Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

She was speaking to me. Good. Not fists. Now my knees started to give. Standing straight for that long with locked knees is never a good idea. Slowly, painfully, lowering myself and parking my backside onto the edge of the bed. Knees slightly splayed with elbows resting on them. Hands lightly pressed together.

Slowly the feeling was coming back to the extremities. Lips pursed. Eyes closed. Taking it all in. We can't go back to the way things were. There was a mission to be done. Yeah. Gra'tia was a busty badass. That didn't mean she was going to be my slut. She's not one of the dockside whores. There was a trust between us.

Maybe now it was gone. The only thing keeping us together was the promise of a payday. That meant I was back to being a smuggler and not a partner, right?

That's not the way I wanted to be. "No," shaking my head lightly. "No. I want to stay. I want to go with you," speaking softly before flicking my eyes back up to her.

If we can't go back to the way things were between myself and her, then the only way was forwards. Maybe something else will happen along the way.
“Are you certain? Are you not… uncomfortable? Knowing that I- that I-“ she couldn’t bring herself to say it, the words catching in her throat. Try as she might to keep her tone calm and even, she couldn’t prevent her voice from wobbling slightly at the end. He must have heard her call his name, so he knew that he was the subject of her intimate fantasies.

Her fists clenched before she forced herself to unclench them. While she was certainly upset at what he had done, that feeling paled in comparison to the staggering embarrassment she felt. Being under the influence of alone and alcohol could somewhat excuse her previous actions towards him, but in bed with her fingers in her pussy, she had been completely sober.
Her question reached my ears. It took awhile for me to respond. Instantly I wanted to say that I was certain. In truth it was confusing. Thought of a payday. Thought of having my ship back. Thought of impending action. So many others pooling together and sloshing about that my emotion would change instantly.

First I was scared of dying. Then I angry at myself for being that stupid. Then I was sad knowing that I had lost a lot in moments. Again and again it played out. My hands shook and so did my knees. What I wanted to say was stuck in my throat.

Daring to glance up at her, just for a moment, to see her figure that's when I felt my heart sink into my stomach once more. She needed an answer. "I am certain" forcing the words out and trying to be firm with the tone, showing confidence in my decision. Yes. I wanted to continue. This was the way. The only way.
She nodded slowly, "then so it shall be."

Gra'tia stood there awkwardly for a moment before walking up to him and then slowly sitting himself on his bed next to him. She looked forward to the opposite wall, and sigh could be heard from under her helmet.

Her voice was quieter, but there was a hint of gentleness about it as though she was simply trying to have a heart-to-heart with him. "Redar. I am upset that you would think to listen in on my private conversations. That is not something that fosters trust. Please do not do this in the future, and please keep your comm off at night. That being said... I understand why you didn't mention having... overheard me. I imagine that you simply found it an awkward topic to bring up, and you didn't want to embarrass me. It is also my fault for being careless and leaving my comm link open, and for that I apologize. I did not mean to subject you to such a situation."
My eyes followed her as she walked up and sat beside me. When she sat down my torso slightly leaned away. A natural reaction. Still hands on my knees. The thought of her decking me faded away. When she said all that and paused, my body still felt cold.

She admitted it was partially her fault. It was still my fault for going through with it, letting my emotions get the better of me, and letting my lust come out. It was wrong. There. We both admitted to it. Still didn't make me feel any better.

Gave her another glance then looked at the floor between my feet. No matter how much I just wanted to look at her, and show her how sorry I was with my face, I just couldn't. To the same woman that watched me get a blowjob from a Twi'lek with no emotion. That helmet of her's was a weapon in that it was still intimidating me into silence because I couldn't see the pain on her face. Her voice conveyed the pain, yes, but not the pain on her face, like what's on mine.

"I shouldn't have done it to begin with," I said. "It was wrong for me. The comm-link went off on its own, and I should have turned it off. I didn't. It's still my fault. So, you don't need to apologize to me, Gra'tia."
"Why didn't you turn it off?"

It escaped her mouth before she could think about what she was asking. Somewhere inside, she wanted to know why Redar listened to her, why he hadn't turned away from that erotic audio.
"Because...hearing was erotic. It turned me on," forcing myself to speak in a defeated tone. Slowly lifting my eyes to look straight ahead. Damn, my eyes hurt. " made me...I was made me jerk off!" The words sat in my throat. My mind was trying to get me to not say it. Gra'tia needed the truth. No half-truths. No lies. "That's what I was doing."

Taking a breath and letting it out slowly, the release of the pent up anxiety was a relief that my heart rate started to ease off and my hands stopped trembling.
"You were... touching yourself?" she sounded very surprised.

Rather than having been uncomfortable, Redar had enjoyed hearing her? The thought of that made her cheeks burn once more and she felt her heart flutter in her chest. The man had his hand stroking that hard cock of his while she was panting and fingering her own cunt. She could feel herself getting aroused just by the thought of it, a stirring of desire in her loins. Was it truly possible that he was attracted to her as well?

"I thought you enjoyed the company of women who were more exuberant, like the waitress or Sigrun," she uttered, wondering whether he had a preference like she thought, or whether he was simply attracted to all women.
"I do, yes. That's because they're the ones that are available," shrugging my shoulders lightly. "With you, things are different. When we first met, I thought it would be all business between us. Over time, things changed. I started to see what you were like. What you were really are."

That's when my head finally turned to her and stayed, looking at Gra'tia, wrapped up in her armor. Hiding her entire body under layers, yet I was starting to see through it. "I don't remember what happened between us and Sigrun," the mere mentioning of that name sent another cold shiver up my spine. "I was touching myself because it felt good. Hearing your voice made me feel...I was trying to picture you ass we did it."
In some ways she found it rather unfair that both times they had been intimate, he had been the one to forget and she had been the one left to remember every detail. Part of it stung to her that he didn't remember the way he had kissed her so sweetly, nor did he remember what it felt like to taste her lips. All of it was lost to him, yet it haunted her in the most sensual way.

Her helmet slowly turned toward him, though it was impossible to tell what she was thinking. In truth, she felt overwhelmed by the mix of emotions. There was an elation at the fact that he did desire her; fear at the idea of succumbing to her own desires only to be cast away when he had tasted her and remembered; anxiety regarding opening herself up to him, and an undercurrent of arousal and desire.

"What would you do if that actually happened?" her voice was quieter now, almost a whisper.
"You mean between us?" looking at her visor for a moment and looking away. The intrusive thoughts returned. Both sets of fingers dug into the thighs. What a time to be asked such a question. Biting slowly onto my bottom lip, so many thoughts entered my mind that it was fog. No one single thought could be discerned.

Focus. Focus. Focus. Blinking and staring off into the distance helped clear the thoughts. What sort of scenario would it be if it played out like we wanted? Gra'tia wasn't going to act like some dockside whore, where she instantly falls to her knees, takes me into her mouth and goes to town. It must be slow and tender. Building up. Edging I think it's called.

"If it were to happen," a slight shrug, "I would think it would be a much more comfortable place. With a large bed. No neighbors. No comm-links!" flicking my head at the device. "Maybe just lay in bed for a while. Taking our time. It'll be in the dark, though, but that's fine," giving a slightly smirk.

"What was that stuff, Slime? When Sigrun used that Slime, what happened between us?" slowly looking to her.
It hadn't been the answer she was looking for, but it was indeed an answer. To be honest, she wasn't sure what she had hoped he would say, but perhaps her mind was still all over the place. Perhaps it was that to him, it sounded like he was contemplating it casually as though she was just another woman to bed, that it didn't mean anything.

She cocked her head slightly, "Sigrun didn't use Slime. That was just alcohol..." The woman looked away from him and shrugged. "We had sex, the three of us. She serviced you then rode you, and you were between my thighs. Then I gave you a massage and Sigrun and I were intimate. She invited you to join, and you... you did." There was a sigh from Gra'tia. Now that things were at this point, she simply felt foolish.

"Forget it," she said quietly, shaking her head and standing. "I will retire to my room now. I wish you a pleasant night's sleep, Redar."
She left me there stunned into silence. It wasn't Slime? I thought it was. If it wasn't, why did I think it was? That alcohol must have done more to my brain than I realized. Gra'tia left she sounded gutted. Druk. That was because of me. I didn't know what to say. It was a position I've never been in before.

The way Gra'tia explained what happened between us three was simple and to the point. We did have sex? Sex that I can't remember. Lowering my head into my hands and rubbing my forehead and temples, a groan of aggrevation left me. "Grrrrr AHHHHHH!" bellowing out loud, venting all my frustrations.

This was utter garbage! It wasn't fair! Why was this happening? Not just to me, but to Gra'tia as well. I feel we are being denied something. I just don't know what it is!
She had left his room, returning to her own without having heard his groan due to the thickness of the walls. Gra'tia sighed and sat on he bed, looking at the wall for a while before taking off her armor and putting it by the bed before going to bed. It was early, but she didn't feel like doing much of anything.

Gra'tia simply lay in bed for a while, trying to process her thoughts. It seemed to her that Redar was indeed sexually attracted to her, but that it wasn't anything more than that. She needed to figure out for herself how she wanted to proceed. She didn't want to get hurt... Perhaps it would be better to put up a little bit of a wall going forward for her own sake.
I screwed up again, didn't I? There I sat with my head in my hands for a long time. Formulating my thoughts. 'I'm such an idiot. Being alone for all that time left me with rather dull People Skills.

How I wanted to go and sit with Gra'tia and try again to express how I felt. By now it was probably too late. She's probably off somewhere, doing something else. Wanting to distance herself from me for awhile. Fine. Let her. Best keep us apart. Otherwise it would look like I'm scrambling to cover my ass.

Maybe there was a way to recover what I've lost. Learned this from somewhere. Try to relive the situation by reenacting the situation. Turning off the light to the room, casting myself back into the darkness, venturing back to the bed and laying myself out, kicking off the boots and stripping myself. There I lay naked. Eyes closed and regressing back to that vague point.

That's all I remember-the dark.
She soon fell asleep, and that night she had a dream that she and Z'inter were a couple, and that they had exchanged the vows that all life-partners did, but she wasn't happy. She was always looking off into the distance for someone she couldn't remember. Z'inter was fine, but he was like an unbuttered slice of toast. He didn't have a dashing smirk, nor did he have a sense of humor or an equal amount of respect for her. He wanted to possess her, to have her as his own but he didn't recognize that Gra'tia was her own person.

The dream ended and she woke up the next morning, a pit in her stomach. Ugh... At the very least she could thank Redar's presence for showing her what a controlling, nasty person Z'inter was when he didn't get his way. The warrior got up from her bed, took a shower, and dressed. Once that was done, she headed out of her room and toward the training grounds. There was nothing quite like a good sparring session to clear one's head.
The dark is what made me fall asleep. This time my dreams are not confusing. This time it had a plot. The thoughts of Gra'tia must have influenced my dream because the next thing I knew, she was there at my bed. Sitting on the edge looking at me while I lay there.

Not a word is spoken between us. She just looks at me and then the lights turn off. In the darkness I could hear fabric moving then came the clank of metal and a thud as it touched the floor. The bed gave to the left. Then Gra'tia was nuzzled up beside me. Chest pressing against my side. My left arm thrown over and around her shoulder, drawing her in.

By the feel of her she was naked except her helmet. That was the weirdest part of the dream. It's that, I didn't want to take off her helmet. My imagination just couldn't fill the gap that would piece together what her face would look like. Perhaps it conflicted with my desire of her looks compared to what I do know of her.

Either way the helmet remained. We didn't fuck. We didn't even speak. We just lay there cuddled up nicely together. The tips of her fingers tracing slowly up and down my body while mine graced her bare shoulders.

Don't know what time it was when I woke up. Rubbing my eyes with both palms before laying there, staring up at the ceiling. Lost in my thoughts.
By the time she was done at the sparring ground, there were several people on the ground, groaning and wishing they hadn't challenged her to a match. She felt a lot better though, having worked out some of her stress through good-old-fashioned exercise. It made her feel in-control of herself, which was preferable to that feeling of having unsteady ground beneath her feet. Perhaps lately she had been straying from her purpose, and perhaps Gra'tia had needed a good reminder of what and who she was: a Mandalorian. She existed for the cause and was one of their most effective tools.

The woman made her way to the dining hall to get herself a heaping plate of food. If Z'inter was looking at her, she couldn’t tell from where he sat at one of the dining tables.
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What a night. Shaking my head several times was like dusting my brain. Get rid of the cobwebs up there. No real excitement. Just a lot of fog and unanswered questions. Wonder if they have finished repairing the Outlander. It's the Mandalorians, if they did finish it they would have told me.

Oh, that's right. Gra'tia. We had that talk last night. That's what I was thinking of stepping into the shower and cleansing myself. The shower on the Outlander was small. This one was slightly bigger. Either way a shower is a part of the routine enabling me to relax and think.

Perhaps I should say something to Gra'tia. If she's still not mad at me. I feel the same way as she does for me still, right? Is that the right time to ask, just before a big mission. What if we get distracted by our personal thoughts, or the burst of lust once more?

Can't think about that right now. It gets me excited, about the thought of a gorgeous Mandalorian woman wanting to be with me. It was exotic, erotic, touching, and romantic. Never thought I would correlate those words in my mind.
Gra’tia took her plate of food and found an isolated place where she could remove her helmet and eat. She ate and chewed at a steady pace, her mind lost in thought. Now that she was in a better headspace, she considered how she ought to proceed.

They had a mission to do, so even if things were awkward they would need to stay focused. She figured she could minimize the awkwardness by keeping their conversations light and redirecting them whenever things strayed to more intimate topics. At least she was decent at that.

The woman had always been very proficient at fighting, shooting, surviving, and perceiving threats, but when it came to people… that was an area in which she felt absolutely out of her depth. She wasn’t sure that she would be able to say what she needed to say even if she were to initiate a serious conversation down the line.

Why were relationships so complicated?! Why did she feel such a swirl of positive and negative emotions regarding all this. Honestly, she should be relieved that things weren’t going any further, and yet she wasn’t. It was… frustrating.
Leaving my quarters and stepping into the corridors, I looked left and right. It was empty. Strange. A Cold chill rolled up my spine. Where did everyone go? My stomach gnawed at me. Perhaps some food will settle my nerves. Walking down the corridor a couple of the Mandalorians appeared. They walked by me without saying a word. Not even a glance. Such strange people.

Reaching the door to the dining area, I paused. What if Gra'tia was there? If I do see her, what should I say? Should I say anything? Lips pursed and taking a step towards the door, I paused. I can't. I just can't go inside. My heart continued to ache. I don't think I could stomach the chance of seeing Gra'tia right now.

What should I do? Without thinking about it, I turned and walked away. Perhaps a walk through the corridors would clear my head.
She finished up her meal and sighed, getting her helmet back on and picking up her tray so she could do away with her dishes. Gra’tia exited the secluded alcove she was in and walked swiftly and purposefully down the hall, her mind still mostly elsewhere. So distracted by her thoughts she was, that she was startled when she came around a corner to find herself bumping right into him in a most literal way.

With the speed she was going at, she would have knocked the man back if she hadn’t reached out, grabbed him, and pulled him against herself to offset it. He felt warm through her gloves, and for a moment she was so surprised and off-guard that she simply held him. It reminded her of when they were in bed in the dark, the man having laid the sweetest kisses upon her.

She then realized what she was doing and quickly released him. “My apologies, Redar. I was not paying attention when I should have.”
I didn't see it coming. Just a heavy collision to my chest and then, in a blink of an eye, there I was staring into a helmet. It took a moment for the shock to wear off. Another moment to realize who it was that was now holding onto me. "Oh, good morning, Gra'tia..." I said with large eyes staring at her still. Still a bit tense up, I could feel her hands holding onto me. Pretty strong grip, too.

Being this close now I could see the finer details of her helmet. Still couldn't see through the dark visor. This close I couldn't feel her hot breath. I could certainly hear her breathing while mine was sharp to calm my jumped heart.

It was strange now, feeling her hold onto me. This time I didn't mind it. Being pulled into her, our chests touching, I could feel the armored chest against mine. Normally it was some endowed woman and her large, soft mammories against me. Now it was hard as, well, Beskar and it got a jump out of me, for some reason. Like my body instantly recognized what it was and is triggered. It was excited.

Perhaps too excited.
She swallowed. "Good morning Redar."

There was silence for a moment before she realized she had dropped her tray. She moved back slightly and lowered herself to her knees, leaning over and gathering the empty plate, cup, silverware, and tray that had fallen to the floor. Thankfully she had eaten and drank all of her breakfast, otherwise it would have been all over the two of them.

When everything was quickly gathered, she stood up. "I... hope you slept well."
Following her down with my eyes, another one of the perverse thoughts entered my mind. This time I could brush it aside without exposing myself. She was gathering up her items. By the time I began to bend at the knees to help her scoop it all up, she had already done so.

"I did, yes," nodding with a smirk. "I hope you slept well, too," being soft with my voice. Slowly taking in some air and letting it out slowly. Easing the strain off my heart. Off to a good start. Pursing my lips and letting it out, my eyes looked her up and down real quick. To study the rest of her body from this range showed all the tiny details I've missed.