Create A Wrestler

well guess you could look at rochell being tougher if you add up the numbers

But Casey got her in strengh (Yes I know I forgot to give Rochell a stat strengh, will soon), Durabillit, fighting skill (by 2 point no less)

And think thats enough to put her over.

Even though Rochell much faster and agile. Sure Casey would have a tough time grabbing her, but ounce casey gets a hit in, or get a hold of her, She in trouble

So I gues it all depends on which stats you think are more important

always though Rochell as tough, and can beat casey a few time. I imagine that Casey and rochell had some wicked fights against each other before they became a couple

also there very few fighter that I give 4 and 5's to. Accept maybe in strengh
Mama Luv

Agility: 8
Sex skill: 8
Fighting skill: 9 (Consider her up there)
Strength: 7
Durability: 8
Speed: 8
Stamina: 8

really not good at cheating tactics or anything. Figure that why Becky can beat her, that and and the CRAZY factor

Timmy Luv

Agilty- 7 Actully pretty agile
Sex skill- 2
Fighting skill -1
Strengh- 1
Durabillty- 2
speed- 8 Actully pretty fast when running for his life, or just running around t ring being annoying
Stamina- 6

Petty Luv

Agility- 6
Sex skill- 2
Fighting skill- 2
Strengh- 2
Durabillity- 2
The matter of just how real the league is always kind of intrigued me, mostly because it seems like it fluctuates a lot. If forced to, I kind of assume that if they don't ask for otherwise, Tanya just sets up matches for people, and will even script the fights if they'll allow it. Most often though, it's real beat downs and real grudges. Then again, this could just be a short ways in the future when this is considered to be legal, or this may be more of a fight club/UFC than the pro wrestling we know.

Also, with Alice, I have an idea or two about what she could do. I honestly don't even want to think too hard on ideas, because I actually like how she is now: just sort of ominous and mysteriously menacing.

I always figured Rochell was pretty tough myself, though right about Casey's equal. She did tangle with Mama Luv in one of the earliest matches I worked on, and frankly had her in a tight spot a few times. Always pictured her being very durable, though.

Agility: 4
Sex skill: 6
Fighting skill: 7
Strength: 7
Durability: 8
Speed: 4
Stamina: 8

Agility: 10
Sex skill: 7
Fighting skill: 3
Strength: 6
Durability: 5
Speed: 10
Stamina: 4

Agility: 3 (brawling and drinking do not make a nimble woman)
Sex skill: 6
Fighting skill: 8
Strength: 8
Durability: 8
Speed: 7
Stamina: 9

Mainly rank Delisha with such a high strength because of just how hard she can hit. Always imagined her as a smaller powerhouse
I started a couple new threads. One where Melissa accidentally beats Becky in a sexfight, a Toxic Sisters/Might & Magic match, and... I think something else, I don't remember.

And profiles for 2 more girls that I like writing.

Agility: 2
Sex skill: 8
Fighting skill: 8
Strength: 9 (I've always pictured her as a little bit behind Ilsa, Tess and Barbara in strength)
Durability: 9
Speed: 2
Stamina: 6

Basically she's very tough and strong and skilled but about as quick as a rock and not high on endurance.

Agility: 8
Sex skill: 8
Fighting skill: mostly 4 but with a potential of 10, and she sometimes snaps into 10
Strength: 6
Durability: 5
Speed: 7
Stamina: 7
Nothing new for a couple days, that doesn't happen too often... I usually wait for some other people to post before I start writing more stuff, but I'll try for some new stuff tonight.
Been really busy lately, and will probably be until the weekend. Best man at my best friend's wedding. But will probably throw some odds and ends in here and there. Just no big updates from me for a while
it's funny. I'm not contributing as much as I used to because I don't have as many ideas, I have to save them up. But I wrote some of the Rochel/Hamptons match. Gonna write more stuff as long as the creativity holds out. Maybe make a couple characters for the midcard division since most of the older ones have ended up in the main event somehow.
putting midcards, and Main events a tricky thing

Cause as good or bad as a the writer want them to be. So I been basicly using midcards for the girl who havent been getting a lot of attentions like The cop character, the baseball fan character, etc

Oh some of the male charcter that created in first peoson during the Q&A section

may add those character to mixed fights in 3rd peson. So feel free to flesh them out if you think they need fleshing them out

may add cases for the lawyer character to
I keep wondering how there could be fights set up for Tanya's bodyguards, but all i can think of is having them clash with Becky/random people she bumps into escaping Tanya in her alternate Hayt storyline
Tanya could do a speacila match where they fight each other

Hell tossed Cassie the sex fiter in there

Or she sends them to attack some of the Factions outside the ring to try to teach them a lesson
what about theme music for the wrestlers since it seems kinda boring to write that theme music came on for a certain wrestlers but not any song is mention for the readers and writers to think about. Also I always that theme music was good at showing what type of personality the wrestler had and what they are about like "No chance" for Vincent Mcman or "I'm back" for Eric Bischoff.

I always thought Tanya had the no Chance in Hell music

Miss H- Hot for Teacher...of course

Amber the Teenage Bodybuilder- Sex machine

Oh by the way liking the Jack story
thanks i was hoping to make Jack more of sort of hardass or some type of dark avenging figure like the undertaker or the boogeyman but it working out fine. Im thinking Jack music would be "enemy" by godsmack espically after he handle Tanya that music seem to fit. hmm what other theme music could the other wrestlers have
I'm thinking "volvo driving soccer mom" by everclear for Tanya Stevens since it about a porn star becoming a house mom sound familiar for other wrestlers that still up in the air for others to think about about
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“Don’t Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me” fit Chichi best in my mind, with her whole superiority complex thing.

Baby Got Back for Booty

I mentioned Shaggy’s “Church Heathen” for Sister Mary in the milf strip-off (which are pretty fun, btw)
I don't know how much wrestling everyone else watches, but it goes pretty much like this.

In the big feds with national TV deals like WWE and TNA, most wrestlers use theme songs written by a songwriter who works for the promotion. This is because to use an actual song you have to pay the band for the rights. "Real" songs are usually reserved for the wrestlers they're pushing, and sometimes they'll have a real band do a song just for a wrestler, like WWE had Motorhead do HHH's theme.

In smaller feds like Ring of Honor, most wrestlers just use whatever real song they want. Without the TV deal the bands are less likely to bother the feds about it.

And, the same songs get used a lot. Like, you know how a lot of the songs in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas were also in Guitar Hero III? Well there's probably dozens of real world wrestlers who use "Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed.

As for wrestlers in the league, I wrote a thread where Becky Love came out to "Madhouse" by Anthrax.

I also assume that either Amazon, or maybe her stable with Tara and Sheana, use "Du Hast" by Rammstein. Maybe something else, but definitely something by Rammstein.
just heard it on the radio today, and had to think that Pink's "So What" lyrics fit Delisha nicely enough. Might even pass as one of her lighter songs
Just so ya'll know I haven't left or forgotten the story or anything like that. But at this current time I don't have enough privacy to do something like write erotica, so I won't be contributing for a while longer.
Anyone have any ideas on how the wrestlers would train for their matches especially with Jack story line because im a little stumped on what some of training routines would be ^_^
spars and fucking leap to mind.

could pick specific types of sparring/opponents to practice with. multiple weak opponents to work on reflexes, heavyweights to work on strength, so on.

also distantly imagined there being some bizarre method or device for training genitals and breasts, like some complex set of weights. It's also been suggested by some fighters that it's not enough to be able to fuck an opponent hard, but to be able to get fucked and not just lose your head when it happens

somewhat related again, do you as readers and writers alike have a preference for the sort of storylines you read? do you prefer long-running sagas with characters, drawn out matches, tournaments, a series of quick and random fights, etc?

tournaments always held an appeal to me. like the forced competitive nature of it, and makes for some good dramatic and climactic buildup

writing genuine storylines (Hayt Family, for example) always makes my internal writer insist on developing character and motives and such, which I'm not sure how enjoyable that is in erotica. There's also a lot of dialogue and reasoning that tends to slow down the sex/fighting side of it. I do enjoy them as a whole, but they can drag along given our overall rate
thanks for the input but yeah i agree with you about the dialogue and the reasoning of it can slow it down that why i was a little nervous about the Jack storyline because it had too much talking in it and i thought it would bore people. then again in wrestling you have to have that to make it a real story that people would love. Sorry if i bring jack up again not trying to advertise but with all the talking and reasoning you can see how much hatred Jack and Tanya has for each other and hopefully soon Illsa will take Tanya place when i get to that. In the most part maybe there should be alot of talking before matches and of course sex but not so much in the ring because like jack said that where the fun begins
there always EDURANCE test, just fuck each other a lot show you build up edurance

also teaching them speacil moves, or if he practice with Tikka, pressure points on the human body using Chi.

like he training with tanya the soccer mom and X bad girl

She use to be a bad girl, so she could teach him tricks, where the girls would hide thier weapons.