Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

Good morning. Happy Thanksgiving. My daughter is doing it all this Thanksgiving and I am so happy.

About this thread, I assume its not thriving as most have found another place or places. Who knows as it may come back.
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This place kinda died, very sad..

Well, unless they delete the thread it will still be here. We have a saying in Swedish "Inga träd växer till himmelen", which probably applies here, roughly translated it means nothing lasts forever :)
Well, unless they delete the thread it will still be here. We have a saying in Swedish "Inga träd växer till himmelen", which probably applies here, roughly translated it means nothing lasts forever :)
Very true m'lady.
Doesn't stop it being a sad, have a lot of memories from this thread, good times, bad times, heart breaking times..
Very true m'lady.
Doesn't stop it being a sad, have a lot of memories from this thread, good times, bad times, heart breaking times..

There is nothing to stop you from posting here :) I guess if something interesting gets posted and people want to respond then it will rejuvenate itself. To me, what killed it was, the few complaining every day forever about their lives. Not the person who says they have a headache etc. that day but the person who has one everyday for eternity and posts each day about it. Or maybe it was me o_O
Today is the 1st day I've posted back on the forum in about 4 months, prior to that was really sporadic and was starting to dwindle back then..

I dont think it ever really recovered after Sin died. I know I didn't. Other names I remember moved on to other threads or left altogether.

Was some place 🙃
I dont think it ever really recovered after Sin died.

I never knew Sin, what I did know was she died way to early, I think I arrived in Chaos just as it had happened. Unfortunately we don't control who lives and dies, I lost my best friend in 2017 and she was 30 years old. It happened just as I was about to start my MBA and I struggled for months with her death, I still think about her everyday so I don't think we ever recover we just need to carry on.
I never knew Sin, what I did know was she died way to early, I think I arrived in Chaos just as it had happened. Unfortunately we don't control who lives and dies, I lost my best friend in 2017 and she was 30 years old. It happened just as I was about to start my MBA and I struggled for months with her death, I still think about her everyday so I don't think we ever recover we just need to carry on.
That's it. Only thing yi can do. Xx