Describe The 🥵Hottie🥵 In Your Box!

Got a hottie in your box? Tell us about it!

**What are they (not) wearing?
**Are they good at the 'dirty e-boning'? (@Rainshine , I'm lookin' at you)
**What do they call their naughty bits? What do they call yours?
**Would they like knowing you're talking about them here?
**Have they shagged your friends? Have you shagged theirs? 💀💀💀
**How many stars would you give them on Yelp?

Give us alllll the juicy details, please, WE'RE NOSY!!

~~Inspired by the hottie in my box. 😏😈
Ok I know I’m bad here and you may not want to here this. I am a mature very virile male whose wife due to health issues can no longer have sex. So I found me a “hottie” a woman who like me was not getting sex at home. Her husband was impotent. We met on line and what we wanted and needed was the same. We had absolutely mind blowing sex in every way possible.
Then we started experimenting with sexual things that we both had wanted to do sexually but our current partners would not do.
Went to adult clubs and fucked in front of people, she found out she was Bi and experimented with that and I loved to watch. She loved watching me masturbate when I watched. I ate her pussy after a lady would make her cum. She would watch me fuck those girls too and the suck my cock clean. It was the happiest times of our lives but we gave it up when our partners got too suspicious !
He's a poet and a gentleman and just like most everyone around here horny and pervy in all the best ways. He's probably wearing red and figuring out what to eat his jalapeños with! He constantly makes me smile which is pretty damn hot in my book.
Their words are so damn hot that the pms spontaneously combust before they show up in my box.🔥💥
I am a deepfaking fucker. I am really a long distance lorry driver called Larry. I have a unique odour of beer, cigarettes, BO and piss. I haven’t seen my dick in a decade due to my unhealthy diet and sitting on my ass all day. I have a rash that has now spread to my groin and it itches like a bastard. On the plus side, I do still have two of my own teeth.
I've found a few fun people to chat with through these threads... I'd love a chance to chat with you! most folks don't get how small of a town Alaska is
The last person I met from Alaska here on lit lived 400 miles south and worked with my cousin’s husband. This place really is too small.
The last person I met from Alaska here on lit lived 400 miles south and worked with my cousin’s husband. This place really is too small.
Holy shit, I did a virtual double take at that

(No hottie in my box, applications for boxhottie remain open)