
twelveoone said:
Our Love is like a River
Here you go birthday boy - your chance to explain, techiques, writing from the heart, soul, asshole or whatever. You know I don't give a flying fuck about credentials. Explain to me how I missed the depth. (Oh it has a river in it :rolleyes: , rivers are deep)

It is my opionion this "poem" is crap, one reason it is crap, is because you are too busy running around, playing down home hero. Not only are you critic adverse. your pattern seems to be running around a variety of threads in a semi-rant about it, am I wrong "Mr. Nice guy"?. Instead of shutting the fuck up and listening.
Which was one of the morals of that story, Mr. Zen.

Go for it - pull it apart, show me how it works, quit bucking for the sympathy vote.
Show me the mechanics of the writing, in your words, don't bother with the technical terms, just tell me why you wrote what you did, what effect you expect from it.

and what in the hell does teaching karate, have to do with anything?

Oh man! I'm so glad I don't submit poetry here anymore. I write in the passion thread or MS Word and save it, then send it off to see if I can get it published. So far I've got 4 poems published, but of course with no pay. I think my book would sell over anything, and I think very positive about that. (still writing)

If a newbie comes around the poetry forum and reads this thread, I wouldn't blame s/he for not submitting their poems here. Personally, I think calling someone's work "crap" is totally uncalled for - by anyone.
In no more than four lines please... What the heck are y'all yammerin' about? :confused:
Liar said:
In no more than four lines please... What the heck are y'all yammerin' about? :confused:

In a word, credentials.

Though I think there is a personal spat going on too. Well, let's say there is a personal spat going on.
saldne said:
If a newbie comes around the poetry forum and reads this thread, I wouldn't blame s/he for not submitting their poems here.
And still, this is the most friendly and constructive and nurturing poetry playground I've found anywhwere. And I've looked, believe me.
Originally Posted by saldne
If a newbie comes around the poetry forum and reads this thread, I wouldn't blame s/he for not submitting their poems here.

Liar said:
And still, this is the most friendly and constructive and nurturing poetry playground I've found anywhere. And I've looked, believe me.

this is why I try to be inspirational and encouraging to balance out the ones that call works crap...I slap on the back

1201 is using my words "I do not listen to critics unless they have credibility" against me...or is trying. I have my opinion, that does not mean I rule the worlds <rolls eyes grinning>
who'd a thunk it?

SeattleRain said:
if I had a school I would hire you without an interview to teach poetry

just saying

ME ME!! yeah, I am with Seattle, I woudl hire Eve to teach poetry, among other things.

I remember this same sort of discussion from waaaay back..

personally, I think you must FEEL to write poetry, anyone with a marginal education can write a rhyme...not necessarily a good one, but hey...ever read mother goose?

also, I think spelling skills are a good thing to have and some basic understanding of grammar..( hope I spelled garamamar write;)

I had 2 poetry "teachers" in my last venture into college and they both were awful. They could tell you something was a "poem" but they couldnt write for anything, but thats just my opinion...:)
Sorry to jump back

into the past... This is a truth and understanding of someone's work that I can REALLY appreciate. If one can allow for the quiet brilliance of Jubal and the total respect of Michael, they can grow into something that can live and prosper within the confines of this planet. I LOVE this bit of mythology, and choose to follow it.

In a country of choice, Coventry SHOULD exist. Far ahead of his time, Heinlein possessed great wisdom.


Recidiva said:
Robert Heinlein is a science fiction author. Coventry a place where one of his protagonists chooses to go when he breaks the law where he lives. He'd rather not stay in the "perfect society" where violence is not tolerated at all, even in self defense or against insult. He takes his chances in Coventry. Coventry came to be through a few stories of his, but is basically the remnants of a theocracy that's pretty much degenerated into some level of anarchy and "every man for himself."

Heinlein is a fan of anarchy in that it allows freedom, and not so much a fan of civilization when it loses all touch of what human beings are or a standard of manners. Part of his ideal is the frontier, that place where the most discontented go and make into their own image without the interference of a government.
twelveoone said:
Our Love is like a River
Here you go birthday boy - your chance to explain, techiques, writing from the heart, soul, asshole or whatever. You know I don't give a flying fuck about credentials. Explain to me how I missed the depth. (Oh it has a river in it :rolleyes: , rivers are deep)

It is my opionion this "poem" is crap, one reason it is crap, is because you are too busy running around, playing down home hero. Not only are you critic adverse. your pattern seems to be running around a variety of threads in a semi-rant about it, am I wrong "Mr. Nice guy"?. Instead of shutting the fuck up and listening.
Which was one of the morals of that story, Mr. Zen.

Go for it - pull it apart, show me how it works, quit bucking for the sympathy vote.
Show me the mechanics of the writing, in your words, don't bother with the technical terms, just tell me why you wrote what you did, what effect you expect from it.

and what in the hell does teaching karate, have to do with anything?

yes sir!

the poem you spat about, called crap and verbally shit on...

(now mind you I aint no critic) <grinin>

Our Love is like a River~

(the in depth beginning of this poem started while I sat watching the river roll by as I do daily. Very therapeutic and is a very tranquil setting that has spawned many of my poems. (many know this but) I was thinking about wife (templeminded) we are separated (2 years now) and I felt/seen the similarities with the river and our love. Hence come the poem.

Our love is like a river
that runs forever deep

Deep (the word) 15 years together

unseeing around the bend
knowing together we'll keep

the future is uncertain but out bond is strong even separated

some days are so very blue
basking in the beautiful hue

I thought the word hue fell into a double meaning 'you'
I know...I am just clever that way

while other days are Grey
reflecting the clouds that grew

temple has just found out she has cancer

some days are lightly lazy
like a slow moving stream

well being with out power for 11 days after RITA ...with out modern conveniences and gasoline things slowed to a crawl...literaly

other days seem choppy
we both just want to scream

we raised 4 kids (her sister died of cancer leaving three wonderful girls that we raised all the way to college, our son and then adopted two boys (family situation) it can get rough

our love is like a river
long and running strong

play the similarities and the length of the river is long like our relation ship

our love is like a river
nature's living song

nature brings people together...mating and bonding is instilled ...perhaps human nature to be more correct

there ya go explanation for the poem you call "Crap"

my expectations are none...I wrote it and slipped it into my list <simple>
I will now that it is in my list, send temple the link and that is the rest of the story.
Last edited:
quietpoet said:
into the past... This is a truth and understanding of someone's work that I can REALLY appreciate. If one can allow for the quiet brilliance of Jubal and the total respect of Michael, they can grow into something that can live and prosper within the confines of this planet. I LOVE this bit of mythology, and choose to follow it.

In a country of choice, Coventry SHOULD exist. Far ahead of his time, Heinlein possessed great wisdom.


Liar said:
And still, this is the most friendly and constructive and nurturing poetry playground I've found anywhwere. And I've looked, believe me.

Yeah, I agree. I've probably been to every one of them, too. It's a little too easy on Lit or so I think. There's not a lot of constructive criticism on here, and I think it's really hard to anyway when you're developing friendships at the same time. It's just too difficult when you're close to someone especially being on the forums, too. I think all poetry sites are like this, though. That's why I'd rather do my work alone anymore. But I do believe while having these friendships, you can still try to crit someone's work in a kind manner. By saying "It sucks" or "This is crap" without any explanation but to stab ones back is just plain thumbs down to me. I know, opinions are like buttholes. This is mine.
Maria2394 said:
ME ME!! yeah, I am with Seattle, I woudl hire Eve to teach poetry, among other things.

I remember this same sort of discussion from waaaay back..

personally, I think you must FEEL to write poetry, anyone with a marginal education can write a rhyme...not necessarily a good one, but hey...ever read mother goose?

also, I think spelling skills are a good thing to have and some basic understanding of grammar..( hope I spelled garamamar write;)

I had 2 poetry "teachers" in my last venture into college and they both were awful. They could tell you something was a "poem" but they couldnt write for anything, but thats just my opinion...:)
I heard you were attacked by a goat and recovering in Peru.

Okay, among other things? Selecting the best batteries for your vibrator 101? lol

Due to some comments I've made over a period of time and before anyone (anyone else) assumes that I'm totally an uneducated hick obsessed with dildos (I am obsessed) I do have an unfinished college education. Damn, that word unfinished makes me feel like scratching my ass and yelling, "Hey babe! What channel's Springer on?" I majored in early childhood education and I also took some business and art classes after college. I's got some education! :D Of course, I'm also naturally bright. My Momma says I am. And nobody better disagree with my Momma!
WickedEve said:
I heard you were attacked by a goat and recovering in Peru.

Okay, among other things? Selecting the best batteries for your vibrator 101? lol

Due to some comments I've made over a period of time and before anyone (anyone else) assumes that I'm totally an uneducated hick obsessed with dildos (I am obsessed) I do have an unfinished college education. Damn, that word unfinished makes me feel like scratching my ass and yelling, "Hey babe! What channel's Springer on?" I majored in early childhood education and I also took some business and art classes after college. I's got some education! :D Of course, I'm also naturally bright. My Momma says I am. And nobody better disagree with my Momma!

not me, by crackee.

keep your medicine hat on.

watch and listen.

aint nuthin got nuthin to do with nuthin, and everything is dirt when the ball falls.

these ribs full of oxygen feel good.

as do smiles and kisses.

saldne said:
Yeah, I agree. I've probably been to every one of them, too. It's a little too easy on Lit or so I think. There's not a lot of constructive criticism on here, and I think it's really hard to anyway when you're developing friendships at the same time. It's just too difficult when you're close to someone especially being on the forums, too. I think all poetry sites are like this, though. That's why I'd rather do my work alone anymore. But I do believe while having these friendships, you can still try to crit someone's work in a kind manner. By saying "It sucks" or "This is crap" without any explanation but to stab ones back is just plain thumbs down to me. I know, opinions are like buttholes. This is mine.

You've made an excellent point here. In the nearly four months I've been here, I've seen highly abusive non-constructive comments on the feedback page, hurled at writers of verse and prose. And in this time I've gotten adequate in rendering what I consider to be constructive criticisms - a most challenging task.

If you take the tack of telling a writer what they've done wrong, you've already failed. {and minds will immediately close} The objective should be: what's right and how can it be better. The next step for the critic is to accept responsibility for his points when suggesting what are the perceived weaknesses in the writing. Public comments should be positive and supportive; keep constructive comments private.

And when I read something that doesn't appeal to me and I'm unable to be positive about it, I shut up and move on - I figure Lit's got more than enough shit-slinging critics already.

WickedEve said:
I heard you were attacked by a goat and recovering in Peru.

Okay, among other things? Selecting the best batteries for your vibrator 101? lol

Due to some comments I've made over a period of time and before anyone (anyone else) assumes that I'm totally an uneducated hick obsessed with dildos (I am obsessed) I do have an unfinished college education. Damn, that word unfinished makes me feel like scratching my ass and yelling, "Hey babe! What channel's Springer on?" I majored in early childhood education and I also took some business and art classes after college. I's got some education! :D Of course, I'm also naturally bright. My Momma says I am. And nobody better disagree with my Momma!

I don't disagree with momma <grin>

gram mer
by My Erotic Tail ©

gram mer

me was telled
words will fell,
if they aint spelt just rite.

that cuntry boy,
with a pincel or pin,
cant rite or tipe.

that skool is fo
me tu lern,
i beter do it rite.

mom said werds
cum from within
and beter grammers hipe.

that if you can read
me hart felt werds,
that wil be alll rite.

and for you Eve <grin>

Trailer Park Trash
by My Erotic Tail ©

Trailer park trash?
I think not
I cleaned everything out to the parking lot.

The flamingos
that had leaned over all year,
well I straightened them up
and picked up those empty cans of beer.

I'll have you know
that Mr. Springer
said my trailer was a hum-dinger.
Back when we were on his show,
when I caught my wife with her brother, Joe.

I even bought new chairs
those lawn chairs were on sale in pairs,
sure they look a little ruff
I bought them at, "Rent a dent and stuff."

Trailer park trash indeed...please!
I don't even live in a trailer park,
I got mine parked
at the five and dime parking lot.
Yeah, in the summer its a bit hot.
But my wife ain't missed a sale yet,
and easy parkings a sure bet.

I lived in a trailer park before,
where those trailers are parked
almost door to door.
And you can hear your neighbor snore.
Not me, huh uh, not no more.
Bought myself a four by four,
now I pull my trailer, forevermore.

As I stand here and scratch my ass,
You can't call me trailer park trash?

and leon...right on amigo~
WickedEve said:
I heard you were attacked by a goat and recovering in Peru.

Okay, among other things? Selecting the best batteries for your vibrator 101? lol

Due to some comments I've made over a period of time and before anyone (anyone else) assumes that I'm totally an uneducated hick obsessed with dildos (I am obsessed) I do have an unfinished college education. Damn, that word unfinished makes me feel like scratching my ass and yelling, "Hey babe! What channel's Springer on?" I majored in early childhood education and I also took some business and art classes after college. I's got some education! :D Of course, I'm also naturally bright. My Momma says I am. And nobody better disagree with my Momma!

no, not a goat, a llama and it was in Ecuador :)

Eve, I never thought were an unobsessed hick. I know youre obsessed, thats what I always loved about you...and hey, Im a hick, and a dead mule, like you, sister mule sister. i wont never argue with your momma, okay?

Maria2394 said:
no, not a goat, a llama and it was in Ecuador :)

Eve, I never thought were an unobsessed hick. I know youre obsessed, thats what I always loved about you...and hey, Im a hick, and a dead mule, like you, sister mule sister. i wont never argue with your momma, okay?

I saw your poem at the mule. I'm suppose to have another one there this month or next month. That's the only place I submit poetry to. And it's because they accept and appreciate my southern ramblings. God bless the mule.
eagleyez said:
not me, by crackee.

keep your medicine hat on.

watch and listen.

aint nuthin got nuthin to do with nuthin, and everything is dirt when the ball falls.

these ribs full of oxygen feel good.

as do smiles and kisses.

Sometimes I think you have pms.
It is amazing how few really do:

Recidiva said:


As for credentials... once I read a few poems by someone, I can pretty well see if they have a clue or not, even a beginner.

My Erotic Tale said:
<snip>we all can write and have an opinion, but when telling others of meter, structure or even counting syllables <rolls eyes> teaching poetry, I for one would feel better knowing they were not self taught. Now Abe Lincoln was self taught it can happen, and some may be good at it. But I for one don't just take the word of any Joe Blow when it comes to a CRITIC telling me how to rearrange my write.</snip>
You are confusing the function of an editor with the opinion of a critic.

When I critique I don't state my opinions to be learnt from, I merely offer them as a suggestion on a piece that could be improved IN MY OWN OPINION.

I don't need a degree to tell someone when I hear the meter or the rhyme being off. All I need for that, is a sense of rhythm and an ear for language. As for formats, any unparchmented fool with a 256 bit memory can search a number of references.

So, don't turn on your comments or your feedback if you don't care to discover my unqualified opinion. Better yet, use the block, that way I won't offend you if I give unqualified praise, either.
Maria2394 said:
ME ME!! yeah, I am with Seattle, I woudl hire Eve to teach poetry, among other things.

I remember this same sort of discussion from waaaay back..

personally, I think you must FEEL to write poetry, anyone with a marginal education can write a rhyme...not necessarily a good one, but hey...ever read mother goose?

also, I think spelling skills are a good thing to have and some basic understanding of grammar..( hope I spelled garamamar write;)

I had 2 poetry "teachers" in my last venture into college and they both were awful. They could tell you something was a "poem" but they couldnt write for anything, but thats just my opinion...:)

Maria??? You're alive?? It sure made me smile seeing you waving out that window again!
BooMerengue said:
Maria??? You're alive?? It sure made me smile seeing you waving out that window again!

gosh Boo, I hadnt thought of it like that. I wonder if I am coming or going? :)

missed you sweet lady Boo
Oh, I'm glad I went for a walk while this went down.

You're all heroes and lovers in my eyes. I just wish you'd get along - little doggies.
