Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

Silence. I could hear nothing except a bit of static. Telling me that the comm-link was still on. Then nothing. Left in the dark about what was happening, I lay there in deep thought. What was I thinking?

Easy. I was thinking of plowing this busty Mandalorian woman. Yeah. But what why? She was fantasizing about me! She said so herself. It wouldn't be wrong to rub one out if the attraction is mutual.

Yes. However, I only knew that because I accidentally eavesdropped on her private life. If she ever found out it was me, except a hot slice to the neck. They take back the credits and even take the Outlander. That would be a fate worse than death for me.

If the roles were reversed, I probably would be angry if someone was listening in to my personal life. If that person was Gra'tia, I would be offended. Now that I know she's attracted to me, now I lay there confused. Was what she's doing, going on this mission, in effort to get away from me and remove the temptation, or to impress me? Even worse for me, what if she didn't make it?

One of the 'Man Laws' that, you have to finish what you started with jerking off. Now I couldn't. The magic...the drive was gone. In its place was questions and doubt and a soft cock.
Just to be safe, she switched off the comm-link in her helmet, disconnecting it to any nearby devices. Redar would hear a beep and then the kind of silence that only came with a disconnected link. Once that was done, she took a quick shower and went to bed. She curled up in the bed and wondered to herself whether Redar felt anything beyond respect and comradery with her. In the end, she decided that it wasn't wise to hope for such things,

In the morning, she awoke, got dressed, and headed outside. A good walk would clear her head a little from her brooding.
Eventually I drifted off to sleep. Don't remember when. The heart rate fell and with that low so did my mind. Dreams went in every direction. They had no meaning.

When I awoke, I didn't know if it was dawn or not as my room was still pitch black. For awhile I lay there, thinking, wondering. What happened last night was a blur. That is until I turned on the light and found the comm-link laying on the floor beside the bed. Picking it up and examining it up close, it all came back.

"I hope she doesn't figure it out" muttering to myself while slipping back into my clothes.
Once her walk was done, her mind was more calm. She went to Redar's room to collect him so that they could go to the kitchens for breakfast. The woman approached his door and politely knocked.

"Redar? I'm sorry if I've woken you, but I was wondering if you were ready for breakfast." While she could and would dine alone if need be, she had gotten quite used to sharing meals with him over their journey.
Knock Knock Knock
"Yeah. I'm up. Give me a sec" I said standing up, having just gotten my pants, socks and boots on. Grabbing the shirt off the bed and shoving my head and arms through it, then carefully patted myself down to ensure that I had everything before walking to the door.

Before I opened it, I paused and looked back. Something wasn't right, I felt. Druk! The comm-link! It was sitting on the bed in the open! All she had to do is look over my shoulder and see it, and quickly put the clues together. Bounding over and grabbing the comm-link I shoved it into my right pocket.

Opening the door, I was greeted by the cold face of that Mandalorian helmet. "Good morning" putting up a cheeky smile. "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept very well, thank you," she replied, nodding her helmet at him. "I hope you slept well too. I am unsure as to why pillows were not included in the rooms at this time, but I will be sure to inquire about that. While Mandalore is under financial constraint, we are not so downtrodden that we cannot afford pillows for guests."

Though it looked as though she was simply looking directly at him, her eyes flicked down and back up his body. Damn, he was handsome, especially when he gave her one of those smiles. Sometimes he radiated mischievous energy and she couldn't help but feel drawn to it.
'She must never know' It gnawed at the back of my mind. Standing in front of her, her dark outline against the corridor lights, showed of a stoic figure wrapped up nicely with that cold armor. Now that I knew that, behind that thick and heavy armor, there was a woman inside all of that, yearning for me, I couldn't help but keep that cheeky smirk.

Quickly my eyes looked her over. The Beskar hid her natural outline pretty well. 'How thick was she?' another perverse thought entered my mind.

"That's okay. I'm use to roughing it," chuckling lightly. "I can sleep inside the cockpit of the Outrider without any problems," slowly stepping out of the room and around Gra'tia and letting the door close behind me.
“Hm. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. I want you to be comfortable here- you’re a guest, you’re not supposed to be subjected to discomfort.” She stated, a little bit of indignation on his behalf in her tone.

The woman walked confidently alongside him, leading him to the dining room. There were several Mandalorians eating and milling about, Redar being the only one in the room without armor or a helmet. They gave him glances as he passed, though it was hard to tell whether they were curious glances or hostile ones.

Gra’tia went to the food and looked over the selection, debating on whether she should get the protein liquid so she could still eat with him, or whether she wanted the food she would have to take her helmet off for.
Standing in the midst of the Mandalorians, a cold shiver rolled up my spine. It's a feeling I knew all to well, the silence before an ambush. Maybe they are not going to turn on me. Maybe I was reading too much into this with their stoic bodies and no faces. Either way I couldn't keep my hand away from my blaster.

While Gra'tia was gathering the food, I went over to one of the tables, away from the others. Sitting down clasping both hands together, the eyes scanned the room to see what is going on.

Those other Mandalorians did occasional glances towards me, leaning into one another and whispering. No doubt wondering why this stranger was among them. Maybe they didn't know of our mission as of yet.

Avoid eye contact. Look down at the face of the table and wait patiently. Do not tap your hands or your feet. The noise will give away the idea you are impatient. That gets on people's nerves very quickly.

There I was sitting in silence. Wondering if last night was ever real or not.
Once the food was gathered, she turned to go to him and noticed that he seemed relaxed- too relaxed. Redar was typically pretty jumpy in public from what she had seen, always keeping an eye out for an ambush. Here though, he looked like an Imp official about to conduct a routine interview of an applicant. She wondered if he didn't want to eat there, so she approached him without setting down their trays.

"There is a table and a divider in my room if you would like to dine privately with me, Redar," she invited in her steady voice. The rest of the room watched to see what he would do.
Looking up at her, that blank face, right-the religion. "That works for me," slowly standing up, and feeling the eyes still boring holes through me.

Standing up and politely accepting my food, I turn to walk out the way we came. Avoiding eye contact still. Keeping my comments to myself.

If the comm-link defect is anything to go by, then these people's ears might pick up my muttering and take it as a reason to have a fight.

"This smells good" bringing the bowl towards my nose and inhaling deeply. The smell alone sent energy through me, making me hungry once again.
“I have never known any of Vinipram’s foods to not be to my taste- he is a truly remarkable cook,” she commented as she led him towards their rooms.

However, as they approached the door, a tall, blue and silver Mandalorian approached and leaned against the door, effectively blocking them. “Gra’tia… the man addressed her. Long time no see. I hope you’re well.”

She paused and nodded at him. “I am.” This man’s name was Z'inter, and he had approached her a few times previously to engage her in conversation. There was an awkward silence as she didn't ask him how he was, as one might expect. Truth be told, she would rather converse later once her food was consumed, as it was currently getting cold.

"Well, that's good," he continued, unphased. "I was wondering if you might consider having dinner with me later."

The woman cocked her head slightly to the side and asked, "do you have something to discuss with me?"

Z'inter cleared his throat, "in a manner of speaking, yes."

"Then Redar and I will dine with you later and we can discuss it."

Z'inter glanced at Redar and then back at her, "I was hoping to have a more private discussion."

She shrugged, "anything you want to say to me can be said with him present. He is my guest and I do not want him to be without company during meals- he is a trusted ally, so you don't have to worry."

The man seemed at a loss before sighing and saying, "ah, actually I think I forgot I was doing something. I'll uh... I'll see you another time." With that, the man left and slunk off back into the dining room.

Gra'tia nodded at him before continuing to make her way back to her room with Redar in tow.
Hearing her say I was a trust ally made my back straighten a bit. She may not have seen it but my smirk also grew. Wasn't to rub it in this other man's face. Briefly looking at him up and down, yeah, I could take them. Saying that to myself with Gra'tia by me might be giving me a false sense of confidence.

It was truly touching to have Gra'tia go to bat for me. Each time she did so made me both proud and a bit confused. Granted we barely knew each other. Here I was in her own family and she was calling me a trusted ally, and making me privy to such conversations.

When we reached her quarters, and I looked to ensure we are alone, I asked in a soft voice, "Who was that?" Judging by the way they addressed each other, and his yearning to be alone with her, either a close friend or a guy trying to get inside her armor. Maybe both.
“Oh, that was Z’inter. He’s one of the armorer’s apprentices. We’ve spoken a few times, but I’m not sure what he would want to discuss with me- we don’t have much of a rapport and we have very different duties. I think he started approaching me after we both participated in a swimming competition a few months back.” Gra’tia answered freely, opening her door and walking inside to set her tray on a small table.
"A swimming competition?" asking whilst following close behind. Did they do it while also wearing their armor? Another perverted image slipped into my mind, Gra'tia down to just her skin tight suit, doing the breast strokes across the water. That's when I had to close my eyes and shake my head. Purge the thoughts, or else you get a stiffy that's hard to explain.

This Z'inter didn't seem like competition. We are not fighting each other for Gra'tia's affections. She didn't seem, to me, like the time that would be fawning over a man. She seemed to be more mission oriented. The mission comes first. Everything else is secondary. Compared to myself where, I do the mission but if given the chance to fuck, I'll do it.

When she took her tray onto the table, I found another one and sat opposite of her. Then the divider went up separating the two of us. We could still converse but her face was completely obstructed from me, and I dare not try some sly movement to gain a peek. Unless I could move my body to reach that comm-link...
Gra’tia sat down and started eating, happy to be able to eat solid food with him. Liquid food was okay, but there was nothing quite like chewing a piece of meat or a crunchy piece of toasted bread. She was in a good mood, and thus she was more talkative than she normally would be.

“So I talked to Jamari after dinner, and she changed her mind. She has approved for you to escort me and provide back-up for my mission. Paid for your time and services, of course, but nonetheless, I am glad that you will be allowed to come with me.” The woman left out the bit about her vouching for him, thinking that he might find her silly for putting her honor on the line for a man she hadn’t known for very long.
"That's great!" speaking between bites. This was good stuff. None of that protein mix powder. Solid food. Wonder where these Mandalorians managed to get fresh foods on such a barren planet. Taking a piece of toast and dunking it into the mix, bringing it up to my lips, snacked on it before lifting my eyes. Still looking at the divider separating us. Having no napkin I wipe the dribble from my chin with the back of my hand.

My mood was more relaxed. She said nothing of the night before and wasn't on edge. Good for me. "What else can you tell me about this mission, where are we going, and who are we getting?"
"Mm," she made a noise of acknowledgment before finishing the bite she was chewing and swallowing it. "They haven't told me where we're going yet, but I know we're going to try to release and recover a Mandalorian named Shah'lynn Kreze. She is a very important person to the cause, and is one of the most cunning people I know. She is typically involved in stealth missions as one of our top operatives, but it seemed that there were some unexpected circumstances."

There was a sigh, "I really look up to her, so I very much hope I am successful. In any case, it would be an honor to be allowed to attempt it even if I do fail and become likewise a prisoner of the Empire."
If she becomes a prisoner of the Imps, that would mean it would be my responsibility to mount a rescue. I've done infiltration before. Nothing major like an Imperial facility. A place crawling with armed guards, droids, the whole shebang. This person, Shah'lynn Kreze, if she was so cunning, how'd she end up getting captured? A negative thought I kept to myself. Speaking out of turn like that would get me pulled from the mission.

This Kreze woman was of importance to Gra'tia. If that's the case then I would do whatever I can to get her out of there. Even if it means dying in the attempt.

"Well then, let's hope it doesn't come down to you getting caught. Otherwise I would have to spring the pair of you out. I'm not as skiled as you. I could do it. It would be quite messy, though."
There was a surprised silence on the other side of the partition before she swallowed her food. She was touched by his complete willingness to go in after her if she too was ensnared. The woman's cheeks were pink and she was grateful that he wasn't able to see the way they burned.

"I'm not sure I would want you putting yourself at risk like that, Redar. You have a reputation for being neutral, so busting a few Mandalorians out of an Imperial holding base would likely ruin your credibility. And... I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt for our cause." The last part was said more quietly, as she felt a bit embarrassed for admitting such a thing.
Her words touched me. Yeah. My credibility would suffer. At least I get to have some fun along the way. After all, what's the point in tagging along with his operation if I didn't get to take part? This was not a stupid, chest thumping gesture. Being a smuggler gave me experience in stealth and deception. That didn't make me a super commando. There was no doubt that, if things turned hairy, my personal chances of survival was near nil. At least there would be an attempt on my part.

Getting out with my life, yes. Get the credits, that's always a plus. Getting out with Gra'tia, then that was better than both of those combined. Again, I kept that sort of thoughts to myself. She was probably still kicking herself over what happened in the casino, and I didn't want her to think that she owed me in some way as an apology.

"I won't put myself into a situation unless I have to," emphasizing those last four words.
She was satisfied with this response, glad that his sense of self-preservation was still intact. To find out that he had perished while trying to save her would be absolutely heartbreaking. There had been people she cared about that she had lost, and she didn't want the same to happen to him.

"Good," she nodded to herself, "I'll just have to make sure not to get captured." Her fork speared a bit of egg before she paused right in front of her mouth. She lowered it and asked, "also, is there a bed in one of the escape pods? If we are successful in our mission, it will only right for Shah'Lynn to get my quarters. Would it be amenable for me to sleep in one of your escape pods, or would the medical bay be a better place?"
"Escape pods? I would call it more of a mat than a bed," I replied between bites. "The medical table, that's not a lot of room to move around on. Besides, you don't want that medical droid looking at you while you sleep. Its got glowing red eyes in the dark. Creeps me out," a slight shiver rolls up my body.

"There is extra bedding in one of the storage lockers," scratching my head. "Don't remember which one it was." Not knowing the layout of my own ship? Maybe I forgot a lot more than I realized after the casino.

"If we get her out of there, hmmm, then you can have my quarters. I'll find a bed for myself. I don't mind sleeping in the cockpit. After all, I'm use to it," chuckling lightly before bringing another spoonful of the hot stuff to my mouth. It felt warm rolling down my throat and into my stomach.

Having a full stomach was a great sensation. When the last bit of it was gone, the bowl and tray was gently pushed away and I leaned against the rigid back frame of the chair, letting out a long sigh of relief.
Gra'tia also cringed when he mentioned the droid's glowing eyes. Being watched as she slept was not a fun feeling, certainly.

His suggestion made her chuckle. "A captain giving up his quarters on his own ship? I think not. Give me the extra bedding and I will sleep in the cockpit. I too have slept in less than ideal places and have grown used to it." She took a drink of her coffee, delighting in the warmth and comfort of a nice, hot drink.
"As you wish," replying softly. Taking a sip on the black coffee sent a jolt of energy through me. This stuff was hot. Not temperature wise. Energy wise. Did they infuse this stuff with extra caffiene? It made me sip more and more until the cup was empty.

"The Outlander is still being repaired, right? Do you know how long it will be until it can be finished?" Hated the feeling of waiting. It was out of my control. Being the captain I was use to being in control, of the ship and the situation. Now that I must rely on others, strangers, it left an unusual feeling in my stomach.

There I sat looking at the divider. The empty bowl and cup resting on the tray. A full stomach was a good feeling that gradually eased the tension I felt, but it couldn't wipe it away entirely.