Commanding Soldier x Soldier (Closed to KINKYCanada)

Katherine wasn't the least bit self conscious about being nearly half naked around a group of men, she'd long ago gotten over that. She was more self conscious about the bruises she still bore low on her neck and on her upper arms. Kat was relieved when Banks left it up to her. She shook her head "No. I don't want to go back. Just show me what I need to do to keep it clean." She asked of Parks. She'd have it looked at when they all went back to base. The pain didnt bother her much. "I've got some generic over the counter pain stuff I'll take that. The pain doesn't bother me too much." She assured, she was still fit to do her job, it was hardly more than a scratch. Thoough her fists flexed as she got stitches, that hurt more than getting shot did. But still she kept her eyes on the wound, watching him as he tended to her. Frequently she'd look over at her K9 or up at Banks, but mostly she watched Parks stitch her up.
Banks for the first time gave her a smile. She knew there would be no way any of the team would have headed back unless their were ordered to or they were dead. "Alright then that's settled. Doyle will remain here with Jasper and we will finish this shit show.

The following week went by with out a hitch. Soon it was time to head back to their home away from home. When they pulled up it was just bast 0900. Col Jamison was waiting for them. "Welcome back. Doyle to medical to get checked out, then report back to Banks. Also we received good intel from the prisoners you brought back. You will have three days r&r then it's back to work. We will meet at 1600 in the war room!" When he was done he got back in his humvee and drove off. "Doyle to the hospital, he'll know if you didn't go! Shouldn't take long, then meet us in the mess for chow!" Banks said turning to her.

"I need to top up my field kit so I'll accompany you!" Parks said getting out of the truck and grabbing his pack.

"Y'all did good out there Doyle! It's good to have you aboard!" Bama said following Parks out and heading to their bunk house. Winger nodded at her and left! Banks was waiting for her and Jazz so he could return the truck to the motor pool.

Banks was happy to see that this week made the men accept Doyle and Jasper. He who was the most skeptical of her was now happy to have her in the team.

The rest of the week passed easily, Kat was possessive about keeping her wound cleaned and Parks insisted on checking it everyday. They finally made it back to base and she nodded to the Colonel "Yes sir." She nodded at Parks and smiled, hearing Bama's words "Its good to be here." She headed to medical and let them poke and prod. But ultimately they didn't do anything aside from put her on antibiotics and some pain meds. Once finished her and Jasper headed to the mess hall. She went through the line and got her food before heading to where he unit was seat.

"Got a clean Bill of health. Just a 2 week course of antibiotics and a few days worth of pain meds." She said as she sat and started to eat. Her dog curled up at her feet, napping lightly while she ate and chatted with her unit.
When she sat, saying she was cleared for duty Bama smiled. "Well that's good to hear. Thought you might use that as a reason to get out of Dodge!" He said.

"Bama!" Banks said with a threatening look. Bama looked at the LT and shut up. Kat had a feeling that something happened to the last person who was with the unit.

Parks was the last to enter as he had to fill out a few requisition forms for more advanced supplies for the field. "We need a gun it's in our hand before you can say kill! You need something that will save a fucking life and it's "Please sign here, here, here, here! Initial here, here, here and here. Now wait two weeks!"" He mocked the supply corporal. "All the while I know it's in supply I've seen it there, that's the only reason I'm asking for it!" Parks went on.

"I'll get it for you! Make a list for me!" Winger now said. "Doyle you up for a little stealth mission tonight?" He asked looking at Kat.

Banks's eyebrows rose. "Winger you get caught and the Colonel will have your balls this time!" Banks warned.

"That is why I need Doyle. A woman standing by Jennifers bunk house will not look odd not like it did when I got Bama to do it! Besides I am pretty sure Doyle will be a little more disciplined and won't run off to get head from the Cindy! Will you Doyle?" Winger asked, all three men seemed interested in her answer and all were looking at her with big smiles!

Katherine just shook her head, "It'll take more than a bullet to make me run." She said as she settled in to eat her dinner. Eyeing Winger, then the other men, she smirked, it being pretty obvious what this stealth mission was for. She shrugged, "Sure why not. It won't be me getting in trouble. And besides, my days of sleeping with women are past." Kat was always willing to just be one of the guys, never making them treat her any different than they'd treat a man, and often liked to tease them, such as her sleeping with other woman comment, though it was true ." She took a long drink of her water. "When does this stealth mission begin?" She asked curiously, figuring they'd be a bit surprised that she didn't seem to have an issue covering for him while he went to have sex with some woman. She finished her meal, and grabbed her soda to drink as she relaxed into her chair, watching her unit mates.
Banks was a very astute man and could read Kat's mind. He gave a laugh. "Winger will not be fucking Jennifer. He'll be stealing Parks supplies from her. You will watch for Jenn while he breaks into her supply shed which is by her bunk house. If Jenn comes out you will distract her, or if there's time you will warn Winger. Last time these guys did this, not only did Bama look like a full on sexual predator but he also left Winger high and dry to get head! Winger got out in time but had no logical excuse for being by the shed at that hour! The C.O. lost his shit thinking there was fraternization going on between Jenn and Winger. Since then Jennifer has hated us and makes our lives miserable when it comes to ordering shit!" Banks said with a wide grin. A emotion he didn't show to often.

"Look Kat you are not in any danger but I will need a good lookout! If Jenn comes out it would be best to look like you are taking Jasper for a late night walk! I won't lie to you, by mere association with us she already hates you! She is also a Captain which means she can make your life a little harder here when it comes to needing anything from top supply. Guns and ammo, and any thing we need for a mission she can't say shit about. But everything else goes through her!" Winger added. Bama was all smiles. at this point.

"Shit ol' Kat here might like her some Jennifer! After all Jenn has that whole goth dominatrix look going on! Who knows? She ain't my type, I need to be the only one with a penis in a relationship!" Bama said in his thick southern drawl. The table boomed out laughing.

After their chow was eaten and they were heading back to the bunk house Banks turned to Kat! "Hold up there a minute! Look you need to know that you are the closest anyone's got to earning our respect! You are a solid operator and can be trusted in a fight! Don't however do anything that you are uncomfortable with off the field in the hopes of earning respect! I wasn't lying Winger will be brought up on charges if he's caught! You will get a slap on the wrist at most! The only reason I am allowing this at all. Is because if Parks says we need this stuff we need it and fighting will supply only slows things down. You probably know as well as us that bureaucracy does not hurry things up out here!" Banks finished then waited for her reply, though he was sure he pegged her right and she felt she was part of the team and the team looked out for one another!

Kat raised a brown certainly not expecting them to be stealing stuff, but it didn't change the plan. She just shrugged, laughing along with the men. She still didn't mind, besides she was the most obvious choice, she'd seem the least out of place and she always had her dog as an excuse. Once on the wall back She eyed Banks when he stopped her. She listened curiously then shook her head. "Oh I'm not uncomfortable. If we need it, we'll get it. Besides if you aren't getting a slap on the wrist every now and then, then I figure you ain't doing your job right." She grinned up at Banks. "Just like I figure getting hurt means your doing your job right." She smiled as they started to walk again.

"And honestly, while I'm glad to be getting the unit's respect, I want to truly be part of the unit. But I wouldn't compromise myself or my morals to do it. I've been apart of unit's that have hated me before, put up with a lot. So I was prepared to have that experience this time," She absently rubbed at her bruised neck. "I figure this is how a unit is suppose to be. Messing around,risking our lives together, getting into mischief together, we're family now. " She smiled.
Banks nodded, his demeanor was back to the stony one she was used to thus far. "Good to hear. And you are right we are family and we do need these supplies. Well we have three days to do with what we please. We will being training still. 0600-0800 working out, 1000-1600 firing range and CQB, as well as anything you have to do with Jazz. The rest of the time is yours though. It'll mean your day is fuller then ours. I figure you can bow out of CQB seeing you enter after a place is secure. You will be at the range though and working out, yours will be coupled with physio of course. I will be meeting with the Col alone today to debrief him on the mission. No need to have you guys there. So get rest or what ever you need.

It was 0100 when Kat heard a light knock on her door! "Doyle you ready?" Winger said through the door, he was in all black and had what looked like a small tablet with him. he was carrying as always his M-4 and his side arm.

After finishing her chat with Banks She headed back to her bunk for a nap. Her side was hurting bad though she tried not to show it. When Winger knocked she called out "Yeah I'm ready. She bolstered her side arm and slid on her shoes. "Let's go" She said leashing Jazz. She followed Winger to Jen's bunk. "If you hear Jasper bark, you need to get out." She said "I'll be putting him through some obedience so we look busy. It's pretty common for me to train in unusual places so it wont seem out of place." She explained as they walked. She unleashed Jasper as they got closer to their target. "Good luck," She patted him on his back before splitting off and beginning to work with Jasper as they covered Winger.
As she explained what her plan for being a lookout was, Winger wished they had her awhile ago. She told him good luck and patted his back Winger smiled and moved to the locked door of the supply house. He was through the door in a second with expertise in lock picking. Once inside he turned on his night vision, picked some more locks and bagged all the supplies Parks listed. Then he went to a supply computer and with ease hacked into it using his hand held, there he put in all the proper allowances and made it all official so no theft could be reported when inventory happened.

Out side while Kat did her thing she heard before she saw two men come around the corner. "What have we here?" One of the men said.

"You there Doyle, what you doing out here this late, and where are your boyfriends?" The man was sgt both men seemed to be drunk. When Kat didn't answer he stepped froward. "I asked you a... a question?" He said looking not angry but almost seemed to Kat that he was in some fucked up way hitting on her. He had a smile on his face and had sucked in his stomach and puffed out his chest! Doyle knew every base had a problem with men to woman ratios making most men ballsier then usual around the female soldiers.

The other man who was having trouble standing was also trying to show off muscles that just weren't there. At least not compared to the men she was bunking with who were all muscle bound, and didn't need to play at being a presence to the women. These men of course knew who she was though she couldn't remember ever looking at them before. Men made it their business to know who all the women were on a base.

Kat had seen the way women looked at Banks, parks and Bama. Most were envious of her and in many ways jealous. Now here Kat was facing two drunks while playing look out!

Katherine eyes the men, clearly not impressed. She was more impressed with men like those in her unit? They were tough, strong, and had a presence without trying. "I'm working my dog, my unit is back in our baracks." Who was in a down stay about 20 feet away. Clearly she was not afraid of these men, she held eye contact with the leader of the pair. "You two should get on. You're drunk and I'm busy." She stepped back and turned, trusting her dog to react if the men grabbed for her. She wouldn't deal with their drunk behavior and if necessary her and Jasper would put them down. She looked around casually for Jen as she walked away from the man.
As she let the men down more gently then deserved the noise as Kat feared stirred Jennifer. Jennifer Barns was a Captain and head of logistics and supply on the base she had reputation for being petty, catty and everything that was wrong with women in the military. She took every advantage that affirmative action gave her, she was the poster child for getting something for nothing. Where Kat had worked damn hard to get where she was and taken her fair share of knocks and dealt with the ever present sexist attitudes that were lying under the skin of many of the soldiers. Where Jenn, Kat doubted ever worked a real day in her life and certainly didn't earn anyone respect.

"What is going on out here? Sargent what's the meaning of this?" Jenn said looking pas Kat to the other men! Who were sobered quickly.

"Sorry Captain. We were making our way back to the bunks when we saw our friend here and decided to stop and chat!" The one who was talking to Kat said.

"Is this true?" Jenn said looking from them to her. Jenn was in OD green tank top and short shorts. She was not an ugly woman be any means she was actually very attractive though she had an ugly sneer on her face and didn't look like she had ever been truly happy.

Winger didn't dare leave the Supply house while Jenn was outside, he hoped Kat would e able to get her back into her bunk or away from there all together. Cursing the other two men he was going to make sure they paid if he was caught doing this because of them!

Jenn took another step out and looked from the men to Kat a few more times.

Kat saw Jenn and swore under her breath. She glared at the men. "Yes ma'am. Though I do believe they'd benefit from being escorted back to their barracks. Just to assure they get back safety, they have been drinking quite a bit. " She whistled and called Jasper to her side. "I'm just taking advantage of the cooler weather to work my K9." She explained as she stepped back, praying Jen would escort the men, take the opportunity to embarass them a bit. Kat didnt mind if she made a few more enemies. That didn't bother her one bit. She just wanted to get Winger out clean and unnoticed. Her hand stroked over Jasper's head gently as she watched the trip to see what she decided to do.
As Kat explained the situation to Jenn and Winger waited for the all clear. Jenn seemed to assess the situation. After a moment she turned to Kat! "I don't want you "Working" Your mutt around my bunk and if I see just one pebble of dog shit I will make it my business to turn your life to hell! All you operators think you can do what ever you want! You seem no better then the brood you keep company with!" Jenn said with savage amusement knowing Kat wouldn't dare tell off a Captain no matter how much a bitch or asshole they were. The other men glared at Kat.

"Ma'am we are not drunk! We can get along with out any escort!" The one man said. Captain Barnes eyed him.

"Just get out of my sight! And you corporal you and your dog find another place to fuck around I am tired and want to get to sleep! Am I understood?" Jenn said after the other two took off in the other direction.

Kat just raises a brow, not saying anything but her eyes screamed disrespect. "All due respect Ma'am the Colonel said I had freedom to work my K9 in any public place. Since this qualifies as public space, I am within the regulations I was given by your superior." Her voice was sickly respectful, basically this was turning into the female version of a pissing contest. Jasper stood densely at her side, unsure of what this would turn into. Kat prayed Winger may be getting out a back window or something. She wasnt going to be able to keep this woman at bay for long and she knew she was making quite the enemy tonight. Her dog shifted his weight, Amber eyes gleaming in the dark, sensing his master's tension and the aggression pouring off the Captain. Kat enjoyed pushing buttons and see just how far she could go.
Not liking to be challenged Jenn's eyes were throwing daggers at Kat! "We'll see about that. This base covers twenty acres! Plenty of public spaces where people don't sleep! Now that being said I am going to bed, you do the same! Rest assured I will be speaking with the Col tomorrow about you and your Dog. Banks will also be hearing from me about not outlining a better work schedule for you! This is far to late to be doing this sort of work around here. Have to wonder why you would walk all the way over here and disturb me while letting your gang sleep uninterrupted! In fact! Wait here!" Jenn said and disappeared into her bunk returning a moment later fully clothed! Winger could hear what was being said and new he had a small window of time in which to move! He gave Kat a wave then ducked out of sight when Jenn came back out!

"Come with me Corporal. I want to speak with Lt Banks about you!" She said walking by Kat and Jasper.

Katherine just shrugged, "I work in the dark so it's cooler for my K9. He is asked to work in the heat everyday. He deserves a chance to work and play in the cool night. Many other soldiers are taking the opportunity to work out in the night." She explained, continuing to be perfectly polite to this annoying woman. "Ma'am. I didn't even know who you were before tonight. I didn't pick this spot intentionally." She said easily, lying had always come easy to Kat, and it was difficult nearly impossible for others to tell when she was lying and when she was telling the truth. But She waited until Jenn came back fully clothed. Instinctively, Kat shifted so that she was between the woman and Jasper.

Arriving at their barracks, she saw Winger. "Hey Winger. You mind rousing the LT? Captain Barnes wants to speak to him." She said easily, not seeming tense or nervous in the least about waking her LT up. She figured he knew this was coming. She stopped, and signaled her dog to lay at her feet.
Winger saw Doyle and gave an apologetic smile! She knew she wasn't in any real trouble, but they had put her in a sticky situation with Barnes.

"Hey Doyle, have a good work out with Jasper?" He said turning and opening the bunk house door and calling for Banks. Just as Kat knew he would be Banks was ready for this situation. Banks's hulking figure came into view standing in the door frame. He was only in a pair of cargo shorts and flip flops. His many tattoo's were shining in the light above his head.

"Captain!" He said curtly. "Doyle you have a good workout with Jasper?" She was asked a second time. Kat knew they were all making sure everyone was on the same page with their story.

"Yes... LT... Well..." She spluttered like an incoherent idiot. Kat knew then and there that Barnes had the hots for Banks. "Please go put on some more clothes!" She said still only looking at his cut abdomen and barrel chest.

"No! Look It's 0200 I have a busy day tomorrow! You woke me for one reason or another now let's please get on with it!" Banks said annoyed. Kat knew that her LT got leeway that no other LT would with a Captain. He was the head of one of the most highly trained units in Afghanistan and that afforded him a level of disrespect when it came to the officers on base. She knew he would get his pee pee slapped for it but that was as far as it would go!

"Well alright then!" Barnes said flustered. Kat couldn't believe that this Captain had so little control of her emotions that she was openly eye fucking Banks with her and Winger standing right there. She even went as far as to lick her lips while thinking of what to say. "Look... Your corporal here is disturbing me with her stupid dog and what she calls working! I want her to train the dog elsewhere!" She finally said getting a grip on her self.

Banks looked at Kat, Jasper. "Oh you mean the mandatory training she does to keep this every important military asset at top physical and mental readiness for when he is called upon to save lives! Yours included!" Banks said taking a step towards Barnes who took a step back.

"My life?"

"Yes yours. You see Jasper here sniffs out bombs and IED's, and if he isn't in top form maybe he misses one and it winds up looking like an innocent package that you have to catalog and put into storage. Or have you forgot that the enemy is trying to kill us! Maybe, just maybe you missed the last bulletin about how the enemy is doing that very thing, inserting packages into supply trucks bound for remote bases just like this one! But thankfully for you, me, the Col, and everyone else we have Cpl Doyle who takes the time required along with everything else that is on her very full plate to keep such an asset in peak shape so no such bomb will make it to you!" Banks said. Barnes was completely lost for words at this. "But rest assured Cpl Doyle will move her training location to the fence where she will be an easy target for Snipers. Or maybe spook some asshole who is drunk, and thinks she's the enemy and blows her away because as you already know, no soldier is to be by the fence after 2200! All training and R&R is to take place inside the building line. I guess I could ask her to go to the motor pool where this highly trained K9 can breath in a bunch of diesel, hell that will be good for his olfactory senses!" Banks continued. Barnes was now looking almost dumb struck. "Cpl Doyle moves about the base to train and put Jasper through a rigorous training schedule she does this at night because it's just cruel and unusual punishment to work him in the heat everyday and then expect to train him in it too. Now I'm no the expert but Doyle is and if she tells me it's whats best for her K9 I am inclined to take her word for it!" Banks finished. Barnes looked from Kat to Winger to Banks.

"Good night LT! Cpl if you train by my bunk keep it down!" And with that she stormed off.

"Well what happened?" Banks asked sitting in one of the chairs they had in front of their bunkhouse.

When Banks arrived she automatically shifted to his side, instead of standing by Barnes. "Oh it was okay." She said. Then fell silent, enjoying watching her LT rip into the annoying Captain. Silently she admired her LT's form and build. She kept her quiet until finally the Captain snarled at Kat ordering her to keep it down before she left. Then Kat full out grinned. "Nothing major Lt. Jazz and I were working, Winger got in no problem. But then a couple of drunk guys came over to harass me some. Guess it caught the Captain's attention and she came over. Got all pissy that I was near her bunk. I stayed respectful, but Damn that was hard."

She sat down in a chair. "She didn't have a clue that Winger was in her bunk, she sincerely thought I was just working my dog." She shrugs, seeming pleased with herself. "She's a royal bitch though. It was difficult to not mouth off to her." but ultimately Kat knew it would cause more problems.
As Kat told Banks what all happened. He smiled. "Well you did good not telling her off. Yes she is the worst kind of officer. An army poster girl. Well you are now more then ever on her shit list, But Winger told me that it was a success so that's good. I will be formally written up for insubordination which will in turn get very lost in one shuffle of papers to another finally getting shredded. Jamison doesn't like her any more then we do so he just nods and goes through the paces, really nothing more though."

"Well you can be my wing man any time Mavrick!" Winger said handing Kat a beer and one to Banks who cracked it open and took a big swig.

Banks was starting to feel very comfortable around Kat, he was going to treat her no different then the men. This was a way to keep the unit on the same level, though he was commander and chief in the field and when dealing with other soldiers when it was just them they were family and she was just one of the boys! A very good looking and sexy one of the boys that is. "Well to her first stealth mission!" Banks said holding up his bottle in a toast.

"Don't let Bama know how well it went he'll be using you to help him get laid every night from here on in!" Winger said.

Banks laughed. "Oh fuck that's right. Sorry Doyle but you are screwed! And not the good kind either." As they laughed and talked Bama and Parks joined the group. Soon the noise was disturbing others.

"Shut the fuck up!" Could be heard from the down the street.

"Fuck your hat Lips!" Banks yelled back and laughed.



Sorry for high jacking Kat on my lost post but the back and forth just grabbed me and I wanted to get it all out!
OOC: No worries :)

Kat took the beer "Thanks," taking a long drink as she relaxed, snickering she shrugged "As long as he returns the favor when the time comes," She grinned, partially teasing and partially serious. She kicked off her boots and crossed her ankles. "I do believe i will make a habit of training around Barnes bunk. Just to piss her off." Her hand lowered to run a Jasper's ears as the dog sprawled out to sleep. Her side was starting to ache dully again and she knew it should be time for bed soon. Or at least another dose of pain meds.
The boys all laughed and urged to in fact make it a habit to fuck with Jenn.

"Ya know Doyle I see you and me being a pretty good team!" Bama said after a bit. As it was soon clear that they weren't going to hit the rack any time soon.

"Bama give some room to breath man!" Winger said. "Trust us Doyle you do not want to get involved with his twisted night missions with the women here! You will hear and see things that will haunt you forever!"

Banks went and got a cooler full of beer and put it in the middle of the chairs and they all began to drink in earnest, though in peak physical shape the men also knew how to throw back the beer. Parks had a roaring fire going by 0300 and soon Kat learned that to get Banks to talk you first needed to get him beer.
"The problem with our situation is that we are actually so over qualified for the bull shit problems that are out here. Then they send us you Doyle and just add value to a team that can't be fully utilized. There are not enough missions on the go that require much more then a squad of ROTC grads not a highly trained operation unit like us." Banks said. He wasn't drunk but he was now more relaxed then he usually was around the men. or more to the point Kat. "I spoke with Jamison and he agrees with me that you will be more use to the army sticking out a larger portion of your tour with us. So your stay was just extended. Hope that makes you happy?" He said. Bama smiled.

"Makes me happy! Nice to have a pretty face to look at here and there instead of your sad mugs!"

"Like your a fucking prize Bama! Besides I've met Lisa and you know I'm way prettier then her!" Parks said punching Bama in the shoulder.

Kat saw the beer come out and decided it would serve well as pain relief and settled in. This was part of being on a team, bonding. So she listened to the unit talk and she talked a bit. Shrugging "Oh there isn't much that can traumatize me. Shoulda seen where I grew up." She said when they mentioned what she might see and hear if she teamed up with Bama for late night missions.

She held her alcohol well, keeping up with the men no problem, though it certainly numbed her pain well. She laughed and joked with the team until Banks mentioned the lack of use of the team. "Ya know. No one on this team is trying to kill me, so I'm pretty happy." She said matter of factly as she finished her current beer. "This is the best team I've been on. I've got no reason to go home. So I don't mind the detention in the least." All in all Kat led a very solitary life outside of her unit and her K9. She felt the alcohol buzzing in her head as she opened another beer, taking a long drink.
The men beamed when she commented on her youth being a little rougher then the average bear. "Well Bama is from Alabama so you must remember that what he finds normal and acceptable is not what the rest of the world would haha" Parks said getting a shot back in the shoulder from his friend.

When she said she didn't mind sticking around this seemed to make Banks the most happy. He treated the unit as more then just fellow operators, more then family. The bond to him was everything, weather it was just him and guys or a woman involved this was all he knew and all he wanted to know.

Bama was married though an admitted swinger with his wife but had plans with her after Delta, Parks had big plans after this tour, he was going to travel the world with his twin sister and put down roots in some far off land that wasn't at war. Winger was Banks best friend but even he was only going to do one more tour before settling down with his girlfriend and live out his life as an instructor in one of the army bases. Not Banks though he was in it to win it. Active duty was all he wanted and all he really knew. So to him in many ways having Doyle there now was like the army telling him this is as close to a wife as we can get you! Now enjoy her presence.

"So what we are saying is if being his wing man suits you that makes it a lot easier on us!" Parks added.

When the sun started to creep us the men all rose. "Well fuck me! Is it that time already?" Winger said kicking all the empties around his chair in to a pile. Banks turned to Kat and Jasper.

"It will not reflect poorly if you rest through PT, and just join us at the range!" He said with no sarcasm. though he had close to ten beers, now that it was time to get to work he was right back to what she was used too.

"I think that will be best. if anything you should stretch it out take it slow!" Parks said walking up to her and motioning for her to let he look at the dressing. He kept his distance and didn't dare reach for her as he would have with anyone else who wasn't being guarded by a large dog. Winger went straight to the bunk house returning with just shorts and shoes on Banks who was already in shorts just slipped on shoes. Their gym was right next to the hut so they hopped right to it.

A big group of soldiers walked by and Doyle heard a few of them muttering about how the unit had kept them up all night.

"Say something meat?" Banks said to one of them, who froze and just about shit himself, he looked from man to man ending on Kat! For some reason he chose that point to get brave. Banks not only had thirty pounds of muscle on the other soldier but also had that killer look and ability. Kat knew this man should be shutting up.

"I was saying you should have kept your gang bang indoors!" And he gave kat a very dirty smile.

Kat enjoyed the night up with the union feeling as if she finally found a unit she could stick with. As the sun rose she did as Parks wanted, raising the edge of her shirt "Ease" She murmured signalling Jasper to relax as Parks approached them. Once he was satisfied the wound was okay she stood up. Eyeing the soldier as Banks addressed him. She rolled her eyes at his next statement. "No need to be jealous just cause you weren't invited." She taunted as she finished her most recent beer. "Come on Jazz." She headed inside and down to her room. She changed into a pair of shorts and a sports bra. Stretching out she decided to take Banks up on his offer and sleep through the morning workout.

With Jasper curled around her feet she set her alarm and drifted off to sleep, her dreams were never very nice and often had her twisting of twitching, but rarely anymore did she wake up in a panic. When she did finally wake she had a massive hangover and really felt like burying her head under the pillow. She debated for a moment before doing just that blocking out the sun with her pillow and pulling the blanket up to her chin.