Cunty kisses and rainbow licks. Ruby is back bitches

So much isolation...

Hope you're all healthy:kiss:


  • Isolation -01.jpg
    Isolation -01.jpg
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I’m an introvert.

Who wants one week of isolation.

Wow! You look great! Am I confusing you with someone else, or have you lost a ton of weight?
Well Hello Ruby! Isolation sucks, but I am glad to see you here again.
I'm actually Lucky...still working so not completely isolated. But isolated enough that the bulk of my conversations come from the under 17's that live in my I'm glad to be back here as well.

Wow! You look great! Am I confusing you with someone else, or have you lost a ton of weight?

Thanks...I think lol I'm probably 20 lbs heavier. No shame.
Apparently I've just been studying the 'how to teach people not to believe the bodies you see in magazines' camp...slash....hiding my fat well;) next time I'll post one with all my booty and belly glory!

You are stunning! Welcome back!
Thanks....but see note above ;) lol

Great to see you Ruby:rose:
Hey Ruby, great to see you!

Smooooches! You too!
That’s one way of describing it. Lol.

Well I'm still employed...yet don't have to deal with the public...everyone I know is healthy. So that's a plus. And I still get to take a nudie pic here and there...that equals grand in my book. Now...if I look about deeper that's another story all together
Well I'm still employed...yet don't have to deal with the public...everyone I know is healthy. So that's a plus. And I still get to take a nudie pic here and there...that equals grand in my book. Now...if I look about deeper that's another story all together

Lol. Well I’ll applaud for the good in your life then.