Deal breakers...what are yours?

I couldn’t agree with you more, Cyber Bella. I’m one of those people who believes that two consenting adults can do whatever they want — as long as they keep me out of it! There are certain activities that some people regard as “sexual” that I regard as a good way to pass on or catch communicable viruses and diseases. And to be perfectly honest, I also consider as disgusting. I would not want to go anywhere near someone who engages in sexual activities involving urine, feces or blood. I save my deposits for toilets and the blood bank. Hope I haven’t grossed you out.
I couldn’t agree with you more, Cyber Bella. I’m one of those people who believes that two consenting adults can do whatever they want — as long as they keep me out of it! There are certain activities that some people regard as “sexual” that I regard as a good way to pass on or catch communicable viruses and diseases. And to be perfectly honest, I also consider as disgusting. I would not want to go anywhere near someone who engages in sexual activities involving urine, feces or blood. I save my deposits for toilets and the blood bank. Hope I haven’t grossed you out.
No, I totally agree.
I couldn’t agree with you more, Cyber Bella. I’m one of those people who believes that two consenting adults can do whatever they want — as long as they keep me out of it! There are certain activities that some people regard as “sexual” that I regard as a good way to pass on or catch communicable viruses and diseases. And to be perfectly honest, I also consider as disgusting. I would not want to go anywhere near someone who engages in sexual activities involving urine, feces or blood. I save my deposits for toilets and the blood bank. Hope I haven’t grossed you out.
Hot take 🔥🔥
I couldn’t agree with you more, Cyber Bella. I’m one of those people who believes that two consenting adults can do whatever they want — as long as they keep me out of it! There are certain activities that some people regard as “sexual” that I regard as a good way to pass on or catch communicable viruses and diseases. And to be perfectly honest, I also consider as disgusting. I would not want to go anywhere near someone who engages in sexual activities involving urine, feces or blood. I save my deposits for toilets and the blood bank. Hope I haven’t grossed you out.
Just curious…but how do you feel about posting a chest pic after a ravishing lady has asked you to?
Just curious…but how do you feel about posting a chest pic after a ravishing lady has asked you to?
I’d feel fine about it, but I don’t have a rippled six pack, muscular pecs or a bear-like chest. I’m just an average guy with an average chest + a dashing silver beard and a matching full head of hair worn in a pony tail. It’s really my tongue that’s my main selling point.
Smoking is a major turn-off and stressor for me. I can’t let myself develop deep feelings for someone thinking it’s only a matter of time before I’m going to have to watch them die of cancer. Going through that with family members was a huge part of my formative years.

I also couldn’t see myself being with someone who is scared to feel their feelings, or is unable to communicate and work through issues together.
Oooo la la.
Je peux aussi le faire en français (I can do it in French too) y en Espanyol también (and in Spanish as well). I’m English Canadian by birth, but have lived in Spain for the past 10 years. Where do you live?
Yo soy Americano. Hablo espanol un poco. Yo tango tres anos en la escuela. I’m pretty sure I screwed up the verb conjugation. 😂
Actually your Spanish verbs are pretty good — except I think you mean “Yo tengo” instead of “Yo Tango” unless of course you danced your way through three years of school. 😅😂🤣 Spanish verbs are a bitch, there are just too many damn tenses. Fortunately, I live in a beach community on the Mediterranean, where 55% of the people are ex-pats and 45% are Spanish-born. So my lingua Franca (so to speak) is still basically English.
Actually your Spanish verbs are pretty good — except I think you mean “Yo tengo” instead of “Yo Tango” unless of course you danced your way through three years of school. 😅😂🤣 Spanish verbs are a bitch, there are just too many damn tenses. Fortunately, I live in a beach community on the Mediterranean, where 55% of the people are ex-pats and 45% are Spanish-born. So my lingua Franca (so to speak) is still basically English.
I did mean tengo, but my auto correct on my iPad keeps changing it. Oh well. I live close to lakes and rivers. Deer, turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks, birds and the occasional bobcat or coyote traipse through my yard.
One of the downsides of European time zones is that we’re six hours later than American EST. So it’s closing in on 3:30 am here. My eyes are turning into little slits so I best turn out the lights. Will write (probably PM) you tomorrow. ❤️