Darmus By Night


Val looked, both in front of him, and behind him, searching for whatever it was. Something was coming, he could feel it, though still not see it, or sense it himself.

Looking back over to Cervantes, he said. "Cervie.....tell me man! This is not like you to be so quiet. What is it?" he said, pulling out his sword, preparing for the worst, yet agian........

Looking at Cervantes with confusion at his unnatural stillness, KyLissa tensed, questing out with her senses to see what came upon them.
OOC: Xander, Moridin187, we could use either one of you back in the thread...
Posting for Moridin187:

OOC: Sorry guys, this comp is shit, so I'm logged in and we don't want to risk a meltdown. So, here's the post for Moridin.

IC(Lavin): Lavin could feel them up ahead, he always had some kind of sense for when foes were nearby. They seemed to have stopped, he hoped not for more bloodshed. Guiding his steed with his knees, the warrior drew both of his humongous blades, holding them splayed as he rode up to the murderers. He looked around, picking out the cloaked woman who looked like the leader.

"You I will not kill. You I will drop off at the nearest station of the Royal Guardsmen. However, your lackeys shall pay the price in blood for your heinous crimes!" His voice heightened into a scream on the last few words as he prepared to release It.



Thorne nodded to Valdimer, mulling over his words. As the cogs of her thoughts worked awa, she heard hoofbeats approach from behind. Nudging Talesin softly with her right knee, she wheeled the horse to face the large approaching figure. She heard his words and felt an icy chill run up her spine. He was talking about the bandits! He thought that she had murdered? Wasn't it fairly obvious to anyone she was NOT the sort of person to be in charge? She stuttered an "I" for a few moments, while her brain straightened out as best it could.

"I. . . Sir, I'm sorry, but the bandits you speak of were attacking us. Yes, my employers got carried away, but by no means does that deserve cold blooded murder, nor an assumption that I'm responsible. What in the name of the Underworld do you think I could kill them with in the first place? My BOOTLACES?"

Thorne had been swept into a quest, hit on, had a vampire confess feelings, and was traveling with a FLY for Cervantes familiar. She was at the end of a very long fuse, and was sick of dealing with it. If this man didn't back off soon, he was likely to face one hell of a sleeping spell, and she hoped he had good nasty nightmares. She thought that was certainly mean, and was the worst she had ever wished anyone in her life.

"Oh, thats rich! Kill me? Hah! You hear that Val? He says he's gonna kill us... 'lackies'! Hah! Hahahahaha!" Cervantes laughed rauciously, his eyes bulging with the force of it. Bubzy just buzzed about his head, echoing his laughter in a high pitch voice.
Orion looked over to Cervantes and Thorne. There was something unsetteling about the situation. He countinued to wait for his associates to decide what to do with the challenger.
Lavin frowned a bit, obviously he'd been wrong about the woman being their leader. She was probably their healer or some such. Instead he turned to the other speaker.

"So those men on the bridge were bandits? I'll give you that." His grip tightened on his swords "However, you slaughtered that family mercilessly, and for that, you must DIE!" Not waiting for further arguing that could dissuade him from his course of action, Lavin kicked his massive stallion into a charge at Cervantes.

A slow, white hot, tenderil slowly crept through Thorne's body. It was anger, she was sick of everyone assuming things about her. Watching the horse gallop forward, a spring of the tendril finally burst forth in Thorne.

"That is ENOUGH!"

With those words, spoken in a voice Thorne would not have recognized as her own, she let go. The flames that lived within her blood suddenly burst forth as a shower of sparks, not quite reaching the mount and rider charging at the party. Her hair snapped loose of its tie with the wind the heat generated. She sat taller, and glared at Lavin.

"I do not know who you are, or what you presume to find us guilty of, but I am NOT going to let you kill people just because you automatically assume the first people who you come upon are your query. I have not a fucking clue what family you are talking about. If you want to know, this party has been searching for a dragon, and has been lodged at a small cabin in the woods since last night. So, if the crime was commited since nightfall two days ago, I can alibi these men, and I will cast a truth spell on myself to prove that I did nothing of it! If you don't like that, I suggest you take your mounts tail and instert it where the sun doesn't shine, because you are looking at the WRONG PEOPLE!"

Sitting there, astride Talesin, Thorne did not look like herself. The shy demenor, the bowed head, and soft look of her eyes were all gone, replaced by a blazing fire's light. Her skin had paled even further, to the point where it looked almost green in color, although the cast looked healthy, instead of sickly. Ablaze in frustrated anger, the draconian shone through.

"Wha?" Cervantes questioned, wanting the fool to charge him and be humilliated for his efforts, only the magess stalled him with her sudden rage, she stalled them all really, even he, himself. He looked over at her. She was definately the child of Val's armor... He thought with a rueful smile. "What da ya think o her now Val?" Cervantes shot with a wicked smile, knowing he understood the situation now, from how she looked.
Orion just looked over at Thorne, bewildered. He hadn't thought she was that strong or that she was capable of giving someone such a wicked tounge lashing.
Lavin's rage was halted once again by the strange woman. It seemed this one was more dangerous than she appeared. But why throw sparks at him rather than full fledged fire? Perhaps attacking this group was not such an intelligent idea. The woman seemed to be more or less a good person. But her travelling companions.. A zombie, a knight in dragonscale, and that other one... Too much for him to sort through.

Stop thinking and just kill them you idiot!

He wheeled his horse back and forth uncertainly, trying not to let any of them get behind him, trying to make a decision on how to act. Why couldn't it ever be simple?

The stranger seemed nervous, or undecided.. his expression flickering as fast as his thoughts seemed to.

KyLissa stirred in her place under the trees.
OOC: Sorry for bieng away for so long, have been workin some mad hours.

IC: Val held his sword ready, poised to strike the newcomer, but Thorne beat him to it, with words. Val shot her a shocked look, and let Cervantes words sink in as well. "Well...hehe, I must say, I'm glad we have her on our side."

Hoping off his horse, Val took a few steps toward the stranger. His sword still in his hand, he spoke. "Stanger, I know not what family you speak of....but know this, as our friend has said, we did not kill any family. As ruthless as we can be, we definatly are not that cruel."

Taking a few steps back, Val leaned in an looked to Cervantes..."What do you mean, what do I think of her? It's not like she's a dragon or anything....sheesh." he said, rolling his eyes........
Two had now denied the murder of the innocents, not only denied that, but denied it and not denied the bandits. He reined his horse in and sheathed the sword in his left hand, not trusting of these people, but no longer intending attack, he let the sword fall to his side.

I thought you were going to kill them? Did your shame finally catch up with you?

He muttered softly to the voice, "You were what decided me. You wanted me to attack them." He sat there on his horse, not sure what to do now.

"Pardon? Who are you talking to there lad?" Cervie asked as he strained his ear toward the would be attacker.

Still glowing with her rage, Thorne glared at the indecisive attacker. She was caught up in the heat of her emotions, and looked ready to kill.

"You assume that because we are the only people you see, we are of course guilty? Or maybe you think because my companions don't look like saints, they are of course the worst form of low on earth. Get this through your skull, they wouldn't kill a family. As for myself, if you knew ANYTHING of me, you would know that the idea of me resorting to physical violence against a family is utterly stupid. I don't care if your a guard, bounty hunter, or just a plain kind of idiot, you do NOT have the right to play executioner automatically, and you definately don't have the right to try and threaten people who are not guilty of crimes."

She sat astride Talesin, glad for his height, since it brought her to the level of the attacker. If she had been taller, she probably would have seen eye to eye with him, but for now, she would have to stick with eye to chin. Thorne tamped down the small voice inside of herself that urged to let the fire take him for his mistakes. She was not that sort of person.
Orion lowered his weapon and whispered to Cervantes, "Perhaps he's possesed? Or talking to imaginary allies?"
Lavin blinked a few times as the strange woman continued her verbal barrage. It was now obvious to him he'd made a grave error, both in assuming these people were the murderers he sought, and in threatening them. The rage which had been fueling him the past day had suddenly deserted him. He felt drained, emotionless, lethargic. How could he have been so stupid? The true murderer was probably getting farther and farther away by the moment, he'd never catch the black-hearted bastard now. He sighed and muttered an apology.

Idiot, I hope they decide to kill you.

Hearing a mutter of apology, Val quickly sheathed his sword and mounted his horse. "Well, now that we have this out of the way, shall we be continuing on then? And stranger....if you so choose, you could travel alongside us...maybe you might even run into the person you seek." Val said, turning his horse so he could face Val, Thorne and Orion.........

Sitting there, Thorne realized she was shaking slightly. The anger was passing, and she was left drained emotionally, and physically from the energy of the fire, and controlling it. She brought a hand up to rub her left temple gently, knowing that a headache usually resulted from one of her pyrotechnic outbursts.

"I'm sorry for snapping, it's been a long couple of days."

She looked at Valdimer and Cervantes, her eyes taking a worried cast. She was scared that she'd hurt them, that her fires had finally gotten out of control. She tried to see if any damage had been done, and couldn't find any. Relieved, she let herself relax, collapsing onto Talesin's neck, fighting to stay concious. The control it had taken to tamp down her fires had drained her.

"Yeah, come along with us if you like, we are only going to see a dragon after all..." Cervantes said flately, his eyes flickering with humor.
Orion turned to Thorne, "You Ok?" He then produced his blanket and wrapped it over Thorne, "Guess the argument drainded her a bit. I don't mind another traveling companion." Orion hoped the stranger wasn't alarmed by his appearance, as a precaution he put the hood of his cape up, hiding his face a bit. " Shall we countinue on?"
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Lavin blinked at the strangers' offers to join them. The woman seemed exhausted by her outburst.. Some people got tired maintaining that kind of anger.. Lavin understood how that felt. He looked from one to the next, The knight in dragonscale armor, the man who looked like a pirate, the zombie.. And the strange woman. These people were trouble.. He liked that.

"If that is what you want.. I shall certainly accompany you.." He pulled his horse in among the rest, sheathing his second sword and falling in next to the woman for a moment. He muttered softly so that she could hear him.

"Once again.. I'm sorry for my assumptions.." He let his horse fall to the back of the group. Bringing up the rear as he had done in the past when travelling with others.
An elderly man stood on top of a hill , he was looking down into a poll of water. In this pool of water he watched Valdimer and his group as they traversed the perils since leaving the bar. After a few more moments he stood up, his long white over jacket blew slightly in the wind. Val and Cervantes would certainly no longer recognize him without looking for a few moments at him with no interuption. He had aged quite badly due to the sacrifices he had made to gain more knowledge in the area of magic. Gone were his proud stance and thin physique, replaced by a withered and slightly hunched older man who required a cane to stand.

"So it seems that Val and Cervie have acquired some more folks to join them on their foolish quests." he said quietly to himself, "Perhaps we will need to meet sooner than I have thought."