Create A Wrestler

cool if it helps you edit more

Can make you temporary Co editor
couldn't hurt. i've basically been going through my list of posts and checking/changing anything with "Chichi' in it
well i've got the editor status, but i'm not sure if i'm doing it right. i try to edit a story and it comes up with a blank page for me to edit, and doesn't save any results
for me

each time you on a page, it has an edit page option, then you simply click on

but maybe Chyoo acting weird

anyway a lot of it already fix now anyway

Added me a new one. Considering using her to replace Allison in the Hayt Family, just because i don't know if Al would be seperated enough from Amber to stand out enough. Plus it was a long post... not sure if anyone wants to rewrite that, since it's apparently deleted.

Also, had this in mind the whole time for her
well she would do well against Mama Luv

may finish up the pose off, with Mimi and Chichi

may even right a scene where both of them lose, just to see how piss they get
by the way, what is Dr Humpalot's first name? There's varying accounts, and both Heather and Cathy come up in her bio page

also, it looks like the main storyline with Team Tinytanic was taken down (where they fight Study Buddies, then Dominant Divas, and Sweet and Sour), and that makes me very sad. I liked that one a lot, since that was where T.T. really shone, and I've got a soft spot for them.
sorry I haven't been around much guys. Been busy with the stuff I threatened to be busy with a week ago or whenever.
It's fly. As for myself, I considered making more tag-team exclusive characters after the MAS and Suicide Bitches teams showed up. I haven't done any since The Hartz Sisters and the Study Buddies, for better or for worse.

So I went ahead and made a pirate tag team. I know it's almost cartooney, but I like how they turned out. It's a bit crazier than usual, but I don't regret it, good idea or bad.
I had an idea for making the Hartz an actual competitive team instead of just lackeys and cannon fodder. I'll write it up in a couple days when the rl workload dies down.
I'll add my island girl idea and a mafia girl I came up with tonight, and then as much other stuff as I feel like.
I probally add to the mama Luv vs Cassy the sex fighter fight tommorw
Bumping up activity a little, does anyone remember when they realized wrestling was a fetish? i clearly remember being about 10 or younger and watching GLOW, the women wrestling league on tv and telling my mom that nothing good was on (I meant it, btw; didn't care for it yet).

Late teens, I actually saw a large catfight with a bunch of hot girls on Laverne and Shirley. It drove me nuts, and I would regularly tape specific times of WWF to catch women wrestling matches.

Also, maybe I'm just tired from just waking up... maybe I'm just too big a nerd... maybe I'm just not thinking straight... maybe it's from the staged catfight I saw at a Renaissance fair in school.

But the idea just crossed my mind, good or bad: MWF human chess
I first found out about womens wrestling when I was a teenager reading the pro wrestling mags, and they had ads on the back covers of the magazines for that stuff... getting scissored by some chick and smothered in her boobs sounded pretty fun to me. Then I'd watch WWF and WCW womens wrestling and be disappointed over the lack of submission holds in general and scissors in particular. After that I took it anywhere I could get it - I still have a bunch of created wrestlers in old videogames like WWF Attitude of girls with every submission hold I could give them.

And I've always had a thing for fit girls because my first centerfold was Monica Brant in a mid 90s issue of MuscleMag, and then the morning TV workout shows. Kiana Tom, Laurie Donnely, Mina Lessig...

Wow, I just did a yahoo search on Mina. She's a professor at University of Nebraska now, and there's no pics at all left on the internet. I feel old.

Edit: She's still around, I was just spelling her name wrong... it's Minna Lessig.
I was thinking. I've tried to add to the story several times in the last few days, but it's so big right now I get tired out just looking for a place to start. Maybe we (and non-contributing readers) could use this topic to request work on specific fights and threads.
Totally. Assumed that was an ongoing subject in this place. No harm in requesting, people. Squeaky wheel and all that. And adding to popular or wanted stories means more adding to your own work, so good times...
could always go to the champion links, and take the story from there, tell a differnt champion story, or give someone else a title

For instance Amber the teenage bodybuilder got the sex belt in one storyline

there always the hayt family storyline

and the auntie Becky one

also the storyline where Baroness tying to take over he league
just realized that earlier I'd cut off the tag team game, more or less.
Let's go with Cute and Cuter next.

Also, Lilguy's last post with Cassie and Mama mentioning the "Titty Slam" pay per view got me thinking. We've mentioned them existing before, but never had those titles like they do in the real leagues.

Any ideas for them?

The Femfight
Showdown at the Catfight Corral
Mud 'n' Madness
Rape in the Ring