D&D(Give it a read, at least)

woohoo. not human AND a magic user. i'm seeing big bonuses here!
Sorry about my absence. Give me a day or so to gather up my character. My current D&D one is level 19, so that won't work. Anyway, Snork, as soon as I post my stats, feel free to begin the thread.
Post your Stats !

Ok Morgoth,

Post your Stats. I'll scavenge throught the thread and put together the party manifest. Then I'll post it back here.

So everyone knows who everyone is and what they are and what they can do ;)

Remember you already all know each other so you don't have to any of the usual small stuff that takes 3 weeks to play out before the game starts.

I'll post some more info in the main game thread and then it's all upi to you guys. (with the odd prod from me ofcourse)

Oh and just to give every one some incentive, there will be a an XP bonus for quick responses up to a maximum of 15%. The % will reduce the longer it takes for you to reply :)

(refers people to the LIT role plying guide, it is polite to inform your other players if you are not going to be able to post for a while, say due to vacations etc.)

It is important to get the game moving and keep it moving hence the XP bonus. Like wise players that don't respond and have not given any warning will be penalised after 1 complete day by the rate of -5% XP points. So it is in the players interest to either 'Announce' a leave of absence or to respond quickly.

Ok those are the only rules I am gonna lay down (other than the Game rules)

Let's all have a long and fun filled campaign

luv y'all

Snork :kiss:
Character Sheets

I have put a character sheet together and attached it to this message.

If you guys can take the time to fill in the top bits,

Race, Class, Age, etc

and abilities scores STR, INT etc

and mail them back to me snorkmaid@hotmail.com

I will complete the bonuses etc and then mail them back at ya.

You din't need to worry about armor and stuff but it would be really great if you can fill them out because it will help be guage the encounters, traps and puzzles you are going to meet.

Character Board

OK - This is the Character Board - I will Edit this Post as New Characters are posted - So that everyone knows who they are playing with :)

(note I won't post Alignments unless Class Specific, it's up to the individual character to decide if he or she want to reveal that.
XP is awarded for playing in character and in alignment, I expect all players to respect Neutrality at least within the party)

First Up :)
LIT Name : Android1966
Name : Athelbruda
Sex : Male
Race : Human
Class : Paladin (Holy Knight)
Alignment : LG
Level : 4

LIT Name:airborne92
Name : Juran Silverbow
Sex : Male
Race : Grey Elf
Class : Fighter / Thief
Alignment :
Level : 3/3

Last edited:
Hi Snorkmaiden

The paladin character was mine:eek: Tried to PM you but couldn't for some reason.
The clock is ticking :)

Thanks for posting that Android, I suspected it was yours.

Ok. We can wait for ever and ever for the characters to come in - from experience I find that if you wait that long at the start the wait only gets longer so, shall we kick off.

Absolutelty we shall, The two of you Android and Airbourne have pretty decent characters anyway. I'll roll in a 4th lvl Cleric which will be introduced through Galen, (one of his understudies) to help things along if the going get tough.

I'll post the the starting scenario shortly, it up to you guys then to do your stuff :)

I'll keep to the Italic posts for Description / Narrative in the thread and blue text For NPC actions.

All the NPC's I'll roleplay and I can assure you that I will :)

Don't assume NPC reactions, you will lose XP for thing like.

The thief moves through the crowded room, picking an unsuspecting bystander, he sucessfully picks his pocket for 5 gp

You will gain experience for things like

The thief moves through the crowded room, and attempts to pick the pockets of an unsuspecting bystander.

Till Soon and good Luck


Android - I still have your Char Sheet to return

which will be shortly :)
The Crypts of Jephrea

Well we've started :) - finally.

My gut feeling is that this is actually going to work out well. Especially if the other character join soon. But I am not going to hold the thread back for them.

Consequently experience will be shared between participating parties.

Also any one else reading this and wanting to join in please feel free. ideally 6 characters would be enough to keep the thread moving making it less reliant on everyone being around.

So if you want to play PM me.


I think my note about blue and black text has caused some confusion.

Guys, you don't need to do that. It is a style I use in my notes to highlight information passed to the party - It serves for you guys to review DM descriptions to identify important dialogs which may contain clues. So if you guys can just reply as normal in plain balck text it would be helpful and reduce confusion. If you want to emphasis something for other players could I suggest you do it in bold text :)

Android and Airbourne
great to have you guys on board


sorry i took so long, i did post a few places about that i would be away, hope you guys saw it on my Sig line.

my char will be PMed to you momentarily snork....

okay, this is it, but i have no idea what some of the fields are for. i'll read a bunch and figure it out and send it again when i get it all down. but this is it so far
Sorry Snork Maiden, I was debating whether to join in this thread or not and I am sorry to see that I would not get a chance. I was a little skittish after seeing what happened in the last D & D thread, but was going to give it a shot. By the way, the other thread is stalled( Thought you would appreciate that). Well, maybe we can post again together on another thread.

<big Constitution State hugs>

Hi Chewey, yes it would have been nice to have you on board, it never really got going did it, kindda dragged it's heels. I think the thread you are in will probably keep going for a while though. If you can stand the stops and starts. Personally I perfer the threads were you post several times a night, they seem to keep interest and don't become drawn out and stale :)

I am glad you are having fun

Snork Maiden said:
<big Constitution State hugs>

Hi Chewey, yes it would have been nice to have you on board, it never really got going did it, kindda dragged it's heels. I think the thread you are in will probably keep going for a while though. If you can stand the stops and starts. Personally I perfer the threads were you post several times a night, they seem to keep interest and don't become drawn out and stale :)

I am glad you are having fun


Awww thanks for the hug. The D & D thread has kind of stalled but we are prodding it back into place lol. I have joined two other threads and am having a blast. You should check out the Resident Evil thread. We could use a good woman..........

Sorry. My computer was down, and now whenever I try to open up the Char. Gen. I get an error message and I can't find my books. Give me one more day to fix the gen. and I'll post, most liekely tomorrow.