Curse of the Dragon God


IC: "Yes I am out of shape!" Great I'm the slowest one here. Hw the hell is the dwarf moing aster then me with such small legs.
Davina scowled at the Dwarf's words. Elf-bitch, was she? Well, what would an ill-mannered dirt-digger know anyway. She had to admit, however, that the stout fellow was fast on his feet. Must have spent a lot of time running away from things...

She laughed as the lest man complained about his state of fitness as he tried to keep up with them. "Perhaps you want to be carried, hmmm, human?" Davina winked back and smirked as she jogged on
Rohan slowed down when he heard them, he carefully went around the bend and was able to see them hunched around a small fire. "Finally some action" he said to himself. Hobgoblins. Three. He ducked behind a rock and drew his bow. He nocked an arrow, and took a good look around. He picked the nearest one and inhaled deeply, and as he exhaled released the string, immediately dropping the bow and picking up his axe as soon as the arrow was clear. "FAUGH A BALLAUGH!" he roared, in the language of his mother, as he charged. The hobgoblin hadn't even fallen before the other two were up, raising their shields and drawing their wicked scimitars. He was almost upon them and he roared in the toungue of his father "KHAZAD AI MENU!! as he launched himself at the nearest one, swinging his axe in a wide arc. The Hobgoblin blocked, but the force of the blow knocked him down. Rohan ducked the the second ones blow and spun around, taking his leg off. He rose quickly and with a mighty jumping strike buried his axe in the creature. He was about to pull his axe out of the corpse as the last hobgoblin swung at him. Rohan dodged and rolled away. He then sprang up, now armed with his shield and sword. "Come now green one, bring your pretty face to my blade!" "I will have your head for a goblet dwarf!" Rohan roared his fury and charged. "I AM NOT A DWARF!!!" he said filled with rage. the hobgoblin struck but Rohan blocked with a forward thrust of his shield, throwing the goblin off balance. He then swung his shield, spinning the goblin around. He threw down his shield and tackled the goblin, bringing it to the ground. He then raised his sword, and drove it to the crossbar in the goblins gut, pinning the creature to the dirt floor of the cave. "Look to me now hobgoblin." The gobling spit in his face,a vile mixture of spit and black, gobling blood. Rohan roared and drew his heavy hunting knife. "I am Rohan, son of the dwarf Rurik Bloodaxe and Aisling daughter of Donnchadh. I am more then either. I am no dwarf, I'M A HALF DWARF!!" he said. Then, with a roar, he cut off the goblins head. He rose and wiped the blood from his face. "Look here gods of war! LOOK HERE! I am Rohan Bloodaxe, and the blood of this filth is my humble offering to you! Give me further victory this night!" he said. looking to the ceiling of cavern. He retrieved his bow, and returned to the fire side, pulling the still good arrow from the one goblins neck. He then retrieved his axe and sword from the respective bodies, and picked up his shield. He looted the bodies of the hobgoblins, procuring several new knives for himself, and a decent bit of gold. he took their swords to sell later, and their heads as trophies. he then sat down on the armored chest of the one he had shot and produced his pipe, he filled it, and took some wood from the fire to light it. He then sat and waited for the others.

Lars followed soon enough, appearing just as the half-dwarf started to smoke. Lars walked calmly through the dead bodies, and passed the half-dwarf, not even pausing for a moment as he continued farther on. Lars shook his head in dismay.

They're here to save everyone in their Clan, and he stops for a smoke. Some people had no sense of priorities. Lars continued pushing himself at a hard pace. It wasn't as fast as the half-dwarf had run along, perhaps, but Lars was the one still moving.

"Where the hell is this marble stone? The bottom of the world?"

IC: "Well no it was sixmiles in right? So unless we come to a cliff and the dragon was speaking as the crow flies... I wasn't supose to answer that question was I? Um lets keep going."

We moved forward, "Hey the crystal here is gettig thiner." Perhaps we are low o time, but how uch farther could it be? 'Is that it up ahead.' Being slow and out f shape I didn't catch who was speaking. "Um, I would guess so." We moved up into a round room wih a radious of perhaps 30 feet. On the back wall was a black ciricle of signed material.

"So should we crush it before company arivives?
"I suppose we should." rohan said "A shame to miss out on such a good fight though" he added. "So do we just hit it real hard?" he asked, hefting his axe.
Davina had jogged along with the men until they arrived at a large, circular chamber. Once again, the Dwarf - of Half-Dwarf as she had heard him yell, had sat down for another smoke breifly, before carring one. Disgusting habbit, that....

Not quite knowing exactly what had to be done with the stone in the centre of the room, she stepped back and waited for the others to come to a descision. Of course, if that was as slow as their walking, it could take a while.

"I would, unfortunatly, have to agree with your short companion. It is a shame to miss up such a spectacular battle, but if smash this thing we must, then smash it we shall"

Lars rolled his eyes, and drew his slashing sword out. He grabbed it in both hands, checking the weight and looking at the target. He stepped forward, swinging his arms back and swinging as hard as he could towards the target.
IC: The round piece of marble shattered in a specatcular explosion sending harmless splinters of rock all over the room. "Well that was easy, should we head back out?"
"How come the blind human got to smash it?" Rohan asked. "Well what do we do now? go back the way we came?"

Lars slid his slashing sword away, turned, and started back out the way they came. "Yes, we go back out the way we came. And the reason the 'blind human' got to smash it is because you didn't. This isn't a hard job. You go, and you do what you're told. Not loaf around by a few dead hobgoblins because your brain is to fried by battle to remember what you came here for."

Lars shook his head slowly to himself. This was not looking to be the pick of the litter, here. He had little real hope for their chances of success in lifting the curse. Still, at least there would be no hunters for a while. Give the Clan some much-needed rest. And the half-dwarf would probably appreciate dying in the middle of a battle.

Lars stopped at the enterance to the chamber, looking out the way they'd come, then glanced back in at the shattered orb.

He turned toward the others. "Now, if shattering the orb is supposed to send away the Hunters, who are they?"

He raised a hand, and pointed at the angry-looking group coming towards the chamber.

IC: "I don't know, but fire in the hole!" I tossed a fire ball as far down the hall as I could, and prayed they weren't hunting a red dagon. "Any suggestions would be nice."
"Ah HA!!" Rohan said, he turned to Davina and tossed her his bow and quiver. "Here elf, its not the finest bow, my own was destroyed, and i made this one, but i am no bowmaker, save your magic until the arrows are spent." Rohan raised his axe and roared his challenge. "I am Rohan MacRurik O'Donnchadh Clan Bloodaxe! Face me!" he roared twirling his axe. He shouted to his companions "Kill 'em all lads, and let the gods sort 'em out. FAUGH A BALLAUGH!!" he roared as he charged
Davina caught the flung bow and quiver tossed her way by Rohan. Obviously, the little man thaught that she'd fight from a distance. How typical! Did everyone think that Elfkind only cast spells and shot bows? Feh! Staching the bow and quiver, Davina unfurled her length of barbed chain and grinned wickedly at the approaching mob of assorted critters. "Oh, you're in for it now, boys!" She mumbled a few arcane words before stepping forwar and lashing out, the barbs on the chain lodging into one of the critter's skulls, before a swift yank sent blood and sinew in all directions

IC: "So, you think they would of attacked us if I didn't hit them? After all I forgot we aren't dragos right now." I moved to the back leting the other melee. Okay quick escape, whats your plan?
- and the trance is broken by the echoing roar of something very large. I turn my head to the sound.. looking into the distant terrain.

"I know that sound." I say in a lost, ghostly voice. Memories of long ago being tickled in the back of my Elven mind.

I begin to collect my belongings, from the makeshift home I had created in the area surrounding the village.

Mumbling to myself, "Bag, check. Bow, check. Book, check."

A day passes under the soles of his boots as he makes his way to the village, it's been so long he doesn't even know if he can find it again.

"I wonder if anyone there could possibly remember me, if mention of my less than sterling past have continued."

Cresting a hill in the nearby wood, the village comes into view, and after a brief hesitation.. Anduril enters the edge of town.

As he remembers the roar, and notes some rather large prints in the soft dirt of the village's road. He keeps a sharp eye, noting the gazes of the villagers.

"Interesting, we're not to the cycle yet..."

"Maybe one of them would be willing to talk with me about the events of the last day or two."
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"Heres your quick escape plan!" Rohan yelled to Kay, felling his third and fourth attacker. "Kill 'em all quick, then escape over their bodies." Rohan ducked and felled another. he dropped his axe and drew his sword and shield. "AR nDUTHCAS!!." he roared as he reentered the fray

Lars leaned back against the wall, watching the dwarf kill some of the people. There were only eight left after those four. No point really in him even bothering to unsheath his swords. Lars looked over at Kay. "We'll likely never know. It could be they didn't even have any problems with us, but now it's far too late. Even if we could reel those two back in from their killing spree, we've killed too many now for diplomacy."

Lars looked back at the impromptu bloodbath. They didn't even know who those people were and they were killing them. Lars shook his head. He reached down, running a finger down a scratch on his breastplate. They were a bloodthirsty bunch, these. As thoughtless in what they were killing as the dragonslayers who hunted them.

He sighed, wondering how far they'd get in lifting the curse, before their reckless bloodlust roused the rage of something more powerful then them, and got everyone killed.

IC: "So, what else do you think that dragon wil have us do? Perhaps make a seies of temples?" I watched as the elf dropped the last oponent.

It had been been a good day for hunting, he thought as he hefted his sack full of animals from his last hunt. Plus his traps had been never gone empty since he started placing them farther out away from the village last year so that he didnt deplete the closer game.

"The only thing that could make this day a bad one would be that is very close to the hunters return" he spoke to no one, but himself.

Thinking of traps made him redo his mental checklist of the other traps he had so recently finished. The only difference for these traps was they were made for larger game, human sized. They werent all deadly though, in fact most of them were made to slow or incapacitate. Every second that he could buy to help his people was one that he took willingly.
Apon reaching the village he quicky noticed that there was an excited distress to the other villagers, more so then the hunters return should normaly warrant. There were all gathered in the center of the small village. Quicky making his way through the crowd, he spotted the village elder Algerian.

"Algerian ! " He shouts as he hands off his sack "What in the cursed name of Io is going on here?"

Algerian quicky described the dragon, Aasterinian and his offer. Adding who volunteered, and then that last member to join them.

"Where's Aasterinian? " Vincent growled

"Left here Northwest about 20 minutes ago" Algerian said scowling "If you are going to try to catch him, you had better stop acting like a fool and calm down !"

" Aye, elder." lowering his eyes Vincent suddenly smiled "Will there ever come a day in which some of your wisdom will rub off "

Algerian tried not to smile as this half -elf, a man by human standards, but still a child by elven seemed to act with a maturity beyond his years and yet seemed to lose his head in a almost childish manner.

"Someday soon Vincent, but for now you had better get your fool head on right and catch that Dragon! " Algerian spat to the side.

With a determined grin he took off in the direction that Aasterinian left in.If the what the dragon had said was true then he had a plan. Speed was the essential here. Vincent had alot of ground here to cover and not alot of time, but as he ran away from the village he wondered if he could make it in time. These were his woods and he knew every stone and tree, but that wouldn't stop him from making a mistake if he was careless. Making his way to a small cliff that would give him the means he needed, he threw caution to the wind as he ran full tilt. His mind wondering was this a trap, a final punishment for the Sons and Daughters of Slayers. Lure they're greater warriors out too far to help defend the rest from a final battle. Had the gods finally tired of this game of theirs and decided to wipe them from the table. All of a sudden he tripped, banging his arm against a tree, and landing on a root hidden under the moss. Cursing his wondering mind he put all thoughts of a trap out of his head. He would deal with those responsible when the time came. Realizing that he was close he started to slow his pace slighty to ease the pain from his lungs as he panted.
Finally the trees started to thin marking the cliff apporoching, and the blue sky beyond. He came to a stop about 30 feet away from the drop off. At least the curse would be helpful this day he thought as he quickly striped off all of his gear and armor. Then putting it all in his large sack, which had a drawstring with a wide long noose on the end. Catching his breath for only a quick second, He put the noose around his neck and mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do. Vincent then ran towards the edge of the cliff full out. His skin starting to take a dull bronze and pebbly look, his face elongating and growing more beak like. His thumbs melding away and his fingers turning into powerful talons. His legs growing bigger and his strides longer and more powerful as his body increases in mass. His neck streching out and four small horns shoot out along the sides of the head. His tail suddenly forms and helped him balance his increased bulk. Vincent picked up more speed as he fell to four legs and continues running as fast as he can. At the very last moment makes a powerful leap over the edge of the cliff as his wings part from the skin on his back. Tucking his limbs under him, he spreads his wings and was airborne. First he is treetop level and then with a little more effort he is a bit below the clouds.He made a quick check to make sure that he didnt lose his sack with all his gear, but it was still around his neck. Gliding now he begins to scan as far as his draconic vision will let him.

"Aasterinian ! " Vincent screamed, his words sounding more like a feral roar then a name.

IC: 'Aasterinian!' The god turned her head to see a bronze dragon flying her way. "Hmmm" Is this one a volunteer, or perhap an angry local. If he wishes o harm me then he is under estimating the power of a god, something I figured thee people understood not to do. Still if he is a volunteer, he is still suffers from a quirk of impatience. One would asume he'd wait till tomorow, when I said I'd return. The dragon turned her head east. Hmm, the full moon is rising, I supose that means I will be peaking to more dragons and less men while I am here.

"Yes what is ityou want?"

Lars watched the savage murder going on before them. "Well, we're trying to stopp a war between Dragons. I would hope to work on negotiations and sabotage. But at this rate it seems we've just recklessly throw ourselves at a True Dragon, and hope we can take it with us so the other side wins by default. But, then again, Io is a God. Probably more planning will go into it, and we'll end up going on long missions to retraive magical items that can be of use to us as we learn the values of teamwork and subtlety."

"Or something. I don't attempt to even understand the minds of True Dragons, much less the Dragon Gods. C'mon. Let's be getting back up to the enterance and waiting for our next round of orders."
Vincent winced as he noticed the dragons calm, but unimpressed look. When you spent 264 days of the year as a dragon you eventually figured out a few dragon expressions. Taking a breath and remembering how to address someone that was doing him a favor, he glided close enough that he didnt have to shout.

" Great Aasterinian, I heard of your offer, but was too late in my arrival to take you up in it " Vincent explained, dislike of any messenger of Io was common in the village, but with this offer he just might start giving thanks to Io daily if he was telling the truth.

" I feared to wait for your return for surely, this quest to redeem ourselves will not be easily accomplished " He stated bowing his head slighty in respect

IC: "No it won't be easy. Your ancestors created a power vacum that both of IO's cildren tried to fill. At times I wonder about those two, Io's plan was to have his second and thrd child marry and raise hatchlings, but I supose even Io makes mistakes. But that isn't of importance."

"Do you think he first party managed to complete their quest? They should of, it wasn't to dificult." The dragon paused briefly. "They must of managed otherwise the portal would of opened. But it did not."

"So what can I do for you?"

A wave of relief passed over Vincent as the great dragon said that they had stopped the hunters from coming. The villagers would have the peace if only for a short while, that no one had since the curse began.

" I wish to aid my brethren in this task " Noticing the moon on the rise. " It was said that you used magic to take them away and since they have completed the first task, would you know where they would be now ? " A hopeful look lighting his face.

" And would you be able to tell me the what we will be doing next, or shall you impart the next quest after we arrive ? "

Mentally chiding himself for his barrage of questions, thats the price you pay when you prefer solitude and dont get much conversation.