IC: "I've spent most of my time in this room. Its perhaps the safest, at least until the ooze leaks down but it'll be the better part of century before that happens."
"True, but those tend to be traveling ones. This guy has a place like this, probably's going to have the Cabinet in case he has guests. Besides, the food's better, and a guy who can afford a place like this always goes for the best."
IC: "We took advantage of a design flaw and left them incapacitated more then defeated. Hopefully they are not back up and about."
The group entered the kitchen finding the three golems wiggling about on the floor helplessly. The pantry off to the side smelled of sweet spices and cooked meats.
"Well then you two eat what you will, and I'll watch the golems." Agnimita seemed surpsingly with out emotion now that her brother was found.
Yasaedra was a bit concerned by Agnimata's change in attitude, but decided to leave her for the moment. She would try and talk to her later, once the woman had a chance to deal with whatever turmoil was inside her.
She helped herself to some sweet meats, a large helping of fruits, and some white wine. While they ate, she asked Regalid to tell her what she knew about the infernal that was after the Codex.
IC: "This infernal is resourceful but fortunately not to ambitious. He runs a small gang of demons most of which are succubi, which he uses to gather victims to sell into slavery. I think its mostly about fun for him. Other then that he is quite obsessed with other abominations. Books like the one bellow seem to be a passing hobby of his. The library I rescued the book from was among the greatest I've seen."
IC: "Well it is a broad obsession really. I suppose its all for exploitation be it killing, enslaving, or joining forces with... I imagine he expects to move onto gods eventually but abominations are half god after all, and one has to start some where. He was half finished on a book about Xixecals when I took the book from his library, or at least it was the only other open book."
Xixecals were the children of the gods of cold, evil and chaos. Colossal beings composed of the coldest ice, shrouded in the direst of winters, often accompanied by white dragons. Most lay sealed away in the purest of black ice. The freeing of one often heralds a frigid end of an era. Such a being could crush even an infernal with little difficulty.
"Do you think it might be using the Codex to attempt to gain control of one?" she asked quietly. She did not know the full power of the book, what it could or could not be used for.
OOC: Well I feel stupid, I wait 18 days for you to post only to finaly notice its my damn post.
IC: Regalid immediately said "possibly."
Agnimita joined in "No that is not among the books purposes. But let us not worry about it for now. Your goddess said we need to take the book with us and so we will. Once its safely at your goddess I will pay you and then we can part ways."
She turned to Regalid "I am not to happy with you right now Regalid. You let your greed get the better of you and all you have gained is a higher spot on that infernal's to do list."
She turned to the drow. "Sorry if I sound cold. Let me know if you need help in the near future."
((OOC: I thought you had maybe gotten bored since it was just me and two NPCs. Mistakes happen.))
Yasaedra was releaved to hear that such a thing was not within the book's power, but surprised by Agnimata's coldness.
"If I need your help, I will let you know," she gave the woman a warm smile.
Finishing up her meal, "We should probably see go back to the library and grab that sheild, and any books or scrolls that could be handy. After that, we rest, and I will shift us out of here."
The wizard was highly unlikely to ever return here, most likely long dead. As such, the items remaining within are likely to be looted sooner or later, at least they could use some of them for the greater good while preventing them from falling into the wrong hands.
OOC: Nah, I just assumed you vanished from lit like many others. Any how chance to roll in the item compendium! (9000gp, a gold and ruby ring [10kgp], bright green emerald [5kgp], and staff of healing.)
IC: The trio returned to the library where Regalid carefully pulled down the shield. Mean while Agnimita started to search threw the various books on the shelf.
"There are no spell books on that shelf Agnimita." Regalid set the shield down at the table.
"Oh, and I suppose all the treasures have been plundered?" She retorted.
"Of coarse sister, let us not forget I've been here to do the plundering. I keep what I found in the cabinet to your right. I suppose that will be the rescuers fee?"
"More or less along with some gems." Agnimita moved over to the cabinet and pulled out a staff along with a bag of coins and valuables. "This is all that the tower had?"
"Not quite, there is also the cabinet of feasting and this shield. Beyond that I imagine there may be a bit more among the wizards servants but I feel better about robbing the dead then I do about robbing the living so I leave them alone."
Yasaedra sifted through the books and scrolls, not expecting to find magical ones, but non magical ones that may be of interest to her or others she knows.
She found many that seemed to be of interest, some on demons, some on ancient civilizations, a few on arcane theory, and a great many on the the plane that they were currently on as well as creatures of fire.
"We can worry about payment later, I am going back to dinning room to trance. I don't trust resting under the mirror here."
Yasaedra entered her trance after her usual prayers, not that they were 'usual' to her, they were always special to her since it was a time in contact with her loving goddess. She also prayed to the other members of the Elven Pantheon, as well as the Celestial Hebdomad of Celestia, asking for their blessing and informing them of their plan, as well as of what they carried and what pursued them.
Once the prayers and trance were finished, and her new spells for the day as well, she stood.
IC: The trio left in a more dignified fashion then they had enetered. They took the front door, Regalid knew all the proper code words to disable the traps and keep the servants from attack.
"I don't see the infernal." Agnimita stated at the entrance.
"He's likely about still. He has the power of invisibility and likely is waiting for us to be in attack range. After all it does him no good to drive us into the tower now. He has to carefully make his move while he can." He turned to Yasaedra. "Let us hope our plan is more clever then his."
Yasaedra prayed again informing the high powers that they were about to make their escape. Before they exited the door, Yasaedra prayed to Eilistraee to make the invisible, visible should it be close to her (Invisibility Purge).
Upon not seeing the fiend when they exited the door, Yasaedra cast the spell which would take them to the Beastlands, into Pelor's holy domain, from which she would shift them to Celestia, were a security force would hopefully be waiting to cover them should they be pursued. From there, if all went according to plan, after a few hours they would shift to Arvador.
IC: A soft mist exuded from drow as she purged invisablity around her. From there she shifted the groups planes as quickly as she could. The fires and magma gave way to the forests of the beast land where the group took a few cautious but deep breaths. Soon there after the drow opened the passage to climbing heavens of Celestia. There they waited with catious arcons watching the group.
"While we are here we are best off moving as little as possible. There are strict laws regarding living mortals entering the heavens of celstia. And last I checked our party falls into that catagory." Agnimita spoke in a manner of fact fasion.
((OOC: Oops. Pelor's on Elysium, not Beastlands. That'll teach me to try and go off memory.))
"Visitor's are welcome, though most visitors come for spiritual reasons or for aid in fighting evil. We are welcome to stay as long as necessary to ensure the book's safety as well as our own."
The goodness of the plane and the holy sea who's surf they stood in were refreshing, particularly after enduring the presence of that abomination.
"Getting yourself in trouble again you little hooligan?" one of the archons, a sword archon, chided, a look of exasperation on his face.
"You betcha you big prick," she replied coolly.
The two stood a mere foot apart, staring stoically at each other for several long seconds, before their expressions cracked and burst into broad grins as they hugged one another something fierce.
"I was worried about you my friend, an Infernal is a dangerous foe..." the archon said as he released her.
"So was that blasted dragon that nearly cooked me..., it is only by the grace of the gods I survived that wretched creature. Where are my manners?"
She turned to Agnimata and Regalid, "This is Zarumar, my friend and personal contact hear in Lunia. Zarumar, this is Agnimata, the woman who hired me to find her errant brother, Regalid here."
IC: The group exchanged hand shakes with the arcon.
Regalid began "Thank you for putting up with this intrusion."
"None at all." Zarumar retorted. "Its an honor to sheild the book from evil."
Agnimita moved onto the shore and out of the water. "I hope to lock away the book as long as possible myself. It sounds as if its powers should be used as little as possible."
"I don't know about that." Zarumar stated.
"Yes I supose only the gods and a few select others truly know. The rest of us just must guess at its purpose."
"Zurumar, why don't you and I catch up a bit while I take a bath in my usual spot? I could definitely use a bath after encountering that vile thing."
"I would imagine so," he smiled at her, turning back to the solar commanding the heavy security force. The commander nodded, and they waited for more reinforcements to arrive, since they would be splitting up.
Once they arrived, Yasaedra, Zurumar and their detachment left for Yasaedra's favorite spot on the Silver Sea while Agnimata and Regalid and their detachment went to the nearby fortifications.
Once they arrived, Yasaedra handed Dark Maiden's Light to one of the more powerful escorts who stood near her, then activated her ring and her clothing disappeared into it. She dove nude (except for her holy symbol and some magical jewelry) into the holy waters.
The celestials were not offended by this, most of them often went nude themselves except when in combat or mingling with mortals. Why hide beauty?
She swam for a few hours in the sacred waters, chatting with Zurumar as she did so.
Once they had caught up with each other, she asked him a question.
"Eilistraee revealed that events have been set in motion, and that we will need the book. Do you know of what she speaks?"
She of course would ask her goddess when she went to Arvador, but it always helped to ask multiple sources, perhaps some had new information.
IC: "I am sad to say I do not. I am quite old but your goddess and the book are older still. But in the end angels like myself are still mortal and confined to mortal knowledge."
The bit of business behind them they met the other group, who were eagerly waiting to be free of the book.