Blase's Beach House

Hello Blase. It's nice to meet you. :) I love your profile and the way you roleplay. I'd love to get to do a srp with you sometime! You seem like a great person and I'd like to get to talk to you more.
Congrats on the new Beach House Blase. It's good to see you've come out of hiding.

*pulls up a chair and pops a bottle of bubbly*

Hi everyone :)
I'm new here, but don't let that put you off.. A couple of glasses of bubbly and I'm anyone's ;)
(everyone's?) :rolleyes:
Hi Blaze

Not sure how but I stumbled on your D/s post! Oh my :eek: Think I need a cold drink!
Seems I am always late to the party. Just thought I would stop and say "hi" anyhow.

Hi, Ella Claire!

The Beach House is always open, but it is possible to stop by and find the owner out. And sometimes I forget to put the little sign up. ;)
Internet Safety Tip of the Day: Do not do an image search for "dogwood" with the Family Filter disabled.

That is all.
Love your place!

Hey Blase! Just passing by and found your beach house ... it's great! Sure wish someone was around, though. Could've had a little fun. :devil: Guess I'll hang out and enjoy the stars for a little bit before I head on my way.
Nice to meet you, roughedges!

Please, feel free to have a seat at one of the patio tables!
Why, thank you!

I'll have to be a bit careful - Wine tends to loosen me up. ;)
We could actually sit down by the water, if you like.

Spread a towel over a flat rock and bring a pillow to lean back against.

Nice to have the water right there, should we decide to go in.
That sounds wonderful. I'd love to take a swim later. The water looks so refreshing.

Want more wine? ;)
How can I refuse such generosity?

*takes a sip*


*moves to sit beside you*
Thank you. Finding a place like this was a long-time dream.

*lies beside you, turned onto my side to face you, and gently places a hand over yours*
I'm glad you found this place ... and that you welcome visitors.

*feels a tingle as your hand touches mine*
Ah, memories...

Me: Hi! It looked like you'd logged off for a minute!

Her: I was chatting with my friend from out of state and I had to say goodnight.

Me: I didn't know you had a webcam.

Her: What did you have in mind?

Edit for the curious: See two posts below this one.
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Wow, it's been a long time since I stopped by here.

The world changed, and I was fortunate in a certain sense, because suddenly I was busier than ever. But a lot of things got put on the back burner.

I think I'll just sit here on the rocks and watch the sea for awhile. Perhaps someone will stop by, perhaps not.

If anyone does, I hope my lack of clothing won't offend them. It is my place, after all.
The following story has been slightly fictionalized. Which parts do you think have been embellished? :devil:


I've never done this before.

The text showed on his monitor just beneath a live webcam shot of a girl's bedroom. Her name was Marybeth.

Answering her text, he typed:

Good. Let your first time be on purpose, Marybeth. I want you to pause a moment, take a deep breath, then make a very deliberate, conscious choice.

He was watching when she stepped into the frame, giving him his first surprising look at someone he'd only known via text for weeks.

It only occurred to him much later that he never actually saw Marybeth with any clothes on.
Hello, I was wandering around the area and found your place. Do you still visit? I hope so.
Random Lit memory:

One time I was chatting with a girl from Lit. We had chatted and even played a bit. It was fun but casual.

Anyway, we were chatting when she mentioned that her roommate had left a Valentine's Day card on her bed for her to find. I think she had previously said that she thought he might like her.

Anyway, I made the obvious comment along the lines of, "Sounds like he likes you." When her reply was like, "Really?" I said, "Uh, he just left a Valentine's card. On your bed."

At this point our heroine proceeded to freak the fuck out. "OMG, I'm so stupid sometimes! I've got to go talk to him!"

I think that may have actually been the last time I heard from her.

What is it they say about good deeds not going unpunished?
