No. Actually, my worst nightmare was this one time when I was up on this space ship and aliens stuck things in my butt. And then Scott somebody-or-another gave me pinkeye!
Luna snarled as Kasumi went spinning away, distracted by the hair pulling and unprepared for an unbridled bitchslap. Coughing a couple more times, Luna took a few deep breaths and then gripped her staff again, preparing her spell and letting it loose even as Kasumi recovered from her tailspin...
"Magic missile
Streaking low
Painful thistle
Strike my foe!"
A thin lance of energy, almost as quick as a laser, shot at Kasumi.
*After squirming out from beneath the rock, Cartman throws the offensive bolder at Gotens, then grabs him and punches him several times* You sonofabitch! I'll teach you to throw rocks at me! Damnit!!!!
Luna choked, now completely breathless, and squirmed weakly again; an attractive display to anyone interested, but unimportant to either her or Kasumi. "D-damn... you..."
Her body going numb, and already too weak, she struggled feebly...
...and the staff slipped from her grasp.
"N-no... O-Oddler..."
The magician should have known better to fight hand-to-hand against a ninjustu practitioner. Unfortunately, it was too late for any regrets.