cartoon brawl

*Adds another half bottle of tobasco sauce to the chilli just for good measure*
Oddler shoved his demonic sword up uu ditto's ass making it roll over, turn back to its origial state and die "Now you evil clone!" He said, as he pulled the sword ot of the now dead puddle
*seeing the ditto die, She-Ra gives up on the chilli* There goes that idea.
"First," Said the ditto oddler "Ditto... Ditto hungry!"

Oddler fell over in shock, but quickly got up, pissed "HOW CAN YOU BE HUNGRY!? YOU'RE IN A BATTLE FOR YOUR LIFE!!!"

"Ditto.... Really, really hungry!"
*hearing that the ditto is hungry, She-Ran runs out with the chilli* Here! Here! Here! Eat this! Please!
The Oddler ditto took a wiff "Um... It doesn't have any meat does it, ditto?"
Ditto gobled it up in one gulp and burped "That was great!"

Ha ha! gota love that snorlax stoamache!
*throws down the pot of chilli* Aw, Damn it! *Sulks back to the kitchen to create a new plan.
Oddler thought for a second "If my pokemon knowledge is correct... Dittos can't hold there form if they laugh, so if they laugh hard, they can't keep there form what so ever!
Thank you Oddler! *She-Ra Runs back out of the kitchen and attacks the Ditto thingy with a feather duster, trying to tickle it* Die!!!
It doesn't have any effect on enemy Ditto! (eah I know,very very cheesy!"
*She-Ra glares at Oddler* Dahhhhhahhh!!! I give up! Let those little things take over the place for all I care!! *Stalks back into the kitchen to clean up the mess she made with the chilli*
"Pa pino pa pino!" For some reason, ditto breaks out laughing for abreif moment "hee hee!"

"jus make baby noises! its that simple!
*She-Ra shakes her head* Oh no. I am not getting tricked into making baby noises again. Why don't you try it, Oddler? You seem like the kind of people who would be real good at baby-talk.
*Shrugs innocently* Oh, you know. It was just an idea...But why don't you try it? What could it hurt besides those demon-things?
Oh, come on, Oddler. Make the noises! *tickes under Oddler's chin* Goochy goochy!!!
Luna, return!

Twitch, twitch.


The blonde magician shook her head, blinking her vision back into her eyes. She hurt all over. And the wall was cold. The wall...

Her eyes snapped open and she jerked her head about, seeing the manacles that connected her, spread-eagled, to the stone wall. "H-Hey! What's going on! Who d-dares imprison the Black Magician?!"

Jacobo glowered at her.


The inexperienced summoner shook his head. "You failed! I keep drawing mushy girls to fight! This time I won't pick a loser." He scowled and turned away. "I'll destroy Oddler and fix this right up."

"...Oddler?" Luna blinked. "N-no! Don't hurt Oddler!"

Jacobo cracked his knuckles. "How dare you shame me, Oddler? I will crush you!" Turning, he began to dig through his shelves... past his Yu-Gi-Oh and Clow cards, past his Poke balls, past his fighter summon cards, to his originals...

"This creature is a gift from a friend, transcripted to Summon Card by yours truly!" He grinned. "Feel the power inflicted, Oddler! SWORD GOLEM DURANDAL!"


From the sky came a comet...


As it hit the force shield of the ceiling, and was absorbed.


As it hit the ground... and the light faded to reveal a metal being, its knees bent in recovery.

The ogre-sized suit of armor clutched the ancient magical sword tightly, as if welded to it (though not, in fact). It was covered in thick plates with small ridges and spikes, and gleamed with the well-oiled silky speed of a cared-for machine. Slowly it rose... and pointed its blade at the fighting purple-haired man.

"YOU," it breathed.

"Now thats more like it! Hmm... the dittos seem to be losing... I know! I'll sacrafice them, and make another summon, this time, he will lose!"

Instatly, the dittos burned to death, and there yin was put into hybirds orb "Now... lets see..." He rumaged past his poke ball, old schools video games and dreamcast memory cards "Ah ha!"

He picked up two memory cards. one Playstation, the other Playstaytion 2. "The guys here, they had never failed me! Durahan! Prince Hare! Show Oddler that Monster racher will defeet a demon any day!"

He incerted his memory cards into two slots, and they began to glow


"Damn... what now?"

He saw that his new oppent had ben set and it wasn't a nice looking guy "Shit..."

An suuden glow came from where the two dittos died, and two beast popped out, one a suit of armor without an owner, standing on its onw, And another a standing, white hare, with beating red narrow eyes and slightly big fist used for fighting

"We are sent by the dragon master! And we WILL Defeet you!"

They said in complete unison.
Durandal was prepared.

"MITHRYL," hissed the Sword Golem, and it brought its ancient sword down as it trudged forward, sending a beam of cutting light flashing toward Oddler, blazing a dark brown, burnt smudge along the ground where it passed...

The fight had already begun.
"Son of a..." Oddler quickly got out of the way, and shot an fire ball at the golem.

"YEAH!!!!!!!!!" The Prince hare bolted like an demonic cheeta. Spining his right arm rapidly "Rapid fist!!!"

The sword Durandal blazed forth with a life of its own, cutting through the fireball several times even before it hit the Sword Golem, and then absorbing the scattered wisps of flame.


The Sword Golem trudged forward at a higher speed, lumbering into a fearsome, slow charge, sword upraised in preparation to strike Oddler's back as the purple-haired warrior dealt with his other opponents.


"T-This isn't fair! ODDLER!" Luna struggled against her chains. "I'll get free! I'll help you! I'll-mMmmF!"

"Shh!" said Jacobo, hunkering down on his couch again and watching the image screen. "Now you don't get any popcorn."

The beautiful magician glared at Jacobo and tried to spit out her gag.