Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

How’s the TARDIS working out?
Dr. Who's lawyers are pretty aggressive, so I've been working on my other method to travel through space-time. Weirdly enough, excessive coffee works pretty good for dimension hopping. LOL - and Lit helps to, cause sometimes you log on and it's obviously in pocket universe of it's own. I keep hoping I'll get a cool assistant like the Doctor, but I just end up with cats. (Cats are natural adventurers in the multi-verse.)
Last weekend before October....what is on your Cabin In The Woods whiteboard?

Last weekend before October....what is on your Cabin In The Woods whiteboard?


I don't have a personal whiteboard, come to think of it I don't have a cabin in the woods. Is this a passing phase that I can opt out of?

I've always wondered about lines like that on a whiteboard, sort of negates the usefulness of the whiteboard.
Good morning early risers, afternoon to those in Europe and South Africa, evening to those in Australia and New Zealand.

The news made me smile about a good soul returning lost money to a school and sadness for those in the floods along the Atlantic coast of USA.
Good Morning @B2fromA2looking4
I'm just watching last night's local high school football scores on TV while drinking my first cup of coffee. I hope you are well. 🤗🌹
I know this is politics, but it will effect me. I hope US Congress figures out the money problems as I'd like to continue getting my Social Security payments, I really don't want to go back to work at 70.
I know this is politics, but it will effect me. I hope US Congress figures out the money problems as I'd like to continue getting my Social Security payments, I really don't want to go back to work at 70.
Good news on Social security - it is not affected by any shut down. The concern should be with essential government workers getting no pay like those in the military, TSA, FDA etc.
Good news on Social security - it is not affected by any shut down. The concern should be with essential government workers getting no pay like those in the military, TSA, FDA etc.
Good for me and sad for them; I hope it doesn't last long.
It's chilly out this morning. Getting cup # 2, my limit.
I found a litser that lives closer to me than you do, awfully close, about 20 miles close and a Modulator
Edit: 28.9 miles
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