cartoon brawl

"Kiwi will not hurt if you don't piss me off! Kiwi would like freinds! And would really like to insult Fat fuck!"
*Stan laughs at Cartman* Dude! You just got called a fat fuck by a turtle! You suck!

Kyle: But that is one kick as turtle!

*Cartman glares at the turtle* If I had to puke again...

*Kyle throws Kenny's urn at Cartman, hitting him on the head.* Shut the hell up, piggie!
*Stan and Kyle exchange a confused look and Stan says* What's celulite?

*Kyle shrugs* Who cares? It was funny!

Goddamnit! I'm not a cellular anything!! *Cartman gives a piggie squeal*
Kiwi poked Cartman, letting the fluber shake "You fat shakes just like Celulite Pigboy!"
*Cartman glances around, then shakes his head and backs away* Uh...No..That's okay...

*Stan and Kyle laugh* What a chode!
No. Actually, my worst nightmare was this one time when I was up on this space ship and aliens stuck things in my butt. And then Scott somebody-or-another gave me pinkeye!
Kiwi looked at Stan and kyle, "But didn't that really happen to fire fart over there?"
*Kyle nods* Yeah. But he refuses to admit that he had stuff stuck up his ass and we got sick of arguing with him, so we just let him live his lie.
*Stan nods* Yeah. That's usually the response we get.

*Hearing the crickets come out, Kyle grabs a rock and chucks it at Cartman, hitting him in the head. He and Stan double over with laughter.*

*Gotens, charging for so long in the air, falls on top of Stan and Cartman, unconscious. The rock falls on top of Cartman.*

Evenin' all
Meanwhile, the catfight continues.

"Slut!" (smack)

Luna snarled as Kasumi went spinning away, distracted by the hair pulling and unprepared for an unbridled bitchslap. Coughing a couple more times, Luna took a few deep breaths and then gripped her staff again, preparing her spell and letting it loose even as Kasumi recovered from her tailspin...

"Magic missile
Streaking low
Painful thistle
Strike my foe!"

A thin lance of energy, almost as quick as a laser, shot at Kasumi.
"shit..." Kasumie raised oneof her forks to reflect the ray, then jumped into the air, right in the suns path
"Ehh!?" Luna winced, flinching away from the sun's rays.

A cheap trick! Where is that woman? I can't see...
Kasumie doped from the air, slaming her two fist into Luna's face "Bitch!"

ooc: Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be, one of those Tenchi love triangles?
goku- in the right corner fat fuck vs. the kids and the turtle in the left corner a cat fight with ollder wacthing what a day... which fight to join
*After squirming out from beneath the rock, Cartman throws the offensive bolder at Gotens, then grabs him and punches him several times* You sonofabitch! I'll teach you to throw rocks at me! Damnit!!!!
Luna was launched into a tailspin backwards, crying out and holding her face.

"Mh node! Dh btch pnchd mh node!"

She screams incoherently and hits the ground with an immediately jump, launching up again and swinging her staff wildly.
Kasumie gives Luna a straight blow to the gut, causing the wind to be knocked out, then putting her in the same choke hold, only stronger

"Can't breath! Can you?"
Luna choked, now completely breathless, and squirmed weakly again; an attractive display to anyone interested, but unimportant to either her or Kasumi. "D-damn... you..."

Her body going numb, and already too weak, she struggled feebly...

...and the staff slipped from her grasp.

"N-no... O-Oddler..."

The magician should have known better to fight hand-to-hand against a ninjustu practitioner. Unfortunately, it was too late for any regrets.

Slumping over, Luna passed out.
