheek and then down her neck he saw her shiver as he said, "You may take off your bra and then place your hands behind you again." He didn't have to tell her to nod but she seemed to hesitate and he snapped the leather tip against her breasts. "When I tell you to do something, you do it without hesitating or there will be consequences. Nod if you understand."

She nodded and when she removed her bra, Jack took a breath. Her breasts were firm and beautiful and he felt a surge of blood flow into his cock. If things worked our with her, he knew he would fuck those beauties in the future. He ran the tip over a hard nipple and slapped it lightly, seeing her body jerk back and she emitted a soft moan. "Very nice breasts and I see your nipples are sensitive," he murmurred as he hit the other sensitive nipple. Then with his free hand, he grabbed a nipple and twisted slightly hearing a deeper groan. "Yes just right for some clamps," he said twisting the other nipple and hearing her groan.

Placing the leather tip under her chin, he lifted her head so she was looking at him. "That is a small sample of what you can expect if you want to continue. Clients come here for a multiude of pleasure whether it be sensual or pain. Keep in mind that pleasure can be pain and pain can be pleasure. We can, if you continue, will find out what you like."

Then he waved his arm, "take a look at some of the toys we can use for your pleasure." He saw her look around the room, seeing floggers, whips, nipple clamps, a variety of dildos and vibrators, handcuffs, ropes, blindfolds, and other toys used for sensual pleasures. "We are here for you pleasure and if you return, we will find out what gives you the most pleasure."

He decided he needed to test her will. "If you please me as your master, you will receive a treat. Now that I have seen you naked except for your pussy, it's only fitting to show you what I have under my clothes. Jack watched her eyes follow his hands as he unbuttoned his shirt and then unbuckled his belt. He was not ashamed of he his body since he worked out regularly and saw her eyes look at his muscular chest as he pushed his shirt off his shoulders. He saw her look at the tattoo on his shoulder as he pushed his black pants down to reveal his semi-hard cock.

"I hope you're not intimated by seeing a nake man" he smirked ignoring her staring at his tattoo as he grabbed his semi-hard cock, sliding it across her lips. "And because you have been a good little slut so far, I've decided you can suck it."

This was a little test to see if she balked at his forwardness. Jack didn't know what her background with past lovers were but as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter. She was here for whatever reason and he pushed his cock between her lips and when she tried to use her hands, he admonished her, "Only your mouth slave and put your hands back behind you. Use that talented mouth of yours." Jack grabbed her head and began to slowly fuck her mouth feeling his cock grow thicker and longer. He kept it up, hearing her gurgling sounds which excited him. He was taking it easy on her, not wanting her to think he was simply going to ram his cock down her throat.

Again and again, he pulled his cock from her mouth, rubbing the tip over her lips and then pushing it between her lips, seeing her eyes staring up at him. After what seemed five minutes of her sucking, he felt the urge to climax. "And here is your treat," he moaned, his cock throbbing, filling her mouth with his cum, hearing her soft choking noises and then seeing it dripping down her chin. From the way she gulped and sputtered he figured this was the first time she had sucked a cock until it exploded in her mouth.

Jack stepped back and smiled. "You've done very good on your first visit." He stopped talking for a moment and then added, "there are a few other things we need to clarify before we continue if you so desire to come back .... when you come here you give up all control to me .... we don't use real names so you need to come up with one that I can call you, a name that is special to you. If you decide to come back you can tell me or any of the other masters what you want to be called."

He gave her a soft smirky smile. "You are to refer to me as master or sir and you will never know my real name. If you want to use me again, you can ask for "J" at the desk and they will contact me to set up a time to meet." He continued to speak, "there are different rooms down here with different types of equipment for your pleasure and we can share them with you on future visits if you so desire"

He waited a moment knowing he was throwing a lot at her. "..... and last but the most important thing ...... you must have a "safe word" that if spoken means I will stop whatever we are doing. Some of our clients use green to go ahead and continue, red to stop and halt, and yellow to stop only for a breather before beginning again."

He looked at her facial expression that looked so familiar under her mask and again had a feeling she looked familiar. "you may speak now. Do you have any questions or concerns as to what you might want to experience? I will be happy to answer them or if you want you want a more intense session you can make another appointment when you leave."
Elle heard the door open and went to turn her head. She heard the direction to keep her eyes forward and quickly turned her head and nodded that she understood. She put her hands behind her back and felt her posture straighten up even more and her breasts thrust forward. She shivered just a little bit at being so exposed in front of someone. She listened as the other person spoke about how the first session was going to be. Elle thought she knew that voice, but she just couldn't place it.

Elle shivered as she felt the crop for the first time slide down her neck. She was a little nervous to reveal her breasts but jumped when she felt the crop against her breast. She quickly nod and reached and unhooked her bra and felt her breasts release. She fully removed it and put her hands behind her back again. Elle couldn't hid the shiver as the crop slid over her nipple. Elle blushed as he mentioned her breasts being sensitive, she wanted to tell him but she didn't have a chance as she felt a nipple being twisted and pulled. That little action made her nipple pucker even more and made Elle arch her back, pushing her breasts into his hands. Elle shuddered, she has never felt nipple clamps before, heck she hadn't had a man play with her nipples in years. Elle refused to think about Jack right now as she felt a different man play with her nipples.

Elle sat up a little bit more as a treat was mentioned. She wasn't sure how she knew, she just knew she would like this treat. Elle watched as the man removed his shirt. She unconsciously licked her lips as his chest came in to view. Elle couldn't help but stare as she saw the tattoo. She couldn't believe the date, it was the date of her 18th birthday. Elle tries to dismiss it, but with the voice and now the tattoo Elle could almost imagine this was Jack.

Elle was brought back to the room when she felt the man's cock against her mouth. She opened her mouth and and tried to stroke the rest of the shaft she couldn't take into her mouth. She put her hands back and tried to give the best blowjob she could, but she wasn't very practiced with it. She tried, but most of her previous relationships either never made it to the bedroom stage or when it did the men got upset at her lack of experience and inability to orgasm. Elle kept her mouth around his cock, working to take it as best as she could. She felt his cock twitch so she clearly wasn't doing terrible. She nearly choked as he came down her throat, Elle had never had this happen before.

Elle listened as he began telling her about possible future visits. Elle hung her head, she was nervous about what she was going to ask. Elle thought about what name she would like if she decided to come back. Elle knew she wanted to come back, she enjoyed what he had done with her and the possibilities she could imagine. Elle listened to him say she could speak, "I would like to be called opal in the future." Elle looks at the man again, "what does that date mean to you?" If this man is really Jack she isn't sure if she wants to make a new appointment with him or a different Master.
Jack saw the woman looking around as if thinking about what he told her. He had a good feeling about her but then he had good feelings about other women who decided it wasn't for them. Those women left and never came back and in some cases he thought they were out for a good time after having too much to drink in the bar upstairs.

He saw her head hang, looking at the floor and to him it was as if she was trying to think of what to tell him. He smiled when she told him he could call her, Opal, in the future. Did that mean she was coming back? Others had told him what they wanted to be called but again some came back while others chose not to return.

Jack saw her staring at the tattoo again and smiled when she asked what the date meant to him. How did she know it was a date? It could mean anything and he had been asked about the numbers in the past but only a few times did the woman associate it to a date. But he had a stock answer whenever asked.

He picked up the riding crop and held it under her chin. "Opal I told you that you can call me Sir or Master and I'll let it go this time but you are to use either of those when addtessing me. But I will let it go this time because you are new to this lifestyle."

He addressed her, "Opal it's not a date. Each number has a special mathematical meaning and it is something that happened a long time ago when I was younger." It wasn't really a lie. It did happen about five years ago when he was younger but he made it sound like it was much longer in time. And besides, each number did have a meaning in the calendar but she didn't have to know exactly what they meant.

He saw her still looking at it as if she was thinking there was magical way it represented something in her past. And why would he tell her about his troubles. Elle had been someone special but she rejected him and he was not about to tell a perfect stranger his tale of woes. He did that once and the woman thought he was crazy for having the tattoo because he was despondant about a woman who scorned him. So he kept it simple when asked.

"I enjoyed our time together Opal and I hope to see you again soon. If you do decide to come back, I would love it if you ask for "J" or if you want to try another Master you can do that. But if you ask for me, I will show you more of the Sanctuary and have you find out more about your sensual pleasures." Jack picked up his clothes and started to walk to another door. "You may dress now and use that door," he said pointing at another door that would lead to the reception desk.
Elle watched J leave the room. She knelt on the floor for a little bit to try and regain her composure. She knew her friends would ask her about the session and she wanted to have a story ready. Elle finally decided to get up and get dressed again. She put on her outfit and headed out the door to the reception desk. Elle asked if she could schedule another session with J and set up a session for in a few days time. She put her dress back on and headed up to meet back up with her friends.

Once she caught up with them they all started asking about the session and the man who was in the room with her. Elle tried to answer honestly, but kept most of the time to herself. She didn't want her friends to know she set up another session. One of her friends mentioned that she has a standing appointment once a week with a Master called Zane. Elle was surprised and asked, "do you enjoy it." Elle's friend smiled big, "he keeps me on my toes, that is for sure." Elle made a note to talk to her in the future and see what else she knew. Some of her other friends smiled and kept quiet, she was intrigued about what they were obviously hiding.

Elle spent the next few days doing a little more research into the world of BDSM. She didn't want to go in completely blind like she did the first time, but she also wanted Master J to inform her knowledge.

The day of the session Elle spent time picking out her bra and panties, making sure they looked good on her. She primped almost like she was going on a date. She finally put on a nice dress and heels before heading back to the club. She was a little nervous when she walked in, but also very excited. She headed to the back door and was shown inside. The same receptionist asked her to remove her dress and showed her to the same room as the first time she was here. Elle remembered to kneel in the middle of the room with her back to the door. She wasn't sure what to do with her hands so she put them behind her back like last time. Elle knelt there and waited.
Jack left the woman, who wanted to be called Opal, in what is called the "introductory playroom". This is the room where first time clients were introduced to a sample of what the club had to offer. There were a small variety of sex toys but nothing like what was each of the other rooms. Then on subsequent visits, clients would wait for their masters in the room and then taken to other rooms within the basement.

After getting to know certain clients, Jack would walk out to the reception area with them, making sure that what they experienced was good. If the client wanted to try something new or had a concern, they would talk it out. But he made it a rule, that until the masks came off, he didn't want to interact outside the basement or see the client's full facial features. He would wait until he was sure they were gone before he left the building but today he really felt tempted to see who he had just met, but he didn't.

As he waited, he received a text from the receptionist indicating, Opal, wanted another session with him in a few days. He had a good feeling about her and was ecstatic she wanted another session. Later as he called investors, visions of Opal kept popping up in his brain. What was it about her that intrigued him so much? She seemed like all the other first timers but something nagged him and he couldn't put his finger on it. There was something familiar about her but try as he might, he couldn't come up with anything. Maybe when they met, it would all come together.

Jack felt excitement on the day he was to meet with Opal. He arrived early and shed his normal work day clothes and put on a pair of tight black pants but today he was not going to wear a shirt. She had seen his tattoo and seemed to accept his reasoning so there was no reason to hide it. He put on a gold chain necklace with a medalion that hung just above his breast plate.

Opening the door to the introductory playroom, he smiled seeing Opal kneeling with her hands behind her back. Picking up a riding crop, he ran it up and down her back, seeing her shiver a little. Then sliding the crop on her shoulder, he traced her neck as he walked to stand in front of her.

He saw a certain sparkle in her eyes. "I'm glad you decided to return Opal." Running the tip downward from her neck, he traced the outline of her sexy red lace bra. "I see you dressed for me and I appreciate that." Sliding the crop down her stomach, he pushed the tip between her closed thighs. "Open them." Smiling when she obeyed without a word.

"I'm glad you remembered to speak only when told," he said tapping the inside of each thigh and then her covered mound, seeing her head nod.

"Today is one more step on your journey and I believe you'll begin to get a clearer picture of what pleasures await you." Jack turned and picked up a submission collar with nipple clamps. He saw her eyes widen as he told her, "Stand and take off your bra and panties." He sensed her hesitation and when she did as he asked, he stopped for a moment admiring her body and then a rememberance from years back flashed and soared in his brain.

He brushed aside the thought and placed the collar on her neck. "I told you last time you give up control when you are with me and I also said you had some nice nipples for clamps. Today we're going to see how you like these." Before Jack put the clamps on, he started by kissing each one, flicking his tongue over them, sucking them and then capturing the hardened nipple in his mouth with his teeth, pulling them outward and then releasing them to her soft groans, seeing they were standing rigid and ready for the clamps. Her soft groans grew a little louder as he clamped each one to her now very hard nipples.

Clipping a leash to the collar, Jack didn't have to say a word as he pulled her from the room. They visited a couple of rooms not being used at the time. He showed her the different tables of various sizes and each had iron rings attached to the sides, spanking tables, a spider web with ropes at strategic spots, a pillory, different types of crosses and cross beams, iron rings attached to every wall in each room, and iron rings on pulleys hanging from the thick wooden oak rafters. In one room, there were cages of different types and sizes. Some were one person but others were large enough to keep a few subs for whatever reason the master wanted. He could tell Opal was taking it all in, her eyes scanning every room with a critical eye and a few times he had to pull on the leash to get her attention.
"We also have other rooms upstairs on the third floor for shows and other group activities. I can show you those on future visits." They walked into a room where a master had his submissive tied to a St. Andrews Cross and was teasing her with a wand vibrator. He looked at Opal to see her reaction and saw her eyes grow wide and heard a loud gasp.
"Don't worry, Master Zane is one of our best doms. In fact, let's get you started," he said picking up a pair of handcuffs and placing them on her wrists. Grabbing a loose rope hanging from the wooden beams, he quickly tied it to the chain between the cuffs and then pulled on another rope near the wall, forcing her arms to extend over her head.

"Spread your legs open wide slut." When she hesitated, he slapped her ass with the palm of his hand causing a loud noise that got Master Zane's attention.

"Mmmm I see you have a new client Master J. You are most welcome to stay and watch." Master Zane turned to his client and smiled. "It's always good to have an audience, isn't it slave?"

"yes master," she replied.

Jack saw her looking at him and then at Opal. Did they know each other. He had Opal hanging helplessly and smiled seeing her breasts with the nipple clamps stretching her breasts. Walking behind her, he picked up a similar wand vibrator and pulled her against him, his cock starting to grow. Reaching around her, one hand began to massage her breasts while the other hand, holding the vibrator, placed it against her pussy, feeling her ass jerk backward against his hips.

Master Zane had picked up a flogger and began to twirl it, hitting sensitive spots on the young woman. Jack could feel her breathing quicken and he thought of fucking her but that would have to wait for another day. "Do you like what you're seeing? If you continue on your journey, I will be treating you much the same way on this and other bondage furniture."
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Elle heard the door open and got butterflies in her stomach. She enjoyed the first time she was here, but she was nervous to see what else she would experience. She kept her eyes forward as previously instructed so she jumped a little bit when she felt the crop against her back. She blushed as she felt the crop between her legs and spread her legs a little wider when she was instructed to.

She saw J pick up a collar and her eyes showed her nervousness. She took a gulp when she was told to stand and remove her bra and panties. She didn't want to let J down so she removed her bra and panties and then put her hands back behind her back. Elle gasped as she felt J put his mouth on her nipple. She wanted to hold his head to her nipples as he licked and sucked and pulled on them. She couldn't help but arch her back, his mouth felt so good on her nipples. She blushed as he clipped a leash to her collar and she followed behind him.

As they toured the basement Elle was surprised by all the different pieces of furniture and the seemingly endless possibilities. Opal was surprised when J led her to a room that was already occupied. Elle heard the telltale buzzing of a vibrator and was a little confused when she saw another man using it on a female. While she wasn't a virgin, she thought only women used vibrators on themselves when they didn't have an actual man to pleasure them. Elle turned her head a little bit to show her confusion without speaking.

Elle felt J put handcuffs on her wrists as she continued to watch Master Zane play with his sub. She couldn't say anything and give away her identity, but it was her friend who had a set appointment with Master Zane. Elle felt like she should look away, but her eyes kept being drawn to watch the two. Elle felt her arms going above her head and blushed when she was told to "spread your legs open wide slut." She hesitated just for a moment but it was enough to earn a slap on the ass. She whimpered at the sudden sharp slap.

Elle was surprised when she felt her body being pulled against J. She felt his hands on her breasts, and she moaned softly. The clamps making her more aware of how heavy her breasts and become. She flinched as she felt the vibrator against her pussy, but only for a moment. She had one at home that she loved to use and knew how powerful it could make her cum. She started to grind against it almost immediately. She heard the question of if she liked it and all she could do was nod. Elle whimpered as her hips moved faster and faster. A combination of watching and the vibrator making her want to cum already. She looked around and she couldn't help herself, she started panting, "I am going to cum, i am gonna cum." She took one last breath and her orgasm washed over her, leaving her limp against the handcuffs.