Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

A cold shiver rolled up my spine. "Oooh, I hate those things" mouth hiding behind my napkin. Setting that aside I went after my hot food before it started to get cold. Splicing that between long sips of hot coffee that settled my upset stomach greatly.

"Of all things, why would you have a hankering for cinnamon rolls?" I asked amused by her story. Imagining her being so hungry as to raid the kitchen and wolfing them down, to a bunch of angry chefs. I didn't take delight in her getting sick afterwards. That is never fun. Happened to me many times.

"Have you built up immunities to many poisons?" asking with a bit of awe and concern. Exerting your body to endure such extremes might not be doing great wonders on her fine body.
“Because they’re soft, sweet, and warm, and I love the taste of cinnamon,” she shrugged.

“And yes, I’m practically immune to 26 different types of venoms, poisons, and sedatives. That’s probably part of the reason they sent a Mandalorian to kidnap me- she would be one of the only people who knew what to skip me that would actually work as intended.” The woman took another sip of coffee nonchalantly. It was quite normal to her to have had to go through such a thing.
"That's quite impressive. I don't think I'm immune to anything," taking another long drag off my coffee. Also taking note that she loves cinnamon. Might come in handy later on. Maybe after this mission of ours is over.

Going back to my food, eating quickly before it became cold, yet still yearning to learn more about her. Speaking of this other Mandalorian, Sigrun, Gra'tia was right to assume that they send someone that Gra'tia knew. "If that's the case with Sigrun, then, she must have known you really well."

Again, my memory was still in the fog about everything. "How well did you know Sigrun?"
She was quiet for a moment before she spoke with a more sober tone. “I knew her very well. We often paired up when it came to sparring, as she was in the same group I was. Though at the same time, we didn’t spend as much time together as you might think. Once you reach a certain age, a Mandalorian becomes your mentor and you travel with them or shadow them, and mine liked to travel. So I got to see her a few times a year after I turned twelve. Every time I saw her I couldn’t help but notice how she remained wild and vivacious, and I slowly became… well, how I am now. I realized that we are very different people, so I declined when she offered to take me with her in paired missions.”

She sighed and looked into her coffee. “She told me where she was taking me in her ship. It was someone who betrayed the cause previously that had feelings for me. I had politely turned him down, and that was when he had made his move vindictively. This was an attempt on his part to “talk with me”and “reconcile.”
This Sigrun sounds like a lot of people I knew. When I started out smuggling, a lot of the new people had their own mindset of what a smuggler was. Many wanted to be loud and obnoxious. They thought getting one small job done made them the ultimate smuggler in the Galaxy. They let a few credits get to their heads. They got loud and sloppy and they got dead.

Hearing that the thought flashed in my mind, was it Z'inter? No. Can't be. She just dealt with him. Was it another Mandalorian? Doubt gnawed at me, I shouldn't be asking these kinds of questions. It's none of my concern. At the same time, I couldn't help myself. Starved for attention and information, I felt I just had to ask. The worse she could say to me was no, right?

"And you don't know who this other Mandalorian is?" asking before taking one last, long sip from my coffee. Looking inside the mug and finding it empty, it was set down and aside. Then I scrapped the last morsels of food off the plate onto a fork and inserted it all into my mouth.

Satisfied at last I set it aside.
"He's not a Mandalorian," she corrected him. If someone was going to be gunning for her, it was only right that he know about it. He was traveling with her, so he needed to be appraised of the risks.

"His name is Jarvis Bane, and he was actually an ally to the Mandalorian cause, or at least that's what he led us to believe. Apparently he was on the Imp's leash the whole time but cozied up to us to feed information to them. Sigrun told me in the ship that apparently he had been prolonging the contact to try to court me, but I never noticed anything of the sort until he directly asked me if I would be in a relationship with him. I turned him down and I thought he at least had the honor to continue working with us despite this. I was wrong." Gra'tia sounded bitter, taking a drink of her coffee before she continued. She wasn't sure if Redar had heard that name before, but he was pretty well known as a very sought-after terraformer. They had hired him in an attempt to help their planet heal more quickly, but it had bit them in the ass in the worst way.

"He and I were going running a load of plant starters to Mandalore when the Imps showed up. Of course he had delivered me to them and went right on his way many credits richer. I suppose he thought it was what I deserved for rejecting him." She scoffed, "anyway, I was able to escape the prison transport, and I have been a wanted woman ever since. Sigrun was taking me to Glaskaar. You may be familiar with that place, as it is a tropical planet that is used exclusively as a vacation planet as well as where many of the rich have island homes. He has a home there, and I'm sure he intended on keeping me there indefinitely. She said he wanted to "reconcile," though there is no reconciling for me - I will always hate that man."
A tropical planet? Interesting. "Glaskaar...yeah. I remember that place. I did a couple runs there, but that was years ago." Gently scratching my chin between the index and thumb, lightly gazing to the right, "Yeah. One was a run of Spice, I think." It had to be Spice. A vacation planet? There had to be narcotics there as much as there were trees and water.

Jarvis Bane? Jarvis Bane. A name I wasn't familiar with. Someone so horny he was trying so desperately to court Gra'tia. Foolish to think that he would be able to 'tame' her. My limited knowledge of Mandalorians show that, they don't like being told what to do. The man painted a target on his back. If we do capture this guy, this wasn't going to be a quick death.

Looking back at Gra'tia, my smirk stayed with me, "So, you have someone who turned against your people, and also against you. This is both personal. I can't fault you for wanting revenge. Turning on your customers is never a good idea. That's one of our golden rules. If I figure it right, this is not the first time he's done this. Certainly won't be the last."

Leaning slightly over the table towards her, "What are your plans in dealing with this bastard? Since this is your operation, you have more a stake in this than I do, I'll follow your lead. Just tell me where to go."
Ugh. Spice was a nasty business. That was a drug she never wanted to get involved with, even just handling the stuff.

She stared at him for a moment. "I... hadn't thought about it. I had assumed that because Sigrun had failed that he would give up and leave me alone without me having to do anything further. Do you not think this will be the case?"

To be honest, Gra'tia did hate the man but she wasn't necessarily out to get her revenge. All she wanted was for him to be far away from her and for him to not bother her anymore.
"Some people don't take 'no' for an answer," flicking my head towards the door, in a reference to the retreated Z'inter. "If this guy used one of your friends to get you, I would suspect that he is desperate enough, and foolish enough, and rich enough to do so, and do it again."

Judging by how Gra'tia spoke of him, I would agree that this was not to be a mutual relationship. More domination. Subjugation. Keeping one on a leash. For what purpose? Sex slave most likely. One guy is willing to risk all of that for a woman? Men will do a lot of idiotic things when they're horny. I should know.

"If he's on this vacation planet, chances are he's going to have a lot of credits, a lot treasures and such, hidden away. There might be a chance for us to mutually profit off this, aside from getting your man, of course," I said softly.
"Hmm..." She contemplated his words. Jarvis was indeed all of those things: desperate, foolish, and rich. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps in order to put things to rest she would have to deal with the conflict head-on, though it annoyed her that she would have to waste any of her time dealing with him.

Radar's comment about the man's riches made her chuckle though. "Are you suggesting we go to this planet, find him, beat him within an inch of his life, and then rob him blind?"
"Why not?" my smirk grew. "If we take him, then someone else is just going to come in and take it for themselves. Be a shame to let all that treasure go to someone else. Someone less deserving than ourselves, right? We are risking life and limb for this mission."

If you see a chance to profit, take it. That's another one of the rules. It wasn't against the Mandalorians. I wasn't going to ask for more money, or ask Gra'tia to place herself in more danger than the mission required. It was my skin on the line as well going with her.

"It's not stealing if it's taken from the enemy" I added with a firm nod. Enemy in the tense that Jarvis was not the good guy in this scenario. He's the target.
She shrugged, "I don't like the idea of looting for looting's sake, but I would say that I am due some reparations for the physical and emotional injuries I took during our run-in with Sigrun. In fact I would say that the two of us are due reparations." Gra'tia nodded in a satisfied manner.

"After all, if he had his way, I would probably be in a metal bikini, chained to his bedpost at this moment, so his monetary compensation shouldn't be cheap." She shuddered at the thought. The bastard would probably remove her helmet as well, as he had tried time and time again to coax her into showing him her face.
Another perverted thought entered my brain. It made me excited. The thought of her in a metal bikini. It was just a guess on how her body would be formed inside such a thing. A long time ago one of my customers had a woman in a slave bikini outfit, claiming it was his wife and it was a mutual fetish. Sure, buddy. Anyway, he paid me and I left. Just in time as well.

Shaking my head and under the guise of a laugh, purging my excitement from my body. "Then I guess it's settled then. If we get the chance, we rob the man blind. If he does, somehow, survive or get away from us, he won't be able to come after you for a long time," nodding once more.
"Alright, that sounds like a plan," she agreed, holding her hand out as though she desired him to clasp it. It was what a lot of them would do when agreeing on a course of action, and she forgot that Redar might not be familiar with the custom.
Instinctively leaning back, away from her hand. If I see a hand coming towards me, I lean away from it. Then I remembered, it was Gra'tia I was speaking with.

Mandalorians had their traditions. Which are different than my own. If my memory is correct with their handshakes they grasp the other person's wrist. Not the palm.

Drawing out my own hand and grasping her wrist, "Let's do it!"
“Yes, let’s!” She was pleased that he had grasped the gesture in a literal and figurative sense and her had clasped his as she jostled his arm in friendly camaraderie.

“We will want to rescue our captive first, but once that is done, we can pay Jarvis a visit.” Gra’tia smirked under her helmet and it showed in her voice:
"Yes. Rescue first then a visit!" nodding to her. For a moment I sat there smiling at her. Forgetting the fact that I was still holding her wrist. This is good. Hearing her voice made me feel she had a fun side in her after all.

Upon realizing it I said nothing and slowly let go. Hopefully not making another awkward scene.

"What should we do next?" standing up and grabbing my trays. What needed to be done was to return the tray and dishes so they can be cleaned for the next meal.
She was done with one of her coffees, she she intended on returning the empty mug to the dish tray as well. The Mandalorian went with him to dump their dishes and said, “well, we could go for a walk, I could give you a tour of the facility, or we could simply rest until the ship is done…”

Her eyes went to his handsome face and she was reminded of their talk last night. Perhaps she ought to create a bit of distance as she had intended to do. “Or perhaps you could daydream about what you’ll do with your credits once our missions are complete and you return to your system. I’m sure you’ll have many luxuries at your fingertips. I think I’m going to donate mine to the cause, but perhaps I’ll buy myself something sweet as well.”

Her intent was to remind him that their partnership was only temporary, though she did hope to part on friendly terms.
"How about you give me a tour of this place. While you do that, you can tell me all about on what that 'something sweet' idea is," wagging my eyebrows. Too strong? Probably too strong. In saying 'something sweet' another perverse thought entered my brain.

What if Gra'tia purchased herself something nice for a change? Not for The Cause. Something that can bring her happiness, like a ship or a place of her own on a nice plot of land where she can be herself, away from the others.

When he left the cafeteria, again, I deliberately walked beside and slightly behind the Mandalorian, taking a gander at everything she was. Each time I look at her something else pops out. Her armor was much more worn and chipped than I remember. Show she had a lot of experience. Other Mandalorians I've seen also had worn out armor. To show how much experience they carried.

What would I do with my pay? Certainly a lot. But I had what I needed already. A good ship and a partner, for the time being at least. When this is all over, what then? What if I were to buy myself a place, a nice place out of the way. That way no one can bother me. Except Gra'tia.
His eyebrows were doing something funny, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was he joking or trying to flirt- she really couldn’t tell. She had to admit that it made her realize that he had really nice eyebrows. Not wanting to make a fool of herself by assuming, she answered in her normal, even tone.

“I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I like buying candy when I can. I have a tin in my cabin that has a piece of candy for each type of candy that I’ve tried in my life to remind myself of the places I’ve been and the flavors I’ve tasted.” Gra’tia shrugged, “though it’s not something I like to advertise to people.”
Candy? She has a sweet tooth. Something to file away for later. Cinammon snacks, too. Can buy a lot of those with some credits. Enough to last her two lifetimes! The more I learned about her the more I wanted to know. If candy is so precious to her that she keeps a portions as reminders, then they are precious to her, and not something to be mocked about.

"Don't worry. I won't tell a soul," nodding to her.

Why candy, though? A tingling sensation came to my chin that I rubbed it with a thumb. Hmmm. Ponder. Ponder. "Of the candy you have tried, what's your favorite?" speaking in a slightly interested voice. Figured that, if my tone was too thick, it would be pressing her, or giving her the idea that I was eager to find whatever it is she liked to appease her. That wasn't the case. Not yet by the way. It's good to dream.
Gra’tia was surprised that he had taken an interest in what she enjoyed, as most that she told usually either teased her about it (like Sigrun), or simply nodded and moved on (like Jamari).

"I like the flavor of marshmallows, toasted coconut, and strawberries. There are few candies I dislike. However, I very much like the flavor of honeydew melon. It is one of my favorite flavors, though I rarely come across it." Her tone was wistful as she spoke about it, thinking of a candy she had once had that was soft like a marshmallow but had the taste of the melon. It was probably the best candy she had ever tasted.

"What about you? Do you like any sweet things?" she asked.
She spoke and I listened. Carefully logging it away for later. A long list that brought her happiness. Honeydew. Haven't seen a real one in a long time. Don't remember where it was, probably on one of the Core worlds. From the sounds of it, she had a long and rough life. Probably not a lot of love and care was direct to her, and probably why candy, of all things, brought her happiness.

Now I imagine this Mandalorian woman lounging on a play in the sun, racked out with a pile of fresh candies beside her. That helmet lifted just enough to expose her lips, and she slowly delves into the pile. Does she wear lipstick? My mind wanders when I'm distracted.

That's why, when she asked if I liked anything sweet, I nearly blurted out 'sweet lips.' Catching myself before embarassing myself, "Tell the truth, I haven't had candy in a long, long time. Come to think of it, I don't remember the taste of chocolate," scratching my chin once again. The candies the hotels gave away in their room didn't count in my eyes. They are cheap and often are just balls of sugar with no taste or comfort.
“You don’t…?” She sounded flabbergasted for a moment, I disbelief at the fact that chocolate had not touched his lips for long enough to forget what it was like. What was it like to live a life where one didn’t indulge in a sweet treat every now and then?

The woman had stopped in her tracks and stared at him, but as soon as she recovered, she quickly unbuckled a small box from her armor and opened it, taking out a little square of milk chocolate and holding it out for him as though she expected him to take it. “Here, I always keep some on me. You don’t have to worry though- the box is temperature resistant, so the chocolate is still good. I replace it frequently too.”
Nearly bumped into her when she stopped. Both eyes followed her hand as she plucked the cube from her pouch. She then offered it to me, and, at first, I hesitated. "Thank you" slowly taking it from her. Letting the cube slide into my palm, I examined it up close. A virtually perfect cube of milk chocolate with its creamy brown surface. A little sniff and the goodness rolled up my nose.

My heart started to relax. This did smell familiar that I popped it right into my mouth and closed quickly. Instantly the stuff turned into liquid gold in my mouth that my eyes popped open. It was sooo delicious that I must have it quickly and swallowed.

"Oh, wow! That's some good stuff. Where'd you get it?" eagerly asking her.